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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I think that Dreamster is right on this one sis--you need to get away as soon as possible. You've seen the signs (there apparent before you) and you just talking about it lets me know that you are crying out for confirmation on what you already know to do!

    If your husband is not showcasing the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and he's not showing you the kind of love that Jesus exhorted us to show (1 Corinthians 13) then you definitely need to be thinking twice about your loyalty to him. Do it for the safety of your family. Maybe your moving on will cause him to come to Jesus down the road?

    Praying that God will keep his hand on your life

  2. I've dreamt of an Asian person before plenty of times, and for me it always meant a time of wisdom and knowledge (being that Asians are known for their intelligence). I wonder if there is something new that you'll encounter that will be a great way to get involved and to learn the ins-and-outs of that particular thing? You'll want to help and it will be an enjoyable experience for you? A computer to me is a form of communication and I wonder if there's a need for a certain aspect of your communication skills to change and improve or become better (ie: your relationship with God)?

    please pray on what I've said

  3. I wonder if you will be literally moving in a new direction concerning your ministry or "calling"? At first it will seem like a nice change but then you may have second thoughts about it (because you feel its too distracting for you)? I wonder if you'll feel uncomfortable and wonder why God allowed it to happen in that way?

    please pray on what I've said

  4. So after the service was over a lady who attends my church has anyone evey told you that you are going to marry a pastor. and I smile and said yes. So I got another confirmation about my future helpmate will be a pastor.

    WOW--That's crazy!!!Lol...I TOO was told I'd marry a preacher but God knows I'm avoiding that route!!!lol Who knows who or what he'll be; I just want him to be a true man of God!!!

    I'm glad you got your confirmation. Just keep doing what you need to do until God sends your mate down your path!


  5. I think she does and she's really aggressive when it comes to getting her way--I don't hang around her because I can't put my finger on her ways (they're so unpredictable). I also don't trust her but that's another can of worms!!Lol..Also, when I think of monkeys, they tend to be aggressive/playful too in their ways (unpredictable, manipulative etc). This definitely makes me think of the enemy and all those who he influences!

    Anyway, before I get into "preach mode"--thanks for your response. lol! kiss

  6. Thank you both Sunshine2 and Butterfly for your responses.

    When looking up the definition, the term meant a small vulnerability inspite of overall strength that could cause future destruction (as that's how I looked at it). It does seem like the enemy is trying to bring something to my attention to keep me off track (as a stumbling block) and unfocused. I believe I know what it is but I will definitely pray more on it, that God (as he always does) will bring it to my attention. By the way, this is definitely an interesting topic!!

    Smooches to you both

  7. Do you feel like people are ignoring your gifts or suggestions IRL? I do agree in this case that the vomit is bad and alot of times we humans "throw up" what has been poisonous in our food to help protect our bodies. I look at a bathroom as a place to heal and as a place to get cleansing. I look at the street in this case as where you're going in life presently. Is there something that your daughter needs to be cleansed of--either emotionally or spiritually right now?

    please pray on what I've said

  8. Temi

    These are my thoughts: I wonder if the man dying was you killing apart of yourself that needs to die in some way and more drastic measures need to be taken inorder to do that? Stabbing someone is alot more horrid and dramatic then a gunshot in my opinion. And with the amount of force or intensity given, one can watch the gruesomeness of the act take place and determine how much pain can be transferred--makes sense?

    Even though this thing was dying--you still didn't want to see it go. Its like you were trying to revive it or hold on to it just a little while longer and "resuscitate it" or keep it alive. Is there something in your life that you know needs to die or that you need to let go of but you're still trying to hold on to it--won't completely let it go because you feel like it's not all that bad or still can be used in some way? I thought the part about "not wanting new people to touch it" was interesting. Its like, that person is afraid of "new territory" or what is unknown/unfamiliar, they would rather suffer with what is known then to be helped and prosper with something new in his/her future.

    Know this: God knows whats best. He has plans to "prosper us" and "give us hope". Sometimes we have to die to things even if it feels uncomfortable or unfamiliar to us. In the end we're promised to be blessed and more at peace.

    Okay, sorry for the sermonette! lol!

    be blessed

  9. Hislightbeam:

    I don't want to be way off here, but here are some thoughts:

    I wonder if there is something concerning your mom that doesn't seem "proper" or "right" and you feel like you have to be the one to "take the brunt of it" so to speak? In other words, she's not doing what's expected of her so its like you're the one that has to "fill in" for her or take the lead? It even seems like something that is awkward for you or that you abhor in some way--dislike alot--you don't want to have anything to do with it.

    Kurt Russell is the same man that dates Goldie Hawn and has been shacking up with her for the longest. It seems like he has a nochalant attitude towards things (especially "sin" as if its all depends on the individual, its not about what's morally/scripturally right). He was expecting you to accomodate the man or do something that you wouldn't normally do just to make peace or go along with the "status quo" (might not be right, but everybody else is doing it so it BECOMES right). Is there someone in your life that is trying to make you go against your morals/beliefs just to benefit the popular opinion and you don't agree with it?

    please pray on what I've said

  10. *Dream I had a couple of days ago: Saw a book that had a white cover and Satan (who was a red monkey with a long tail; a girl was a reddish-orange orangutan that was aggressive in a dream of mine once), body was only shown from waist down. "Achilles Heel" was the title of the book. (side note: I've seen this phrase before, but am not familiar with the definition at all so I know this is from God; I love how this prompts me to "look up things/research" to get the bigger picture! lol! ).

  11. LovetoworshipJesus,
    Just know that even when you do find your helpmate (or when he comes I should say), you still will be attracted to other people--its a fact. Probably when you meet the one, others will be coming out of the woodwork--maybe even finer than him (and being that you're not into looks, they may have the characteristics that you deem attractive and it will turn you on!!!Lol). THe main thing is to stay focused as you said. You want your heart to be with your helpmate and even when temptations come your way, its up to you to not "fall into that temptation". God's spirit will help you to have self control but I don't want you to be naive in thinking you won't be attracted to others (I was under that misconception too!)

    I think of it like this: In Esther's time, the King was "more attracted" to Esther than all the other virgins and women (it didn't say he wasn't attracted at all to the other women, he was just more fond of Esther and she had favor with the kings and others) (Esther 2:9;17). The main thing: who cares if you're attracted to other people--you just want to have eyes for your mate-you want the attraction to him to be different than it is to others and I'm sure you want vice verca.

    Everything is gonna work out. When you meet that man (and I'm preaching to myself lol! ) Both of you will know, and there will be peace. Both hearts will be "throbbing and swelling with joy"!!! Will pray that you stay focused on the plan that God has for your life and the rest will come!!

    smooches and blessings

  12. MY MY MY....I feel like shouting!!! 👏 rofl Seriously, this is some good word!! We can't allow Satan to make us feel like we're "not close to God" or "unworthy"--as Cholette mentioned, that's his tactics at work!!

    Be blessed you guys and keep living for God nomatter what! AS PAUL SAYS: PRESS!!!! (which pressin aint easy by no means but you know what you're goal is!)


  13. lol! I know EXACTLY what you're going through--I've been there (I know its shocking right?!!lol) but what I've learned to do (and am learning) is to walk in what I know I am. WHAT DOES GOD SAY ABOUT YOU? It doesn't matter what others think. If you've repented, God has forgiven you. Turn away from whatever it is, and go forth. So what if you mess up--just keep doing better, take it one day at a time (which is all you can do anyway). REalize that just like you want to bless others, people want to bless you so take what they give as "help" not as alterior motives or wanting something in return (if they're true christians they wouldn't want anything back anyway); they want to be blessed to so accept it!!!

    As you already know, God loves you! As mentioned: Quit beating yourself up because that's what Satan wants you to do. You're a work in progress and that doesn't happen overnight! You SHALL make it in Jesus name!

    Be blessed and you're always welcome in Christ! 👏 kiss
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