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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Are there alot of things/activities that you're getting into/involved in now that you need to make some possible decisions about? In addition (I'm just going to put this out there) have there been alot of men approaching you lately and you've been seeking the advice of your friend but she's not as helpful as you would like? (this last statement was just a thought)

    please pray on what I've said

  2. Hey and welcome to the group!

    I wonder if this is literal for something new happening in your husband's life--a "refreshing/washing" so to speak? Does your husband drink in real life? Could this be God delivering him from alcohol and saving him completely where he won't want to go back to the things of the world?

    please pray on what i've said

  3. This dream has a really powerful "calming feel" to it! just lovely!! flower I wonder if you will participate in something (a new project/assignment perhaps) that will be a "perfect fit" for you and will feel "just right"? It seems like "the baby" will leave you fulfilled and at rest (peace)--you wont want anything to take your heart/attention from it? When you do it, you'll have no doubt that its for you and it will definitely leave you satisfied and happy because you'll like it so much!

    please pray on what I've said. Again, very good dream I think!


  4. I don't have an interpretation, but when I read your dream I thought about Psalm 45 and how you're "dressed in robes of gold"/royalty. You're God's daughter and you're set apart and you have much favor--just like a kings daughter. When you said, "preparing for a party" I thought about the scripture that God says "he'll prepare a feast/banquet with choice meats for all peoples, etc" (Isaiah 25:6). Definitely a good feeling.

    Do a lot of people come to you for their needs (ie: emotional/spiritual)/ feel comfortable around you, and they respect your opinions and advice?

    Just a thought

  5. WOW! una I think that this dream is pretty deep!

    I wonder if you feel kinda like you're not where you're supposed to be spiritually right now or "missing the mark" with some things that God has said to you? It seems like you're embarrassed in some way that you haven't moved passed a certain point even though you know you should be? Yet, in the midst of this, you are still valuable and wanted a great deal in the ministry? God really wants to use you and people really will come to you, because you'll be greatly needed in the days to come? Keep moving forward nomatter what!

    please pray on what I've said
    p.s. can you look at my "Ex at church with a baby dream" and let me know what the spirit tells you? thanks kiss

  6. UNA! Its so good to see you back online!

    I didn't really see it as the case, but in the dream, due to how things felt I was like, "maybe the allegations of abuse were true?" The whole scene just felt awkward to me. I just felt like I was seeing with my own eyes (not by hearsay) who Michael Jackson really was as a person. It could very well be about Michael himself though (his personal life)! I DID notice the three stages though.

    thanks for your response

  7. this dream sound like the "CLUE" game to me--whodunnit and with what?! type of thing! lol! (by the way, that's one of my favorite games, kind of macob right?lol)...

    When I looked at your dream, some things stuck out to me--window with a green curtain and wind blowing in; stabbing the man who had on a navy colored tie and he just wouldn't die so you used other measures.

    I wonder if this dream is symbolic for you finally "putting to death" some things that were hard for you to let go of at first? I just don't think this dream is literal--for a real murder taking place. You tried all kinds of techniques to use against this man in order for him to die that didn't seem to work at first, but you were determined to "end his life" and you did what you thought you had to until it happened--and I wonder if that blue tie represented "God giving you the strength" or the "word of God". The tie is a piece of clothing that goes around a man's neck--this reminded me of in bible times when God admonished to his people to "bind his commandments/teachings" around their necks so they wouldn't forget them and so that they could pass it on to their children and grandchildren, etc. I wonder if "Breaking the neck" represented "breaking the yoke" (the bondage) that may have been keeping you distressed/confused lately?

    For some reason, I thought of the wind blowing in as "God's spirit" and the green curtain just symbolizing prosperity in some way. I usually don't break down dreams like this (with only the symbols) but those two things that I mentioned really stuck out to me.

    As christians, we are promised spiritual, emotional, and physical prosperity but that doesn't mean that trials and tribulation won't come--we have to learn to endure and not give up so that a crop (of righteousness, peace, faithfulness, determination, prosperity,etc) can be produced. You're gonna need the help of others to help you get to where you need to be in God. (ie: the people helping you clean up the crime scene). I believe God is that "special formula" to help you overcome and erase things (ie: sin,etc) and make it so it never happened. Please pray on what I've said as these are my thoughts. Your dream has ALOT of symbolism in it, which I think is significant. What do you think?

    be blessed

  8. WARNING: This dream contains material that may offend some when read. This dream deals with some aspect of pedophilia, so viewer discretion is advised lol! . Please let me know what you think. thank you.

    Riding in a car with this guy (he's in the passenger's seat) and I'm in the backseat (behind him) and Michael Jackson was sitting next to me behind the driver! I was soo excited to be in the same car with one of my musical idols!! I remember making small talk--asking him about his sister Janet and her new baby, etc---I just felt really comfortable with him, rambling off at the mouth! lol! This was a 'once in a lifetime opportunity' that I didn't know if I'd ever get another chance to see again! There was no driver, but the steering wheel was where Michael was (I think at one point I had seen him drive). I remember Michael's hair being long, he having on sunglasses, a black suit and a red tie (the apparel sorta reminded me of the main character in "V" for Vendetta movie; you know the guy with the mask?) A little boy is sitting between us. He has on green? He has a baby's body but the face of a toddler. The little boy seems debilitated--like he has disease or something--he's just starin up at me, his body motionless. He has to use the bathroom and suddenly I see the little boy's penis exposed! His penis goes a little to the side and I move over uncomfortably because I don't want him to pee on my thigh--Yuck! :huh?: Michael then touches the boy's penis with his finger, directing it into a baby bottle so that he can pee. wow This seems so awkward to me. :eek: Then I see Michael washing the boy's penis with one of his hands--I notice his penal area is soapy and then dry again (I believe it was hairy too?)! I kept thinking: I'm starting to believe the past allegations of abuse he had against him. I have lost respect for him! I don't even look at him as the most fantastic performer/artist in the world anymore! At this point, I don't want to ride anymore with them and desire to be dropped off back at this ranch-style house, where my sister is. I don't know why, but I guess the men didn't want my sister to ride with them in the beginning.

    what thinking

  9. The water was dirty when I was in it though! lol! I understand what you meant. I read the scripture in John 13 and Peter said, "Not just my feet [to wash] but my hands and my feet as well!!"

    Jesus replied back to him, "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean and you are clean[have the right heart/mindset,etc]...

    ...so I guess what you said about Peter saying, "Wash everything" makes sense--but God was saying to him, he didn't need to do anything extra if he had already done it. Get what I'm saying? The feet needed to be clean. I'm thinking feet=path that we walk. We need to make sure we're going on the right road (the narrow way; Matthew 7:13-14)) Jesus main concern was to show that we should be humble to one another and bless one another (no servant greater than his master). Authority and servant ought to submit to one another with humility. You can't lead, if you can't learn to follow first and Jesus was of course teaching this.

    Okay, let me stop preaching--but I'm speaking to my own spirit as I type this--its very interesting to think on! There's definitely a cleasing continuously needed.

    thanks again

  10. you've said some interesting points!! God has been washing me and I agree with what you said concerning "the head"--but the part that stuck out to me the most was the "murky water" I didnt mind the water to be dirty but I thought that part was strange? I wonder: coming turmoil in the midst of being cleansed?

    thanks for your help

  11. Taking a bath a bathtub (the bathroom lighting was dim and I remember there being just one window). My head is slightly above the water as I swim back and forth from side to side--the bathtub is long and the water is murky. I begin splashing water on the sides, front, and back of my head--washing the gel out of it (I don't use any shampoo, and I don't really want to use my bathing water to clean my hair [too lazy to turn on the showerhead lol! ], but I don't worry about it and just say, "I'll be fine.")

    :huh: thinking

  12. Hello:

    You and your family were praying in your aunt's house and you felt like something was wrong. Is your aunt sick?

    when I saw in your dream that things were "stored" and you discovered things--I wonder if you and/or your family will "find out some information" concerning your aunt? Things that were "hidden" will come out in the open and be revealed piece by piece?

    What is significant to you about the 70's and 80's--did you grow up during this time?

    please pray on what I've said

  13. When I think of eggs, I think of the beginning of something (ie: egg starts the birth process).

    In your dream there were two forms of eggs--Easter egg like and then hardballed/chilled. I don't know if this is a silly question but does your personality fit in between these two extremes--can be fun/happy go lucky but can also have a "hard exterior" and act unempathetic? Those are just my thoughts. Do you know why the eggs were there?

    please pray on what I've said
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