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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. had a dream where I see a man's dog come towards me (he's a white maltese, but a little bigger?) Anyway, I'm kinda skeptical of the dog but he says that "he won't bite." So, I relax when it starts to nibble/slightly bite on my right hand?

    In the next scene I remember seeing some men (hispanic) try to break into my parents house. I immediately climb through a window to stand outside on the window pane and then I grab my sister's arm and pull her up to join me. As we stand beside the window, I urge her to not make any noise as we observe the dark figures (one man had on his hoodie) standing beside their car in a parking lot beside the house. i wonder what they are doing? Whew! Thank God they didn't catch us! My sister then realizes that she left her red blackberry phone (which she doesn't own IRL) inside the house--now they can easily find information!! She is mad that it could now be stolen!

  2. We are VERY good friends. He does know some of my dreams and desires. We are both cool around eachother (like siblings!)lol

    I don't know what's significant about 2011 (I know numbers are literal) but I DO know when I graduate he wants to follow me to wherever I'm moving!!lol

    He's cool but I don't really look at him as my type.
    Also, in the dream, he looked like someone else as well. IRL, he doesn't have twists but a low cut.
    *Side note: he also knows about my prophecy about my mate--remember that one I told you years ago?

    thanks for the answer. I guess we'll have to see what happens


  3. My friend that I call "pastor" IRL, called me about doing something or going home to see his parents? Anyway, he came over and I remember him having on a white t-shirt and small-medium sized twists (beginning of dreadlocks) in his head (the locks looked nice and his head looked freshly oiled). My hair was in its most natural form (Cholette and Lurdys may know what I mean ) but I felt comfortable. My friend has gotten behind me in my bed that I currently have and he layed his head down on one of my pillows beside me. I looked over and he was looking up at the ceiling and small beads of sweat was coming from his face. His entire face turned a medium shade of blue (sort of the color as the site's banner) and he was inhaling and exhaling. I heard something like "icyhot". I began to touch his face in a loving, motherly-like way and putting it on my face. I was sucking my thumb in front of him (I guess I was comfortable) and I thought it'd be a turn off but it wasn't.

    He lifted his side of the blanket up and noticed that I was somewhat unclothed and he seemed startled at what he saw. It was no big deal to me, but I covered myself up so that he could feel more comfortable and not like he disrespected me. We were watching t.v. (possibly a show on TBN) and the show was counting down to the new year, "3...2...1" etc. Suddenly, 2011 popped up on the screen. I'm like, "is it 2011?" My friend looked at me with a weird face (like he couldn't believe I asked that question). I touched his twists, never thinking that I'd be attracted to this guy. IRL, this guy is my best friend but he is sooo annoying! He also doesn't have twists but a low cut.

  4. MANIFESTATION (1/24/2010)
    A friend of mine from years ago, said that he read some of my articles (on Jan 21) that I published online and that he was impressed--I had no idea that others from my past were reading my works!! WOW!! I was just surprised that he not only was trying to get in touch but that he was familiar with my writing!
    I think my ex's family in the dream represented others from my close circle (in my past and other states) were going to see my success! PRAISE GOD!

    I felt the same way--a quick success, so thanks for the confirmation!!

    I didn't know that about "carolyn" so thanks. I'm always interested in meanings of names, so it intrigues me when God drops one in my dreams!

    Even though my back feels like its up against the wall, I really do feel like this dream is one of encouragement. PRAISE GOD!

    I knew the meaning of my name, which I've come to appreciate. I have two other names that mean beloved and strong warrior--so God is doing some things!!

    Be blessed and thanks for your interpretation


  6. Maybe you and your husband are in need the same position right now--like restoration or a need from God? You said that he let himself go (I don't know if you've seen him lately to see if this is literal) but maybe in a spiritual sense he has "let himself go" as in he's not where he needs to be in Christ--acting nochalant about the Christian lifestyle and once you've found out about, you are sad?

    Something seems to be going on with him and maybe he's not being totally honest with his feelings (putting on a front that he's okay but he isn't really)?

    please pray on what I've said
    p.s. Good to see you online!

  7. Great scriptures Peter!

    You know Alice, I don't know if lately you've been questioning yourself or your value but to me, when I think of Crowns I think of "valuable" and "royalty".

    I want to encourage you that you are a jewel in God's eyes and that you are highly esteemed! Walk tall because you are valuable and God loves you sooo much!

    have a great day!

  8. (1/20/2010): I remember someone telling me that I had an article and my personal bio printed in Jet Magazine. I was surprised (side note: for those of you who don't know, I am a journalist and I desire to be on CNN one day; IRL I've had a couple of published articles in some national websites but nothing on television or nationally recognized magazine. I currently write for my school's newspaper).

    Next, I remember returning something (pink old school cash register/phone?) to Wal Mart at the Customer Service desk and the bottom half of my picture ID (where the picture was) was cut in half but I still was able to use it. When I got back to my room, I remember the room was dimly lit and I was sitting on my roommates side of the room on the floor with my back against the wall. I went into the dark bathroom and just sat in the empty tub (again my back against the wall and my legs sprawling over the front of tub). I looked up into the mirror and thought I'd see a dark figure that might scare me, but I was comforted and closed my eyes to rest.

    When I came out of the bathroom, I flipped on my television and I saw Madea (a character played by Tyler Perry) and some other people gathered around a living room--I quietly laughed. I sat back on the floor and my t.v. was facing my roommates side. On the t.v. I saw my email inbox and there was a message from someone named "Carolyn". The message said: "Congrats on Jet Magazine". WOW! I WAS in Jet! I guess I didn't believe it at first, but now someone else had saw the evidence! I was now nationally known! I was satisfied and thought to myself: "B's parents (B is my ex), subscribe to Jet. They will definitely see my article (or whatever is in there about me) and be impressed and see that I'm famous." For some reason, that felt good to me. I was so happy that I couldn't believe it!

  9. I would have to agree with Unaday here (by the way, I love that avatar Una!), and say that it does seem like you will be involved with something you don't want to be involved with and it seems like its not good (ie: by the brown attire and dark setting)

    Stand, be courageous, and plead the blood CT!

    Be blessed

  10. Had a dream that me and my ex's wife were walking and talking together. I can remember that we were smiling and joking, so it mustve been a good cordial conversation. In the dream, she looked similar to Jennifer Lopez. I remember as we were walking (through a cafeteria?), that I saw my ex, and he was dressed in black. When he realized who we were, he turned the other way hurriedly. (You know like when you see someone that you don't expect to see and when you see them you're embarrassed so you walk in another direction?)
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