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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Just my thoughts: It seems like you're in a situation that you didn't expect but are pleased by coming into the knowledge of certain information. Maybe finding out some new knowledge about yourself that you didn't know was there before? Those "haters" (especially the G girl) will definitely be jealous now! CLOTHED IN SHAME as the bible says!

  2. I will have to agree with Jimmy as well! I was in a similar situation and God knew all along the motives of my ex's heart! What the devil meant for evil, God turned it around and made it good! (Romans 8:28)

    Your ex husband didn't want you to tell people about your separation so that he could keep coming back and forth into the marriage as he went out and came back into the marriage."

    These are some interesting words and it is possible that he wanted to keep you bound from experiencing all that God had for you. The bible tells us to "forget the past and not dwell on the former things" (Isaiah 43:18) so it would make sense that the past would keep coming back as a distraction for you. Have you forgiven your ex? ARe there still some unresolved issues that you need to settle in your heart?
    *Keep moving forward sister!


  3. Are you aware of any current situations with people where the enemy might be trying to stir up trouble, perhaps division of some sort? He is trying to wiggle his way into a situation to squeeze you out.

    thanks so much for your response. There have been some ploys lately in my life and God alway shows me so I won't be taken unaware by them. I don't know what will be in the future, but I will continue to pray that God will 'cover' me inspite of. I had a dream like this before and I totally felt like it was God shifting me and bringing some changes into my life. Please keep me lifted in prayer


  4. Well we can see what the baby represented for your mom and since you can't have kids I wonder if its symbolic for a literal "new thing, idea project, etc" that you are impregnated with that is about to come to pass? I think the boy/girl symbol depends on the context of the dream and the dreamer (don't just look at the symbols separately but look at the entire dream).

    Your'e welcome
    God bless

  5. I wonder if there are some new things about to take place your personal life and in the life of your family (especially your mother)? You said you went to her house and things looked different. Does she have a new mindset now? A new appearance, etc?

    Maybe the new thing you won't be able to recognize or grasp at first?

    please pray on what I've said

  6. I remember watching t.v. with my parents in this room (like a football musical) and I see Nick Cannon shirtless, and sagging laying down beside a man on the grass who had on a "doo rag" (head scarf for men) and a baseball cap.

    The group of men are siging and Nick Cannon has a football in his hand and at the end of the song, he turns to the guy mentioned earlier. My dad says, "why is he always looking at that guy? He's got to be gay, even though I know he's married and all." I was thinking aloud, "I was just telling ma 'something just aint right about him, I knew he was gay'". Dad says, "he got his fish taken out." Ma says "he just had surgery for throat cancer." I didn't know he had throat cancer!

  7. Here's the second dream I've had about some changes taking place in my living quarters:

    I remember taking a nap and when I got up, it seemed like I was on the other side of the room and that something was different. My posters/pictures were taken off of the wall (All I saw was white paper there with pieces of tape on it, showing pictures had been removed). I looked in my drawer and my stuff was moved not some spots were empty. I kept thinking: what happened? Where is my stuff? I looked in the dresser drawer and my stuff had been moved towards the bottom and in the third row was stacks of white face/body towels folded up--its like somebody bombarded my space and tried to change my stuff around without my knowledge! I looked in my drawer and pulled out my folder, I had planned to put up a Michael Jackson poster (his many faces during his career) and a Disney's princess poster but changed my mind because I wasn't sure of what was going on or if my stuff would be taken down or if I was going to move etc. I opened my big closet (where my clothes wouldve been) and saw boxes and boxes (brown) of relaxer kits (the Dr. Miracle kind to help straighten African American hair). It looked like a supply store in my closet! On the front of the boxes was a teddy bear and a rainbow--the title "gentle treatment" (which is a name of a relaxer IRL). I looked over at my roommates side and her bed sheets were still there but it seemed like a few more were added (yellow and some pink stripes). I was really confused because I didn't know if this was still my room or if somebody was trying to push me out or take over? Where was I?

    Yesterday (Sunday10/18/2009) I went to my crush's evening service with my mom and my sister. I was surprised to see my crush's sister and brother there! They of course were both cordial with me and the rest of the family says that I reminded them of the aunt's daughter! AWKWARD! My crush (who is also a pastor) was wearing the same exact suit he had on in my dream (with a little differences)! We were matching!lol

  9. Had a dream last night that I saw my crush and his brother sitting at a table talking and smiling-just fellowshippin. I came up to the table and they seemed really happy to see me. They were pleasant. I can remember my crush had a suit that was black pin striped--sharp!!!! In the dream, they both liked me. (Now when I was in high school my crush's brother liked me and we're still very cordial when we see one another; he and his brother are really cool, and its like we all grew up together :) Also, I remember them talking to me about my ex and was basically saying that what he did (long story) was not authentic.
    I got the feeling in the dream that the both of them had been talking about me prior to me seeing them that day (yay!lol) They were so inviting. I will attend my crush's service tomorrow at church so I will see what happens!

  10. At this point Peter, I don't care if the change involves us both!!! But I'm happy for his "returning back to God" so to speak--and believe me, With God it's the best place to be! (Its good to see you back on Peter!)

    Faithful, thank you too for your comments--they make alot of sense! I love that "new song" part! FABULOUS! I give God all the glory for my brother coming back!

    God bless you both

  11. I remember it being almost dawn and I was outside at this gathering with a lot of people. I remember seeing my ex there at the function as was surprised. Kind of like, "what is he doing here?" kind of thing. Some people were at his car and his driver's side door was open and I heard some music playing (Fred Hammond). I listened more closely and figured that it was some NEW Fred Hammond music. I was like, "Is that the new Fred Hammond [as in new cd that just came out]? He's listening to new Fred Hammond? Shocking!"

  12. AGain, I had a similar dream--accept mine was a little x-rated! No but seriously, to me, feet represent one's walk, have you been treading in some territory that you should not have been? Be careful--especially with the male species (no offense dreamz!lol)

    please pray on what I've said

  13. I had a dream like that before but I didn't want to be pregnant!!!lol

    I wonder if you're excited about preparing for something and even though it seems like its ready to come forth (or you're ready for it to come forth) there are some obstacles in the way that are keeping you from positioning yourself correctly. Remember the dream I had about a baby and the umbilical cord was attached to the head and my father put the baby in a plastic bag back in the woman's stomach? I felt the dream meant that I wasn't 'quite ready' for the promise yet and I wonder if this is the same for you--all the signs are there but it just seems awkward that it will happen? Give it more time until you are 100% showing and make sure you're not just experiencing 'symptoms' of pregnancy! When you ARE pregnant, everyone will be able to see it and noone can deny it!lol

    pray on what I've said

  14. Well, SHOES are made to protect the feet as we walk! You were walking in a dangerous, unprotected or inappropriate place without shoes on! Depending on how you dream, I wonder if this is prophetic (a possible warning) to 'protect your feet'? Spend some time in prayer, read scriptures on protection and God's covering, and even fast because you dont want to tread on dangerous territory without His protection! Check your walk to make sure you're going the right places you need to go and doing what you need to do! Just some sisterly admonishment!

    God bless and pray on what I've said

  15. Hey Hill!

    I wonder if you haven't been feeling like yourself lately--like someone else? I don't know how you feel about the color red but it happens to 'stand out' to me. When you see a red head--dont you take a second look because its somewhat rare (you don't see a lot of redheads!

    A mirror to me is 'reflection' and a lot of times we unconsciously evaluate who we are by looking into the mirror. Remember the Queen in Snow White? She looked into the mirror to give herself validation of who she was? Are you trying to find who you are right now? Are you questioning your physical attractiveness (going back and forth in your thoughts concerning it)?

    please pray on what I've said

  16. Well I know that food stamps is money given to you from the government to help in purchasing groceries. You said that you knew you couldn't use food stamps at a cafeteria/restaurant.

    I wonder if you're doing things in the wrong way even though you have good intentions? The card has been used and is tattered (old). It kind of reminds me of the scripture where Jesus gives the example of pouring new wine into old wineskin. You cannot do that because the skin will burst. You have to get a new wineskin (new mindset, set free, shed old ways) before you can get that "new anointing" or "new information/revelation" that God wants to give you! ITs like you know you weren't supposed to be in that line with that card, maybe hoping noone would notice? make sense?

    Get you not only a new card but one that works for what you're doing! God has place that fits you perfectly!

    please pray on what I've said

  17. I got down on my knees and began crying and praying and begging God to help me, but I knew it was too late, I knew the baby was dead.

    This portion stuck out to me the most. Is there something (new desire/opportunity) in your life (or could happen) that you let go of (tried to hold on to) or it slipped through your fingers unexpectantly and before you could make a choice about what to do, you felt like it was too late (a missed opportunity)? Could this even be a relationship that you were trying to hold on to but you knew you had to let it go?

    God loves you and he knows what's best for us even when we can't see it. Its okay to grieve but remember that God has better for you. Sometimes your greatest setback can be your greatest opportunity. You're being 'pruned and groomed' to bloom!

    Praying for you! You're not missing out! The best is yet to come!


  18. Hey connie!

    Without reading any of the other responses, Is there something in your life (maybe something that's in the past) that needs to be fixed and/or mended (like a relationship)? Maybe some needed altering in your way of thinking/character?

    Its seems to me like you're the type of person that 'doesn't throw away' things but still thinks things can be reworked or refurbished and still get good use out of it--am I right? Its like you're creative and ingenuitive when it comes to things that others may have ignored?

    One scripture that comes to mind (Isaiah 65:8;10):
    This is what the Lord says: As when juice is still found in a cluster of grapes and men say, 'Don't destroy it, there is yet some good in it', so will I do in behalf of my servants; I will not destroy them all.... Sharon will become a pasture for flocks, and the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for my people who seek me."

    please pray about what I've said
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