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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Just a few questions:

    What about "speaking things that are not as though they were"(Romans 4:17) (meaning, you may not have it now, but you're speaking it by faith, knowing that its on its way?) Afterall, if you delight in God He WILL give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4)!


    "you have not because you ask not" (James 4:2)?

    Could it be that some of us don't have our husbands/wives yet because we're not asking with the right motives/heart? Ask yourselves, Why do I want to get married? Would I still be okay if I never get married?

    I'm a firm believer of praising God for what you don't have yet--its all about faith. Cholette, how is it manipulating God if he has already promised us that we can have the desires of our hearts (especially if we ask)--we still have to come to his throne BOLDLY for what we want don't we? (Hebrews 4:16). Even though this scripture talks about grace and receiving mercy, I believe it goes for anything else that we may have a desire for. If we're in God we're not going to ask anything that's not in his will because we'll have his mindset and want what HE desires for us (it won't be of the flesh) (John 15:7)

    I'm not trying to start a debate here, just wanted to make sure I understood where you were coming from!

  2. I definitely had to become more humble!!!!lol

    Looking for the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and 1 Corinthians love to be daily evident in your mate's life is key as well (defines authenticity in my opinion). I'm a fruit inspector!!!Lol...If your fruit aint right, God will let me know!! lol!

    I wanted to be married for all of the wrong reasons. I thought a husband would make me happy, release some of my financial stress, and complete me. Everything was based on feelings too (feelings can be so dangerous if we are driven by them).

    Before, every time I had a problem, I'd run to everyone else but God. I put more faith in people than I did God. I actually put people on pedestals. And when I look back, I put them in the place of God. I've lost many so called friends too. And when people have failed me and it seemed like the whole world was against me, I cried out to God. Most importantly-- when I finally realized that it was not about me, but serving God and serving in His Kingdom, that's when the lightbulb lit up.

    Boy have I been transformed!

    When God is transforming us, sometimes it hurts so bad. But believe me it's all worth it when you can see His love for you.

    Great discussion celestial.butterfly--I am in full agreement! What a good work God has done in my life!...thanks for posting this topic, it will bless many! 👏 kiss huggins

  3. I believe that a woman is "a good thing" if she is supportive, humble, ingenuitive, uses discernment and is sensitive to the needs of her husband. She is that perfect complement for him--that missing puzzle piece that can bring she and him both into the entire plan that God has for their lives.

    I do believe that women must understand who they are in God (allow him to give them their validation) and show them their destinys first before they can meet their mates--or should I say, be able to be "that right match" for the mate. When you know who you are, you won't settle for less and even if the wrong ones ARE attracted to you, you will be able to sift them out. If you want certain characteristics in a mate, you have to be those characteristics yourself. Your mate will be strong where you are weak and vice verca.

    I just felt the need to say this--this is a constant reminder/revelation to me. I want to hold on to my vision/dream of a mate and not give up too quickly. God promises that if we continue to do what is right and not be tired in doing it, that we will in due time reap a harvest (crop) and receive double portion from him!! HALELULIA!! WORK ON YOURSELF AND WAIT FOR GODS BEST!!


  4. I remember having a dream where I met this spanish girl (she was tall and skinny with long black hair)--her name was Pilar. I remember telling her that I thought her name was cool and that I had at one time wanted to name my daughter that name. She smiled and our meeting seemed really genuine.

    Down the hall was this guy (the same guy from another dream that happened to be an old classmate of mine that everyone called "preacher") who was coming toward us--I think he wanted to approach the spanish girl because he liked her. We jokingly ran from him into another room, and when he finally caught up with us--he was another person (he looked heavier in weight and seemed "mean"). He thought I was trying to keep him and the spanish girl from "getting to know eachother" so he sent out this huge flying blue-reddish spider to come and attack me. It was flying towards me and I didn't really see it, but I felt like I had a mosquito bite on my skin as I tried to flake it off. The spider came around me again and I was trying to dust it off to keep it from attacking me!

    Why was he trying to hurt me when I did nothing? praying

  5. When I think about alligators I think of something "sneaky, cunning, and dangerous". Alligators stay under the water, but they approach their pray in a sudden/crafy way (almost sneaky like). I don't know what the significance of the chick (or the color of it) was, but when I think of chicks I usually look at them as being naive and helpless in a way (needing guidance). That chick could be in a very dangerous position (on top of the alligator's head) and anything could happen! Nina, do you feel like that little chick or know someone who is? Also someone like that alligator?

    Please pray on what I've said

  6. Wow--thank you both for the insight!!

    Dreamster, my dad used to say that to me all the time (even in my youth) that its the Jesus in me that draws people to me!

    I love little kids, and I love to make them feel special. I don't know if I'll have my own, but making the ones around me feel "on top of the world" is good enough for me!!Lol

    Be blessed

  7. there is also the possability that the person ur waiting 4 has the choice 2 not be ur partner even thouh they r gods choice 4 u,,ther is still this free will aspect that god doesnt violate

    Thats a point well made dreamster. We ALL have free choice--God doesn't push anything on us. If one door closes on one person, there is another better door that God can open for us! I think as Christians we sometimes limit God even in the choice of a spouse!

  8. I remember being outside cleaning out a highschool classmate parents' vehicle (van). Both his parents were middle aged; IRL, this guy would always dress nice, he was in the choir and was the class "preacher". "K"-we'll call him, was outside listening to music and standing around the van preaching!

    Next scene, I saw Natasha Obama (Sasha--The presidents youngest daughter) as a little girl. She came to sit on my lap. SHe was so cute and adorable and I just loved her!!! She made me cry tears of joy because she was just so precious--her smile and little teeth!lol

  9. Dream of Old Pastor

    by Desiree (Starpop) on Fri May 29, 2009 1:04 am

    I remember being in this large gymnasium (the floor was shiny) and seeing my pastor from years ago there (I was saved at the age of 10 under his ministry; so this is where I received my foundational-biblical teachings). I also see this large white-colored truck near the center of the gym floor and my former pastor was sitting on the driver's side. I am just observing the truck from far away and wondering why he's just sitting there. He looked sad and didn't want anyone to come near him for advice (I knew this because everytime someone would come up to the driver's side window, he would shew them away). :huh: I haven't seen this man or his family in over 14 years.

    Quick Dream of Pastor

    by Desiree (Starpop) on Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:42 pm

    I had a quick dream last night of my hometown pastor. He is a true man of God and has really helped me in my young walk with the Lord in years past. In the dream, he had on a white t-shirt and he was holding a large beer bottle (It had BUDWEISER written on it). I was shocked! I didn't know my pastor drank--it seemed odd!

    I wonder if my pastor is going through something currently? Please pray for his assembly and his family!


    Around July 8-9 and on yesterday (July 11) people kept telling me that a new pastor preaches in the evening at my home church. Now mind you, I haven't been to my home church in a while, but come to find out, an old friend of mine has his services in the afternoon! He's a true man of God and on fire for the youth ministry! There's been alot of things to happen in my church and membership seemed to be dwindling. I kept thinking that we needed to have a powerful afternoon service to draw in more people (especially since young people are dear to my pastor and his wife's heart). I don't know if my pastor is tired of teaching/preaching or has given up hope--but this new information of my old friend coming in to preach was surprising to me! HALELULIA!! Maybe he'll bring in more souls and change things around?!

  10. I would say similar to what Jimela said: Are you concerned about your husband's faithfulness/sincerity to you? Do you kind of have some suspicions or your intution is kicking in overdrive? Not to be in your personal business but has your husband had problems before with being disrespecfully flirting with other women why you were around?

    Maybe you should pull your husband aside and talk with him about the concerns that you're having.

    please pray on what I've said


    I really am through with just casual dating. I do want to be married but in God's timing of course! I can remember that the prom symbolizes the end of your high school years and going into adulthood so to speak and I've definitely matured in a lot of ways over the years, and I'm just ready to be settled with the "man of my dreams".

    please keep me in your prayers about this.
    thanks for your input and bringing this to my attention kiss


    He leaves me breathless and speechless at his awesome power!!! 👏 I too felt the same way as you, "If I do this or that enough then I know I can win God's favor, salvation, and love,etc".

    Girl, He loves you more than you'll ever know! THERE IS NONE LIKE OUR GOD!

    PRAISE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thank you for sharing-you've encouraged me! :cute: happy dance

  13. I definitely made the correlation between Jennifer Aniston and your friend--I even think that Jennifer may be somewhat controlling (in her attempts to make everyone feel like she's happy when IRL she isn't). Do you think your friend goes into "extremes" when trying to get her way or prove a point much like Jennifer is doing here?

    Also, Jennifer has been throught a lot of mini relationships since her divorce with Brad Pitt and it seems like she is longing for love--much like what she had with her former husband and isn't finding it.

    I think that We should pray for celebrities because inspite of the glitz and glamour, they are people too with real emotions and problems. Jennifer wants to be married again and she seems like she's hopeless.

    Side note: When I thought of the "pool of sharks" I thought about something "dangerous" and/or "vulturous" people/activities after your friend. You need to pray (intercede) because you don't know what evil tactics the enemy has set up for her, you, or others.

    Please pray on what I've said
    be blessed
    p.s. I know that butterfly recently had a dream about Angelina Jolie and there were some aspects here that remind me of that dream (check it out). Could there be a correlation between Angie and Jennifer--a future discord? I think this is significant.
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