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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Girl, thats instinctively what I thought--watch my back!!

    The girl who pushed me and was in the bed with me told me what she had told the guy that supposedly liked me IRL and it SEEMED genuine but I don't know what she could be doing now--who knows, she may like him or had her heart broken by him. I told her that I just want to keep him in the friend's zone. Anybody that tries to urge me to date someone (a girl for that matter that I hardly know) I will be suspicious of!! The guy claims she has said good things and that he has heard good things about me.

    As for the other girl, I STILL haven't figured her out yet! I know their kind though! I will definitely be cautious!

    thanks for your words of advice

  2. Maybe the health issue with your relative is extremely unusual to you or will be?

    The child in the toilet made me think of despite the gloomy situation, there will still be peace and things will go back to being jovial again? (2 Corinthians 4:18: "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.")

    In this case, you can be confident that this too shall pass. It's only temporary?

    Please pray on what I've said

  3. Whenever I think of baths I think of a washing/cleansing of some kind. Maybe the bath just represents you all doing something similar and being on one accord (as in the project).

    When I think of a mirror I think of a reflection (personal identity) and self-concept (how we see ourselves based on how other's see us). Do you like your friend's brother? Are you concerned about how he feels about you?

    please pray on what I've said

  4. I had a dream where I was on campus talking to Dwight Howard (he was just a regular guy to me). I remember that he was attractive to me, but I think we were talking about this other girl. We hugged, but before we could pull apart this girl and her friend? (both I know IRL) just barged over there, and one of the girl's interrupted the hug and pushed me off of Howard with her body. (she tried to make it seem like it was unintentional; she tried to blame me). She said, "Girl, don't push up on me!" All I can say is, I am so glad I'm saved!!! Anyway, I had this "what just happened look on my face", as I stood on the sidelines watching the girls get all up in Dwight's face and surround his personal space. The girls were really trying to force his attention.

    In the next scene I remember being in this room where there were two beds. i was laying in the first bed next to the girl that had pushed me away from Dwight earlier. I was talking to my sister who was in the next bed across the room, and as I kept talking it seemed like the girl was slowly trying to push me out of the bed because at one point I was right on the edge (she had taken up the whole space and spread her body on the bed as if it was hers). It's like she was really aggressive and pushy so to speak. When she realized that I knew she was pushing me off the bed in a subtle way? she said, "my bad girl" (like a half hearted apology).

    IRL both girls have been in a couple of my classes. I think the one girl's friend doesn't like me too much and the girl who pushed me off of the bed told me last month that her basketball friend liked me. We've talked small talk before but she approached me with the information about her male friend and I was surprised that she would be so willing to come to me with information about his liking me and not have ulterior motives--it seemed weird to me. Both seem a little too nice to me (in the extreme) to seem authentic!

    I think I know what this means but would like some confirmation. Thanks!

  5. WOW!! But seriously, will you have the baby already?!

    On a serious note: As the dream suggests, "the writings on the wall" (it's obvious), that something is getting ready to happen and the enemy may be trying to block that (may be spiritual or physical as with the birth of your child).

    I find that in this dream your husband is praying fervently just like your father in the other dream and so, possibly you may hear of something concerning your pregnancy but God will intervene!

    Please pray on what I've said

  6. Are you close to your father?

    I wonder if there is something traumatic or will need attention concerning your dad and he comes to you for help?

    Please pray on what i've said

  7. do you usually dress yourself up and wear nail polish? Do you feel as though you want to look your best at all times and are afraid to be seen without a polished look?

    Also, are you trying to hide some things from others, are ashamed about some things being exposed?

    Please pray on what I've said

  8. A symbol means something different to each dreamer. I wonder if in this case, you are allowing God to be in control of your life because before you were trying to control things and it was agonizing?

    It's been my experience that different types of hair (and depending on dreamer) could represent new ways of thinking or representing someone else.

    Also, in the bible, Samson's strength was in his hair so when it was cut, his power was gone. Could hair for you mean holiness and a sense of power?

    Again, it depends on the dreamer and the context of the dream

    please pray on what I've said

  9. Aw, the days of cheering!!!lol

    Daph, when I read your dream, I thought of a pep squad so to speak. Organizing a group that will impact a lot of people. Maybe it is ministry and maybe your cousin will be involved in it in some way and you weren't expecting her too but it will be a welcome surprise?

    Please pray on what I've said

  10. your dream reminds me of a highschool graduation that takes place outside on a field (atleast that's how mine was).

    Soccer is a really important sport in Europe and South America and I wonder and maybe people are going to start turning to God and putting church as a top priority (even though some would expect it to be last)? Maybe it will be a huge spiritual event that takes place?

    please pray on what I've said as these are my thoughts

    God bless

  11. There are some digital recorders which are so convenient-but also kind of expensive!

    I always wanted to have something attached to my head while I sleep that would morse code my thoughts that could be taken to the laboratory and later transcribed. I know that as you said Daph, with technology going the way it is, that it can happen! I'm thinking of it to be long white cord attached to some headphones that electronically records my reactions and thoughts in my sleep. That would be so cool! I feel so like that movie: "artifical intelligence" (AI)!lol

  12. God loves you and don't allow Satan to make you feel guilty about past sins (just a general note, not saying you are doing this). I agree that Satan does like to use our past against us.

    Continue on in God because He's doing some great things! I think you'll be great in helping women with their issues! Women need strong and positive women leaders in their lives!

    Be blessed and thanks again for your words. I will think on what you've said

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