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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Lorigary
    I wanted to send this to you PM but I will do it publicly:

    I apologize if anything that I've said seemed a little defensive in regards to your remarks about my ex. I've been having lots of dreams about him over the years, and I believe its due to unanswered questions. I am working hard to not get offended when someone says, "Let him go" or "break ties" etc, because I am working on myself to move forward, and that's not what I initially want to hear.

    So please continue to keep me in your prayers. I appreciate your words of wisdom, insight, and contribution to the site.
    May God bless

  2. You have this new baby-- possibly either a new relationship, or a baby IRL (hey didn't say it couldn't happen!!lol) and I wonder if the young women making snide remarks were jealous or wondering, "who is she?" Trying to compare themselves to you to see what you have that they don't (you get me?)

    You dancing and having a good time is fine but make sure that you watch your surrounding. Be alert.

    Please pray on what I've said

  3. I've always felt like garments represent either a person's character, mindset, or positioning (ex: in the bible, people would be dressed for certain tasks, etc).

    This delivery truck pulled into your yard and out of it you pulled out a skirt that had big flowers on it. Would you normally wear a skirt like that In real life?

    Could this dream represent a new mindset for you concerning your family? A new delivery for you (personally) that will make you satisfied and happy?

    Please pray on what I've said

  4. Hello
    I wonder if there are some things that you've been doing with friends or members in the church that people aren't in agreement about? You mentioned that you were disgusted and afraid and could that be at some comments that people have made against your work?

    You also said that "All you did was pray for people" which makes me think you had the right motives but maybe people felt as though certain things you said or did were out of order?

    I just thought of it as backlash and that people were pointing fingers at you. Don't molars come in around your early 20's? To me, I would look at that as wisdom and would say, 'Whatever you do, be sure to use wisdom in your dealing with things in the church and with people's lives, even in prayer."

    Please pray on what I've said and God bless

  5. As it relates to your parents, I think they represent God and the Holy Spirit. Your ex's wife is accepted unconditionally by them and they speak to her/relating with her in a way that she understands.

    What you've said here makes a lot of sense; I think it's a good observation. Makes me believe that she is coming to Christ and maybe the ex is leading her to Christ? In addition, I do believe that all of my family members and my ex's new family are accepting of one another now.

    When I first saw the dream the scripture that popped up in my mind was Matthew 21:22, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

    Also, I did think that it was interesting that I had yet ANOTHER dream about writing, letter, and communication--God must be doing something there.

    And yes I did read the entire passage upon waking and this part of the scripture stuck out to me: "Say to the daugher of Zion, 'See your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.'" (v 5). I did some research on the donkey and found that it is from the horse family (duh) and that the foal (colt) is the male offspring (less than a year old) of the donkey.

    The verse just spoke volumes to me, that my king (aka my husband) is coming for me and he may not be what I expect. Maybe he's a babe in Christ, or younger than I, I dont know but I think he will be a humble man that is well respected.

    Thanks again for the response Lurdys, Lorigary, Hind'sfeet and Cholette! I love you all so much!

  6. And I can say that it means that because your dream said she was a midget but in real life she doesn't look that way.

    I was just saying that on this site we are encouraged not to say that something means something with assuredness but only make suggestions based on our own experiences, that way, just in case we are wrong in our suggestions noone (not even God) is blamed. So many people have a tendency to say something is fact and that THIS IS WHAT GOD is saying, that they miss the point and are wrong. Not trying to be a pest about it, just wanted to note that to make sure we're all on one accord. On the otherhand, you could be very right: he may be decieved (or being deceptive) in some way.

    ...Also, thanks hind'sfeet for mentioning that about Ms. Perry...that is her mother's maiden name. I DID know she was a preacher's kid and that her parents were mad when she came out with that song, "I kissed a girl", etc. She's talented, just needs direction (as we all do).

    ..When I looked at the dream, it seemed like either he was attaching himself to something or his wife was dependent on him. I am still wondering about the canoe trip--why didn't any of the women go but my ex did? Again, God will bring revelation.

    Cholette, is my ex stuntin his wife's growth or vice versa?



  7. Lorigary
    I have let my ex go AND I haven't spoken to him in years!!!

    How does a midget represent a demonic spirit? Symbols can mean different things for different dreamers so I don't think it's wise to say, "this symbol means this or that" as in one can be incorrect on their interpretation.

    I often dream about celebrities (as in one day I hope to be :) so I know the holy ghost will reveal to me what the purpose of dreaming for Katy Perry and Jason Campbell was.

    thanks for your response

  8. Hey its me you all!
    I had a dream about my ex early Sunday Morning (by the way...go Saints!!!lol)...tell me what the spirit leads you to say. Thanks in advance
    In one part of the dream I remember watching a Katy Perry video with my sibling. I remember the setting of the video was sunshinny and Katy had on all black and was lying down on something as she sung. I can't remember what she was singing but she sounded and looked alot different than she normally does. She had a peaceful look on her face. In the second part of the dream, I remember hearing the name JASON CAMPBELL (Washington Redskins quarterback) and when I saw him on television (in the dream he had a dark complexion and had dreads), he was giving his testimony on how he was delivered from AIDS (IRL, I dont think he has the disease). Mr. Campbell attended college in the state I currently live in.

    Last scene:
    I'm sitting on my knees on the floor and leaning on a coach, I see my ex leaning next to me. I'm writing my name in cursive on some sheets from a freshly opened pack of loose leaf paper (the kind with red writing on the front of it). I remember my ex kept asking me questions and leaning in near me as I wrote. I believe my ex spent too much money on something, so he didn't have enough money to buy what he needed (which at the time was some loose leaf paper) He asked me to borrow some paper and it didn't bother me to give him 2-3 sheets.

    My ex kept speaking random stuff and seemed as though he was trying to get in cool with me; He acted as though he was going to be better at saving his money. My ex acted really nice towards me, laughing and talking as my parents and siblings looked at our interaction. I wrote my name beside Matthew 21 and one of my siblings came to us and sarcastically said, "I want to say your name right" (as in not wanting to say his nickname anymore, which we all knew him by).

    At one point a lady came into the room and wanted to gather teams to see who would go canoeing. No girls wanted to go. As my siblings and I sat on a bench, I was on one end--left side and at the other end was an hispanic woman, whom I assumed was my ex's wife. When she got up from the bench she was a little person (aka midget). I noticed that her hair was midway down her back, that she was wearing a black t-shirt and she was pudgy--just like a little person. I was confused because IRL, she is really tall. She looked Mexican to me, not Puerto Rican (which she is IRL). As my ex led her by the hand he picked her up and rested her on his right hip. They walked to where my parents were (whom were sitting together in another room) and I could hear my parents speaking Spanish to her (IRL, my parents can speak spanish).

  9. I remember somehow this evil man came and had me in bondage. he began to torture me by putting a hot comb to my head and scorching my head. It was painful but I didn't know how to leave. Suddenly, this dark figure came in (but I wasn't afraid of him) and shot the man! yes, I was free!!

    Me and this other guy who were hostages, took a baseball bat and beat the man's head in (the one who was torturing me) to make sure he was dead. I couldnt' wait to get back to my parents. I was safe!

    I looked in the mirror and realized that my hair was VERY short and looked burned in some areas. I looked almost bald, as if some hair was missing.

    Any ideas?

  10. I dreamt that one of my siblings was pregnant with a letter inside of her. What do you think it means to be pregnant with something other than a baby? Pregnant with an idea perhaps? I thought it was strange.

    *p.s. I had this dream a couple of days ago, and when I went to check my mail, one of my siblings had sent me a letter. In this case, i don't think this is a manifestation of the dream.
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