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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I was going to say similar words to Unaday

    It seems like there needs to be some renovations so to speak in your life and you know this to be true that's why you're making the steps to do so?

    Also, I wonder because the shower was next to the window (which to me the window often represents revelation), if the Lord in the upcoming days will show you exactly how you need to get that spiritual or emotional cleansing? I wonder if the red bumps on your body is similar to that of boils/leprosy? In the bible lepers were cast out and disgraced, so they needed cleansing inorder to be around others.

    please pray on what I've said

  2. PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just had this dream earlier today concerning my ex's family. I haven't had a dream of my ex in a loooooong time. Checkit out and tell me what the spirit leads you to say! God bless and thanks in advance!

    Had a dream that I was walking around some place trying to find someone? I quickly had a baby in my arms that was small but had an adult head. The baby was debilitated? and was a special needs child. I remember trying to find where this baby's mom was because I was somewhat turned off by it (I wouldn't be IRL, just in the dream).

    I then saw my ex's father (who by the way currently works at my old job IRL), he had on a white t-shirt and was walking around all jovial and being 'extra friendly' towards me. In the next scene, I remember being with him inside of his car and he was driving (I was in the passenger's side). On floor next to my feet was my friend's phone that I didn't get to return to her but would. The phone in the dream looked similar to my mom's phone IRL. The special needs baby was also by my feet. I guess my friend was the mother? Anyway, I attempted to pick up the phone to call my friend to let her know that she could come by my place to pick up her stuff before graduation in the morning. I knew the number had stated with a "7" but I couldn't think of the other numbers!!lol I remember riding past this apartment complex that was dimly lit. On the porch/sidewalk was a little baby (no older than one years old), who was shirtless, had a ponytail, and diaper on, playing in a puddle of water. The baby seemed enthralled with what she was doing. The mom (who looked like a teenager) peeked behind the door to grab up her child (I guess she was making sure noone saw her?)

    As I and my ex's father talked back and forth, it was a comfortable atmosphere between us and we both poured out our hearts? He was being so nice to me and making suggestions (it seemed like he was making up for lost time and make the situation right because he felt guilty that he possibly had something to do with me and his son's breakup? ) He kept showing me things and in particular a magazine--which on one page he pointed out "REBE JACKSON" (Michael Jackson's sister). He said, "Look at Rebe"? In the background, a Michael Jackson song was playing ("Beat it" intro and "Thriller") my ex's father had turned up his radio and I said, "this my song" and started dancing inmy seat, comfortably (I guess he knew I LOVE MJ!) As I was listening to him go from subject to subject I told him that I had "really loved his son", letting him know that I had cared about his son and was not trying to "hoodwink" him!lol...It's like the father was understanding and he knew I cared. He said, "Who knows, ya'll may just get back together and get married again, etc". I was surprised that he even mentioned the possibility. I told him that I was over his son and that i had grow past some things and matured. Furthermore I wanted to get married around 35 and focus on my career (which IRL, I want to get my career out of the way first) He looks at me like he's unconvinced with my decision (I guess he feels like I can have a career and have a successful marriage at the same time.) I'm just surprised that this man actively wants to take me somewhere and is participating in conversation with me after all of these years.

  3. you know Chica4Christ,
    I had a similar dream just this week (read: Riding in the car with my ex's dad) and it seemed so real as well!!

    you know, maybe this is a literally prophetic dream to let you know that God is doing a new thing in the area of your relationships? Reconciliation is a good thing and maybe this is just a headsup, that things will be friendly again between you and the ex? You both will be able to air out some dirty laundry and make up so to speak?

    Side note: with your friend who recently got a divorce, were you able to witness to her due to your situation? I've always found out that whatever we go through it is usually for someone else!

    Please pray on what I've said and depending on how you dream, God maybe showing you of the good days that are to come! Don't be suprised if you run into your ex in the future!

    Love you in christ

  4. MaMa
    I wonder if your mom has made a specific suggestion to you about something that you thought was important but you were disappointed/frustrated with her comments?

    To me, umbrellas are a covering or sense of protection from harsh weather, and in this case harsh circumstances in life. Have your siblings been getting the better end of the stick lately more than you have and you feel left out in some way?

    Please pray on what I've said

  5. When reading your dream, it seems like there was some communion of some kind. As you said, things have not been going well with your stepfather and mom and your relationship with your ex, so I wonder if this dream is just showing that there will be some type of reconciliation and needed communication going on?

    please pray on what I've said

  6. Hey dreamers! I hope all of you are well!

    I just had this dream earlier today concerning my ex's family. I haven't had a dream of my ex in a loooooong time. Checkit out and tell me what the spirit leads you to say! God bless and thanks in advance!

    Had a dream that I was walking around some place trying to find someone? I quickly had a baby in my arms that was small but had an adult head. The baby was debilitated? and was a special needs child. I remember trying to find where this baby's mom was because I was somewhat turned off by it (I wouldn't be IRL, just in the dream).

    I then saw my ex's father (who by the way currently works at my old job IRL), he had on a white t-shirt and was walking around all jovial and being 'extra friendly' towards me. In the next scene, I remember being with him inside of his car and he was driving (I was in the passenger's side). On floor next to my feet was my friend's phone that I didn't get to return to her but would. The phone in the dream looked similar to my mom's phone IRL. The special needs baby was also by my feet. I guess my friend was the mother? Anyway, I attempted to pick up the phone to call my friend to let her know that she could come by my place to pick up her stuff before graduation in the morning. I knew the number had stated with a "7" but I couldn't think of the other numbers!!lol I remember riding past this apartment complex that was dimly lit. On the porch/sidewalk was a little baby (no older than one years old), who was shirtless, had a ponytail, and diaper on, playing in a puddle of water. The baby seemed enthralled with what she was doing. The mom (who looked like a teenager) peeked behind the door to grab up her child (I guess she was making sure noone saw her?)

    As I and my ex's father talked back and forth, it was a comfortable atmosphere between us and we both poured out our hearts? He was being so nice to me and making suggestions (it seemed like he was making up for lost time and make the situation right because he felt guilty that he possibly had something to do with me and his son's breakup? ) He kept showing me things and in particular a magazine--which on one page he pointed out "REBE JACKSON" (Michael Jackson's sister). He said, "Look at Rebe"? In the background, a Michael Jackson song was playing ("Beat it" intro and "Thriller") my ex's father had turned up his radio and I said, "this my song" and started dancing inmy seat, comfortably (I guess he knew I LOVE MJ!) As I was listening to him go from subject to subject I told him that I had "really loved his son", letting him know that I had cared about his son and was not trying to "hoodwink" him!lol...It's like the father was understanding and he knew I cared. He said, "Who knows, ya'll may just get back together and get married again, etc". I was surprised that he even mentioned the possibility. I told him that I was over his son and that i had grow past some things and matured. Furthermore I wanted to get married around 35 and focus on my career (which IRL, I want to get my career out of the way first) He looks at me like he's unconvinced with my decision (I guess he feels like I can have a career and have a successful marriage at the same time.) I'm just surprised that this man actively wants to take me somewhere and is participating in conversation with me after all of these years.

  7. you know, I don't like antique stuff!!lol...seriously, I've learned that the shorter a dream is the more prophetic/literal it may be. I wonder if this key is representative of something in your past that has been buried and needs to be "unlocked" or "examined"?

    I don't know what's going on in your personal life right now, but I wonder if you've been suppressing some things that you need relief from?

    please pray on what I've said

  8. I had a dream where I was watching T.D. Jakes on T.V. and he suddenly metamorphasis into my crush. From there, the image of T.D. Jakes and my crush go back and forth. Even T.D. Jakes wife Serita who was standing beside him at the podium, didn't even look like herself (in fact, she looked like another person). I was happy for my crush.

  9. One of my sisters misplaced my clothes and I see some of them dumped out and mixed with my other family member's clothes. I get frustrated because I don't like my personal belongings to be mishandled or misplaced. As I look outside of the window (which it happens to be a sunny day with plush grass), I see my clothes in a basket next to two other baskets. I don't like the fact that my clothes are now outside of the house and I have to go and get them to bring them in. Why did she even mess with my clothes, they weren't bothering her? I kind of felt like she was taking it upon herself to reorganize everyone's things to have room for her stuff.

  10. Well I do know that a Mazda is much faster than the sport wagon!!lol...I know that you said you needed a new car, so what if this is letting you know that the car will come to you but maybe from an unexpected place (not the traditional way)?

    When you went to the youth event you said that you felt out of place. Are you experiencing difficulty right now in where you should be concerning your calling? ARe you currently in a place where you don't feel complete peace about?

    When I read your dream the very word that stuck out to me was TRANSITION. It seems like all the dreams revolve around this theme. Do you think you're in a period of transitioning right now or will be? Does it seem like the very things that were spoken to you years ago are coming into fruition and prompting you to move in some way?

    please pray on what I've said

  11. Amen MIA, well said!

    I will say, I too have been tremendously blessed by God speaking to me through my dreams, and it is because of your ministry that I have become more in tune with how God speaks and moves. I never imagined the amount of miracles I've experienced just by being apart of the vision and not taking dreams lightly!!

    Praise God for you and your ministry!

    Desiree (Starpop)

  12. I wonder UNADAY if this vision points to someone who is a "show off" and appearing to be one thing but is really something else?

    To me, when I think of grapes I think of abundance and blessings etc but when the grapes turned into a red hot pepper it is something totally different, in fact opposite perhaps. Yes, maybe the red hot peppper could symbolize "fiery" and "bold" which can be a good thing but I wonder in this case if the "fiery" and "big" represents a temperament--"BOLD", "FIERY", "hotheaded"--you have to be cautious when hanging around this person?

    Please pray on what I've said as these are my thoughts


  13. hello promisedchild

    The thing that stuck out to me the most is the garbage bags. I had a dream one time where my ex was dropping off about 3 bags of garbage bags filled with stuff into my laundry room.

    I wonder if there is alot of cleaning out you need to do in your life. Do you have some baggage in your heart that you need to get rid of or clean out so that you can make room for more people (better people) and God's blessings to come into your life. I wonder if this is God showing you that he is even removing people out of your life that are not beneficial to your calling?

    As far as the table is concerned, I always think of tables as preparation. You sit at a table to commune, fellowship, and eat (usually the latter) and I wonder if God is just transitioning you to get ready for something different in your life, maybe as it concerns the church? Moving up in a new position? To a new church? Have you been one of the faithful ones at your assembly? could this symbolize a promotion or recognition of some sort?

    After you remove all of the baggage and weights (not necessarily unclean) then you can be comfortable and have peace/rest (which in this case could symbolize the couch).

    Please pray on what I've said

  14. Hey Angelwings

    Your dream reminds me of "the road of life" and the direction that you and your family are going on. Everyone was on this road (everybody doing the same thing and reminds me of the "Wide road" that is spoken about in the bible--in this case everyone doin the same thing/going the same way (not necessarily evil). You were able to see what was ahead of you (which was a storm). Do you think you have the gift of discernment and are you sensitive to things around you or what the spirit of God shows you about the future?

    EVeryone saw the storm and began to take cover. Did it seem chaotic?

    I saw my mother moving pretty swiftly for cover. I called out to her because I didn't want to lose her but she didn't hear me. I was so worried about losing sight of her.

    This is an interesting quote that stuck out to me. Your mom is traveling pretty quickly. Are things kinda going fast for her currently IRL, like she is not stopping to breathe? You reached out to your mom but she doesn't hear you. I notice that she grabs her laptop because she doesn't want it to get ruined. How is your current relationship with your mom? Do you talk often? Is it hard communicating with her sometimes? You mentioned you were worried about "losing her". You don't have to get personal here but I wonder if there is a wedge between you two or lost communication in some way (there's not a mutual understanding)?

    I wonder if there is something that is blocking or disturbing your vision (thick/heavy) and keeping you both from seeing/finding eachother on one accord? In the dream you are searching and hopeful that you two will find eachother and be safe. You want to run up to your mom (catch up to her) and I wonder if this is what you want to do IRL--be on her level of understanding in some way?

    Please let me know what you think and pray on what I've said

  15. you are so sweet Christina--that's really encouraging!

    ...Angelwings, thank God for you! GOD IS TRULY AWESOME!!

    I will definitely let you all know where to look me up!!!lol

    God bless! THANK YOU!

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