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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Welcome to the group!

    We are so glad that you are here to fellowship with us! I know that you will be blessed as much as I have!

    When I think about your dream, I thought about how the enemy could have been possibly attacking your life in an aggressive way lately--not wanting you to fulfill your God-given destiny? He attacked your belly and I am reminded of the scripture that Jesus says, "out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water". It seems like Satan is trying to hinder your destiny and attack your testimony to keep you from hearing completely from God and enjoying his spirit working in your life. God's spirit brings peace and WE bind up the enemy's attempts to corrupt your peace and the blessings that God has in store for you if continue to remain faithful!

    You got me preachin now!!lol

    Again, welcome to the group and please let us know if you need anything. Feel free to share your testimonies, prayer requests and whatever is on your mind!

    Desiree (Starpop)

  2. I was going to say the same thing Lurdys

    Has something been bothering you lately that you need to go ahead and address it (it's in plain sight) so that you can get relief? There needs to be a 'washing away' of it?

    could you be seeing either a dangerous bug (something similar to a wasp, but not necessarily one) in your path soon and God is giving you a head's up so you won't be harmed by it?

    I guess we will have to see. :)

    Please pray on what I've said


  3. I have to agree with some of what Cholette has said in that you have to stay true to you and not compare yourself to others giftings.

    Do you feel like God has anointed you to sing for him and could your anointing for what you do be greater than some of the persons on the praise team? Maybe you don't realize the power of your gift? Again, don't try to be like someone else, find out where you fit and roll with that. You will be blessed by committing your gift to God and glorifying him with it. Allow God to take over your vessel and others will be blessed.

    How you were singing in the dream makes me feel like you are a humble person who really wants to be used of God and you want His WILL to be done above your own. You seem to have a pure heart--no ulterior motives. You clearly have something special that sets you apart from others on the praise team. Because of this fact, some will 'HATE' but don't allow that to discourage you.

    I've had many classroom dreams and I always felt like it was God 'shaping me' and 'teaching me' something that he wanted me to know before I could move forward. Others are looking at you--you're a living epistle, being read of men daily. How you handle pressure and how you react to others will be the key to someone else's salvation and knowing Christ. Do you feel like you're being tested where you are? Do you feel like you've missed out or missed the mark in some ways because of your comparing yourself?

    Let God show you and teach you just a little bit more before you move. You may not have missed out on anything but God may still need to prune you a little more. Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open. Stay focused. Don't look at what others are doing. Do what God has specifically told you to do and God will take it from there. God will show you what you need to know at His appointed time!

    Be blessed and please pray over what I've said


  4. I wonder if this dream is suggesting that you stand on your guard concerning your marriage? Has the enemy tried to attack some aspects of your marriage lately in subtle ways? Use the word of God to overcome Satan's tactics. Remember: NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER (Isaiah 54:17)

    please pray on what I've said

  5. Lurdys
    I wonder if yo're getting ready to commit to something that may relate to your past in some way? Like "going back to the old landmark" so to speak? In other words, going back to the basics or to things that you may have overlooked before?

    I wonder if you're needing to make some important decisions right now? There seems to be alot of choices, but you need to choose what is the best for you. Are you concerned about some things, especially concerning your family?

    From the dream, it seems like you were very happy about your 'marriage'. You were preparing yourself for it and getting ready. I wonder if in real life you will be involved in something (or commit to it) and you'll be very happy about the prospect of it? I wonder if what you're committing to is something you've been wanting to do for a while now?)

    Do you think that this dream goes beyond physical and into the spiritual realm as well--as far as your personal life/relationship with God improving?

    I noticed the 'blue' and 'purple' color scheme and then 'Embassy' which to me speaks of 'royalty'. I wonder if this has to do with "kingdom business" and preparing yourself to enter into some type of ministry of some sort?

    Please pray on what I've said

  6. Thanks for the encouraging words Connie!

    Two scriptures come to mind when I look at this dream and to confirm what Unaday was speaking on: Proverbs 4:27 "Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil." and Deuteronomy 5:32 "Ye shall observe to do therefore as the LORD your God hath commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left."

    This next year I want to continue to remain focused on God and not unto my own understanding (your scripture connie! Proverbs 3:5) and let God do the rest!

    Thank you all for your support and prayers!


  7. Interesting point of view true flight!

    I know one thing about the old testament saints is that they really had a hunger for God and when they needed to accomplish a specific purpose the Lord gave them the strength. But NOW we have the power to accomplish what God has sent for us to do!


  8. Well Unaday
    I want to clear something up: I can honestly say that I am in NO way struggling to choose "whom I will serve". I mentioned that the tattoos "reminded" me of something satanic, but not that it necessarily was Satanic. I just felt the drawings were interesting. I didn't have the idea for the tattoos, the tattoo artist did!! I do believe that I am called of God AND that the spirit of David is on me--I looove David's pureness of heart and his commitment to the things of God.

    In the dream, I forgot to mention that my arms were much bigger and I think that emphasizes my strength and that God is giving me more strength by his blood to overcome the enemy in every way! I have made a "permanent commitment" to the things of God!

    When I think of the dream, I am also reminded of the scripture that Paul spoke about: "when I want to do good, evil is right there next to me (paraphrase"). Living righteously is a day to day challenge because there is so much spiritual warfare taking place. I can't look to the left or to the right when it comes to making decisions---but I have to look ahead and know that God is with me nomatter what!

    PRAISE GOD for his faithfulness and the victory! Thanks for your responses everyone!

  9. I remember being inside a room with one of my sisters and my mom. I had on a whitebeater shirt (a thin white and sleeveless tshirt) and I remember looking at my arms that had dark ink all over them. I told my mom that I mustve been a little tipsy (inebriated) when the tattoo artist did my tattoos because I don't remember agreeing to her ink job!!! As I examined my arms in the mirror, I was a little regretful (because after you get tattoos it's hard to go back and remove them), but I felt somewhat sexy--as though I was Angelina Jolie (a bad girl, yet still sweet! ) There was all kinds of expressive artwork on my arms but on my right side I thought I saw a girl (who mightve represented me) with white hair, white eyes (somewhat scary and skeletal design) and dark chin. My sister said it looked like the girl had a goatee!!lol...The drawings on my arm just seemed a little eerie and 'dark' to me (reminded me of those biker boys and chicks, who have weird drawings on their arms, seems satanic). My arms were also a little bigger.

    When I looked at my left arm, it seemed a little bit more calming. An inscription of my character was written underneath a picture of a water faucet with a little drop of water falling from it. On top of that drawing was a cartoonish drawing of King David as a shepherd boy. He had a cute smile with something bald up in his hands (I assumed it was those stones to kill Goliath).

    Even though I liked the tattoo and after reading the bible I convinced myself it was okay to get one even though the bible says not too, I still had my doubts. I wondered if my husband-to-be would like me after he found out I had all of these tattoos on my arms?

    ***IRL, I have no tattoos but I had though about getting one.

  10. I've had one other dream where I dreamt of someone that I know on a bicycle. I had a vision just last night where I saw several children playing on large bicycles--much like the ones made in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It was very sunny outside and I remember one boy in particular who had on a white and burgandy horizontal striped shirt on with messy hair. The chilren were having fun.

    Here's the picture of the bicyle that I sort of remember, but in my dream it was a little different design.

    There have been other opinions of what a bicycle could mean, but what does an ancient bicycle mean?

  11. No Unaday, my parents haven't bought a new house.

    Peter, I think you may be on track here. I think God is doing some big things in my family's life as a whole. In the midst of seeing the tombstones in the dream, I saw flowers and sunshine--which to me meant prosperity and fruitfulness. It was a happy feeling. My parents seem different and there are some specific changes with my siblings as well!

    To answer your question: I am all for change!

    Thank you all for your prayers


  12. Do you feel like D is lying to you about some things IRL, that he's not completely truthful with you?

    I wonder if he's excited about getting into something but he really doesn't want everybody to know about it just yet? Maybe you may feel slighted that he didn't even want to tell you since you expected him to? Maybe you're thinking it's one thing between you two (as in a possible relationship) and he is thinking another thing--just friends?

    I would just suggest that you be prayerful and watch everything unfold--it may be different than what you expect. Remember, emotions are exaggerated in dreams.

    Please pray on what I've said

  13. Had a brief dream where my parents new house was a brick home sitting right on top of a graveyard. It was sunny outside, and I remember seeing lots of beautiful flowers around--blue and red stuck out to me--the headstones. When I saw the headstones I was freaked out--it seemed kind of eerie to me. Why did my parents move next to a graveyard? The complex where my parents lived reminded me of project housing.

  14. danaye
    Congrats on your celibacy, the Lord can keep you--I can attest!

    First of all I just wanted to mention that the desire to have sex is not a sin or a bad thing--God made it to be good and to be an expression worship to him within marriage. In addition, just because you wanted to have sex with your ex in the dream doesn't mean that you're lusting after him but only you know of your personal struggle to maintain purity.

    Most dreams are symbolic of literal real-life situations. I don't think that this dream is signaling sex per say, but I wonder if you just want to be intimate (as in be close to him, one on one contact, etc) with your ex? Do you miss him or regret the break up? Our feelings in dreams are often exaggerated and I wonder if In real life you're just longing to reconnect with your ex, even though it doesn't seem feasible or right to you right now?

    Personally, whenever I think of a bathroom, bathtub, or shower, I think of cleansing. The water was dirty in your dream, and I wonder if you feel like you're having impure thoughts against your ex or you think wanting to have sex with him is bad? Is wanting to reconnect/communicate with him a 'secret or hidden' desire of yours that you really don't want anyone to know about?

    I've had many a dreams of wanting to reconnect and/or 'have relations' with not only my ex but other guys and I think that was just my desire to want to be held or loved by a guy (have that companionship, which surfaced as sex in my dream). Ask God to give you clarity on your dreams and your feelings in them, because your feelings in your dreams are VERY important and can point to revelations.

    I've had dreams where I could talk to myself in the dream and where the holy spirit was heavy on me, I believe at those points in my dream I was just really connecting with God (our soul is where our mind and emotions are located and your dreams happen in your mind don't they?)

    We are here to pray with you and to ask God to give you more clarity. Don't worry, God has the answers--it just takes a little consistency in reading his word and listening to him when he speaks.


  15. Lurdys
    you keep moving back and forth from place to place: California, NYC, Philadelphia--it seems like a 'road trip' and this could be spiritual! I wonder if there's going to be some transitioning taking place with your family within the upcoming year?

    The part that stuck out to me was the 'cleaning your teeth' with your son. At two points you both were cleaning your mouth--I wonder if there needs to be more communication between you two, like you both need to clear the air with some things? Brushing our teeth is a normal activity and we must 'clean' dirt away in order to remain healthy and I wonder if that's also what needs to take place? I'm thinking of the Orbit commercial: 'Dirty mouth? Clean it up with Orbit gum'-lol You and your son haven't gotten into a disagreement lately have you?

    I wonder if the transition with your family has to do specifically with your son? Like you two need to be on one accord and be personally washed of some things together in order to come into completion for the new year? The champagne bottle reminds me of 'new wine' (Joel 2).

    These are my thoughts for now as I read your dream quickly but I will look over it some more and let you know of any more thoughts.

    Be blessed and pray over what I've said
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