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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)


    You can reverse negative word curses spoken over your life! GOD CAN GIVE YOU THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEART! JUST TRUST IN HIM! I would start telling God "thank you for my husband God". And just start walking in that until it manifests. It wouldnt' even hurt to get out a notepad and start being specific about what you want too!

    WE are praying for you!
    Desiree (Starpop)

  2. I had a dream where I was driving a gray Jaguar. I was excited to be flowing through the wind. When I pulled into the driveway, there was problems with my gears. As I moved it to "drive" the car was going backwards when I didn't put it in reverse. I decided to stop the car and park it so I wouldn't do any more damage. The car suddenly turned into a bike (one of those old school type of bikes with big thin tires?) I noticed that the front tire was flat and the rubber was bended. I tried aggressively to put the kickstand down to keep it from falling. The bike was off white/brown. Weird.

  3. you're right Ann
    Ham is considered unclean and I DID mention that above. I was just saying from my perspective, it may not mean the same for everyone else.

    AND, since we do encourage people to seek God's word, you've given very good advice. SEEK GOD'S WORD WHEN YOU'RE UNSURE!

    Be blessed

  4. Saints
    First of all I want to praise God that he has brought us once again to the end of another year! Many didn't get to see this day, but praise God that we are all here alive and well--in our right minds and healthy in our bodies! God has done so much for us this year but we can't just stop there and be satisfied;We have to want more of Him. I challenge each of you to draw closer to God in 2010 more than you ever have before! GOD HAS BEEN TOO GOOD TO US FOR US TO JUST SETTLE FOR LESS AND NOT GIVE HIM ALL THE HONOR HE DESERVES! I am looking forward to receiving all that God has for me! Remember: it is ALL about God and I believe He wants us to really honor Him in 2010--not just in our finances and in our lifestyles, but in our hearts as well. PURIFY OUR HEARTS GOD!

    I heard this particular song at a church service before the Christmas holidays and I was tremendously blessed by it. This is my gift to you all and a reminder that God should be our primary focus! I love you all so much! Much wealth and riches to you in 2010! CLAIM ALL GOD HAS FOR YOU THIS YEAR BECAUSE THIS IS OUR TIME SAINTS!


    GOD BLESS YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE RIGHT ON POINT! IN THE PAST TWO DAYS (the last days of the year) I've been trying to get my mind together to receive all that God has for me in the upcoming new year and new decade! I want God to reposition my mind and to help me to receive his best for me!

    Alot of times I look at what I want to do in life and I know God can do more than what I imagine (Ephesians 3:20) but sometimes I think: Am I REALLY ready for ALL that God has for me? I know I can only see a portion of His entire plan but I know that I have what it takes inside of me and he just has to prune me!!


    p.s. Last night, I had another dream where I was driving a Jaguar but as I was moving the shifts from drive to reverse, something happened and the vehicle ended up turning into a bike. A large bike with 'old school' wheels. The front tires were messed up--flattened. I tried to find a kickstand to put the bike in the sidewalk/driveway. Weird!

    THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR INTERPRETATION! IF anyone else would like to comment feel free!

  6. Does your friend in the dream want to reconnect with Marshall? Does your friend have some feelings for Marshall and want to express those feelings to him but feel as though it might be out of place or send the wrong signal, so she decides against it?

    Marshall's dog was friendly in the dream towards your friend and it seemed as though she felt awkward about it? I wonder if the dog in the dream represents him and that he wants to get close or be friendly with her but it seems awkward at first?

    Is your friend involved in some type of ministry at church--maybe youth ministry?

    please pray on what I've said

  7. Well I don't know about you
    but I looooves some ham--especially if its juicy and cooked just right!

    To some, Ham can be a delicatessen-a choice meat and to some its bad for the health (it is anyway, but its oh so good!!!) It depends on the context of your dream (as you know).

    My picture of a ham is seeing it on a china platter with several thin pieces cut from it laying on top of eachother and a special knife/fork on the side used to pick it up. Doesn't that look delicious?!
    I am reminded of the scripture: "On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples,a banquet of aged wine-the best of meats and the finest of wines."-Isaiah 25:6 (NIV)

    please pray on what I've said

  8. Kellsy2004
    I wonder if this dream is letting you know that you're about to embark on a project or "something new" at the same time with people whom you are close to (not necessarily your family members)? Maybe all three will be involved in the same thing and you yourself will be suprised at your involvement?

    please pray on what I've said

  9. This is the second dream that it seems like you're not in the place you expected to be. Its like you're in the wrong place but you intend to be in another place instead.

    From the dream it seems like you're discombobulated or disoriented in some way by your unpreparedness.

    In the past, shoes often represented "mate" (ie: spouse) but since you're married now, I wonder if it means your "match" as in your career and your new role in life. You're trying to find shoes, are you trying to find your fit in life? Even though you're married, are you still trying to find what it is that you're supposed to be doing both spiritually and career wise? You were missing some components of your outfit in the beginning of the dream due to 'rushing' (anxiousness) and I wonder if it seems like to you that some things are missing?

    In the dream, you seem like you're rushing around and that people are helping you but you're not getting the help that you need because as you pursue more and more a shoe, people start to "drop off" or separate from you. You seem determined to 'find that perfect match'--not too expensive or cheap, but just right.

    What is it exactly that you are looking for?

    Please pray on what I've said
    p.s. I find it interesting that you went into the men's bathroom. I don't know if you consider yourself to have a 'strong' and 'bold'/independent personality (ie: masculine thinking/behavior) but I wonder if you haven't completely relinquinshed that 'independent' personality yet now that you've been married? I know that you're in your 30s and you've pretty much been doing things your own way for a while, so I dont know if fitting into the role of 'dutiful'/'submissive' wife has been a challenge for you yet. It's like you can't do things the way you were used to doing and you know this. What do you think?

  10. Love'sChild,
    thats an interesting insight, I forgot about that!

    I'd have to agree with you here. Usually when I dream of blue in my dream, its a revelation of some sort and its something that when I dream of it, I pay close attention to. I think blue also speaks of 'truth' in some way.

    please pray on what was said kellsy

  11. I dont know about you UNADAY
    but why does this dream speak "baby" to me? I wonder if this dream, is letting you know that you will become pregnant but you will think that its "not right" at the time (not necessarily a mistake, but something you didn't expect)? ARe you still concerned about getting pregnant now? Also, the doctor's name was "mary" and I just thought about Mary the mother of Jesus, who even though it seemed crazy for her to be pregnant she accepted God's will for her life and said, "May it be unto your servant as God has said" (Luke 1). Maybe you don't want a baby right now, as you've mentioned before in another dream, but if you are willing and obediant you will eat the good of the land as the scriptures promise. Just like Mary, I believe you have favor on your life and there's no need to be afraid because God goes with you. I don't think Mary was 'ready' either, but she trusted in God to know what was best for her.

    I believe that everything will work out, in God's perfect timing (Ecclesiastes 3). He has already given you everything you need to fulfill his purpose for your life!

    please pray on what I've said

  12. Well UNA,
    Its nice and cold down here as well so no hotness right now!!lol

    I think your interpretation makes a lot of sense! We shall see!

    Thanks alot!

    p.s. Did you ever get to look at my dream I sent you a loooooong loooong time ago in a Pm? I want to get it out of the way to leave it behind in 2009!

  13. Thank you so much Kimdelacreme for your response.

    I too used to look at dream dictionaries and other dream websites for symbolic meanings but since joining this site, I have learned to not look at just symbols but to look at the entire dream in its context.

    I am so glad that you said, "you know it if it applies or not" because so often as dreamers, when we make assumptions about what a symbol could mean, we try to attribute it to mean the same thing for everyone else when it could be different for them. A baby for me might mean "a new project etc" but for you it may mean a literal baby that's on board!

    In this case, I don't think your definition applies (it could in the future) and I know that our feelings in dreams are important determining factors of our dream interpretations. I didn't want my tooth to come out because of appearance sake, but I don't feel concerned about my appearance right now. Oh, well, I am just talking to myself, but we shall see what comes of this!

    Again, thanks for your help and love that avatar picture! :)
    Desiree (Starpop)

  14. I remember being in this house and seeing a plastic walmart back in a white sink that looked like it had dirt inside of it. I figured that this bag had a dirty diaper inside of it and what I thought was dirt was not!! I felt "eeked" out and I didn't want to touch the diaper,even though I didn't mind taking it upon myself and discarding it because I didn't like to see something out of place for too long. The diaper apparently belonged to someone else's baby and I was hoping he/she would get to it before I got more grossed out!

  15. I remember having to go to a meeting with some familiar faces and my mom let me borrow her car. She had this slick, silver colored top down that had an elongated rear (seemed similar to a newer convertible but not). IRL, she doesn't own a car like this. I remember being excited to get into the car and drive it around. I got out of the car at one point, met up with some more people and unlocked the door with my keychain (you know how the newer cars have the trunk button, the unlock and lock button on the keychain?) I guess I was trying to showoff because everyone knew I didn't have a car before and I wanted them so badly to ask me about it!lol

    When I got into the car again I was trying to move it across the black asphaulted parking lot (before, it was towards the front of the building at an angle). I was so confident in my driving that I was excited about moving the car in a new position. From far away, I saw a parking space in the middle of two cars, i thought: "I can make it", but as I moved closer and closer in reverse to back in the car, the parking space became narrower and I knew that the space was way to small to move my car in--I would of knocked off the two' cars side view mirrors!!! So I changed my mind, and pulled back out before I caused any damage! How could I NOT see that my car was too wide for that itty bitty space?

    Any ideas?

  16. I had this quick dream where I was filling a front tooth (left one) and it was loose. I was so mad because I would be looking like a hillbilly if that one 'permanent tooth' came out of my mouth. It was loose and I even saw the blood around the gums but I didn't want to pull the tooth out because I didn't know how I was going to replace it.

    Any ideas on what a missing tooth or a loose tooth could mean?

  17. Lola,
    Interesting interpretation indeed. :)

    I just thought of the rings as being a completion of a covenant of some kind, something coming into fruition and your husband has to be 'watchful' about it. I thought about Ecclesiastes and the scripture that states, "a time for everything" (chapter 3). There is an appointed time for specific things to happen in our lives and I wonder if whatever you two have been waiting on is finally being manifested? Stand on your post and watch for the promise to take place (Habbakkuk 2:3-4)

    Please pray on what I've said

  18. YouyouforJesus
    I was taught that the "word of God is confirmed/established through the mouth of two to three witness." you've had two dreams about being pregnant.

    Because you've been trying to conceive for 2 years, could this dream be showing you that your dreams are now becoming a reality and that you will become pregnant (recieving a gift from the Lord) soon? Just keep speaking God's word over your life and rest in his promises. If he did it for Isaac and Rebekkah and for Sarah and Abraham, then he can do it for you!!

    please pray on what I've said.

  19. Hello,
    I'm Desiree (Starpop). I just wanted to give a shout-out to all the recent new members and guests within the last month on Miasherwood.com! If I may, on behalf of all the moderators here, we are so glad that you decided to check us out and to desire more of God's word and revelations through dreams and visions. We pray that you are tremendously blessed by this online community and please feel free to leave testimonies, dreams, and prayer requests! We are one big happy family and we're so happy for the new additions! Our goal is to show Christ's love to one another and to embrace God's anointing and revelatory power through dreams. So... kick back, relax and enjoy yourselves! WE LOVE YOU!

    Be blessed and have a happy new year!
    Desiree (Starpop)
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