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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. It could also mean seeing things "from other perspectives"--different mindsets. For example, God could be showing you that your insight on one thing may have changed from a certain period of time (ie: at first you were ignorant about some thing, but now you have matured in those things--gained wisdom and understanding--like that of an adult); I guess that would be the spiritual aspect--but it could also relate to emotional growth as well!

  2. Had a dream where I remember talking to a childhood acquaintance/associate of mine. IRL, I knew this guy since grade school, and for years, we lived in the same neighborhood. I knew his folks, and he knew mine--we all played together after school and on weekends, but never nothing more than a friendship. I NEVER saw this guy as dating material--he was out of my league and I figured I wasn't his type at all. We hung in different circles but if/when we saw one another, we were cordial. Every now and then I would wonder how it would be to "date him" but quickly shot the idea down! lol! I have since moved from that state (its been almost 10 years ago) and I have forgotten most of the people I grew up with. Anyway, before I left, he was dating this one girl--I am sure that all thought that he was serious with her, and that they would be high school sweethearts in marriage; I don't know what came of their relationship. In the dream, we were talking and reminiscing. He was REALLY nice to me (kind of a first lol! , before if he WAS nice he would act all coy, but mostly he would be a "meanie"). He seemed attentive as we sat on the sidewalk side by side. It seemed that he had really grown up--after all, it had been 10 years! lol! To make a long story short, I asked him about his semi-long relationship with his past girlfriend (the one he was dating before I moved)--they seemed SO in love! He told me that he had gotten married to her (not surprising) and that she ended up cheating on him afterwards. The relationship didn't work out. I was just kind of surprised that he was being all "transparent" with me after all these years.

    *I haven't seen ANY of my childhood/past friends in years. I wonder?


  3. Hey and welcome to the group!

    I wonder if there are some things that you dad has neglected (ie: possibly with himself/private thoughts/mindset)? Do you think he needs to be restored or cleanse himself of some things in a certain area? Is all okay with his health?

    please pray on what I've said

  4. Some dreams are not from God.

    Sometimes when we think about something alot we'll dream of it later

    Ecclesiastes mentions that when "there is much talk/concern with something" (paraphrase) we will probably dream about it--doesn't mean there's any prophetic meaning to it.

    "As a dream comes when there are many cares, so the speech of a fool when there are many words" (Ecclesiastes 5:3) Solomon also says in this chapter that "much dreaming and many words are meaningless." (Ecclesiastes 5:7) Many people feel as Solomon did--that there are no point in dreams, but we know that that's not always true! God can really bring powerful things to us through our dreams.

    I believe that you'll know when a dream you have is from God because it will bring revelation and it will come to pass (this has been the case for me, when some dreams manifest shortly after dreaming. I know that its prophetic then; also people will bring me confirmation to what I know had to be from God because I didn't know the situation and they couldnt have known either! Other times, I have just dreamt dreams that meant nothing):

    "you may say to yourselves, 'How can we know when a message hs not been spoken by the Lord?'" If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken..." (Deuteronomy 18:21-22)

    In the bible times, God used dreams as one of the main forms of communication to his servants and others.
    Here are some scriptures to back by point:

    "when a prophet of the Lord is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams" (Numbers 12:6)

    Joseph and his dreams (Genesis 37; 40;41:25-32) Daniel 2; 4)

    "...He gives wisdom to the wise nd knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things;...you have made known to us the dream of the king" (Daniel 2:21-23)

    "For God does speak--now one way, now another--though man may not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men as they slumber in their beds, he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn man from wrongdoing and keep him from pride, to presever his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the swrd." (Job 33:14-18)

    God has said that in the last days he will "pour out his spirit among all flesh" and that we will "dream dreams and prophesy". That has surely been going on now!

    "And afterward, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughter shall prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions...I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth,..." (Joel 2:28,30)

    I hope this brings more clarity for you about dreams. You may have had dreams from God (no doubt in my mind) and other times, your dreams may not have meant anything, you just dreamt them because it was on your mind (only you can determine the difference). I don't know what's going on with your pastor, but just pray and ask God to show you.

    desiree flower

  5. Its natural for someone to still have some feelings for someone that he/she was romantically involved with. As mentioned in earlier posts, I in no way have a soul-tie with him. I have a brotherly love for him because I want to see him have all that God has for him. I KNOW you understand where I'm coming from Peter.
    He in no way is a stumbling block for me. I'm moving forward in christ and since the breakup, I've never been so close to God as I am now.

    thank you though for your response and interest. I believe that God knows what he's doing with this.
    God bless

  6. I know this is lengthy but I feel that it may encourage some one. When you are down to nothing don't give up look up because baby God is up to something. Yes the economy looks bad, but I'm not looking to man I'm looking up. You know it is when all looks bad when God does something miraculous, that way it is evident that it must of be the hand of God.

    WOW! WOW! WOOOOOOW! Glory to God! Motheroffour, that's the best news I've heard in a LOOOONG time!!! God is soo good. What the Devil meant for evil, God turned it around for your good (romans 8:28)! God is so awesome! just like he did for Job, he's giving you a DOUBLE PORTION!!! Amen, God restored and gave you back more than what you started with!!! I cant stop praising God right now!! He is looking out for all of us that trust in him! He won't leave you put to shame but your enemies will be!!!

    Girl, let me stop because I'll keep talking all night!! HALELULIA! what an awesome praise report!! keep posting and keep believing in God to make continuous breakthroughs!!! praiseGod bouncing :PTL:

    :thankyou: for posting! I needed to hear this--what an on time word!!!


  7. this isn't an interpretation but just a thought:

    When ice is on something--it gets "stuck" so to speak and can't move around. I wonder if your family will be involved in "bringing something" back to life or activity again? I don't know but when I read the dream I envisioned people pulling the net out of the sky in similar activity like when people stand around a parachute and "flip it up" and then down to the ground again--get it? It takes the entire circle of people to make the magic of the parachute--otherwise it couldn't be done and look tasteful.

    Pray on what I've said

  8. I'm sure they only meant it in love thisissparta.

    Lola21st is one of the moderators. Your behavior has been quite offensive to many. We don't mean to offend anyone on this site--just express God's love and the correct way of handling things.

    We still love you in Christ


  9. I can agree that I think about him WAAAY more than I should, but its not a problem for me now as it once was in the beginning!

    I also agree that he is a distraction as I am preparing to meet the new man that God has for me! I thought that I have moved on--but maybe not COMPLETELY yet. In addition, there's a reason that I keep dreaming of him, and I pray that God will continue to bring more and more revelation--I think in the end it will all be a testimony for me!

    Thank you both for the responses. I appreciate your concerns and your encouragement

  10. You coulnt have said it any better LovetoworshipJesus!

    Just be patient. He will speak when you lease expect. God is not a puppet that you can manipulate to make him do what you want him to do. If your heart is in the right place, God has already heard your prayer and don't be suprised if he's making a way to answer you as we speak!

  11. God answers when he wants to. First of all, he answers to a humble and contrite (ie: broken) spirit. He may be speaking to you right now but maybe you're expecting him to speak in another way that you're missing what he's saying?

  12. you didn't hurt my feelings at all! I just wanted to make sure that I understood you! don't worry about fumbling in your words--I DO IT OFTEN! lol! I appreciate your words of encouragement and taking the time to answer.

    I do believe that God is revealing ALL things to me in his time and in his way!

    Thank you so much for what you do!
    Be blessed. I hope that I didnt offend you! kiss

  13. Have you come across some evil spirits in real life? Do you think that God has given you the gift of discernment to be able to see things in the spiritual realm? You were afraid when you saw the spirits and I wonder if there are some gifts that you're afraid to use (ie: not sure of your calling)?

    please pray on what i've said

    p.s I agree that you dont have to be scared of anything. God has not given you the spirit of fear but one of power and of love and a sound mind (ie: peace and understanding) (2 Timothy 1:7) Also, you have the authority to trample on serpents, scorpians,etc and overcome ALL the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall harm you (Luke 10:19) God's got your back girl, he is your sun and your shield (protection) Psalm 84:11!
    Be blessed this hour! 👏
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