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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. My friend had a dream that he and I were dating and going some place to take pictures. He said he had dropped me off at this house to visit one of my female friends and he went next door to where his family was gathering (this was not their house IRL, but it was in the dream). He said that his mother asked him, "where is Desiree? Doesn't she want something to eat?" And he said that I was next door.


  2. Had a dream that I went to the dentist and I was sitting in the chair awaiting the main doctor to arrive when my crush walked into the room! he had on a cream colored suit and as he put on his mask, he bagan to clean certain areas of my mouth--a few teeth here and there! I was so surprised that this was my dentist, I didn't know he had this profession! I remember he turned me around and my bare back was exposed as my dress turned into a smock (the same one you get at a hospital). He gave me 2 shots of novacaine one on my lower back and one on the upper part (it kind of felt like I was in a hospital room and he had just given me an epideral) but for some reason, I think he was enjoying the fact that I said, "ouch"!lol and that I was tolerant of the pain. It really didn't feel that bad though! I remember telling him, "I have a high tolerance for pain!" Next thing I know, my crush leaves the room and I began to pick at my own teeth, feeling they weren't thoroughly cleaned. Another dentist comes in and prays for me.


    The left side of brain is for "analytical thinking" and problem solving, so I think I am in a stage of really discovering my gifts and moving into my exact calling for Christ--I think its "taking flight" so to speak!!lol

    thanks again for your your words

    p.s. I found this chart on left brain-right brain:


    uses logic
    detail oriented
    facts rule
    words and language
    present and past
    math and science
    can comprehend
    order/pattern perception
    knows object name
    reality based
    forms strategies


    uses feeling
    "big picture" oriented
    imagination rules
    symbols and images
    present and future
    philosophy & religion
    can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
    spatial perception
    knows object function
    fantasy based
    presents possibilities
    risk taking
    *Roger Sperry 1973

  4. side note: When we were talking (as we moved up the stairs) he seemed happy so the "drunk in the spirit" seemed like the right correlation!!!lol

    ...I guess we sometimes tend to think either the literal or negative meaning of something, so THANKS for the new perspective trueflight!

    We will see what happens!

  5. Well trueflight,
    I DO sing, and Angelwings, the breastplate of righteousness is interesting. I always thought of the breast as comforting, nourishing, (a good thing) etc.

    ...I'm sorry Lurdys but that's the only thing I can remember! I do remember that the bird was bright red though. And...a release (maybe a heart matter) sounds logical.

    Again, I'd just have to pray!

    thanks you all so much for all the heartfelt answers



    You do make some good points--we all have our issues and as my good friend says, "we are all under construction".

    I guess I just didn't expect to see him drinking a beer--that's all. And yes, HE IS THE BOMB when it comes to music!!!

    thanks for the responses


  7. Had a dream that I was walking up some stairs behind gospel-soul singer Deitrick Haddon in this huge auditorium where lots of people were gathered. I noticed that he had a wine cooler or bud light can in his hand, and he acted as though it was no big deal. I kept thinking: this anointed man of God is carrying around a can of beer nochalantly, this aint right! I then reflected on what my roommate had mentioned in real life, that she felt "he wasn't anointed in his music". Maybe this is why?

  8. yes, my former crush was in my dream and it was weird that he said those words.

    you have mentioned some interesting points and I will have to pray on what you've said. Flowers and bouquets have always seemed to be good things to me: freshness, prosperity, happiness, etc.

    I can say that sometime last week, my teachers said they had nominated me for most distinguished communications and dramatic arts students! I won't know until later this week if I've won or not, but it's just been an honor to be nominated!

    thanks for your response!

  9. dream:
    Had a dream that my ex called me (I don't know if I picked up the phone or if my sister gave me the phone). I was of course surprised at his calling. He was really attentative and seemed interested in what I had to say. I believe he was explaining himself. As we were talking, we lost a connection and the phone went out. There was no way for me to call him back. hmmmmm.

  10. Daph,
    this is a very interesting and vivid dream! It reminds me alot of the "end times" or the time of tribulation, when there is a battle between God's army and the army of Satan (I need to look back at the scripture for more specifics but I hope you get my drift ) When I read your dream, I am reminded of a similar dream I had (about a year ago) when there was a red dragon out to get me, and I was in the middle of destruction, but the enemy did not harm me!!! I am reminded of the scripture in Revelation 12 (please read), when the enemy tried to destroy a woman's baby (who I believe was the coming of Christ into the world, stop the plan of God, etc) but the woman was able to get away safely--she was givven wings! GOD IS GOING TO GIVE YOU WINGS GIRL TO FLY ABOVE AND OUT OF YOUR SITUATION!!!

    I am interested at the "bulls" part of your dream. I wonder if concerning your family, the enemy will try to "bull rush" you (suddenly it seems), BUT it is up to you to be the matriarch and stand in on your family's behalf and stop the plans of the enemy? Also, your stepson pulled his mom out of the pit. Could this be that she was once on the path of destruction (or on her way to hell) but she is set free just in the nic of time and has a chance for salvation and you'll be shocked at her changing her life completely around? i wonder if your stance in Christ will be the very thing to pull your family in? (your taking a stand will cause change because they'll see how you'll respond to the enemy's attacks)

    I once heard that in the years to come, people who we never thought would get saved will be coming to God and be sold out for him. It's like this is the season for our enemies to be our foot stools and surrender to God's plan (in other words, the very people that were against you will come back to you and be your aid (just like in the dream)--of course it will seem strange to you, but God has a mysterious way of making our enemies surrender to us! It's like a pastor once said, "your enemies will be writing you a check!!" ; people that you never thought you'd encounter again, will come back to admit their wrong and apologize all to show that God gets the glory in this thing!!! ). WE HAVE THE VICTORY (just as you mentioned in your dream!) I think you'll be suprised in the days to come at how God changes some things and turns some things around within your family. Don't lose faith and (as you mentioned in an earlier post)...DONT GIVE UP!!!! STAY FOCUSED ON WHAT GOD HAS TOLD YOU TO DO AND REMAIN STEADFAST AND IMMOVABLE ON THAT!! I want to encourage you that God has not forgotten about you. Your breakthrough is near. I want to suggest for you to read and meditate on this scripture (Psalm 1).

    I wonder if this dream is a forwarning of strong spiritual attack against you and your family that won't go away easily, but will come back with a fuller, stronger vengeance force? This is the time to pray and intercede and realize that GOD ALWAYS HAS YOUR BACK AND WILL DELIVER YOU greatly! (even when it seems like he won't or that there is no hope!) (Genesis 45:7; Exodus 14:13) Always hope in the Lord and praise him continuously (you have the victory!) God will protect you because you love him (Psalm 91:14) I just keep hearing that, "you have the victory, you will have deliverance, don't give up". Only you know what this means and God is so good that He is showing you all of this in advance! Satan is mad girl that he can't take your praise, that he can't discourage you or make you doubt JESUS! Remember how I told you that you need to be the one to stand in for your family? Take the advice that Mordecai gave to Esther (Esther 4:14), "If you remain silent, your family will perish (spiritually, etc)... YOU ARE ROYALTY and It's your time to rise up and take charge within your family (the glory of God is upon you) (Isaiah 60:1)" (paraphrase)! Don't be afraid!

    Okay...before I keep preachin know that God is with you. Continue to remain bold and try God on His word!!! IN JESUS NAME!...e-chan-da-mo-hi-yah!!!

  11. Had a dream last night where I remember I was riding on top of a semi-truck (bed that was open at top and resembled the double decker buses in London; felt like I was sitting in a carseat!) at night on the highway with my mother. I looked down on the road and although we were going fast, it didn't seem like it. I was so afraid that I would slip out and hurt myself (be seriously injured) so I held on tightly to the side.

    I remember going up some stairs and my mother gave me a bouquet of pink roses that had not yet bloomed. My former crush (who is a pastor) said that I should be careful because people would try to flatter me. I also saw many people gather around with tons of yellow bouquets of flowers in their hands to give to people they loved.

  12. Just a thought: To me, RED is a power color. I wonder if you feel like your power has been taken away from you (or you haven't been as bold or strong in the Lord as usual), but God is restoring you back to your rightful position (Joel 2:25-26) in Him?

    Please pray on what I've said

  13. Remember riding on a charter bus with one of my siblings (#3) and I was sitting between Beyonce and Jay-z (he was on my right and beyonce on my left, she was dressed down with sunglasses and heels on and her hair pulled back in a ponytail; he had on all black, with a cross necklace on, and had dark shades). I remember that the bus was taking us to Wal Mart and I thought it was cool that Jay-Z and Beyonce were so down-to-earth enough to ride a bus with common folks! I remember Jay-z was holding a baby in his arms and he was looking down at it and smiling. Beyonce was kind of aloof as I asked what the sex of the baby was. She said that she didn't want to know until the baby was born (I guess she was pregnant too). I remember telling her a story of how my friend wanted a boy and after hearing it confirmed from doctors that she ended up having a little girl instead. Beyonce looked at me kind of nochalantly as if to say, "why was she so mad that she had a girl?"...she seemed really distant to me.

    The bus eventually passed by a clothing/accessories shop called 'Deserae's in colorful letters. I thought the store was cool and it peaked my interest--I had to go inside!!!
    When the bus stopped at Wal Mart, I went inside to (towards the back---lawn/gardening section?) to find some jewelry to match my yellow shirt that I was wearing.
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