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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I had a short vision that I had just gotten married (I had on this beautiful dress and veil, with the bouquet in my hand) and I was leaning in close on my groom and smiling. He looked dapper in his suit. There was lots of sunshine outside and beautiful-earthy/natural surroundings. He was "all smiles" and seemed familiar to me. We both seemed very happy as we posed for the photographer. We were in wedded bliss (as well we should be!!! lol! flower ) happy dance

    hmmm... thinking

  2. Hey Cholette!

    I wonder if this dream is showcasing you bringing things "Back to life" (restoration, growth of dry areas, etc)? In this case, when I think of water I think of "refreshing, "life giving", sustenance", etc--and that is exactly what the holy ghost does for us in our lives--brings new life and quenches our souls thirsts! Remember how God told the woman at the well that if she drank from this "living water" (being him) she would never thirst anymore (John 4)? Its something about when God gets ahold of us we don't need anything else!!! 👏

    The water was able to give the dry patchy grass "new life" and I wonder if that is what God is doing for you and causing you to do in the area concerning childrens' ministry? If not children's ministry, what is it that God wants to "Restore" in your life that may have died? Inspite of the "dry spots" there was flourishing grass (Psalm 72:7;16) and that is a blessing---God is still flourishing you inspite of some "dead" areas?

    please pray on what I've said

  3. These are just some thoughts:

    I wonder if you feel as though you need to run closer with God now than ever before? "The Lion was Going to Come"..made me think about how courage, boldness, and even wisdom are going to be your portion soon so don't be afraid as you run this race? Side note: Lions don't eat deer do they? It just makes me think about doing things that you wouldn't normally do to "survive".

    I may be way off base here, but please pray about what I said okay sweet-sweet!lol


  4. If someone close to me is struggling with an addiction, they are obscuring it..."...obscured from my view by the clouds...,disturbing the clouds,...leaving a trail,...then it emerged..."
    Addictions do leave a "trail".

    Wow, good observation! Could be very true!

    Please let us know what God reveals!

    smooches kiss

  5. Rejoice!!

    We are so happy that you're apart of this group! God has so much in store for you and don't allow Satan to make you feel as though you're not close to God or that you don't matter. Remember that God is not the author of confusion. God promises in His word that "when we draw close to him, he will draw close to us". He IS right there next to you, even though it may seem like you don't feel him.

    Sometimes we are so engulfed with things of this world and problems in our daily lives that we don't even recognize that God is our shield, our sun, our protection, and right there with us through the flood and the rain. He's always on the other side to welcome us with open arms!

    NOTHING SHALL SEPARATE YOU FROM THE LOVE OF CHRIST! Don't let circumstances, people, or unfair events to discourage you or make you forget about the truth. The truth is that God will never leave you or forsake you--when others do, he is ALWAYS there.

    Be blessed this hour and know that God is smiling at you and He understands all of your problems because he's experienced them too!

    PRaying for you--don't get discouraged

  6. Hey girlie!!

    I wonder if this is literal--that in real life, while you're out with friends, something will happen (maybe an altercation in or outside of an establishment) and it will cause you to be a little nervous or uneasy?

    Its funny that you said the men resembled "hulk, spiderman, or batman" because IRL, these are superheroes and out to SAVE people and not harm them. So they're doing things that are uncharacteristic of what they should be standing for right? (I mean no superhero would shoot someone in the head!!!)

    Let us know what happens.

    Good to see you back online! Be blessed

  7. Did you have some issues with your boss at one time and now it seems like she is really "warming up" to you? Has she been acting as though she wants to be around you or hang around you at work lately--wanting a friendship (getting personal, symbolized with the bathroom scene)?

    please pray on what I've said

  8. Thanks for your response Peter

    I DO think that my ex has changed (I don't know if its good or bad--hopefully good flower ). I feel like I am on the "outside looking in" and that I can see how he is hurting others in the process possibly? There's no doubt in my mind that he's hurting--I KNOW that he is. I continue to pray for him that he will live a life that's pleasing to God and that he will experience God's love like he's never experienced before! I definitely see him as being someone that he is not.

    I am SOOO glad that God protected me when I was in a relationship with him and allowed things to go as they did with us--I am at peace and brand new in God and I couldve been the one that was severely hurt in the process! GOD IS GOOD!
    I praise him daily! 👏 praiseGod

    p.s. I plan to wait on God's very best and not settle for less!

  9. I had a dream where I see my ex from a distance, walking towards me and smiling (he's dressed in a bold red shirt (like a turtleneck)--can't miss him if you tried!!lol) When he approaches me, he turns into Soulja boy (a popular teen artist, who rose to fame through internet sites such as YOUTUBE and Myspace with his unique dance/rap style; he's very popular with the youth). I can remember looking at this guy's face (so clear and smooth) and I specifically remember him wearing diamond studs in both ears (side note: IRL, my ex doesn't have his ears pierced). His face stood out to me in the dream, and appeared very close to mine. I also look at his wrists and notice he has on two? silver Rolex watches and he's looking at the watches and tapping them. He then says, "talk"?

    *this is the first time in a while that my dreams of my ex shows him talking directly to me and morphing into someone else.

    Throughout the dream, I see my ex moving through crowds of people at this gathering, and not being able to stay in one place for too long. I don't see him around his wife but around some women. My dad speaks to this woman (caucasian) who at one point is wiping tears away ( I assume she has been hurt by my ex). My dad starts saying how this guy, "who he thought had changed", hasn't really. Based upon all the things he was saying indirectly, I assumed that he was speaking about my ex--because this guy he was referring to and my ex seemed similar in character. I didn't want to ask the girl any specifics in fear that I'd be disappointed to find out that my ex didn't infact change. I didn't want her to think that I was "wondering" about my ex.

    Any ideas? thinking

  10. Marie

    I just wonder if this dream is just showing you that there are many problems going on around you and they seem to be multiplying? Even your husband is getting "perturbed/agitated" by them because its affecting him and the relationship?

    Please pray on what i've said

  11. Has your husband placed you and your family in a questionable/somewhat troublesome situation (ie: in too deep) but he's trying to "go with the flow" of things, hoping this time that things will be okay/work out? Are you disappointed by the situation, knowing that by now you can't really do anything about the decision made, just hoping that "it will be over with" afterwhile?

    please pray on what I've said

  12. Do you think it may be something worse than strep throat--possibly tonsilitis?

    I will definitely pray for you because I believe "wholeheartedly" that God is a healer and will not only heal but do it completely (make it like it never happened!) 👏

    p.s. please read your inbox kiss

  13. I don't have an interpretation but I have some thoughts:

    Once again, do you feel like you will be observing a traumatic accident and see certain individuals that are involved? I sometimes dream and I'm feeling another person's pain etc (because I'm sensitive,etc) and maybe (as Lurdy's suggested) this is what is happening with you--you're feeling someone's cry for help?

    This may be call for intercession--stop something from happening. please pray on what I've said


  14. The general or admiral (white man with green jacket with stars on it, etc) told me that someone nominated me for "BOARD OF TRUSTEES" position--he pulled out a yellow/gold paper I was so surprised! Who nominated me? I started to cry as he showed me the paper, because I was so humbled and overwhelmed with happiness--I was honored to be given this prestigious position. He told me to contact him so he could be my sponsor if I needed one (and at first I thought I was getting into trouble because I had walked into a movie theater without paying! I just knew that I would be arrested for not having that "green stamp" on my hand!lol) The officer began to cry too! I was so thankful--so suprised that this happened.
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