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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I know that you're dreaming of your old friend for a reason! We pray that God show you why? He is able to do all things-nothing is impossible through him! We are touching and agreeing with you for the clarity in the situation (matthew 8:19)

  2. WOW! "ABSOLUTELY" AMAZING! (no pun intended, that just came to me!! lol! ) The funny thing is evangelist, is that I just heard a word this morning from a well-known pastor that confirms what you just said: "ITS NOT ABOUT EMOTIONS OR FEELINGS..NOT ABOUT RELIGION BUT ITS A DECISION. CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE (my words). DO YOU WANT WHAT GOD WANTS (HIS MERCY/GRACE/PEACE) OR DO YOU WANT WHAT THE WORLD HAS TO OFFER?"

    I choose God in every way--even when its not convenient, not popular, etc. I know that by being sold out to God and not compromising this salvation walk that in the end it will pay off! In the end, if we ALL choose the Lord's way above our own and the worlds, we WILL receive our crown (which is everlasting life!)


  3. I actually thought about the same thing as Lurdy's said, in reference to the picture--do you feel like that painting was possibly a "self portrait"?

    I know how it is to have a critical parent and I've found that that behavior is usually "generational"--all you can do is pray and not replay what is negative in your mind. You know who you are as a person and what God has created you to be--what someone else says about you doesn't matter (as long as you're pleased with yourself and God is a-okay then that settles it!!) Speak/think positive things! Critical behavior/negative words is used to "Break down your self-esteem"--and sometimes the person (s) doing it don't even realize the impace that's being made!

    Be blessed
    p.s. you seem like you're a creative person. Do you paint or are artsy IRL?

  4. This dream is of interest to me too.
    I couldnt help but notice the intensity of the fire and the substance coming from heaven. Notice that the person was praying alot and was taking his time. Its something about getting into the presence of God that brings so much fire/intensity to the subjects. "Those that worship God MUST worship him in spirit and in truth". I believe that God is getting ready to do some undeniable miraculous signs and wonders on behalf of his people in the days, months, and years to come--so we must be ready to experience the explosiveness of God's glory and power on our lives and in the earth! I wonder if this dream signals "preparation" and "transferrence of heavenly power/anointing" to you? I looked at it as a good dream. A sign of elevation/new level in Christ so to speak? I could just feel the energy--WOW! (awesome use of words/description by the way! thumbs

    please pray on what I've said

  5. Yes you are true Lovetoworshipjesus...it is crucial to forgive so that "doors can be open" and God can move like only he can!

    Even though I've asked for forgiveness and have forgiven him in my heart, I would like to see him in person too to let "bygones be bygones" and have that final peace/closure that's needed! I know God will make a way for you too to make amends with the ex all the while, while you're self-healing in the process!

    God bless you both!

  6. you're always welcome! We're waiting together!

    I am going to sleep in Jesus arms tonight and I am going to tell him to make so room so you can join me. Proverbs 3:24 Sweet sleep for you.

    you are so precious and sweet! I wish they had an icon for a diamond and/or piece of cake because you deserve it!

    smooches and sweet dreams kiss

  7. Yes LovetoworshipJesus! Its true that God has already revealed to me when my husband is going to show up! Someone who happens to have the prophetic gift and is also my best friends' friend told me--I was surprised because I had been thinking about my 'husband-to-be' for a while (since 2004 even though I was in a current relationship; the prophecy came right on time and the person is VERY accurate[everything she has said about my personal life has come to pass thus far] so I've been waiting patiently ever since!) I don't know what he'll look like, or even what his name will be, but God has shown me some characteristics and certain settings. I feel like I don't need to know 'who' (even though I've been anxious in the past lol! ) because I believe it will be a welcome surprise! I've always been having dreams all my life, but in the past 2 years they've really been increasing (in the form of my ex, celebrities, and also my husband to be!) After I got the prophecy (almost 3 years ago this fall), my dreams of my husband-to-be have been my confirmation. Random people have also confirmed my dreams and previous words spoken--look at God!!! happy dance I keep thinking that I will meet him at school (because that's usually the setting) but with God you never know! Daphanie is one too who God showed her who her husband to be was in dreams and then when he showed up--it was confirmation! (I encourage you to read her testimony).

    Keep trusting in God nomatter what (because Satan/others will try to discourage you in the process). I've only told a few people what the arrival time will be for me (regretfully my ex knows), but I can't allow what others say to dictate my faith in God! Even when you don't see it in the natural yet, be obedient to God and walk in it until he shows up! God always keeps his promises (Joshua 21:45) Someone also told me not to talk freely about 'the husband-to-be' and the characteristics I want in a man because Satan (as we know) CAN send counterfeits, but I believe in God's infinite wisdom, He will show you what is of him and what is not! God won't disappoint, fail, or embarrass you--EVER (I can attest) and though others may not believe--SO What?! Its not for them to believe because God gave it to you. They will be the ones that will be 'clothed in shame' when its all said and done and you'll be the one filled with joy (and have the last laugh of course! lol! ) Be blessed my sis!
    God will provide. Just keep believing and walking in it! Get yourself together and do the work of an evangelist and before you know it, he will show up! thumbs 👏

    smooches and I am utterly excited for you! I touch and agree that you will have the strength and determination to wait on ONLY GODS BEST FOR YOUR LIFE! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
    p.s. sorry for the long-windedness!

  8. Paying our tithes to God, will allow him to give us an wisdom or insight on an idea, invention, or unique business idea that will bring us the wealth.
    Amen Pastor!!! lol! You said something that struck a chord with me: The 'twitter' guy had an idea and now he's making mega bucks (and he seemed "so laidback " in the dream--just a regular guy). This reminds me of a word that someone gave me some time ago, that I would have a 'great business mind' with something in particular (though I don't know what it is yet!lol) I think it is wise for people to look at how others they admire became successful and follow after their examples to find success of their own.

    Interesting thoughts! THANK YOU!! Please keep me lifted up in prayer! 👏 happy dance

  9. I had a dream that I saw the creator of 'Twitter' on television. I don't know if the founder is woman or man IRL, but in my dream it was a white guy that had long brown dreads and a small goatee. He had on a white t-shirt that had many pairs of colorful Chuck Taylor converses! He himself had on blue jean shorts and some converses as well! The reports showed that he was a millionare! He seemed like a fun-loving guy as he was sitting relaxed on a couch. I was like, "this is what the Twitter owner looks like? I never wouldve guessed it!! lol! This is one of those dreams that I'm like huh? too!!

  10. I wonder if your husband has committed to something that has a lot of meaning and good qualities to it and he is excited about sharing it with his family and those who are special to him? What confuses me is the house on the mountain--seems kinda isolated to me. I wonder if this is a great time for him but also a time of isolation for him as change is ushered in?

    These are my thoughts so please pray on what Ive said

  11. I was thinking along the same lines as Cholette--"communication" but in this case (rare/precious/special) communication that may be a "once in a lifetime thing" so cherish it!!

    When I think of expensive pens, I think of MOOLAH (ie: money/status/position) only those who have money buy expensive pens!! lol!

    pray on this

  12. Rozes
    Do you think you will be meeting someone in the future to kind of "take under your wings" so to speak and encourage/mentor them with their calling? Do you feel kind of upstaged or unappreciated by others (or God) when it comes to all that you've been doing with your calling and anointing? Do you feel like your efforts have been ignored?

    Please pray on what I've said

  13. I agree that you're scared that Satan will try to "expose some things" (as you've mentioned). But one thing I did notice though was about your former friends from church being in jail too (falsely accused maybe?) I immediately thought of Paul and Silas being in jail for "doing the right thing"/preaching the gospel. Remember that story (Acts 16:16-40)? Both men were jailed for their beliefs and for standing up for God and the world [and Satan of course] didn't like that (because their stance would affect too many people/compel them to change for the better!) I'm sure they felt they didnt deserve to be there--that they did NOTHING wrong too, but that's just the way of the world! You'll be persecuted for following God and not everybody is going to like that!!

    "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."--Matthew 5:10

    "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servent is greater than his master'. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the ONE who sent me."--John 15:18-22

    It looks like you're on the right side now girlie!!lol...Satan wouldn't be messing with you if you weren't a threat--HALELULIA!!! praiseGod :PTL:

    p.s. By the way, you look absolutely stunning in your new pic--you look so refreshed ☕ ! I can see the glory of God all on you girl!! laugh

  14. How are you?! Its always good to see you online! 👏

    I love how you think! :) You're point makes sense indeed! "What is covered will be brought to light"--reminds me of the scripture: "For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed,and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open" (Luke 8:16).
    *Beyonce has had many interviews saying that "marriage is hard" and that there is a "power struggle between her and Jay" but I'm like: you've only been married for one year, how hard could it be?!bandaid lol!

    Its making me think...We'll see what happens!
    thanks for your help
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