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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Well that would all depend.

    You said you felt confused in your dream right that noone was helping you? It seemed like you knew more about the situation then the professionals did. Is this true in your real life (currently) and it frustrates/confuses you that noone is taking the appropriate actions?

    please pray on what I've said

  2. Hello Raven and welcome!

    Well, we're taught here to pay attention to the feelings that are in the dream and also the dream as a whole and not just certain symbols, which can mean different things to different people by the way!

    You mentioned that you were terrified upon waking in the dream, but how did you feel WITHIN the dream? Ready to die? Scared?

    When I think of graves, I think of death, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I don't know what is going on in your personal life but i wonder if a part of you is dying or transitioning in some way? I've dreamt of skulls and tombstones in my past and to me, they've signified death in some way--like a change in attitude, appearance, mindset etc.

    Is someone urging you to change from your normal pattern of behavior or do you feel a personal conviction to change in some way?

    Please pray on what I've said. Again, welcome to our group. I pray you feel at home here!

    Smooches with love

  3. Welcome to the group Lisa!

    Has there been any significant changes in the past couple of months for you -like a move or change of events in your personal life?

    It has been my experience that babies often represent something new.

    At first you were holding the baby and happy about it but then when you realized what you had you questioned it and said, "this is not my baby, I didn't go through the process to have it." (paraphrase)

    I wonder if this is true in your real life? Has something recently happened that you were at first excited about and then when you realized the severity of the situation you felt it didn't belong to your or that you shouldn't have it?

    I want to say to you FEAR NOT. God has great plans for you life. He has a future in store for you and plans to prosper you and not harm you (Jeremiah 29:11). So even when things don't look like they are working out, they ARE and WILL continue to! (just a word of encouragement)

    Be blessed and pray on what I've said to make sure it brings peace to your spirit and confirmation.

    Desiree (Starpop)

  4. Hey vince

    I wonder if this dream signals promotion and a call to leadership in some way? You were with a group of friends and I wonder if your friends or church members look to you to be a leader in some way?
    Have you felt a call by God to do more than just average?

    Just by the responses in the dream it seems that whatever happens in your life it will be unexpected and that people will be surprised that it happened to you.

    Be on the look out for the unexpected!

    Please pray on what I've said


    When I thought about your dream, I at first thought literal like, "getting ready to start your monthly cycle" but then I took a second look. The image of the lady in the bible with the issue of blood came to me.

    I am not saying you need deliverance or anything but are there some private issues that you're noticing that you need God to handle? You need a special touch from God?

    please pray on what I've said

  6. Thanks girl, I found it and HAD to post it!lol

    Well, I do know that my sister currently works at my old job and my ex's father now works there too--which could be the connection between all three of us!

    I do know that my ex's dad acts really nice towards her and when she first got there he was trying to update her on the family as a whole (not my ex's own family) and he was trying to treat her to lunch and everything. They also talk often and my sis is always asking the dad to tell my ex to stop by the job to say hello. My ex's father says that his son acts funny with everyone now (ball and chain perhaps :) so, I don't know what's up with that. He hasn't faced my family in a while (since the breakup).

    I am curious to see what my ex says to my sister if they ever do meet up and I know she will let me know EXACTLY what happens!

    And perhaps you;re right UNA, maybe God doesn't want me to see him right now. I know one of his friends contacted me online and said I looked beautiful, happy, and all was well with me (which I was shocked at the comment).

    Thanks for taking the time to answer

    smooches with love

  7. Mia
    When I think about swiss cheese, I turn my nose up. Its not a common choice for sandwiches, etc like American and Cheddar are. I believe its for people with eclectic tastes.

    Does your aunt have unique interests that are different from the rest of your family that may seem kind of odd or strange? When I think of cupboard I think more with Unaday, "plenty", "overflow", "more than enough" etc.

    Whatever the situation with your aunt, I believe all things will work out and there will be an overflow, or something stored up that will be useful for an unexpected time.

    When I thought of oil, I thought of "new wine" as mentioned in Joel 2:24

    please pray on what I've said as this is an observation


  8. WOW CONNIE! Look, as far as I'm concerning a money dream is always good news!!!lol

    I wonder if this is just a headsup on what is to come--a great financial blessing or provision, from an unexpected source that's close to you? Of course, whatever it is, it will be more than enough (ephesians 3:20!!!)

    Please pray on what I've said

  9. nubava

    When reading your dreams, I thought about "strange fruit" and "check your fruit".

    Be careful what you recieve from others (stay before the Lord in prayer and ask him for discernment to uncover people's motives) and also observe their lifestyles. A tree is known by the fruit it bears (Matthew 15:20; read verses 17-20). You dont have to accept everything that someone gives you just because they appear to be nice. The strange woman was giving you rotten fruit. She was telling you to be careful (so she knew what she was giving you was not good). Some people have good intentions and others wrong motives and it could be sin either way, so you need God's help in uncovering their true selves.

    I wonder by you having two fruit dreams if God is showing you that he is increasing your ability to see people for who they are? I wonder if he is strengthening your gift of discernment? Continue to cultivate your own spiritual fruits as well: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc (Galatians 5:22-23). The dream with you washing the fruit and noticing things: I wonder if there is a spiritual cleansing/cultivating process that you are currently going through/need to go through to get what you need from God?

    Please pray on what I've said

  10. Steadygaze
    you speak about how the names of the denominations split in your hands and you don't have a good feeling about them-correct?

    The scriptures said that a word is established in the mouth of two to three witnesses (2 Corinthians 13:1). You showed your mom three times the names of the churches, so I think that's something to pay attention to.

    I personally believe that we're in a time where denominations are starting to reposition themselves--not focusing on irrelevant things anymore (like denominations). Some churches are so caught up in denominations that they forget that there is only one church (Jesus Christ). I am not trying to sway your thinking or preach to you but I'm just saying that I believe now, people are coming together in truth to worship one God. Maybe this dream is evidence that God is showing you that its not about the denominations anymore--do away with them. Focus on the truth, the word of God, get serious in your own walk with God, and come together in unity because that's when God really CAN perform miracles and transform lives!

    Please pray on what I've said

  11. Well first of all fragrantoffering, you're in the right place and right frame of mind when it comes to accepting God's work through dreams. If you keep this mindset, God will continue to bless you!

    By reading your dream, it seems that your dream is literal, that its just confirming what you've already deduced yourself--the new opportunities coming your way (have they been happening in the last few weeks?) and the desire to have a baby of your own IRL. I think these dreams are the confirmation of what you've been feeling lately and what's been going on in your life.

    I wonder if you're getting ready to (or desire) to embark on something new in your life and you'll be amazed (and/or suprised) at the opportunity? The dream or opportunity is alive and well and you know its there.

    I am reminded of the following scripture:
    (Isaiah 66:9)(NIV)

    God say..."Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD. "Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?" says your God."

    God will bring it to pass.

    Please pray on what I've said
    God bless

  12. Dreamster
    I just thought about one thing: breaking up fallow ground (or hard places that need to be reworked or softened).

    I wonder if God is doing a regeneration/transformation/restoration in your life concerning your ministry and family? I dont' know what kind of relationship you have with your brother but I wonder if he will play a big part in your renewal process?

    Please pray on what I've said

  13. A powerful, powerful testimony! Thanks for sharing!

    Anyways - I just wanted to encourage anyone who may be starting to doubt or lose faith that there is an answer from the Lord coming to you - that the Lord does love you and care that you are hurting and in need.

    I needed to hear this very word, so thank you! God bless you and continue to praise God always! HE IS FAITHFUL!

  14. My sister was on the phone talking to someone when I entered into the room. I began to eavesdrop and soon realize she was talking to my ex. I was somewhat interested in knowing what he was saying to her because she kept smiling and speaking loudly. I assumed that he was going to be right outside of the room to meet up with her for later, so I unashamedly walked outside to meet up with him (while she was still on the phone), knowing that I was now confident and could face him without hesitation. Outside there were a crowd of people (I remember seeing more guys than anything). I was disappointed to not see him at all in the crowd. What? I am ready to see you and you're not even there? What's up with that.

    I remember my sister drawing a side triangle (angled to the right) with a circle on top of the point. The drawing really stuck out to me.
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