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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. GOD IS WORKING BEHIND THE SCENES! Continue to hold on and don't give up--in due time you will produce a harvest and your enemies will be clothed in shame to see what God has done (josua 21:45) YOUR TESTIMONY was beautiful and inspiring! I can empathize with you wholeheartedly! WOW!

    Please keep us updated at what God does! God is SOO good and he will never disappoint you! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!
    Be blessed; you are so anointed!


  2. HEY RENEWED! long time no hear from!
    So glad that you're back online!

    By the way, I LOOVE cockerspaniels--and that picture is so cute! laugh I wonder if you'll meet someone in the future and you'll be suprised how they'll respond to you (take to you)? You both will like eachother and it will be a warm feeling present?

    please pray on what I've said as these are my thoughts

  3. maybe metaphorikly speakin u need 2 reach 4 the showa head,,extend urself,,dont be lazy,,reach to heaven 4 the freash water..which refreashes,cleans.[showers frm heaven] on ur head..

    That's interesting and makes sense. I don't know, but maybe there will be some "upcoming problems" that God is making me aware of? There was also a window in the dream, but that couldve been symbolic for "future revelation"--which since having the dream, there's been many "issues from the past" popping up.

    Just keep me in your prayers and thanks again for your help kiss

  4. I wonder if this dream is confirmation to what you've been seeking God about concerning your mate? God will answer your prayers and place on your path the woman with the exact characteristics you've been looking for--because (as I believe you are righteous) God will fulfill your desires and you'll be "fully satisfied".

    I wonder if the woman will have similar characteristics as your ex? I don't know about you, but usually when I pay attention to people's facial expressions in my dreams, its a way of God showing me what's going on inside of their hearts and I wonder if this is the case for you? Pay attention because it is God that knows the "motives behind the thoughts" and he will show you what is in that person's heart to determine whether she is for you or not. please pray on what I've said

    God bless you. Thanks for all you do!

  5. I'm trying to see exactly who it is before I make a move! I have a heart for hurting people (especially children and senior citizens), I wish that I CAN help, but again, I don't know the situation and waiting for God to reveal it fully!! I will definitely keep praying because upon having the dream I immediately thought about "neglect" or "family issues" that may be effecting the person's growth and overall happiness. Its funny that you mentioned divorce--I think that may have been an issue for her and her sibling (I think they are STILL affected by that). In the dream, she's in a group with others but obviously those people aren't helping her as she would like them to, so she gets the attention from an outside source (not necessarily good I guess!)

    We will see what happens! You've made some interesting points! I pray that whatever is God, God will protect and keep him/her in perfect peace!!

    thanks for your response--WOW!

  6. I wonder if there is a spiritual attac/threat trying to come against you? I wonder if there is someone that is trying to discourage/come against you to keep you from "speaking up" and "letting others know" about "the truth" (ie: God and his word)? Remember: "We shall know the truth and the truth will set us free". We are free once we know the truth and Satan (and his agents) don't want us to know the truth--that's why he sets out to deceive because he knows the truth brings much power for us!

    You know, its also a trick of the enemy to "paralyze us" or make us feel like we shouldn't do anything/address a situation. We have to continue to be bold, use wisdom, and speak the words that God desires us to speak! God is going with us, so even if we are nervous to do something--God will be our protection/shield--he won't allow us to be overtaken by our enemies! I wonder if the scene in the bed was just Satan trying to use a "scare tactic" against you to once again, keep you from moving?

    I think using your discernment and keeping in prayer is key here--join up with some prayer warriors (with your family/others) and remain alert. Keep your head in all situations and do the work of an evangelist as the bible suggests. You REALLY gonna need JESUS for this one girlie!!

    please pray on what I've said

  7. Very, funny, peter-haha lol!

    Una, you may be right--you always make interesting points that I wouldn't necessarily think about. Do you think the body not looking like her's is significant or just showing that it relates to my ex and it relating to his family?

    thanks to you both

  8. You know, God just gave me something so simple yet powerful after reading that scripture:

    "when we do things with our own might/understanding, things are difficult--but with faith and God on our side--he produces the miracles and does "exeedingly, abundantly, and above all that we can ask or think" (ephesians 3:20). We have more than enough! duh Halelulia! praiseGod NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR GOD!

  9. This is a dream where I wasn't actively involved but saw the scene going on:

    I remember seeing my ex's neice (IRL she is like 6 or 7 and reserved) walking with some other people and looking downward (she looked sad). In the dream she had lots of ponytails in her head (like IRL) but her body looked taller and as if it didn't match her head size (she had on gray sweater and pants?--body looked similar to my ex?) A white woman came to her and gave her something--she instantly smiled and stood tall (ie:more confidently?) She started to walk across the street (without looking both ways) and she almost got hit by a speeding car!

  10. Had this dream the other day:

    I remember helping people to run away and hide from disastrous attacks on the planet (felt kinda like a movie lol! ). For some reason, I was the only one that was aware of the attacks and I felt compelled to help others in the process to escape from a giant red flying dinosaur (think of the dinosaur in the movie Shrek--accept this one was evil!)

    At one point in the dream I am in this room conversing with a few people. The room lighting was dim and it was dark and stormy outside. I remember being on the computer (isn't this a usual occurence? lol! ). sitting in a swivel chair--my hair was messy. I see this girl enter the room and pass by me. She looked familiar and I notice her, but decide not to speak. She says, "hello Desiree". I say, "who dat?" she said, "you knew it was me". I said reluctantly, "oh, hello C!" (C was a girl that used to be my best friend in elementary school. When we got to middle school, she started bullying me and turning others against me--it was disastrous but God healed me!) C was dressed in a long-sleeve white shirt and gray or lightblue shorts. Her hair was in a ponytail with a small headband wrapped around her head. I hadn't seen this girl in years--about 10 to be exact! Again, as she was talking "at me" (not looking at me) and to others in the room, she kept trying to impress everyone with all of her accomplishments etc. She has this "holier than thou/superiority attitude" and I didn't know why. She was saying, how she played basketball (IRL she did) and how she "makes nothing less than 10 points a game". I mentioned how I thought C didn't play for two years, but C seemed to ignore the comment (failed to mention it and acted nochalant about it) and brought up another "highlight"/accomplishment instead. I learned that she also had had a child (it was adopted, so I guess she couldn't have her own children) but it ended up dying. I kept thinking, "wow, one bad thing after another has happened in her life" I felt kinda sorry for her, but kind of vindicated because of how she treated me as a child.

    In the midst of the conversation, the storm grew heavier and the building began to shake; the power was going in and out. I told everyone to get on the floor because my instincts new the beast was on its way! When the beast came in, I felt it (even though my eyes were closed). I made sure that my face was up so that when the beast saw me it wouldn't harm me (because it knew who I was--innocent). I felt the beast's thumb/nail inbetween my neck and shoulder. Though I never saw its face, I think the beast was going to remove me out the room so that it could do damage to everyone else. :seespeakhear:

  11. When I think of ear muffs I always think about the winter months and how we need to cover/protect our ears against the harsh winds of that season. Your friend was telling you good news, and even though you could hear him through the muffs, why didn't you take them off--were you afraid that you were going to hear something that you didn't want to hear? The airplane seems like "you're going somewhere and fast". What do you think? Please pray on what I've said

  12. I did think of the woman as "not his wife"--she was just so big, so I felt like that was symbolic of someone/something else so to speak--Whatever it is, its REALLY important to him (can't be missed) lol! . I had another dream where he was dressed in a football jersey and running in a game without a helmet on--so its definitely a race that I feel like he "doesn't want to drop" the ball so to speak because too many are counting on him! By the way, he won the game for his team!

    This is weird, but I wonder if it is concerning television--like he'll have that career in television? (he was on t.v. when I saw him in the dream). Or it could just mean that what he's doing is "publicly known" (everybody knows about it). I don't think that he's aware of things God has been showing me about him though. He couldn't be.

    you may experience his help or his success a far off

    just for clarity, what did you mean by this statement?

    thanks again for your response...I REALLY appreciate it!

    desiree kiss
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