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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I received an internship at a local newspaper here in town for the summer- PRAISE GOD! The newspaper is a small paper but has major readership within the community and viewership online. I think this opportunity is a manifestation of the dream I had in being inside of JET magazine (which is a small but major nationally recognized magazine!)

    I am just so grateful to God for His faithfulness and His love towards me! Thanks for the prayers and keep me in mind during the summer months!

    Love you all!

    Desiree (Starpop)

  2. I don't really know about the connection with the woman from school (I don't really know her in an intimate way)

    I think the boy in the dream represents one of my close friends who really IS off to me in a way. I'm currently trying to cut ties with him.

    Please pray that God will lead me and guide me

    Thanks for your response

  3. Thank you so much for the encouragement and kind words australiagirl (and by the way, I LOVE Liv Tyler!)lol

    What I've learned is that friendships are sometimes seasonal. You and your friends may not be at the same levels anymore and that's okay. God is such a good God that He will send you new friends and ones that will help you out spiritually--I can attest!! Also, that new man will come, one that is perfect for you and exactly what God wants you to have. You don't have to settle for less, so keep your standards and keep obeying God because in the end you will be super blessed! (Galatians 6:9; Job 42:10; Joel 2:26).

    I've been where you are and I'm currently waiting for my mate too! I'm not saying it's easy to wait, but you must continue to stay focused and not look at your situation. God has always and WILL CONTINUE to take care of you!

    Be blessed and I'm so glad that you were blessed by my words (TO GOD BE ALL THE POWER, HONOR, AND GLORY!!)

    Desiree (Starpop)

  4. I remember having a brief dream where I was on the floor with two of my friends/classmates (one a boy and the other a girl) and I hid under a bed because the boy became violent (putting his hand on my throat).

    I remember running from this woman who currently heads some of our clubs/student organizations/activities at my school. I went to a room filled with green plants and pine trees. One pine tree was like a table and shaped like a guitar (mixed with green polka dots)?

    IRL I've been thinking lately that this upcoming school year will be different. I will be graduating in the fall and I wonder if this has something to do with it?

    Thanks in advance for all the help

    Desiree (Starpop)

  5. "Lucky Charms" anyone!

    Seriously, when I read of your dream, I thought about just how precious you are to God. You are so delicate, beautiful, mesmerizing, and unique. No one can take their eyes off of you--just as you were intrigued by the charm bracelet itself, people are intrigued by you--am I right?

    I thought of the following scriptures:
    (Isaiah 43:4)
    Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
    and because I love you,
    I will give men in exchange for you,
    and people in exchange for your life.

    (Psalm 45:11-13) The king is enthralled by your beauty;
    honor him, for he is your lord.

    12 The Daughter of Tyre will come with a gift,
    men of wealth will seek your favor.
    13 All glorious is the princess within her chamber ;
    her gown is interwoven with gold.

    (1 Chronicles 20:2)David took the crown from the head of their king —its weight was found to be a talent of gold, and it was set with precious stones—and it was placed on David's head;

    Don't ever allow anyone to make you think you are not cherished/adored by God! This was just in my heart to say to you, I hope you've been blessed by it!

    Please pray on what I've said

  6. you mentioned you felt afraid in your dream and was surprised at one door becoming two.

    Usually when I think of lions, I think about "the lion of Judah", which is God in all of his glory and majesty but in this case I wonder if this dream refers to the enemy (who prowls like a lion, and tries to cause fear and seek out who he wants to devour/destroy) (Numbers 23:24;1 Peter 5:8)? You must remain alert

    I think about the situation. Even though it may seem overwhelming and intimidating (like you don't have a way out because you're cornered), you now have more than one way out. God has provided that way out? (1 Corinthians 10:13)

    please pray on what I've said

  7. Jodi

    Do you want to have a children's ministry in any way? I wonder if this dream is encouraging you to keep praying and keep holding fast to God's word about Paul's healing? I wonder if his death symbolizes the "old him" passing away and he coming into a new image (both spiritually and physically, totally healed?)

    please pray on what I've said

  8. I do wonder if God is giving you insight into the Osbournes relationship?

    I have celebrity dreams all the time and God will usually reveal things later about their situations.

    Maybe the Osbournes really are having "trouble" in their marriage even though it seems like on the surface they are successful?

    Please pray on what I've said

  9. Hey UNADAY!

    I wonder if you've allowed your friend in some way to give you advice or have some control in your life right now, even though she is not in the best of situations or mindset?

    (side note):Are you the type of person to give people second chances and the benefit of the doubt inspite of the facts presented to you?

    I wonder if your friend's life is out of control and she is trying to make you apart of it or "drive you (and your hubby) crazy" so to speak?

    Thank God that He steps in and protects inspite of!!!

    Please pray on what i've said
    desiree (Starpop)

  10. First of all Pam, I have to say good thoughts on your interpretations. :)

    I wonder if you are going through a "turbulent time" right now so to speak and you feel as though no one really cares about your welfare?

    The tides rise but it doesn't harm you, it just touches your ankles and your feet. You are afraid of the water messing up your phone (communication?) and I wonder if this situation represents your relationship with God--not where it should be and you're afraid that whatever situation you're in that you don't want it to mess up your communication with Him?

    Are you saved? If you are, I am reminded of the scripture in Isaiah 43:2,5:

    When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
    and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
    When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze;Do not be afraid, for I am with you;

    Remember: If you belong to God (have accepted as your personal savior) you can be confident that the storms of life or situations in which you fall, can not push you back from God's love. Romans 8:35 tells us that NOTHING can separate us.

    Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

    You CAN and WILL make it through. You are safe in God for he shall protect you. Just fully depend and lean on Him (Proverbs 3:5)

    About the mattresses, I always think about "sleep" and "comfort". In your dream, everyone else had a mattress but you. Rest assured, you too will be comforted. Even though you may feel like you've missed out or you have passed some things up, God has still got your back. All things work out for them that love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). NEVER give up and keep depending on God for your breakthrough! Trust me: It will happen!!

    Please pray on what I've said
    desiree (Starpop)

  11. I would have to say something similar to what Unaday said--the Holy spirit is letting you know that he is with you through your journey. You will be on top so to speak?

    It reminds me of that song by Miley Cyrus, "The Climb"...it's all about your journey to your specific destination

    please pray on what I've said

  12. Promised child

    I wonder if you're preparing for something new (possibly a commitment, responsibility, etc) in relation to your job (being that your boss was at the wedding)? Possibly someone from your past or someone in close relationship with you will help you prepare for it?

    Please pray on what I've said

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