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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. hind'sfeet,
    I know that asparagus is good for us, even though it may not look or taste it! And in the dream, you tried eating it another way and found out that it was good--better than you expected!

    I wonder if there is something that you need to try out that may not look appealing at first but once you try it out you like it AND it will be good for you too?

    please pray on what I've said
    desiree (Starpop)

  2. I had a dream that my father saw his real parents (in the dream they were white, middle aged with little girl and boy). He was really happy to see them as he came down the steps looking like a school boy with his books in his hand and a blue bookbag on his back. He was adopted by black people when he was younger (IRL my dad wasn't adopted).


  3. I remember walking back to the family van (behind me my mom, and siblings were conversing with others and I was ready to go). I took the initiative to go ahead and start up the vehicle--IRL, my parents had a van but they don't have it anymore. When I got in the van, the car was slightly moving. I tried to put the key in the ignition, I noticed there were other ignitions on the panel as well. I tried to push the gas pedal and control the car as it moved forward slowly out of the driveway. The car moved past a little space (I remember seeing someone's sideview mirror) and smashed the sideview mirror to pieces! I looked back (at one point in the rearview as well) and noticed that my family's conversation had stopped as they looked in unbelievable awe at what I had done . I felt a little badly but there was nothing I could do about the situation. Then I said, "oh well" kinda nochalantly. I knew people would be mad at me and the owner of the car would try to find me and chase me down for my "hit and run", so I got out the car and began to run (which reminds me of Moses running for his life after he killed that soldier). I ran from everyone (even the police) and tried to hide in different places for protection!

  4. Had this dream right before my dream about braiding a guy's hair who looked 'girlie' and decided to post.

    Went into this little bread/pastry shop and asked a young black woman at the counter if the store sold blueberry muffins (which are my favorites! ). She said 'yes' and told me they were $2. I saw a former math teacher of mine and another teacher go into another shop called "Compassion Passion", a place where homosexuals could mingle and feel welcomed. My teacher was resting his head lovingly on the other man. I didn't want the muffin now for some reason, I was turned off. I just didn't agree with what was going on in the shop.

    Side note: I do have a gay roommate and maybe God could be continuously encouraging me to have compassion on her and show love.

  5. DREAM: I remember braiding this guy's hair (who is an acquaintance of mine who graduated last fall and worked in the student center's computer lab) in small diagonal braids. When I finished, from a distance he looked 'girlie'. He wanted me to collect all of his braids and braid them in one long horizontal braid around his head, but I couldn't do it. He had blue, red, and white in his hair and I looked like: (I instantly thought American flag colors). I also remember seeing white and clear beads in his head.

  6. Butterfly
    I don't know if this dream is about your family or the United States, but I want to ask a question: Are you and your family "in over your heads" right now with some family issues? I wonder if those issues are overflowing and its hard to see clearly what is the cause of this flood but you know its something?

    I wonder if there needs to be some drainage and cleansing of some kind?
    I must say, its funny your dream mentioned the US because I recently had a dream about the U.S. that seemed strange to me.
    Please pray on what I've said

  7. I wonder if your mom is a little apprehensive about something (possibly new)? Could she be on her guard because she is suspicious/paranoid of attack/harm in some way?

    Not saying that she should 'relax' BUT I don't think that she should be overly concerned because "nothing by any means shall harm her" (Luke 10:19). This story kind of reminds me of the story of Daniel and the Lions den. Many probably thought that Daniel should be afraid for his life but he was confident in God that God would deliver him out of that situation. God DID deliver Daniel and he was not harmed in any way by the lions!!!

    Though the situation may seem overwhelming and scary, God has your mom's back and if she puts her complete confidence in God, He has promised to deliver her out of every affliction/situation (psalm 34:19)! Tell your mom to stand firm on God's word!

    please pray on what I've said

  8. Sunshine2
    Thanks for saying what the color pink could symbolize instead of saying what it DOES symbolize!

    Again, Dewick, I appreciate YOUR words of wisdom and encouragement;I love the way you express yourself through writing--it is truly a gift.

    To answer your question, I think at one point and time I DID lose my place and I was trying to figure out whom I was in God, but now that I know I am more confident and more assured in my walk and calling. I dont know what God's plan for my life will be but I do want to continue to show God's love to others and let them know how special they are in HIM!

    I appreciate your sweet spirit and presence in the group! May the Lord continue to use you for his glory!


  9. Dear Dewick
    Alot of what you said resonates with me. When I noticed the breasts in the dream I did think: nurturing. I believe that God wants me to use my mouth to nurture and not hinder (and so many times as Christians we say things that we ought not to say), so I think God was trying to encourage me to say the right things and be mindful of what I say.

    I DO love your description of the symbols, but one thing I do suggest: try not to be EXACT on what a symbol could mean as depending on the dreamer, every symbol could be different. I find it helpful to ask questions to the dreamer about symbols in the dream and dream as a whole or to say, "its my experience that this symbol means such and such."

    Thanks again for your interpretation.

    God Bless

  10. I am unsure of where rice is mentioned in the bible, but I know in Asian culture rice is a very rich and important substance. Whenever I think of rice I think of harvest and bountifulness (if that's a word-lol) and plenty.

    Notice that on "feed the children programs" rice is often given to those who are hungry--its a nutritious and it is filling.

    I don't know the significance of the people in the dream but I wonder if you yourself are on a journey and need God to bless you in an abundant way right now or fill you with some needed knowledge at this point?

    please pray on what I've said

  11. Are you currently trying to 'decide what is right for you' concerning your goals/dreams that you're pursuing?

    When I read your dream, I thought about someone being excited about their inheritance and seeing the worth in something that maybe didn't seem as special to him/her before. Once that person found out his/her worth or his/her calling (inheritance) he/she became exuberant and ready to receive what rightfully belonged to him/her. Does this make sense to you?

    please pray on what i've said
    p.s. welcome to the group, we're glad to have you here!

  12. Had a dream where I had on this huge silver ring with intricate designs on it. I kept looking into the mirror and realized that my bottom lip was very huge and it seemed like it was puffed out (shape of two breasts on it) and I kept messing with my lip wondering why it was so big. At one point the bottom lip even had a split in it like that of a tongue. This didn't even seem like it was my lip. When I looked back at my huge ring, I realized that the pink stone had fallen out of it. I looked on my parents' carpeted floor and found it (thank God) and gently stuck it back into the missing area and it fit perfectly. (side note: the stone was huge too).
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