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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Had a dream that I saw my baby sister go into the kitchen and come back out with a small ziplock bag in her hand. The bag looked like it had powder, mixed with sugar inside of it. I asked my sister what it was, and she said: "cocaine". She acted nochalant about it as my eyes widened in shock! I was appalled! I followed her to the room and got on top of her as she laid in the bed. Her eyes were closed, as she tossed and turned uncomfortably on the pillow--she seemed "out of it" so to speak. lol! I began praying aloud for her and rebuking the tactics of the enemy. AS I was praying, I was making sure that I was "where I needed to be" spiritually, so that whatever possible 'spirit' was on her wouldn't attach itself to me!! I didn't want my sister to resort to using drugs--she's so young! How come noone else in the family knew?

  2. I wonder why there is death everywhere? maybe different stages/types of death?

    I wonder if God has given you the gift of healing? don't let anyone discourage you about your gifting (even if the person is of a higher standing, etc).

    in the last funeral its with your family--but you don't want to stay and fellowship and you leave early. Are you close with you family (keep in touch with them)? Its like you "participate" in family affairs, but yet you don't want to be bothered.

    plz pray on what I've said

  3. Well, according to the bible, purple can mean different things--royalty, mockery (remember how the pharisees put Jesus in a robe before they hung him?), etc. Sometimes though, every little symbol doesn't mean anything--you just have to look at the whole context of the dream. Go to the home page on this site and go to "prophecy & dreams" link and click on the dream dictionary on the left side--there's a lot of good symbol references and other great information about dreams there! Hope this helps!


  4. Hey seeker!

    I wonder if the gun shots symbolize a possible threat to your physical health that will not prosper? You didn't have any fear even though you knew there was possible danger--you were bold and stood flat footed against the enemy. I wonder if whatever it is, it will turn around for your good (Romans 8:28) and others may not even believe what happened when they see it even though there is sure evidence surrounding it?

    Just know that you're blessed! The plans of the wicked against your life shall fall and you will come out on top (deuteronomy 28:13). Continue to stand on God's word and know that the enemy cannot harm you but you will overcome him (Luke 10:19)!

    What a nice dream! The Lord is showing you that He's protecting you and is your shield!!

    please pray on what I've said
    be blessed

  5. I don't know how you dream--symbolically or literally, but I wonder if this dream is symbolic for "outside influences, trying to disturb a peaceful and fruitful situation and cause confusion"? The officer's words made me think of, "you reap what you sow." You get what you put in. The bible says, "if you sow sparingly you will reap sparingly, and if you sow alot you will reap a bountiful harvest". Its up to us to determine how much we receive from the Lord and out of life. Chaos is not of God and he blesses those who fear Him with Peace! It seems like something is trying to "stop the flow of God".

    Another thing, is there anyone that you know that doesn't keep up with him/herself and is manipulative--causes confusion with others?

    Please pray on what I've said as these are my thoughts

  6. Don't get me wrong, celebrity/hollywood is not a "bad thing" (I desire to go there one day laugh see my avatar? *wink) but I wonder if in this case it is? I wonder if God is encouraging you to "focus on him" and to not focus on the "carnal things" or "the things of this world" that are only temporary and will pass away? You became involved because your daughter was involved but I don't know if you wouldve chosen that profession/path otherwise. I wonder if God is instructing you to not "assimilate" or "go with the flow" of what everyone else would do, even if it isn't bad/sinful (its just not beneficial for you or what God would want for you even though it may seem like it's the right thing at first?) Do what you KNOW to do and God will bless?

    Please pray on what I've said

  7. It was your school that your bf's children were attending?

    Are there some things about your past that are coming to the forefront that you may be confused about?

    Do you have a good relationship with your boyfriend's children? I wonder if they are involved in something that seems a little awkward to you or you're unsure about?

    These are my thoughts so please pray on what I've said

  8. But now I am saying to God, it is time that I get my own.

    Though you've been telling God that "its time" I wonder if God is telling you differently? I'm not one to judge or tell someone that they aren't hearing from God, because I don't know how God is dealing with you concerning this. One thing that I can say is, "wait on God" to move in his time and his way. Remember:

    "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, " declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."-Isaiah 55:8-9

    Often times when we think we are ready to do something, we may not be in God's terms. Your situation reminds me alot of Abraham--as he was waiting for his promised child, God had told him to pray for other couples who had been barren and God instantly opened up their wombs. It must have been difficult for him, wanting his breakthrough, but he had to wait while he witnessed everyone else receiving theirs. But because of his obedience and patience, God blessed him greatly.

    I wonder too, if God is seeing just how you will respond to others blessings--will you get bitter? Anxious? Or will you rejoice with them as you wait for your blessing to come? ALot of times God wants to see what's in our heart--he wants to see how we'll respond.

    "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."-Philippians 4:6

    Finally: "wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."-Psalm 27:14

    Waiting can be one of the most difficult things to do at times, but for those who do it, it builds character and produces a harvest in the end!
    I will be praying for you! He knows how much you can bear!
    God bless! kiss

  9. you know, when one whitens one's teeth, it is done to make a smile look better and it actually is more attractive. I wonder if whitening the teeth just shows that God's making you be the best bride and wife that you can be for your husband-to-be? You both will complement one another and everyone else will be on one accord (in agreement) when it comes to your union because it will be truly "holy"?

    These are my thoughts and please pray on what I've said

  10. Perhaps that may mean that the "baby" is being supplied with spiritual brain nourishment or spiritual brain food.

    I thought about that too Butterfly, honestly I did!! lol! Lola, what you said makes sense too!

    Again, we'll have to wait and see, I will pray more on it! thanks for you all's help


  11. I definitely thought the part of 'the cord' being attached to the head as symbolic maybe for "doing things in a nontraditional way'? The baby being placed in the bag instead of the amniotic fluid was weird too--as if again to say, "doing nontraditional procedures' to bring something to pass. I'm still trying to figure out the 'blood portion'--where one side of the face was red. Weird, but I know that God will bring clarification.

    thanks for your response

  12. Lord, I praise you. He said, "Raise your hands, woman of God. When I came in and said to look at your neighbor and say the good news is that the bad news is wrong, that message was for you. God says it's over. The assignment the enemy had to break you has been cancelled. You have suffered long! It's over!"

    Girl, don't you love it when just when you think God does not hear you or seem like he's not there, he sends a powerful woman or man of God to encourage you otherwise? HALELULIA! I love it when God shows us that he's "always there" and that he "wont fail us" or "forsake us"--nomatter the circumstance. HE truly loves you Virtuous and as you continue to hold on to God's hand he will reward you in due season!!! PRAISE GOD FOR THAT POWERFUL TESTIMONY! The plans of the wicked shall fail!!! I hear you girlie!! thumbs :PTL: look, I got on my shouting shoes now!!! lol!

    Here's a word for you:

    "Don't let your past dictate your present expectation"

    "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will NOT fail you or forsake you until ALL the work for the service...of the Lord is finished."-1 Chronicles 28:20

    Receive that today! God is good! I needed to hear that! 👏

  13. Dear Lola21st and MBSTUDENT:

    Thank you both for the responses--you gave me something to ponder on.

    Lola-It all depends on the dream that I'm having when it comes to determining whether my dad or mom are symbolic or literal. In the past, my dad seemed to be more symbolic and my mom was literal (since in real life we talk alot about everything!) In this case though, I don't know. thinking Seems to me though that my dad would represent God. The 'plastic bag' part struck me as odd too. Isn't that dangerous to put a baby in a plastic bag? Though it seemed wrong--I guess the 'master physician' knew what he was doing!! 👏

    Mbstudent-I would have to agree with you as well, that "God is not ready to deliver the finished product yet"--its going to take a little more time. I look at it like this: If its God's best, then I'm willing to wait!!! The bible clearly states that those who trust in God and wait on him will NEVER be disappointed or put to shame! I'm looking forward to the future! praiseGod

    Bless you both
    much love

  14. Somebody that I know in the dream, is getting ready to deliver a baby--possibly my mom? The woman is laying down as we open up her stomach and take the baby out to observe it; its so cute! (The mom appears to be only 7 months pregnant at this point, but the baby "looks" full term and ready for the world lol! ). Anyway, the white umbilical cord is attached to the top of the back of the baby's head. I realize that noone can move the baby too far because of the cord--and that could endanger both the mom and child. The baby looks healthy and happy--having fat rolls around the legs and black coal eyes (almost like buttons). The right side of the face begins to fill up with blood (turning the right side a dark "pinkish" color). My dad suggests that the baby is not ready to come out of the stomach, so he puts the baby inside a white plastic grocery bag, ties it up, and places it back inside of the woman's stomach. He then proceeds to close the stomach up! what

  15. I wonder if your friend feels "beaten up" and worn out by the different trials and tribulations of life? Has he "given up" so to speak on life and God? I once heard a pastor say that "this is the season where those who you were 'fishing after'--those who were rebellious to your witnessing or not wanting to hear the message, will come back by a supernatural attraction in the spirit." The pastor was basically saying to not give up on those that you've been witnessing to or praying for because God has heard your prayers and the harvest is coming. God is faithful to his promises and he fulfills the desires of the righteous and if it is your desire to see the lost saved--God will do it--in his time and way!

    I wonder too, if the growth on his chest either represent "heart issues/conditions"--brokenness, unforgiveness, bitterness, depression, resentment, etc or real life heart problems--like disease, pain, etc that need medical attention?

    Have you spoken to your friend lately about whether he's been having serious chest pains, etc?

    Hardened hearts definitely keep us from receiving all that we need from God--your friend needs to forgive whomever hurt him so that he can be completely healed.

    Please pray on what I've said

  16. The thing that stuck out to me was the "buddhist statue" and other similar statues. Buddhism is not christianity and the funny thing that I find about the other religions of the world, is that they try to have a "Form of Godliness" but lack the true power of what Jesus and Christianity stand for. In other words--"counterfeit"--not the real thing. I wonder if there is something in your life that "seems harmless" but in fact that's only a trick to get your mind off what you really need to be thinking on--God? When I've had maroon color in my dreams, it often represented the "color of wine" and "blood" as in Jesus' blood and I wonder if there is some "cleaning out of the closet" that needs to be done with some old issues in your past? You need to depend on Jesus and his resurrecting power, not listen to others or anything else in your life that may seem like the "right answer". Dont get distracted. Don't be afraid. Use wisdom and discernment because Satan loves to "throw us off" at any point that he can. Stay focused on what you know you came to do and God will keep you safe (if you're righteous).

    Hope this resonates with your spirit. Be blessed and pray on what I've said

  17. I thank you for the suggestion/offer but since being a member on this site, I have learned that sticking to the bible is best when figuring out dreams.

    I'm not sure I've heard of that author before but I will do some research on her or him lol! . We encourage members on the site to not offer outside sources (other than the bible) to avoid confusion, as the authors,pastors, or books mentioned may go against our principle teachings.

    I hope that I haven't offended you in anyway. Thanks again for your help though--I believe that God will bring ultimate clarity to the situation. Just trying to wait on his voice to speak.

    smooches with love

  18. lol! ...I'm doing good (thanks for asking) :)

    Just trying to stay focused on God and let him lead me and guide me in all ways. I have to say, waiting on the promise to manifest is the hardest thing!

    Concerning your dream, I think it will be a generally good friendship/relationship (male or female) beginning. What do you think?
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