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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. There are times when I feel sort of weird around my coworkers--like they're watching me!! I do feel cool with the woman in the dream though.

    Maybe she could also represent another manager that's at my job too? They both are really kind towards me and I have favor with them. Praise God!
    Thanks alot

  2. I'm inside a room trying to shower in a rectangular shaped box (kind of like in the 50s where there was a screen where people would go behind to get dressed or undressed). I tried to fix the burgandy colored curtains and screens so noone would see me but it wasn't working everytime I tried to cover myself up. The box kept tipping over to the sides (wouldn't stand up straight). One of the managers from my IRL job came into the room (I guess to get something) and I had told her that I was naked and trying to shower. For some reason, my body in the dream did not look like my own (my parts looked like someone else--maybe someone familiar to me?) An older white man entered the room to try to use the bathroom. I didn't want him to see me either and I SURELY didn't want to see him do his business! lol! My manager kind of shielded me as I tried to hide my face behind the curtain until the man was finished. thinking :huh:

  3. Im in a house with En Vogue (an 1990s R&B woman's group) and Keith Sweat (also an R&B artist of the 90s). I saw a video of them collaborating. Keith Sweat was walking in a dark alley with a pack of men who were wearing black leather jackets. I remember En Vogue singing and all four women were laying down in the street side by side with their faces upward. Their eyes were closed but at the end of the video, they awoke.

  4. Quit running...
    Quit ducking and dodging...
    Quit hiding and gliding...

    "come out with your hands up already!!!" lol!

    You know I mean this in the most light-hearted way! You know what you're supposed to do. You know that you are called. I believe its your time brother and you'll never truly have peace until you go forthi in what your meant to be doing!

    Love desiree

  5. Definitely about provision.

    The fact that you didn't allow the "naysayers" to deter your actions, God in turn blessed you even more for remaining faithful. I don't know about you but when I think about cake I think of comfort, relaxation and pleasure. Its all good. And thats what it will be for you my friend: ALL GOOD!

    Keep pressing and watch God multiply in the end!! Be that leader that you know you're called to be. So many are looking up to you for the answers. PRAISE GOD! The following verse is for you:

    "Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be." (Job 8:7)

    The next verse reminds me of your dream:
    "Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter--when you see the naked, to clothe him, and to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard... The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs ina sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail." (Isaiah 58:7-8;11)

  6. I've missed you Mia! Welcome back! Thank you so much for your diligence, faithfulness and vision concerning God and this ministry it has blessed me so much--words cannot express!! PRAISE GOD FOR YOU!! kiss

    Also, thanks to everyone for the encouraging words! What God does for one he can do for another! He'll never forsake us or leave us disappointed!!

    I pray that all of your hearts "throb and swell with [everlasting joy] (Isaiah 60:5)"

    smooches and BIG GROUP HUG :bighug: huggins kiss


  7. "Eresin Crown Hotel: Not just a 'Boutique Hotel', also a 'Boutique Museum'". The website displays a plethora of luxurious options/details concerning residents' stay in the heart of Instanbul, Turkey. This 4-Star hotel is rich in cultural history and traditions. The room rates include: Standard, Exclusive, Deluxe, and Suite-just to name a few. I don't know how the money system computes, but it costs anywhere between 85-100+ Euros.

    Sounds like a place fit for a Queen and a King! The pictures are absolutely beautiful!

  8. ...It was a large house but the outside was covered in black construction paper...There were chalkboards and pads all over the dining room table and papers taped to the wall.

    I felt that part was interesting! *wink, wink lol!

    I noticed you said the friend had "jumped out of the way so that she wouldn't get hurt" when the garage door fell. Do you think that your friend wants to get out of a situation before she gets hurt (both physically and emotionally)? I find it interesting that the living room is dark but the dining room is light. Maybe there is some dark things going on her life right now (ie: living room) but yet there is some progress and growth being made (ie: dining room, where eating takes place). Atleast she is weighing the pros and cons of the relationship (whether being project she's attached to or real life relationship) and deciding that leaving it alone is the best solution for her. She may even come to you about it?

    please pray on what I've said

  9. I remember that phrase Una!!! lol! And actually Lola, I did some research about Paula and there is that speculation out there that her contract didn't get picked up and that she is disappointed in that! I think she may have something better for her waiting in the wings!

    I definitely felt as though that dream was speaking to me as well--"Push through" (towards the mark that is) because their is something better when we don't give up!!

    That's some interesting information Una about the hotel in Turkey--WOW! I wonder why I dreamt that? There has to be some significance! Thanks to the both of you! huggins


  10. I remember looking at an old 1990s video of Paula Abdul on t.v. She had on a big muticolor suit coat and she was doing her signature dance moves with a few other guys in the video. In one scene I remember that she was on rollerskates in a dark alley (or the setting of the video was in a dark alley) and she was singing "PUSH" (I guess this was the name of the video). I just felt like she was singing about 'pushing ones way through and towards one's goal'.

    I also remember seeing a quartet group (2 girls and 2 guys) singing on television. The groups name was: Boutique Star. But I thought of 'Atlantic Star' (the popular 70s group). thinking

  11. First of all I have to say that I am truly "blown away" by the powerful women of God responses here!! Cholette, I totally agree with what you said about motives. My motives were totally wrong when it came to asking for things in the past but as mentioned: I've grown so much and am past that PRAISE GOD!!

    Lola, you couldn't of said what you said more beautifully! You too Celestial.butterfly! (and by the way, I LOVES Me some Myles Munroe as well!!) If you want to, I have another great book that you might be interested in reading (just email me if you like for the information).

    You guys are so lovely--I mean it! Lets just not "settle for less" and keep pressing towards the mark knowing that all things will work out for us in the end (Romans 8:38-which is now my favorite scripture! lol! 👏

    Smooches galore

  12. It all depends on the context of the dream I think.

    But...I had chicken pox when I was younger and it was contagious of course. It caused me alot of irritation/uncomfortability. Is there something or someone in your life that may be bringing this irritability to you? Maybe you may not need to hang around this individual anymore?

    please pray on what I've said

  13. After having the dream what do you think that woman's purpose was? It seemed like she had an negative attitude. Do you think that you symbolize that woman in some way-- big, bold and pull no punches type of approach when it comes to things? Do you think you need to have a tighter reign on your tongue and have more self-control with your actions?

    Not that this matters, but you said the woman was "medium sized" was she medium in stature? I wonder if this could signify a certain problem that is "medium size" in nature--not that big but still needs to be paid attention to?

    please pray on what I've said

  14. Do you think you have a gift/calling that others will be jealous of (especially those that are close to you)? Not everybody can appreciate someone that takes a stand for God in purity of the heart, mind, and body (some people just accept compromise) and those in turn will treat/react to you harshly at times. Its apparent that you have an extraordinary gift that may at times take you by surprise, and that one individual(s) recognized it too but couldn't acknowledge it. Don't be discouraged by the "haters". You know who you are, so continue to walk in it and allow God to put your enemies to shame and "overwhelming awe" at what He does for and through you!

    Be blessed and please pray on what I've said
    p.s. I know that concert was awesome!!! 👏

  15. I've always liked that name!! laugh

    I can agree that I've DEFINITELY become more confident in God and am coming into my own every day--which is a blessing!

    I have also been thinking about marriage and what my future family will be like--I'm kinda nervous/excited about what God has in store. How will I be? How will things happen? I guess I'm trying to figure how my life will play out!

    Lately, its been on my heart to pray a lot more and spend more intimate time with God. I feel like a new season is coming and God has given me much strength during this time to prepare me for what is to come. I NEED to produce seed and I feel like I need to be on my guared more for whatever it is.

    Thanks for your insight


    I just wanted to say that the Lord has truly blessed! The words that Mia has prophesied have come true! Not only will I recieve my books "in double portion" that is lol! , I will also have more than enough for school in the fall!!! GOD HAS BLESSED ME WITH MORE THAN I COULD EVER DREAM/IMAGINE CONCERNING MY SCHOOL FUNDS! My Award letter is being processed as we speak! GOD IS SO GOOD! 👏 praiseGod :PTL:


  17. Do you have two guys that are interested in you at the same time (maybe Kelley at little bit more because you two were intimate)?

    I noticed that you went to church and went into the bathroom. Are you currently trying to "rid/wash" yourself spiritually and emotionally of some things?

    Please pray on what I've said

  18. When I think of high heels, I always think about "sexiness" and just being confident/strutting your stuff! You admired the high heels but they were just too high for you, yet you didn't want the chopped heel on your shoe (its like you didn't want to settle for less--which is excellent!) Even in your confidence that you carry, do you still somewhat feel "undeserving"? Why didn't you purchase the heels? Did you feel they were too pricy for you? Too high? Too much style that people might say negative things towards you?

    Please pray on what I've said

  19. The guy with the convertible that looks like your boyfriend's corvette made me think: Are you attracting the same type of guys? Does your boyfriend try to impress you in anyway--or is he image conscious?

    It seems like your a secure person--maybe even confident in your spiritual walk but there are some distractions in the way? Don't allow anything to distract you from your visions in life (no matter how good it seems).

    what seemed strange to me were the seats at the theatre being turned around: why was that? Even a normal setting it seems like things are out of place (could this be true in your current relationship with your boyfriend and his family--some things just aren't right?) In order for you to enjoy your movie, YOU had to make steps to make things feel right again. Do you do this IRL, make more of an effort than those around you?

    there was a small gate that the kids entered through but when i climbed the ladder i got scared because the foundation was not stable so i turn around and said i will go another way.

    you had to "climb a ladder and cross a bridge", does it seem like there are hills for you to climb so to speak and big decisions that you have to make that you're kind of worried/nervous about? Its like you're trying to do what everyone else is doing but you don't necessarily feel comfortable about it and choose to do it another way instead because of fear? What are you overly concerned about? If the children made it through, why couldn't you? Stop doubting yourself and your abilities--trust in God and allow him to protect you!

    Please pray on what I've said, make sure it attests to your spirit
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