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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. You all have said some interesting things!

    Connie, I did think "touch and agreeing" when we were praying. I remember in the dream I was looking around and observing the men, I guess I couldn't believe I was in the midst of them--felt kinda out of place as though I didnt belong there?

    Ive been prophesied to that I would marry a preacher so what you said is confirmation! I guess sometimes when I think on it I'm like, "do I really want to be a pastor/minister's wife?" It feels kinda awkward! My best friend says, "you have no choice"! (she's one! :)

    True Flight
    I'd like to think I'm one of the elite! :)

    thanks and smooches

  2. Well, its been said that numbers are literal and I want to ask you: is 24 a literal number to you? Also, blue for me has meant 'revelation' and/or truth. So could this be the same for you that God is going to reveal some type of truth to you that you didn't know before? It could even mean God revealing to you truth about himself that you weren't aware of before. Like a Moses experience?!

    Pray about what I've said

  3. I remember being in this semi dark room with a couple of my siblings and an aunt of mine (dad's sister). I was moving one of the couches towards the wall and my aunt said that "that is a part of your calling". I looked at her with a confused look ("moving furniture along with preaching etc?" yeah right! ). I guess she looked at me to see my reaction. I said, "I rebuke that" ( even though I knew in my heart that that's what I would do--preach).

  4. Again, possibly "movement" of some kind "change". I know that Mia says that numbers are usually literal so I wonder if the same is true here with clocks--literal time frame of something?

    Also what about, "the time is now"? Meaning, its now time to do some of the very things you said you were going to do in your personal life--even for the kingdom?

    please pray on what I've said and by the way Sandra, great response!


  5. I would agree and say 'warning' as well. I wonder if you're going a little too fast in your life with some things and you may need to take some precautions, slow down (even stop at some areas) and use wisdom before being 'impulsive' (watch and pray before making a decision)?

    Please pray on what I've said

  6. I AM GOING TO PURCHASE THE FOUR VERSIONS (NASB, AMPLIFIED, KJV, NIV) because there the bomb! Its only $45 where I am and that's a bargain! I love how you can just take one scripture and break it apart to give a whole new meaning in 4 different ways!

    Thanks for all the answers guys!

    I tend to believe the hair is a "new way of thinking" or "different way of thinking" depending on the context.

  7. Dreamz
    It seems like in both dreams you end up in awkward situations. In the first dream, it seems like you feel as though you don't deserve all of these nice things and then you start to worried if you're 'qualified' so to speak? I wonder if this dream is literal (that someone will do something for you but you dont have the means to accept it) or that its symbolic of the 'new thing' that God is doing in your life and you're not prepared in some way? Its like its overwhelming for you? As with the Isaiah scripture mentioned above I believe that you should just hold on and skake off "defeated mindsets" and negative thoughts. Change your thoughts from what others are thinking just as Caleb did so that you can get your inheritance (Numbers 14:24). Do not grow weary (grow tired) in doing well because if you hold on your reward will come (Galatians 6:9)

    Please pray on what I've said
    be blessed in all things

  8. I remember your 'complete outfits' dream!

    When you said 'shrinkwrapped', I thought about 'storing' and 'preservation'. Do you think there's something that needs to 'be kept', 'sealed', or 'stored' until a later time in your life?

    'Whole foods' reminded me of "wholeness"--no brokenness but peace. Also the 'whole word of God' and leaving nothing out.

    I've always felt like what a person wears reflects his/her attitude and personality (it can also be how we want others to see us). Depending on what type of clothes you were purchasing, that can say alot about who you are personally.

    I just wonder if you're preparing for something in some way?

    please pray on what I've said

    p.s. will you take a look at my Tye Tribbett dream and give me your thoughts. thanks

  9. Thats a good scripture Sandra!

    I thought about the child's story when monsters are hidden under the bed and they only come out when adults are not around to intimidate the child? I wonder if there is something 'hidden' from your friend that of course he didn't expect or even think about it before until it gives itself a way? Its like immediately your friend realizes 'something aint right' and he takes action--which is good! Possibly someone that may appear to be a friend (harmless/kind) but IRL is not and has to go?! Much like what Sandra said, "the truth about the person's character will be revealed"?

    please pray on what I've said

  10. This dream is sort of long but would like some feedback, I think its significant:
    Had a dream that I was inside this kitchen (similar to one like my dormroom but this all white), with my roommate, my sister that's directly under me and my roommates boyfriend. I remember the boyfriend having on white too (I think he usually weaers this)9. Anyway, I remember pouring myself and my sister some SUNNY D (an orrange drink) and my roommate wanting some too (she looked at me with an annoyed look becaue I hadn't rinsed out her cup). I went over to the sink and began washing out her cup, then I poured SUNNY D in it and we all seemed content becaiuse I remember everyone smiling. I also kept talking to my roommate's boyfriend and I was shocked that she wasn't offended as most women are.

    In the next scene I remember staritng up the shower (again, whole scenery white) and this time Tye Tribbett and my roommate were in the room with me. Tye Tribbett got in first under the showerhead to wash up and I was directly behind him and my roommate directly behind me (the three of us in a row). I remember seeing Tye's dreads being extra long and flowing (IRL, his dreads are shoulder-lenght and he was working up a good lather--I think I was singing along with him one of his hit songs "taste N See" (which basically talks about 'tasting and seeing' that the Lord is good, etc; it has a really catchy beat). Tye became perturbed when someone came into the bathroom trying to question his righteousness etc. And he said something to the effect, "just because I work with many baptists doesnt mean I'm not authentic...I work with everybody." Moments later, he turned off the shower, got out and eventually went into this room and closed the door. My roommate had gotten out too ( I don't think she washed up) but she turned to me smiling and saying, "thanks Syesha". I was supposed to be her sister though IRL, she only has brothers My roommate went past the door that Tye Tribbett was in and saw him--he was laying his head on his desk and apparently he had on a suit too and stacks of papers were everywhere. The look seemed as if he was either distraught or tired--couldnt differentiate between the two!

    p.s. my roommate is pretty nice and sociable. We talk every now and then but she's gone most of the time with her boyfriend. I don't know why I had these dreams of her back to back.

  11. Well the emotional and spiritual problems make sense Now (especially what Lurdys said). When I think of the stove I think about it being the center of the kitchen and in this case, the center of you is your heart and emotions. There's some issues that are stored up and need to be released. I definitely see those issues as "bugging you" just as Lurdys suggested!

    Girl, we stand in agreement and pray for your healing! WE speak peace to your situation! IN JESUS NAME!

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