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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Daph, I'm always happy to help a fellow sis in Christ!!

    Hey, in other posts, didn't you mention that with your first husband you were kind of the "needy/clingy" type? I wonder if when God spoke to you in church if this was a test to show you that maybe you were or are becoming this way with your present husband--looking to him as your comfort instead of God (ie:Like a "security blanket")? Maybe this is a great time to start being even more independent minded,etc and continue doing things that YOU love to do that's apart from your husband while he's doing his thing? Tell me what you think.

    smooches and God bless

  2. It does makes sense that the baby wasn't going to harm you once you kept speaking Jesus and it came close in a "friendly way". I wonder if the baby represents your husband--you were afraid of him getting a full time job but maybe there's nothing to be concerned about? I wonder if you're allowing your concerns and fears about this "change" to have more power than it needs to have? Because the baby wanted you to nurture it, I wonder if your husband just wants you to be supportive of his decisions right now--even if you're not totally in agreement with it? When you do this, you'll find that its not all that bad as you first thought? I wonder if God is telling you that NOW IS THE TIME for you to face your fears so that you can become FEARLESS and totally depend on him in this time of uncertainty?
    These are my thoughts
    please pray about it

  3. I DO think that God is putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.

    I don't know if I understand you...first its mentioned that my "feelings are playing a big role" and then you're saying that I shouldn't rely on my feelings? Feelings are VERY important when looking at our dreams. Of course I wait for God to give me the interpretation, because he knows, but other people's help and responses help me to see other viewpoints AND if I'm going in the right direction with my own thoughts and feelings. Are you saying that when it comes to trusting God's plan for my life not to rely on my feelings?

    the more time the enemy retain what is yours more greater will be your reward..

    I know that my reward will be great if I keep being obedient and looking to God, but in this quote (correct me if I'm wrong) you make it seem like I am waiting for my ex's marriage to fail--in which I'm not! I want the best for him and I was just seeing here what God was revealing. I guess what I'm saying is, please clarify what you mean in your post (I want to make sure we're on the same page, so please don't be offended) flower

    When I saw who I thought was his wife I said, "that's his wife"...I guess I looked in disapproval, not believing that that was her--even though she looked similar to how I thought she would, she still looked different. Maybe in real life she is a different woman--no longer the same? My ex too looked different even though I recognized it as him.

    Again, we'll just have to see--I know and realize that things are definitely changing for the better in the atmosphere--I can see it!!! 👏 thanks and God bless you

  4. This is crazy but there have been so many people dreaming about "taking possession" of something and reclaiming authority--this has to be GOD!!! I've been thinking about the scripture: "the kingdom of God suffereth violence, but the violent take it by force" (matthew 11:12) we definitely have the authority to possess and take all that God has for us! He promised it to us but we have to "move" and do what we must to obtain it as it won't just fall in our laps!

    I agree with Daphanie here--Do you think that you will literally come into some land that will be profitable? If not land, something valuable that will become yours--maybe it is something concerning your family as you spoke about?

    please pray on what I've said

  5. Because most of my dreams are prophetic/literal--meaning they will happen in the future, I wait until they are manifested before I respond. I like to post my dreams to get others ideas/viewpoints. God could be saying something to you all totally different to what he's saying to me--I like to be open to different responses.

    I have many ideas right now. It could be that there's a literal baby on the way or that he's relearning the foundations/basic principles of the word of God and Christianity (1 Peter 2:2; Hebrews 5: 12-13; 1 Corinthians 3:2)

    Again...we'll just have to see what God shows me. I'll be sure to post it when I find out what it is!
    thanks for your response

  6. Remember going into this girl's house (she resembled an old high school friend of mine) and her television was on. I remember seeing the R&B quartet "Dru Hill" (one of my favorites, by the way lol! ) singing. They were singing to a crowd of young people/young adults about the dangers of the drug Meth. The Lead singer Sisqo (aka Mark Andrews), had on a large Tan color woven sweater/turtleneck that came up to his mouth and a little to his ears. There was a little hole where his mouth was so that he could talk. I was soo excited to see them (I absolutely love their harmonies and music!) I specifically remember seeing two other members of the group--Woody (who sang gospel music for a while) and Nokio (who has a child by the famous radio Jokey from New York--Angie Martinez). Anyway, there was a tall guy in the group who was also talking to this group. It seemed like it was a "summit" where people get together to discuss topics/ideas that are pertinent to the young generation or general population. He had on a tobaggan? The young man was really engaging as he spoke and the audience seemed to really like him.

    Fast forward and the guy was in the living room of this house with me--don't ask me how he got there!! lol! There was this large tan colored recliner/rocking chair that I was sitting in and he happned to be sitting on my lap! He was SOOO attractive to me. He was tall (not lanky, but just right in size), nice creamy complexion (dark and handsome) and he looked alot like this guy who I thought was attractive from a school I used to attend. He had on a yellow sweater and khaki pants. I think brown dress shoes? He seemed comfortable in my lap. He was asking me questions--I guess trying to get to know me,etc. One question that stuck out to me: "Do you have a temper?" I didn't want to answer at first out of fear of what he would think (like I was crazy when I was mad, etc) but I answered him anyway, taking a little time to think of how I would say it. "yes" I said. HE asked if I would "throw his clothes out, or burn his pants up, etc?" (Again, act all "Crazy" if I were mad) and of course I said, "No"...I would just ignore you?"...We just looked at eachother for a while--but I could tell that he was interested and felt me challenging. I admit, I was playing "hard to get". *wink

    He asked me what I had a degree in (didn't even know he knew I went to school) making references to art and other things etc, but then he said, "communications". How did he know? BINGO! I nodded yes. At this point my eyes were closed but I was still listening to what he was saying--opening my eyes up every now and then to acknowledge that I was listening. I felt so comfy around him. Every moment of silence I would start sucking my thumb and resting my head in his neck--as my security blanket! I knew this guy was attracted to me as he kept "looking down" at me and gazing (he was on my lap remember? lol! At one point the chair went backwards! I had forgotten that it wasn't a rocking chair! As I went back I tried to keep my balance (keep us from falling) and I held on to him, trying to protect him! what Making sure the guy was okay/safe? What was wrong with me here--I am paying attention to a man's needs now?!!! :huh: rofl I said, "whoops! I thought the chair was a rocking chair, sorry!"

    *If anything, I think this guy will be into television (ie: public speaker, etc) like I am. I know that he will be interested because he was asking me all of these questions. He looked very youthful in the face, but i didn't ask how old he was--I was HOPING He was older than me!
    what do you guys think? thanks for your help

    desiree huggins kiss

  7. Had a dream that I was at church. I had never gone into the sanctuary just straight to the bathroom in the back (its where our fellowship hall is located--there's bathrooms, a goal for the kids to shoot hoops, and a microwave with stove and refrigerator, etc). I was in the bathroom trying to "fix myself" up (ie: look more presentable) I had on a t-shirt---which is a shirt I received from one of my college dorms that I lived in; I wear it as a nightgown sometimes--and some panties. I can't remember if it was panties or some raggady looking pants! Anyway, my hair was curled and in a pinup--I used to wear my hair like this in the past when I wanted to dress up and just look nice for church/school (my ex also LOVED this style); now my hair is a short cut like Halle Berry's). Anyway, I go into the bathroom IRL before I go into the sanctuary just to make sure that I'm decent and "holy looking" :). On my way out, I open the door and notice my ex sitting there in a folding chair! I immediately close the door! I hope that he didn't recognize me! I thought: what is my ex doing here? It was unexpected and a surprise to see him at church. Others were in the back so I don't think he recognized me--if I had opened the door again though, I know that he would have!! The door of the ladies restroom doesn't close completely (there's a crack through the door), so I look through the crack and observe my ex more closely. As I've said, he's sitting down in a chair facing the women's bathroom and he has on a blue and white warm-up/jumpsuit along with a sweat band around his head. Its a Sunday at church and my ex is dressed like this--very out of character for him. He's wearing an outfit that most basketball players would wear over their uniform before a game. IRL, I've NEVER seen my ex dress in a warm up. I've seen basketball shorts, t-shirts dress shirts, and hats, but NEVER warm ups or a sweat band for that matter! Anyway, he's sitting comfortably with his legs spread and holding a baby in his arms (the baby is resting on his left arm comfortably?) The baby is long and looks around 6 months or older, but no older than a year (maybe a little less). The baby is dressed in a white/cotton one-sy/sleeper--It looks like a little boy but I cant remember. Standing behind the island (where food is placed), is a woman who appears to be his wife; she apparently is warming up a bottle of milk in the microwave. The woman is tall and VERY big and has long brown hair. I've seen his wife before (not in person) and I know that she is tall and now overweight IRL, but I thought she had black hair. I just assume that this is his wife based on the characteristics that I already know about her. This woman's complexion in her face is a little bit darker than my ex's wife's. I say to myself, "IS THAT HIS WIFE?" (I say it kinda like a "what! she looks like that?" type of thing. I don't really see her face but I see her from behind and assume, "that HAS to be her." The woman gives the bottle to my ex and he begins to feed the baby. He smiles. I thought to myself: I can't go out there like this (I wasn't appropriately dressed and I expected to see him under different circumstances--like when my man came along! rofl I contemplated whether I should just go ahead and show my face or not, but I decided not too. Besides, if I were going to see him I HAD to turn heads and be glamorous in the process!!! lol!

    Sorry its long. I've been seeking God out for the answers and I have SEVERAL ideas. What do you guys think? I guess we'll just have to continue to wait and see what God reveals. Thanks in advance for the help!

  8. Hello

    Whenever I think of keys I think of "keys to the kingdom" and how God gave Peter those keys--the authority to do certain things on earth. We have that same authority/power to "speak things that are not as though they were" and to heal the sick, raise the dead, and see miracles with wonders following it!

    I say this to say, I wonder if you have a certain "authoritative position" that you're entrusted with? It seems like people trust you to handle things properly. Even though you didn't really know what to do in the beginning, you were resourceful and intuitive and figured it out eventually. That is a gift that many dont have.

    Finally, you were in the car with someone that you were familiar with. You were in the passenger's seat and the ride was smooth. I wonder if your life is/will be smooth/comfortable because you're letting God take authority and lead you to where you need to go?

    please pray on what I've said

  9. soon what you thought it was missing will come back to you..
    Cheers up!!! And Congratulations...The Holy One of Isarel is your Redeemer...
    Bless be our God I am So happy for you ..Because the Day you longest waited to happen is near..


    Immediately upon waking from this dream I thought: "What the enemy tried to steal from me, I'm getting it ALL back!!" HALELULIA! I do feel like in my spirit that God's promise for me is near--too near and that's exciting! I pray everyday that I can be ready for whatever it is that God wants to restore back to me!!

    Thanks for the encouragment and timely word--both of you! bouncing :PTL:


  10. Connie and MBSTUDENT

    You both bring up some interesting points! It may be true that the house represented himself and it is certainly true that humans don't adjust to change well. The thing about it is, we must deal with change and expect it if we want to grow in God and reach our highest potential. Ruth was blessed because she "cared for her mother" and lived unselfishly submissive to her. Who knows the amount of pain that Ruth went through when her husband died but she remained faithful. For that, God blessed her with her Boaz (he ended up taking care of her and her family! That's a real man!! lol! thumbs

    Thanks to you both for your responses. I will continue to pray for my ex that he will be what God desires for him to be. Hopefully he is making positive changes. I will have to post the other dream I JUST had of him and you can express more thoughts there.

    desiree kiss

  11. That's interesting. I believe that when God gives you specific chapters, books, and verses to read that He is trying to show you something.

    I too, have dreamt of seeing my ex reading Isaiah 55 and when I awoke, I read verses 8-9 about how "God's thoughts and ways are higher and better" than mine (paraphrase). I odn't know what God is doing specifically in his life but for me, the scripture was significant.

    Your brother was trying to keep you from reading--being a distraction so to speak. Is your brother saved? Does your brother not agree with maybe some things that you're doing in your life that are positive (ie: maybe your walk with God and how you're trying to get closer with him)? I wonder if those chapters appearing in your dream is what God wants you to concentrate on in this hour of your life?

    Please pray on what I've said

  12. Thisissparta (by the way I happen to like that movie lol! )

    I wonder if while you're trying to relax and express yourself, there are some things that are there that seem out of place? For me, a toilet is a place of release a object used to hold waste. Do you feel like there's some things you need to get rid of in your life?

    Please pray about what I've said

  13. Had this dream back in August of last year. I wanted to repost for any other ideas.

    This dream came back to my remembrance when Daphanie was speaking about her dream home in her "how she met her husband" posts. Someone else posted a house dream, and I wonder if there's some significance? Mia also suggested that houses could represent people. I guess we will just have to see...

    Had a dream that my ex had two houses? One house he had he was very unhappy with. I guess he was unhappy with the interior of the house, and I think he tried to get it fixed (or he wanted a change) but it just wasn't working for him--he still didn't like it. He got another house and all was "gravy" for him (ie:well;fine) rofl He really liked the second house. He was very comfortable/satisfied with it.

    :huh: hmmmm...any ideas?

  14. We all go through THISISSPARTA and it doesn't matter where you come from--"PAIN DOESNT CARE WHERE YOU LIVE OR WHO YOU ARE" as a song says.

    I am glad that your sister is realizing the extent of her choices and hopefully this will turn her to Christ's love because HE DOES Love her inspite of what she does/doesn't do.

    I will keep her in my prayers


  15. DIVINE APPOINTMENTS are the ones that bring so much blessing! You went to another store, only to find a woman there who happened to be "on the same team" that you were! She blessed you as you did her--possibly leading her to Christ!

    HALELULIA! You never know why God does what he does, but there's ALWAYS a reason!! 👏 praiseGod


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