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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Faithful,
    I was actually speaking to Unaday. I'm not trying to judge in any way, I was just trying to ask HER a question based on her dream. I'm sorry if you misinterpreted what I said. I think you had an awesome response to UNADAY's dream actually.

    You're right, "the wisdom that comes from up above" is what matters and that's why I speak only what God is saying not out of my own imagination as the bible tells us not to do.

    God bless

  2. Thank you all for the precious responses--they are appreciated

    Lurdys and MBstudent, I think you both are on the right track. In the past, I have gotten some negative feedback about particular aspirations of mine and prophecies but I've learned in the process who to divulge to. I feel like some prophecies are about to take place in the days to come and I want to be ready! Also, I've recently joined my school's newspaper and I'm one of the editors (for the entertainment section) and I feel kinda apprehensive about bringing my ideas to the forefront even though my chief said I'm a great asset and the ideas are great! Pray that I will stop feeling insecure about things and not take things so personal! Lurdys I agree with you too about this dream being literal as well. This little boy IRL, seemed scared around me, he wanted to confide in me but couldn't I guess, but I noticed that his guardians are really strict and mean. Sometimes I wish that I could adopt him (he's only 4) but I know saying things and doing that is not my place. I don't see him anymore IRL but maybe I will? Please pray for this little boy's protection and his family.

    ...I just thought of something: the "bird", especially a baby one, needs nourishment from the mother until its strong and mature enough to fly free on its own, this would make sense concerning my personal dreams (which have an appointed time to manifest). Maybe too, there's someone I need to 'take under my wings' and bring back to life from injury? This could even relate to my family since he lives right down the street from them.

    We'll see. I pray God brings revelation as He always does!

    Love you all very much

  3. I was in charge of taking care of "bird" (the nickname of this little boy I know IRL who lives right down the street from my parents). I was SO taken with this little one and everyone could see how we connected. (IRL, I kiss all over his face because even though he's bad, he is so cute and obedient to me! ) I felt like the boy's mother-kissing all over him and spreading the love! I just didn't want anyone to hurt him. Someone shot him and my instincts kicked in and I revived him by doing CPR. I killed the woman who tried to harm him. I thought: I could do this mom thing! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

  4. "Bishop D" No forreal, you're on point!!!

    Sometimes when others dream of us, they COULD be prophetic but then again, they could just be a dream. (Something that Mia taught me!lol) It just all depends.

    But when you're pastor said, "Cholette is always leaving" did he have disappointment when he said it? Are you the type that doesnt "settle" but is always "on the move"?

    please pray on what I've said

  5. I don't think this is bad and I don't think that this was a spirit talking to you in your dream but that its symbolic.

    Maybe this is revelation of what really happened to Michael, that is family (or people that assumed that role) really did kill him without even knowing they did?

    We'll never really know, but I do know one thing: when you dont have God in your life and have that close intimate relationship with him, all the fame in the world won't be able to keep you with a satiated/peaceful mind!

  6. We were talking all i remember is telling her that we had this bug problem & when I kept the kitchen clean they still manage to come back.

    This stuck out to me. Is there something in your personal life (maybe physically) that you've felt you handled but it seems to be coming back?

    Also, when I think of bees (which can be dangerous) I think about 'honey' and 'sweetness'. I wonder if there will be something going on with your friend (maybe you'll be involved) that will have a nice outcome even though at first it seems like a threat?

    please pray on what I've said

  7. I wonder if there is someone questioning your spiritual walk right now? Kinda mocking you somewhat?

    Side note: Again, when I think of 'Chinese' I think of 'Asian' which to me, means wisdom and great intellect. Is there something that you need to use much wisdom for?

    please pray on what I've said

  8. Hey girlie!
    First of all I just wanted to ask, "does the supervisor that kept closing the door--is he a little too concerned about his image or what others think about him?"

    I wonder if there is somebody trying to block or hinder your progress in some type of way?

    I definitely see the dream as you 'moving around' and 'finding your place' amidst the chaos.

    Please pray on what I've said

  9. Some would say that a bus means "ministry" but I don't know in this case. Whenever I'm riding in a big vehicle, I'm reminded of "Big change" in my life since our transportation usually symbolizes what's going on IRL. With their awkward sound and massive presence, buses can't be ignored and I wonder if this is just letting you know that something is going to happen for you (and possibly the women involved) that will make you happy on this journey and it can't be ignored?

    please pray on what I've said

  10. When I used to dream of my ex, because of the close connection we shared, God would reveal to me alot of stuff about him and later on, I would see someone that was connected to him (family members, friends etc) so maybe the same is true for you--that you will see his family members or him in person in the days to come?

    Some would also say there was either still a soul tie there or that I still had feelings and for a while I did--could this be true for you as well?

    When your ex proposed to you you kept looking at the ring as if it were old. Its like you're realizing in the dream, "man, this is old" does that go through your mind at times when you think of your exhusband that the relationship is "old" and "dusty" so to speak and that you're wondering why he's still an issue for you since you've moved on? Don't find it strange that Satan will try to use whats familiar to you to keep you from experiencing all that God has for you--being that you're ready for someone else now and your ex keeps popping up. Just continue to keep your eyes fixed on God's word and his promises and before you know it, your ex wont even be an issue anymore.

    I still think about my ex all the time, but my feelings are in perspective now than what they used to be. Its natural to think about someone every now and then that you were once intimate with (and I don't even necessarily mean sexually).

    God bless and please pray on what I've said

  11. Had a strange dream where my family and I were in a room where there were a bunch of crisp and clean white towels laying around. I noticed that the towels were possessed because they could move and "strangle" people on contact! One time when I was laying beside one, it seemed as though it was on the floor but I knew that I saw it move and some of my sisters recognized that there was something strange about the towel as well. I became scared and we all ran!

    (I think this could be something that's nonsense but significant!)

  12. To be honest, I haven't really been working in my gift of singing nor have I found a perfect fit yet in a church but I'm working on it!!

    Something DID just take place that I think has definitely interfered with my relationship with God! So, this dream was evidently prophetic. Please keep me in prayer!

    thanks to the responses

  13. I remember being in this gathering hall (similar to a 'fellowship hall') and I followed this woman (who happened to be my crush's sister; IRL I've never met this woman) dressed in white down a long pathway through the church. We came back to this table and my crush's brother (who I know IRL and who at one point liked me in highschool) was sitting there. The woman said she had talked to his brother. A few moments later, my crush came and I rushed and sat under the table with this girl. I was nervous to speak to him--I didn't want him to notice me because I wasn't "prepared" so to speak.

  14. Had a dream where I took out my guitar (I have one in real life that my dad bought for me that's stored under the bed!lol) and it was kinda smushed. The strings were everywhere; the guitar looked a mess! I started to cry at how instrument was looking badly and was destroyed! Now how was I supposed to learn to play it?!
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