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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. You know Unaday
    When I read back over the dream before I posted the new comment that part stuck out to me, "gentle treatment". This is the second time I've been paired with someone whom I've questioned their sexuality.
    So I really do feel like God wants me to do a "new thing" here. I'm trying not to come off as judgemental, but I know where I stand too. I just ask God for more grace in this area to know how to come at this woman.

    And yes, rainbow is a symbol for gay pride and acceptance.

    So, yall pray for me!


    On today (January 4, 2010), I recieved a new roommate. Upon waking early in the morning, I was eating my cereal and the next thing I know I see my door open! I thought it was the maintenance crew, but then I see a girl that says, "you are a my new roommate". Of course I was disappointed (because I didn't want a new roommate) and I was somewhat appalled because I wasn't even informed that I'd have a new roommate--I felt bombarded and like my privacy was invaded. Nooooooooooo!!!!!

    The boxes and things seeming out of place just represented a new roommate--which was totally unexpected!
    I don't know, but she comes off as masculine to me, so I don't know. She still seems cool. We'll see how this semester goes!

    I am finally a senior (which is a good thing) and I graduate at the end of this year and I'm ready for God to "complete me" this year like never before!! HALELULIA!

  3. I found this scripture and it reminded me of your dream:

    [sup]3Incline your ear [submit and consent to the divine will] and come to Me; hear, and your soul will revive; and I will make an everlasting covenant or league with you, even the sure mercy (kindness, goodwill, and compassion) promised to David.(C) (Isaiah 55:3) (Amplified)

    Give your ears to God and listen to what He is trying to show you. yeild completely to Him!


  4. Thanks immortalservant for your help!

    Sometimes, I AM unsure of my worth but when I look at God, I know that I am priceless and like a rare jewel. I know that I am more precious than jewels (We all are) and sometimes when we sin, we may forget that that doesnt take away our value in God's eyes!

    Praise God for his undeseved kindness (mercy) towards us!! Thank you God for giving me my value and I'm glad that I don't look for validation from others!

    God bless you

  5. LovetoworshipJesus
    I know that it's easier said then done but I encourage you to not be anxious and continue to have your gaze fixed on Christ (in due time he will send you your mate, and of course I am preaching to myself!!lol)

    I have learned that we have to love and appreciate ourselves and find out "who we are in Christ" first before God sends us that helpmate. At first it didn't make much sense to me, but now it makes perfect sense! God does everything decently and in order and once you know what you want, you wont be tempted to settle for less. you can't be a half-baked cookie for your mate--you have to be whole and complete and happy first. Two happy people make a happy family!

    I encourage you just to keep perservering and don't give up nomatter what. This is the year for God's blessings to manifest. I am so excited for what God is getting ready to do for you!

    Be blessed
    desiree (Starpop)

  6. you know motheroffour,
    when I saw the post that's what I instinctively thought: that the Lord was the master surgeon (physician) cleaning out your spiritual ears, so you'll be able to hear from him more clearly by way of discernment etc. Also, you said that the procedure 'hurt' and often times, when God puts us on the potter's wheel, it doesnt feel comfortable at all but it's needed if we want to go to that next level.

    You went in doing things that you normally do, but the doctor came in unexpectantly to the cleaning in you. Do you think that God is positioning you to receive from Him and open your spiritual ears more to know without a doubt its him speaking to you and through you?

    please pray on what I've said

  7. I wonder if you will encounter something that just doesn't sit well with you and you will really have to allow God to lead you in knowing what to do about it? All I could think about was "put your war clothes on"! That shield of faith, breastplate of righteousness, belt of truth, sword of the spirit, etc (ephesians 6). you have to be ready at all times for Satan's schemes (I'm preaching to myself)! What about a new level of spiritual warfare?

    please pray on what I've said
    desiree (Starpop)

  8. I had a dream where my sibling found an old earring of mine and shined it up--it was sparkling white with diamonds encrusted in it. I was so impressed at how beautiful it was and I was honored at her 'efforts'. I had trouble trying to find where the other one was, and I looked all over my room but was unsuccessful in my search. At one point, I picked up one of my other siblings set of sparkling chandelier, drop (crystal?) blue earrings that were so beautiful. I so wanted to wear these!!

    Any ideas as to what jewelry--especially earrings could mean?

  9. I think what immortalservant said is right on point actually.

    A "not so good" appointment or relationship turns into something very beautiful and "worthwhile".

    please pray on what was said

    Desiree (Starpop)

  10. Faithful7
    you're on point! I've been praying in the new year for a new mindset ready to receive all that God has for me. I literally felt him putting me on another level. I WANT ALL THAT GOD HAS FOR ME IN THIS YEAR!


    THank you both for being so obedient to God and confirming what I already know in my spirit. Its time for me to not be anxious or fearful but to step out knowing that God is going to lead above and beyond (ephesians 3:20--which I've been meditating on as well!)


  11. I had a dream where I am in my home city downtown. I think its a celebration going on because people from everywhere are here. My city is a historic place, so usually every year we have an event to commemorate the historic event that took place in the 60s.

    Anyway, I am with my aunt and cousins to help them decorate and put some food up and I notice in the home there is a menu--between Dairy Queen and McDonald's, and I notice ads of fries (showing the difference). I REALLY want some food and my aunt is insisting to do everything but I offer to help--boy I should not have done that!lol

    Anyway, she tells me to go the the NORTH COMMONS, which IRL, is a place on campus where I'm currently enrolled in school. She wants me to bring this white umbrella to this place. I walk all over the city, I have long braids (there are places where my hair is missing in the back), I have on a hot pink sweater which IRL I don't even own anymore (I wore it alot in my past), and I have on some undergarments (the same kind you wear when its freezing outside) and some blue shorts that are permanently around my knees. It feels weird because suddenly it starts to get hot outside (around 80 degrees) and I can't change my clothing.

    At one point I go inside a church where there is a choir with gold robes practicing, but I keep getting weird looks as if Im not supposed to be there so I leave. I see a couple of people that I know from school, and one girl in particular compares me to another girl and I'm offended, but she says that we look alike because of our 'chest'. WHAT?

    I go outside and somebody tells me that I'm walking on the wrong side of the side walk. I ask other children who are walking aimlessly, 'where is North commons?" I remember at one point walking past this large gold building with gargoyles/lions around some outside columns, but as I approached the building I became fearful and skeptical---I thought: better not go here, because those animals looked scary and real to me! I am so frustrated because I can't find my destination! I'm getting hungry and I want to just find this place so that I can eat. I could just leave the umbrella sitting up against a random buidling, but what if my cousin gets in trouble--since she didn borrow this?

    I thoughtL HOw am I supposed to find the NOrth Commons when it is not even in this city? I will be looking all day!

  12. Cholette, when I had this dream I thought about your situation as well! hmmm...i are we in the same type of calling perhaps?

    Be blessed and I will definitely look at what you've said

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