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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Excuse me, but I don't feel like anybody is "shunning" a particular person or group here. Not all posts are answered because God more than likely hasn't given an interpretation yet.

    We are a group that focuses on love and uplifting one another. We bring glory to God--for it is he that gives us understanding of our dreams and visions--not ourselves. So, if you have an unanswered post--wait on God to answer you. Don't give up hope--and while you wait, seek God out for yourself. If you are sincere, the Lord will bring clarity and understanding (he did it for me).

    I ask though that you refrain from typing "negative commenting" in your posts. Please don't bash anyone or point blame. If you have a concern you can email a moderator(s) personally. If you personally felt like someone was ignoring you intentionally or otherwise beforehand, why didn't you email one or all of the moderators to express this point? I am sure that we wouldn't have minded at all and your concern would have been answered accordingly.

    Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Please, lets remain respectful and lovely towards one another to continue to make not only Mia proud, but our father as well!

    desiree (starpop)

  2. God says in Acts 10:34-35, that God doesn't show favoritism. In your opinion, it may seem to you that God treats people differently but he doesn't. Everyone (includes young, old, female, male, etc) that accepts God as their personal savior and lives according to his word and commands will have access to his blessings and his favor.

    The bible says that (paraphrase) "God doesn't treat us as our sins deserve", so because of God's mercy we don't get the punishment that matches the crime even though we are disciplined (because he loves us) Hebrews 12:5-9)...Its people that treat eachother differently and with biase.

    Oh my gosh! I just realized I said similar to what cholette said without even reading! GLORY! :PTL:

  3. I have been to some churches (or should I say "Assemblies") that have programs and activities designed JUST FOR SINGLES. Not only does it bring "like minded individuals together" but it helps those who are single to focus on God (appreciating their singleness) and meet and greet within the group to find future spouses and have general fun (without worrying about whether or not they're staying out too late away from the spouses! lol! )

    It is sad that there are some assemblies that don't have these programs available for singles--that's why some go back into the world, have rushed marriages (as mentioned to not feel "left out" or to burn), and totally miss out on God's will for their lives because of no direction and support (this is true for my parents home church). There's people that just don't have the desire to "put programs together" or to get involved--there ARE people that are hungry and have the desire but don't know where to turn.

    We need to have some strong bible-believing and faith filled christians to start to REALLY pray and begin these singles' programs in the church. So I definitely agree with you on the praying part CHOLETTE! lol! I personally enjoy being single (this hasn't always been true) but when I recognized that I can do so much now for God instead of waiting until I was married, my attitude started changing! Marriage takes a lot of work and some just aren't ready for that. Lets not waste any more time "passively waiting" and get involved as much as we can for the kingdom of God and before you know it, the one that God has for you will show up out of no where--and that's when you'll be ready!!! 👏

    God bless
    thanks for posting

  4. Well, I can say that I have become more and more intimate with God that I KNOW his likes and dislikes (if that makes sense)?lol

    Its funny you said, "father-in-law"---because the guy was actually my ex's father (I've never been married before). hmmmm, you may be on to something here! lol!

    I dreamt about my old school alot mainly because I found out that my ex is going to that same school!

    I've had one other dream of my ex's father being comfortable with me. The only thing I can say about that is possibly his parents are missing me and liked me around!

    thanks for your help

  5. Being that I understand EXACTLY how you feel there is only one thing that you can do: WAIT.

    Though it may seem hard you have to wait and in the mean time, you should "watch and pray" until God brings him in your path. Nothing is too hard for God. He's big enough to do anything--especially bring two people together.

    You've done all you can do now you have to wait for God to do what He will do. The hardest thing to do is to wait on God's promise to come to pass.

    I will be praying that God continue to keep you focused and patient as you wait!

    p.s. If you need anything I am here! kiss

  6. Aw, the memories of girl-scouting! lol! Seriously, girl scouts was an excellent teaching tool for me--showing me all about teamwork, character, and friendship without even knowing it!

    Do you teach at your church in real life or do you have a desire to? Do you have a desire to help young women and girls?

    As you continue to trust in God and do as he asks of you, he will elevate you, and quickly. Keep standing on his word. Know that you know that you know (if you know what I mean?) lol! Don't let anybody discourage you or make you think like you're not "on one accord with God".

    I wonder if people from your church or club organization will notice that you are consistent and a diligent worker and they will offer you a promotion?

    please pray on what Ive said

  7. Hey!
    I don't have an interpretation but reading your dream made me think of two things:

    Discernment and transitioning

    You were able to pick up on the spirit in the room and see that "something wasn't right" even though others were "accepting" and/or oblivious. You were bold and "watchful" (which we must be in this walk against Satan's tactics).

    Also in the bible times, when God changed a person's name it was not only symbolic of "spiritual change" (new creature in Christ) but also a new identity. Its like, the way God sees us is different than we see ourselves. In order for Abraham to be the "father of many nations" his name had to change to mean that; (the same was true for his wife whose name meant, "chieftan" chief of all princesses; in this case the "mother of all nations"). Sauls name was changed to Paul to show that his "lifestyle" had changed; the same for "Jacob" --which his name was changed to "Israel"=God's people.

    When I think of Amber I think of fragrances and the sweet fragrance of God (incense, perfume, etc). I wonder if since you came into truly knowing God if he has given you a special "discernment" (making you sensitive to certain things that many aren't--through the senses)? (which I think you mentioned before that you "smell" spirits, etc). In the dream, you mentioned the type of wood (ie: wood uses in building of altar, etc) which is significant.

    I wonder if the car doors coming off just symbolized you being "transparent" and things being "exposed" in your life by others?

    Please pray on what I've said. These are my thoughts

  8. The thing that I find odd is that the nurse didnt want to do an ultrasound on you out of fear.

    I wonder if there is something that you want to do that others don't necessarily want you to do because they may not be in agreement with it or "think you can do it" so to speak?

    Your friends were the ones that discovered your pregnancy before you did. I wonder if there is something (talent, project, etc) that you're friends realize that "you should be doing or be apart of " but you're kinda unsure about at first but bring it to others attention as well?

    Also, the baby only moved when someone was touching your stomach. Do you feel you are only motivated/prompted by something when someone else takes action or shows you--otherwise you dont pay much attention to it or its not a big deal? Also, I thought about how Timothy (young minister) in the bible was given his gifts/ministry when the elders/prophets prayed for him with the "laying on of hands". I wonder if your ministry or gifting will be realized to you by this way?

    please pray on what i've said

  9. ooh Lola you beat me to it!!!! lol! rofl


    ARen't you glad that Jesus had our names on his mind when he died for us? He saw the big picture!

    I am sooo glad that I know him!

    smooches with love kiss happy dance


  10. I DO encourage myself alot, but I have to say that I do not feel like my spiritual life is stolen!

    Immediately I thought about: the thief (enemy)...I dont know if its just concerns about me feeling like Satan will try to "take my personal/special things" and embarrass me in some way--if that makes sense.

    thanks for your response
    p.s. I do like to listen to some secular music, so I'm not surprised if some of it pops up in my dreams while I'm asleep! laugh

  11. I thought about the "something new" thing too Peter. I even thought about that new thing bringing me much happiness, refreshment, cleansing (spiritually/emotionally), etc.

    A new relationship sounds pretty exciting at this point!!! We will just have to see!
    thanks again for your response

  12. A big fat, white guy with red hair (I'm sorry if I've offended anyone flower ), comes into this room and steals my laptop computer and a USB drive that goes with it! (IRL, my ex had given me this computer and on it, I keep very personal/private things on it--I really don't like others to use it; the USB port, which is a small disk, also has VERY private advice, school papers, bible notes, etc on it that's for my eyes only lol! ) I wasn't mad but worried and helpless as what to do! I didn't want anyone to see anything that they shouldn't see on my computer and I felt as though I needed to get it back before someone actually DID!) IRL,even though I try to be transparent and laidback :kitty: , I am still a little reserved and private only letting "a few" into my world.

    At night, a few of my siblings and I, plus a family from Church, we're all outside at this apartment complex playfully singing the lyrics to a secular artist named Usher's songs entitled: Seduction. This song speaks about usher having a girlfriend but being seduced by this waitress who he knows its wrong to mess with on a sexual level but a part of him still wants to, not thinking about the consequences (or not caring I should say)! lol! We were singing the chorus (here's a bit of it):

    Since you are sexy erotic
    You gon' get me-- do it, do it to ya
    You thought out your best
    To get me outa control,
    The more I creep around with you
    Make me wanna get Down, Down, down with ya

    The church family seemed to be just looking at my family(especially me) mimic the words. Across the street, by a stairwell, I notice what appeared to be my computer and the bag it came in! My eyes grew big--I couldn't believe it! The computer is plugged up into an outside outlet, and apparently the person who planned to get on it had gone somewhere to get something, and would be back momentarily.

    I jumped at the opportunity to get my computer before the person who had stolen it, came back. I was extremely confident that this computer was mine. Eventually the man who was the culprit came back, and I assumed that he was behind me, so I grabbed the computer and ran with it in my arms! Whew! laugh
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