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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I remember sitting in my living room back home with a sister of mine. Through the huge living room window, I see my friend that I haven't seen for a long time come onto our porch and start greeting two people that were sitting by the door. My friend has a huge smile on his face as he seems excited to see everyone. As I look at him greeting everyone, I watch to see if he'll make eye contact with me and he does.

    He then looks at me, pauses for a moment, and then opens and closes his hand ("waving motion" when you say hello) but then turns his hand around in a cirular motion as if cupping something. WEIRD. Its like when he realized he was saying hello, he tried to throw me off by "being playful" and pretend as if he didnt do it in the first place. (I hope you understand where I'm coming from) I keep looking at my sibling to see if she notices my friend and his actions--she is pretending to be sleep but opens her eyes and seems surprised saying, "how can you go somewhere and then bring B [the friend] back with you?" She smiles.

    I guess the part that sticks out to me was the motion of my friend's hand. What would that mean--waving but then turning hand around beside your abdomen (almost like twisting something?) Communication turning around or coming 'full circle'?

  2. "in the mouth of two to three witnesses a word is established"

    I was thinking the same thing you guys--something sinful. Even though smiling on outside, there's still something that's not right.

    thanks for your response

  3. I remember seeing a friend of mine standing with his arms wide open and smiling. He had on a white tshirt and gray sweatpants and what I found odd was that his crotch area was blackened. It looked as though it had been darkened by a black permanent marker.

    Any ideas as to what a dark crotch area could suggest? bandaid


  4. Not really.

    This is just a wild guess but what if the lion is me, feeling kind of on top of the world, yet isolated a little from society? I'm "bold as a lion" yet anxious/nervous in some ways about life?

    Just a thought. thanks though for your help

  5. I'm not sure if I'm getting what you're saying--nice insightful words though!;)

    I fear the Lord (as in respect him) but I'm not afraid of him in anyway--how could I be afraid of my husband?lol

    I have no idea right now what this dream could mean!
    thank you both for the insight

  6. Had a dream where I saw a lion stuffed animal at the very top of a tall dresser (similar to the one I have in my dorm room). The lion's back was turned and it had on a purple shirt. When I looked at the lion, for some reason I was scared. Later on though, I was content. :huh:

  7. YALL ARE SO CRAZY!!!! THATS WHY I LOVE YOU!!! lol! kiss

    I will definitely be very prayerful Una! And you're right Lurdys, many people marry those they thought weren't their types!!

    Cholette, I've been busy (seriously, but if I'm gone for a looong period of time,then you'll know why *wink, wink lol! ) so everyone, please keep me lifted up in prayer! God is just so good and I just want to keep focused!

    AND YALL ALREADY KNOW I WILL SEND AN E-VITE TO THE WEDDING!! rofl ya'll just crack me up to the utmost!lol

    p.s. I do feel as though there is something new that will be happening this year for all the saints of God--a new refreshing--I feel it-"shut up in my bones" :yes:

  8. MANIFESTION (8/20/09)


    As you all know, I'm now in school and have moved on campus. Well yesterday, every building was having their "first week" mandatory meeting. I ended up going to my friends building for her meeting. Her RA (resident assistant--over the particular dorm building) was fiery and bold--he sounded just like a preacher (and come to find out he has just recently gotten saved in the past year-that could explain the baby part--and he teaches bible studies on campus) and I was impressed (a Godly man gets me everytime!!! lol! ) Just like in a previous dream I had, everyone was standing in a circle around him--engaging in what he was saying. He commanded attention and people were all ears--impressive being that he was short!! lol! Also in the dream, this guy had on neon yellow and was on television and inside a magazine--well IRL, this guy had on "lime green" and his major is the same as mine: Mass communications! Anyway, after the meeting, I set outside with a couple of girls talking and when I was about to go to my building, the guy came out and started up a conversation with me. He asked me how old I was (and I was embarrassed to tell him) but just like in the dream, he didn't seem to be concerned about that. I told him that he has "sounded like a preacher" etc and he said he "didn't mean to"--laughing nervously etc. We were just talking back and forth (and of course I felt awkward because that crowd was looking at us) and come to find out, he said he had seen me around (but of course I hadn't met him officially until last night). I was surprised to see his stand for God and his interest actually. I was so impressed that he was bold about the word and his lifestyle. I also remember a dream I had in the past (summer 2008) where a mail carrier came into my neighborhood and I asked was there any mail for my house (my current house I was living in with my parents?) She pulled out a letter and gave it to me as I sat on some steps that clearly looked like someone else's house. Anyway, the woman said that "My husband will be on campus at the TAYLOR CENTER (a student center where many students gather etc) passing out fliers (in this case the fliers were neon/multicolored thinking in the lobby/cafeteria. Well at this meeting (which I'm not saying means anything) he was "passing out fliers wearing something "neon-ish". Talking to him last night, was TOTALLY unexpected.

    I kinda like him (I'm currently doing the "Doctor Evil pinky to the mouth thing") lol!

    I dont' know, we'll see what happens! I try not to think too deep about stuff! He's not even my type!

    thanks for listening!

    p.s. As for the other guy mentioned in the first manifestation: he wasn't good to fool with!! lol!

  9. Thanks both to Lurdys and Cholette!

    I think that you both are on point here--Lurdys you're so full of wisdom!! I have had dreams concerning my mouth in the past and most recently with the dreams you suggested Cholette. As usual, God will give me the same dream in different forms for a reason!

    Lately, I've come into contact with some individuals that I don't feel so comfortable around--I'm trying to "put my finger" on some things that just dont seem right and I dont' know what to do. After I spent a long amount of time with these people yesterday, later that night I had the dream. I've been contemplating heavily on some things lately. I personally don't like Nancy Grace as a reporter, etc and I guess she thinks just because she's an authority in certain aspects that her words/statements are truth--so I think what was brought up is a good point: don't let everyone speak into your life just because they can. Maybe even Nancy Grace is me--or how some people see me but I dont' know (I hope not! lol! )

    I don't want to get out of God's will--so please pray that I will keep my guard up and as the bible says: guard my way from evil!!

    Smooches with love

    Just because someone says they can assist doesn't mean that they are really equipped to asisst or that they should assist. Use your discernment to make sure they're qualified to speak into your life and make decisions regarding your life, especially regarding your giftings from God, ok?
    I will really keep this in mind from now on. thumbs
    p.s. Do I need to speak up more or be careful who I hear things from? hmmmm

  10. WOW!! WOW!!! WOOOOOOWWWWW!!! What an awesome testimony!!! Look at God!!! He did exactly more than what you expected or dreamed of (Ephesians 3:20)! God is such a good God and he answers those prayers of the righteous quickly!!


    Thanks for posting girl!

  11. I wonder if there is something in your ministry that you feel led to step up to or to be involved in? Has your pastor's wife come to you IRL about a position at the church or something that she wants you to specifically do? Maybe this is prophetic for the days/months to come?

    Please pray on what I've said

  12. I had a dream where something happened to my top lip and Nancy Grace (former prosecutor and host of "Nancy Grace" on CNN; famous for her stories on missing children and women), had to sew it up (with a needle and thread). My top lip stuck out in a funny way (like it had gotten punched) and I was like, "oh no, it looks like I got lip injections!lol" It looked horrible to me, but Nancy insisted that I press my lips together (like a woman does when she tries to make sure her lip gloss/lipstick is spread thoroughly around her mouth) to make the puffiness not-so apparent. As i kept looking into the mirror frantically, her suggestions just didn't seem to work. Even after she said, "your lips look so pretty", its like it wasn't a big deal for her. :huh:

  13. It definitely could--you "injuring/discouraging" his walk in some way. As seasoned christians, sometimes we can get "holier than thou" attitude easily, so you have to be patient with those who may not be "there" yet. Everyone grows at a certain rate. Could there be some things about yourself that you see in him that you don't like and just pointing them out in him?

  14. For me, watches have usually meant "a time marker". Maybe something happening fast or slowing down (even a specific "time" that something took place), depending on the context of the dream.

    Is there something happening in your friends life that she's unpleased about and what's something different but feels she has to settle? Does she feel like time is "running out"?

    please pray on what I've said

  15. I also had a scripture for you and please pray that it resonates with your situation:

    "Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein."--Hebrews 13:9

    Again, people want what you have. Their not satisfied with what they've got and thinking that certain things will sustain them but that's not the case.

    please pray on what i've said

  16. Welcome to the group--we are so glad you're here!!

    Remember how Paul told Timothy to not be discouraged that he was "young in the Lord"? Many people will not understand you or look down on you because you're young but God can still use you in a mighty way!! Do what you're supposed to do for the Lord and he will bless!! Be encouraged and know that God has many things in store for you!!

    I pray that God will continue to encourage you in your schooling to be a blessing on campus and to enrich many lives! I'm here if you need me!

    desiree (Starpop)

  17. Hey and welcome to the group!

    Its been my experience to always pray over a prophecy that may have been given or spoken to you. Make sure that whatever is said lines up with God's word and that you have that confirmation in your spirit that its of God. I always look for "peace" as my final answer whenever someone speaks a word.

    You could always email personally any of our moderators on this site, me being one of them!

    God bless you

  18. Maybe the dream is suggesting "miscommunication" in some way between you two? You're seeing that he's trying to wait on your call and you're trying to call him but the "message is not going through" leaving you both upset. I wonder if this dream just confirms what's going on IRL--you two are not "feeling eachother" in the same way, so therefore there is some miscommunication towards one another? After really observing the guy after a while, you see that he is the same but yet different--in a good way. He's more to your liking. could this be true IRL, that before you felt you two weren't compatible, but in the future he may be "perfect for you" or exactly what you want in a guy? Its like you start to look at him in a different light--you're more receptive to him than you were before?

    I'm not saying that this guy ISNT the one, BUT you never know what God has in store. He may be a friend now, but all the while praying for you to come around and be his wife! I think its something to think about V.

    Be blessed and pray on what I've said

  19. Praise God for you Una!
    I do believe that God has called me for a special purpose! I just read today Isaiah 66--which was a blessing. Verse 9 in that chapter says, "will God bring to point of deliverary and shut up the womb, or stop the baby from coming?" (paraphrasing). Of course not! We all can be encouraged, that whatever "baby" God has created in our wombs, that it will come forth! We will not be ashamed or embarrassed and our dreams will not die! We will rejoice and be "fully satisfied"! Thank you for the scripture and your comment

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