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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I thought it was literal too for a minute!!!Lol...Just keep waiting patiently for "the one". Have fun, keep living for God and mingling with others and before you know it--you'll get a "literal" knock on your door!!lol

    Happy birthday to your father. Just continue to be a blessing while you're there in your parents' home.

    smooches and God bless

    p.s. I appreciate your honesty about your feelings towards marriage--you've said "you know the good and the bad" that comes with it and that's great. That's funny because I heard someone tell me: "A person (specifically a man) who's been married before, will know how to treat a spouse right because he/she has been down that road before." I say: I'd hope so!!!lol thumbs

  2. Peter was an apostle that was very close to Jesus--not saying the other ones weren't but I think Jesus had a special affinity for him so to speak.

    Peter was also the one that was so dedicated to Jesus and had a heart for him, but also denied him three times!

    Depending on how you dream (literally or symbolically), do you think there will be someone (maybe a christian) or from your mom's church that will do something nice for her and her family--take care of a situation for her? Whatever it is, she will be at peace and feel satisfied. I wonder if God has a special affinity for your mom?

    Please pray on what I've said

  3. Wow--it reminds me of what heaven will look like!!!lol

    I wonder if things are going to change in the physical for your parents in a good way? Their way of living will be so different than what you're used to seeing and it will leave you in awe (as if you won't be able to believe it)? (Habukkuk 1:5)

    please pray on what I've said

  4. P.S. I did some online research as well (just a few hours ago) and I read that he has been sober from drugs for a year (praise God) and his new obsession is the kid's cartoon "Hey Arnold", that he watches with his biological daughter Hallie. I think his younger half-brother is in his custody as well. He seems really into fatherhood now and making a difference in the lives of other children and his family! That is so sweet!! 👏 :cute: ...This dream may have been symbolic for someone else IRL too! It's all coming together! We'll have to wait and see!!

    Have a blessed night
    desiree kiss

  5. I had this dream a while back, and at first I was hesitant to post it. So here it is:

    In the dream, Eminem had really liked me and everyone in my family knew it (everyone was standing around in awe at how this guy was adoring me). He was holding my hand lovingly and leading me through the room as people watched. I couldn't believe it (that he liked me and that I was comfortable around him)--Eminem was my lover! We were an item! Even though he was in his regular garb (big white t-shirt, headress, and baggy sweatpants), he was different. Side note: I remember seeing him on television recently in a live interview, IRL (the first one he had in years) and he looked so different. His hair was different, even his attire. He seemed more relaxed, more mature, etc. Even though it looked like Eminem (the--controversial--push--boundaries--pull no punches--disrespectful/no scruples--leave--you---stunned--kind of rapper/entertainer) he didn't seem like the same person. In fact, he was the opposite: he seemed shy, docile, and more settled in nature (he definitely wasn't outrageous!!!) Was this the same Eminem that the world has come to know? He seemed like he wasn't as concerned about media attention as he was before--which was so mind blowing to me!!!

    In the dream he had three children (two girls and a boy--by the way, the way I want my future family to be lol! ) and they were black (obviously not his own but in the dream, they were his). I immediately gravitated towards the kids and they me. I felt compelled to take care of them and take them under my wing as my very own. They looked up to me and were attracted to me as if I were their natural mom. It was weird but kind of cool at how "instant" everything was! Eminem was really happy to see me "adopt" his children!

    Anyway, an event was going on and I remember my pastor's daughter was planning a barbecue for alot of kids (all the kids were tired and hot.) I remember seeing the pastor and his wife too. I put Eminem's kids in a grocery cart (one behind the other, the boy being in the back), and a woman hastily gave me a plastic bottle of orange juice (the price: $6.89). I told each child to open their mouths (I squirted the juice about 3 times in each child's mouth--just so each one was adequately hydrated; the kids were waiting in anticipation just like little birdies waiting for their mom to give them their meal). I didn't have the money to purchase more drinks, but I used my ingenuity. Though that was the only refreshment, and I didn't get to drink any of it, I wanted to make sure the kids were okay because I knew I would make it. I squirted the bottle three more times for each child and the woman who had given me the drink looked impressed at how I was handling the situation and naturally taking on the "mama role".

    :huh: what thinking I need your help precious saints!!!!!

  6. Justblueskies,
    I loooooove your avatar!! Perfect example of how we are to God!!!

    I earnestly pray for the healing and restoration of his family! My heart is heavy for them! He will be missed because he was (in my opinion) simply the greatest! No one can compare!! Thanks for the gift that you've shared with the world M.J.!

    In your famous words: "we got to be startin something"!!!!!
    As saints, lets keep startin something for Christ!! 👏

  7. When I think of pizza I think of variety and choices (you can chose whatever you like on it and how you want it). You paid for something that you didn't get. You were mad because you didn't get what you thought you ordered and even though the pastor was trying to pay for it for you, you didn't want him to. The pizza girl was confused at what was going on.

    So I say wait this is the wrong thing, I ordered a large pizza the pizza guy (who is a girl), just kinda looks at me, I'm upset because this isn't what I ordered, and kinda feel stuck w/this as I already at some of the toppings

    Is there something in life that you feel "stuck with"--this is not what you ordered at all? This is not what you thought it would be? You were "trying" to pay for the pizza but what you wanted to pay with wasn't there--and it was like you were searching frantically for it but someone else was trying to "take the load off your shoulders" and help you out (possibly God?) but you didn't want him to? It makes me think like this: we ask God for things but even in the midst of that, we don't trust him completely to give us what we've asked for--we want to try to "fix things ourselves" or "Take things into our own hands", when God has already taken care of the situation--we just have to accept it. I wonder if its hard for you to accept people doing things for you--like you feel like you don't deserve the kindness? I understand the pizza is not what you ordered but you didn't pay for it even though you feel like you should or that you "deserve too". The bill is already taken care of. Things can be changed. Who's to say that if you had gotten that "large pizza" that you wouldve been able to handle it anyway? God knows what's best and has your best interest at heart--even though it may not seem like it at first. Let God give you your peace. Stop trying to figure things out and worry. Everything's gonna be okay.

    please pray about what I said. Sorry about the sermon! lol!

    smooches with love

  8. Cholette has a good idea there!!!

    I wholeheartedly believe in being "settled" so that things can start to take root. You need that strong foundation. Things may not feel comfortable at first but that may just be where God wants you to be. One question: do you think its beneficial for you to be apart of alot of things? I know you're well rounded and a social butterfly as you've said, but as Cholette also said, just because its something to do doesn't mean its beneficial. You just don't want to be "busy" but you want to be productive in what you're doing. Get what I'm saying?

    peace and blessings

  9. Maybe the three stages that Unaday mentioned were signifying the three stages of life: birth, life and death? Just some extra thoughts.

    In the dream I was disturbed and even after seeing the videos and still hearing the news, I'm disturbed. In my opinion the music world will never be the same! He seemed to be a really humble person--and God uplifts the humble!

    Goodnite everyone kiss

  10. I remember riding in this car with a guy (who in the dream is not familiar to me but looks similar to this guy I work with IRL--he kind of looks like Chris Brown!!lol; he's driving and I'm in the passenger's side). He's driving moderately fast down this highway, its not completely dark outside yet but its getting there. Suddenly there's this train coming towards us (the car swerves over the tracks and I jump back thinking: Oh No! We're gonna get hit!!!) The train looks like an old-timey one (like back in the 30's or 40's)--it has a green or red front to it (can't remember)? and the back has the black carts on it.

    The train approaches us but then it crosses us and then it turns (kinda like what a semi-truck would do) and does a u-turn and goes back down the track. What?!!!!!! Whew, that was a close one (I DONT LIKE TRAINS ANYWAY!!LOL!) We're safe!

  11. sunshine2
    I was kinda thinking along the same lines as Sandra here. You were putting on the girl's eyeshadow. Do you somewhat want to be like her or do you admire her in some way--maybe even her "heart" (ie: the eyes are the window to the soul) as it concerns her role in the church? That's what I thought about when I read that part.

    MaryKay is a popular independent makeup brand, kinda in the same league as Avon. The story of MaryKay empowers many women daily to be a creative/independent thinker/go-getter. Do you have these desires--to be a go-getter and make a difference in people's lives, especially in the body of Christ?

    Please pray on what I've said

  12. Thank you Jjp708 and Lurdys for your responses!

    Yes, Lurdys, in fact upon waking, I thought about the other dream too (in this case, the pastor was another pastor in my past BUT he couldve been symbolic of this one) He may be stressed or not wanting to pastor anymore. I really do hope its nothing bad.

    I also agree that spiritual leaders ARE under much attack!! Lets keep them lifted up!
    Thank you for the prayers Lurdys--I know that he may need it!!!

    desiree kiss

  13. Justblueskies:

    When it comes to life changing decisions, you have to take the time to seek God (pray and fast). I also look for "peace" as my final authority when making a decision. If I don't have peace, I have to make a move!!Lol

    No need to be intimidated by your classes because "you can do ALL things through Christ that strengthens you"...it may be challenging but God is going to help you through it! God's arms are not too short to work miracles for you! I pray that God give you your confirmation.

    Be blessed and know that all things are going to work out (Romans 8:28) Trust God to show you
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