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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Unaday
    I was actually thinking in this direction. Not to say that there's so many choices, but there ARE so many characteristics that I like in a guy and there are a few guys that I could embrace, BUT I want the perfect match!

    Its funny but my best friend proposed to me unofficially today! I was honored but I don't feel happy--not 100%. It's hard to explain, but it just doesn't seem authentic. Could be the manifestation of the recent dream about him being (blue/sweating)?

    Thanks for your response

  2. I'm at this house and I keep looking underneath the bed (mine in the dream) through a large pile of shoes. I want to find a nice pair that will match perfectly with my outfit but can't for some reason, which frustrates me. I see this purple pair of sneakers but one shoe is bigger than the other and the other has a different design than the first shoe. I COULD wear the shoe but I knew it wouldn't look right. I keep searching and searching and I am so disappointed that I couldn't wear the purple shoes (I keep reaching for them and try to fit them together but change my mind) because they are too cute! I decide that I am going to take the shoes back but realize I cant because the smaller shoe is dirty (muddy) in the front and if I try to wipe it off it still would look 'worn'. I see a gray pair of Nike Shox tennis shoes and think, 'these would be nice' but I still want to wear something different. This baby/small child keeps crawling next to me on the floor and I remember crawling next to the baby at one point in fun. The baby looks like it (she?) is having a lot of fun on the carpeted floor.

  3. Lately IRL, my ex's friend have been contacting me for the first time in years. I am still trying to find the motives but I just welcome their conversations as catching up.

    Had this dream last night (3/4/2010) and this could be prophetic for the future:

    I received another instant message from my ex's best friend. I don't remember all the details of the dream, but I know that the message is loooong. He says that he "likes me" and he says he saw me the other day out and about. Of course at this point I'm thinking: "I wonder where?" and I feel like this is strange. Why would you tell me you saw me somewhere but didn't bother to get my attention and say 'hello'? I'm thinking: STALKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I had a dream where I was in my room with my roommate. Our room looked different--older wood pine and seemed colonial like, and I remember taking some groceries out of a bag. I took out this HUGE (5-pound?) bag of Great Value (Wal Mart brand) rice and was disappointed because I had forgotten that I already had a bag on top of my refrigerator. As I was contemplating whether i was going to return it to the store, I looked more intently at the bag and suddenly in turned into oatmeal. Inside the bag were little chunks of peanuts. WHAT?

  5. Have you been 'floating on air' lately so to speak? Your head is above water and it seems like things are fine for you right now. When I think of floating I think of an 'air-i-ness' an elation/fancyfree feeling so to speak.

    I wonder about why you were so bothered about your hair getting wet? The back of your head was wet, and I wonder if that could symbolize you being healed and cleansed of things from your past (maybe some things you were like: "oh no, I am NOT going there?" about) and you having a completely different way of thinking because of it (more accepting/loving,etc)?

    Please pray on what I've said


    ONE OF MY YOUNGER SIBLINGS CALLED ME YESTERDAY (around 11:00 pm) to let me know that the sister i dreamt about has just delivered her baby!!! PRAISE GOD!!

    so...the message came via telephone about my sister's pregnancy! So somebody WAS pregnant with a message! Because I've been busy lately, I was the last to know of the immediate family members. GOD IS GOOD!

    thanks for the responses!

  7. I think I have my confirmation! I think this dream was just showing that the holy ghost would indeed confirm something that had been on my heart for a while that I was concerned about. The confirmation (I think about a guy not being the one) was what this was about! PRAISE GOD! So I think your first statement rings true!!

    thanks for your response Jwhita!


  8. I wonder if this is just a dream showing you how Barack is going to help in restoring/rebuilding the planet and/or economy again? Even families will come together and bring big change? There's a plucking and weeding out process that may be slow and hard to see at the beginning but in the end there will be a crop?

    Please pray on what I've said.

    Question: do you happen to garden?


    I feel like Daphanie that you are a true woman of God and called to be a 'prophet of the nations' just like Jeremiah was. Do you think you're in a testing time right now (just as the children of Israel were in Deuteronomy 8)--like God seeing what's in your heart?

    It just makes me think, in the midst of trouble or family situations, you have plenty (everything that you need) in order to be what God desires you to be. You lack no good thing! PRAISE GOD! When you said "walking your land" it made me think about "faith move"--you know how you physically 'claim and proclaim' that something is yours until it's manifested? You are walking the land and taking possession of what is yours. Continue to be greatful and don't complain because God WILL GIVE YOU A DOUBLE PORTION--just as he did Job after he had suffered a while. He was better off in the end than he was in the beginning!!

    I thought about this scripture for you:

    "If you are pure and upright; even now he will rouse himself on your behalf and restore you to your rightful place. Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be."-Job 8:6-7


  10. "Something just doesn't seem right" about your situation, is what came to me.

    Whenever I dream of "going backwards" it seems literal to me (either something from my past) or not going in the direction I desire to be (off course a little). Has your life been kind of crazy lately but you've still managed to be in control?

    Maybe you've already answered this :) just my thoughts so pray


  11. I was going to say the same thing as Faithful7, the ministry signifies some "big shoes to fill" but you are up for the challenge of making things happen because you know it's for you!



  12. The friend was on the floor next to the bed and Jesus was in that bed.

    Yes, this is the same guy from the other dream.

    After spending time with this guy, I realize that he is just that: a friend and when I say "he's not my type" I don't mean that in a bad way. He's a great friend but not my husband--I know this. :)

    Yes, my bed was involved in the other dream as well but in the first dream, his hair was different (he had twists) and I'm wondering if this could represent someone else that has a similar personality to his?

  13. I remember laying in my bed and wanting my friend to sleep beside me. (IRL we are very good friends and he has recently confessed to me that he loves me. He is cool, but not really my type).

    In the dream, I see him stretched out on the floor and next to a bed that Jesus was laying in. I just felt that this scene was weird. Why was he sleeping on the carpeted floor?

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