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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Well Kitty
    I do appreciate you for taking the time to look back at my dreams--a lot of these I had forgotten about!

    Again, there was a rift between I and my ex but him coming back around in my dreams and being comfy around I and my family just show that although things are different now (much different for that matter-lol), he will always remember us. And I am glad that for the righteous, all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28)

  2. No, completely different.

    I think at one point my ex was unsure about opening up to my family about his new family but now I think we're all okay with it. AGain, I think God was just "cleaning up" some things and bringing clarity through some information I later received after this dream.

    GOD IS SO GOOD! Thanks for your concern Kitty!

  3. Well the minister in my dream happened to be someone I currently have a crush on! I guess at many points in my life, I felt like I didn't have control of the situation or I was just concerned/unsure about how things were going to turn out BUT as always, God comes through and is right there to help me figure things out!lol

    I am unsure about my ex in the dream BUT I do know at certain points in my life I didn't want him to see me in a certain position (which I can't explain right now) but he always seems to see me in "bad moments" in the dream, nomatter how I try to hide!lol So, I am thinking IRL, he still knows what's going on in my life even though I don't want him too. I think we are genuinely cool with one another now!

    God has fixed and cleaned up my life! NO COMPLAINTS! PRAISE GOD HES IN THE RESTORING BUSINESS!

  4. Kitty
    first of all thanks for your help.
    I don't want to be matter-of-fact by your interpretation because I think its a culmination of things, but I WILL say, that this dream happened right after my breakup and I felt like my ex at the time was 'bad news' for me. Yes, I agree that he was deceptive, because I assumed at first that he had the right motives and was very in love with God. Also, I felt like he was out to harm me in some way.

    I do think that when he tried to keep in touch with my family that he tried to show a softer side--as though he was a whole new person. I have changed dramatically since then (its been three years) and I have a new look, a new boldness (like that of a lion) and a new confidence that is much more developed and sure than its ever been. (PRAISE GOD!)

    I've had a lot of revelation since then too about my ex and his life and his motives. I think overall my ex just felt sorry about his actions towards me (even a little guilty). In addition, I think the Victoria Secret bag represented a big secret that God was going to expose to me (come to light) and it was going to be beneficial to me--in which it has been. BUT the that part could also mean how he was just thinking carnally in getting my attention. Also, for some reason, when I shop at VS, I feel special.

    I think the dream about the little girl was my feelings about his new relationship. I didn't think it was right--or how he went about it. It seemed wrong to me. But God knows best.

    Some parts of this dream have manifested--been awarded different things at school and received a lot of attention from people that was overwhelming. I believe that there's still some manifestation to be done within the upcoming year--and it will blow my mind and those of others. My enemies will be CLOTHED IN SHAME!!

    God told me years ago not to be distracted and I know Satan sends distractions (especially from those of old). Keep me in your prayers.

    p.s Thanks for checking this dream out, it was soooo long ago that I had forgotten it!lol

    * side note: make sure that when you're interpreting that you dont say with exactness what somehthing is or what a symbol means. Its okay pointing out what sticks out to you and questioning it, but don't say "exactness" or "this means this or that" because there could be error. Try asking questions about subject if you feel the need to make a suggestion about a symbol. (ex: Do you feel scared or threatened when you see snakes; or do you feel like the snakes are a hindrance to you? Instead of saying a snake means evil,etc).

  5. Those are some powerful scriptures!

    All I can say is to keep our government officials and our president lifted up in prayer. Some have said that the economy is getting better, so maybe this is exemplified by you seeing him talking to the chief finance officer? And you mentioned Reagan Gomez-preston. What you mentioned about Reagan stuck out to me. During Reagan's administration there were great financial times and the economy was stable then. Could this be a prelude to what is going to happen in the days and months to come in our country?

    Please pray on what I've said and stay positive. Remember that God's people will flourish and have plenty in the time of famine. We don't have to worry about financial ruin or any bad news. God promises us victory and for us to be "fully satisfied". Be blessed.


  6. Could this be a graduation in your teaching from the Lord....like you have gained certain knowledge and are graduating from one level to another?

    Actually Connie, that's exactly what I thought of! It came out of the blue so AMEN and HALELULIA!

    Thanks for the support. Leave it all behind in 2009!

  7. I recieved a letter in my school mailbox? that was green and I think had some blue in it. I read it and it was from my school. With all the writing and signatures it looked like a degree--an associate's degree. I was so excited and I didn't know that my school offered associates degrees (which IRL it doesn't). The letter was requesting my presence--wow! I was received one degree and now I am one step closer to getting my "official one"! YEA!

  8. I remember being somewhere at this exotic type of resort and seeing a building that reminded me of my school. Moments later I realized that I was at my school, and that it was newly revamped like a vacation spot and/or trump towers luxury type of living! I was amazed! I remember seeing snow caps on some buildings and flourescent lights on others. I didn't know where my regular dorm was, so I decided to go find another room (where I used to live) too see if I could get in it (don't ask me why). I know that I was in a hurry, so somehow I got a key and opened up a room (401B) and it opened instantly. I was very pleased.

    In the next scene, I remember sitting in this room with a woman and a man. This woman was looking through a box of babydolls, to see which ones she would discard and she ended up giving me one--a white girl, with a big bald head, dressed in blue.

    As soon as I got the baby, the baby came alive and was quite heavy (don't know the age, but I'm thinking a little over newborn but not yet a toddler). The baby was talking to me as if she were a grown up but no one could hear her, only me responding. The man in the room was looking at me as if I were crazy! I kinda felt like Dr. Doolittle! Anyway, I was kissing all over the baby and really excited to have her. She was so precious. My own little sweet baby to take home with me!!

    Lastly, my mom came running to me excited. She told me that Barack Obama was now single and getting a divorce! Now I was kind of surprised. And being that people in my dream usually represent someone else, i don't think that this news meant the actual president was getting a divorce (or atleast I hope not!) I have this crush that reminds me a lot of the president--he is so commanding, so confident, well-dressed, a gifted speaker etc and I say all the time: He reminds me of Barack and I ALWAYS wanted a Barack (I'm crossing my fingers!lol) So, could this mean he is separating from something?

    Sorry for the length. Let me guys know what you think


  9. In this case, I wonder if your mom is refusing "the earnest milk of the word?" Has your mom rejected some truths? When we vomit, it's usually a protection mechanism-helps us get rid of any impurities that could effect our health (so it comes out)?

    I wonder if there are some things that have to come out of your mom and you will be there to help in cleaning some issues up?

    please pray on what I've said

  10. When I thought of the old woman with black lips I thought about somebody that's older that should know better (speak wisdom) but in this case doesn't do the right thing (speaking bad things-black lips); have you ever heard the saying: "old fool"? I definitely agree with whomever said "anger"--its like the more that is said, the more both parties get mad. Maybe even what is said is offensive to both?

    please pray on what I've said

  11. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE INTERPRETATIONS! I feel like what was said is accurate and confirmation to what I sensed when I woke up: Something trying to come in unaware--and to think, I just left a service Sunday Night about defeating Pharoah (stronghold in your life) and putting it to death. I will not be surprised if Satan tries to rear his ugly head, but I aint scared!!! Dreamster, you make a good point, and I have thought about that before (that's why its important to pray when you move in some where).

    I read that Tarantulas are harmless and that they eat birds, insects, etc so it makes me think of the enemy--He tries to scare you with his tactics, but he's relatively harmless! PRAISE GOD!! Keep me in your prayers!

    Halo, you are so silly!lol

  12. Definitely will be praying for you!

    Just ask God to give you more clarity in your dreams and give you direction as to what to do NOW. He says that he answers the righteous' prayer quickly and that we wont be put to shame. He will give you the desires of your heart if you put Him first. If having your son in your care is your desire, ask God to see what you must do to make it happen!


    please pray on what was said

  13. Hey V!

    Love the avatar by the way! I also must say, that whenever a prophet, or authoritative figure in God, or anyone speaking "thus saith the Lord" in my dreams says something, I log it as VERY important.

    I wonder if your husband is someone that you don't even realize will be a match for you? He's right in your backyard or right under your nose so to speak but you brush him off as 'just a friend' or an 'unlikely match'?

    Just keep living for God and doing your thing and when the time is right, I believe wholeheartedly that you will know who God desires for you to be with.

    Is there someone in your life that you're currently pondering on like, "I want him, but then again, I don't want him"?

    Please pray on what I've said

  14. Hey Jimmie!

    Is that COCO Chanel by the way?lol

    Are you jealous of your friend or uncomfortable in some way around her IRL?

    The church catching on fire was intriguing to me. At first I felt like it was "holy ghost fire' but being that you and the pastor's wife and someone else ran out in panic, it made me recant.
    Fires can either be by accident (ie: wiring gone wrong or someone else not taking safety precautions) or on purpose. Do you think that assembly is in danger in some way of 'going up in smoke' so to speak? Where was the pastor in all of this?

    And when the coordinator went up there to 'hammer' stuff--it seemed like there was some 'construction' or 'renovation' of some kind. The church going through some things and need to be 'tested', 'renewed' etc?

    please pray on what I've said
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