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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. That could be it Dreamster but I don't know!

    I had a friend that I haven't spoken to in months call me out of the blue and at first I thought it was my ex!!!lol (THANK GOD IT WASNT!!lol) So maybe in the dream since I heard a familiar voice, IRL, my hearing my friend's voice could be the manifestation?

    Thanks for your response

  2. I remember being inside this superstore (possibly Walmart) and I am beside the clothing section (because I remember seeing white collar shirts and lots of other shirts on hangers etc). I saw two of my younger siblings talking to one of my male friends who lives in the city where my parents live currently. then I suddently hear my ex's voice. I IMMEDIATELY get down on the ground (hardwood floor) and crawl underneath the racks of clothes. I didn't want my ex to see me!!

    SIDE NOTE: I haven't seen my ex in years, but I am no way fearful of seeing him, so I don't know why I'm acting so scared to see him in the dream!

  3. This is beautiful Unaday!! (sorry it took so long to read!lol)

    It's amazing what something so small can do for someone!
    I am reminded of a song by gospel/nu soul artist Deitrick Haddon:
    Help me Lord please
    to touch somebody
    because everybody needs to know they are loved
    touch me Lord please to help somebody
    cuz everybody needs to know they are loved

    There are people out there who need an answer! I am letting my light shine to my roommate and I see the change! Halelulia! PRAISE GOD BECAUSE HE KNOWS JUST WHAT TO DO!

  4. That's interesting that you said that Daph

    as of right now, I can't think of anything--I thought I gave EVERYTHING away!!lol

    thanks for your response, we often forget that dreams can be literal not always symbolic!!!

  5. Where you have reached is a place where God himself will perfect things that concern you,it is not you any more neither it is your standard.

    Peter what powerful words!! I do believe that there is nothing else that I can do but to wait on God to kill and rearrange some things in my life. I believe he is bringing me to a higher level--there is just little stumbling blocks here and there but I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR and I WILL OVERCOME!

    I love this site! Praise God for all of you!!!

  6. Dreamster and Grace010
    I thank you both for your insights

    Whenever I dream of blue I always think about truth and with gold it just seemed like royalty to me. Prayerfully, there will be some tasty revelation coming my way!!

    Please pray for me you all that I will stay focused!!

    smooches :)

  7. Dreamster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's so good to see you back on!! Hope your days have been blessed!

    What you said is interesting but I'm unsure of the meaning. I just thought it meant I will meet ALOT of people!lol

    thanks for your response

  8. thanks SCGirlyGrl!

    I do think that my dream has double meaning to it. I do believe that God is breaking the ties!

    HALELULIA because I am cleaning stuff out and moving forward!

  9. This was a long time ago, but every now and then I think about things from my past and who I was and I don't want that to be a stumbling block for me (it won't be, but you know how the enemy tries to bring stuff back up). I'm just trying to stay focused on the new Desiree that I have become!

    Keep me in your prayers
    God bless

  10. Hind'sfeet,
    what you said makes a lot of sense. I'm being restored and delivered of alot of things concerning my ex and it's refreshing! It's just so amazing how God can heal a person completely without his/her help!! GOD IS AWESOME!

    ...I also was thinking, since the glass had heart shapes on it and it was a valentine's day gift, I'm wondering if it concerns him--that his heart is broken? Just an idea

    Thanks for your suggestions

  11. I had a dream that I was cleaning the top of my dresser when I saw that a long glass tube with heart designs on it, that can be filled with candy, (it's what I got for my ex on the Valentine's day before we broke up years ago). The glass was cracked in the back and broken in two.
    I was like, "oh man!" Kinda disappointed because I like to preserve stuff and keep it in good condition. I don't even know how this ended up on my dresser but I don't like to see nice things broken. Any ideas?
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