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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. You know that's what I thought about--that he would change schools! Wouldn't that be funny? The thing about it is, I think my ex still knows that I'll be attending the same school I was when we were together (hence, the friends finding out information). It COULD be possible that he thinks I already graduated or transferred schools--but I doubt it. We'll just have to see!

    thanks for your response

  2. To lurdys';
    Now who's the one preaching?!!!!!lol Preach pastor!lol :)

    that marriage is a ministry unto itself.

    I totally agree because I've said that before!!!lol...some people just aren't ready for the "ministry" aspect of marriage!

    I would ALSO have to agree that one needs to "know his/her identity" in Christ and be secure within him/herself first before marrying (too many people expect the person they're with to change and to complete them--but you know it can't be done!!!)

    Awesome discussion! Just seek God and be who you need to be!!!


  3. Manifestation:

    While on my way to work this morning, I heard on the radio that a popular school in my state (the same one that my ex is attending) and a few extensions of that main campus, is downsizing their employment/staff. Because of the recession, the school hasn't been receiving alot of government funding and it won't start seeing improvement atleast until four years from now! (AND THIS SCHOOL IS SUPPOSED TO BE A HEAVY WEIGHT!!!Lol)

    When I heard the news I was surprised because I knew in a way that this will be effecting my ex!

  4. does she normally IRL talk to people when you're around her, or do you think her being in the dream was signifcant at all?

    Whenever I think of restrooms I think of "relief", "cleansing", etc. I wonder if this is what will happen for you (depending on how you dream) and if this will be a time or "restoration" that will bring contentment? Do you think you need to cleanse or remove yourself from some things--maybe even concerning the family? (just a thought).

    please pray on this

  5. you know, I don't know about you, but when I go to a zoo, that's the first thing (besides the lions) that I want to go and see--the elephants. They are not the "kings of the jungle" like the lions are, but they seem to be the largest--very intimidating and pronounced. An elephant cannot hide its size and the trunk is what is so amazing to me--it uses that to wash and to eat (so cool). The elephants also seem to be the main attraction at the circuses--what would a circus be without the elephant right? In old Indian movies and cartoons, elephants were a form of transportation and general way of life.

    I wonder (maybe this is off base) if there will be something concerning you and your husband that though it will be small it will be powerful and noticable? Don't leave it alone with the "monkeys" or people that aren't serious about it (who play games). Nurture it and watch it grow to be where it needs to be--even though it may seem strange? Does this make sense?

    please pray on what I've said
    God bless

  6. Interesting indeed!

    When I think of bugs, I think of "something pestering" and annoying, but when I think of ladybugs I think of the opposite--something "enchanting", "wonderment". "unique"--childish (as in the joy of childhood, being in the backyard, catching lightning bugs, butteflies, flying kites, etc). I wonder if you'll be experiencing this same type of feeling in the future--something BIG but not alarming but welcoming and satisfying (it will stand out)?

    please pray on what I've said

  7. yes, yes, yes!!!!! I had this happen to me today as a matter of fact! That's why when you have it fresh on your mind you either have a tape recorder to record it or write it down (during that time when you're still kinda sleep/awake-lol)

    ...Usually though, its been my experience that if you remember a dream than it was important. God can still bring it to your remembrance though if you just ask!


  8. I'm at a facy hotel (like the Mariott or Hilton) with my family (my siblings and mom). Supposedly my ex and some of my friends are also at this same hotel. We're all just hanging out (with the exception of my ex that is!!lol). I believe that my ex is just walking around and mingling with others. I see my ex and think: "Man, I see him before I graduate" and he just looks (he doesn't say anything--he's just there). My ex's wife is there too but he's never around her--just with everyone else. Inside our room, I am doing mom's hair, while she is sitting on the edge of the hotel bed (at one point she resembles Jemma jameson--that woman who is a superstar in Adult film). I keep looking at her profile and can see how she has gotten her face tightened and where there's a lot of foundation. For some reason I am intrigued. Her blue eyes are amazingly beautiful. Jenna turns back into my mom again, at I try to remove the red comb out of her hair that has made an automatic parting (weird). We move to the mirror/sink and instead of there being the bathroom door, there's the exit door to the room in its place. I hear people outside. I hear people say, "Brother ________ (my ex's name)". This is the name that people call him when he's around the saints or in church. I'm like, "my ex MUST be here". I roll my eyes.

    As my family gets ready to go somewhere, I walk past two men standing by themselves- dressed in big white t-shirts, glasses, and I notice silver rolex-like watches glistening on their wrists. They are just leaning and observing people as they walk by--I see them look at me, thinking they are going to try to "make advances", etc. I leave the rest of the pack (as they were trying to get their belongings). I see the men standing by a white rent-a-car and the scenery is look suspicious. They're trying to mumble to eachother while asking me a question at the same time. They put their hands on the door and I'm like, "what are they doing?" Suddenly a woman (from out of no where) gets into the driver's seat and the two men get into the backseat from both sides trying to sing a song! I instantly realize--this was our car! (IRL, we don't have a vehicle like that)

    From the distance I see a tall man with a bald head, wearing a maroon colored shirt (who I assume is my ex in the dream because I notice the back of his head and his slender build, though I never look at him in the face). He's carrying a white/floral colored baby's car seat (the baby inside looks like a newborn), in the dream this is my little sister (IRL, my siblings are much older). My ex is apparently trying to help out the family with their belongings, etc. I'm annoyed that he is there and trying to be chivalrous! I say to him, "you might as well put that down (what you're carrying)" ( I remember having on a white tank top dress--the kind that tie up at the shoulders---with mutli-color flowers in it)

    As the woman pulls out of the parking space, I try to hold on to the side view mirror, encouraging the thieves to stop (its no use!) I let go, in fear that they would drag me and kill me! I pick up a rock and try to throw it at the vehicle before it leaves the lot, but the rock ends up hitting another car instead--shattering its side view and cracking the driver's side window! At this point, I am frustrated.

    OUR CAR WAS STOLEN!!! I COULDNT BELIEVE IT!! what were we going to do now?!

    I immediately run into the hotel to tell my mom what happened. I run all the way up the carpeted steps (a couple of levels) and then I pull her down to tell her! I don't know what she will say!

  9. WHy was it depressing for you to see your friend by groceries?

    Why didn't you want your friend to see you? Are you nervous/fearful in some way about showing "how you really feel" to your friend?

    They were dressed in all black, and to me--"all black" doesn't seem like a good thing. Are the people in the car doing things that they ought not to do?

    pray on what I've said

  10. I don't know about "wrestling" sin to the ground, but I do remember a scripture where Jacob wrestled with the angel of the Lord (Genesis 32:24-32). Jacob was bold and he was determined to have all that God had for him. He didn't want the angel to leave until he blessed him. And that's how we have to be with God---so determined and committed to getting what God has for us, that we don't give up. We "aggressively" take by force (matthew 11:12) what is for us. Both Jacob and the man's hip/joint were out of place after the whole incident (I believe this to be symbolic that sometimes as we have faith to wait on God and fight for our blessing (possess it, which is active), we will have struggle but we have to keep moving forward regardless of what we're faced with!)...okay, didn't mean to go off on a tangent like that...but I wonder if this is similar?
    I do know people who "wrestle" with certain sin--as in they were once delivered from a particular thing but now they still struggle with it in some way.


  11. I had this dream during my short nap (you know the kind that continue on even after you get up from your sleep and slumber and go back to it?lol). I had a dream that my ex's wife (not the one he has IRL, a woman that is unfamiliar to me but claims to be his woman) comes through my checkout line and get some groceries/items (its a lot because I remember a HUGE bag that I put them in. She doesn't have any money to pay for them, she just wants to buy them off the mere fact that its understood she is my ex's wife. I had a continuation of the dream later (when I had awoken the first time lol! ) and it was another woman as well.

    kinda weird...maybe I had this because I've been thinking about some recent revelations/dreams all day!

  12. I was thinking: something that may possibly seem "damaging/hindrous?" or "not good" at first will be something that you can "ride the waves" and "keep you head above water" so to speak about (ie: there is a solution whatever it is; this is not the end). I didnt get "danger danger" from this dream, it had a calming affect to it. You knew that there was going to be some possible damage to the vehicle (ie: you) but you didnt seem concerned at all as you watched the car sink. I wonder if there will be a change of pace in your personal life--letting something go (as mentioned before)? What you were used to will no longer be an issue anymore? When you were walking away from the vehicle, you seemed very content and satisfied at "letting go" because you knew there was something better for you even though what you had was "familiar" to you and you had gotten comfortable with it.

    please pray on what Ive said


    Definitely praying for you (and your friend) that God will lead you and direct you in all truth and that your friend will have total/complete peace! God is a god of miracles!


  14. Thanks to both of you for your responses--I appreciate them greatly!

    REDBIRD65, to answer your question, I THOUGHT my ex was saved, but maybe he isn't. Though I can't say whether someone is saved or not (that's not my place), I think he may be struggling with some personal things and with being "sold out" completely.

    Lola, I would have to agree with you too, I think he may be going through the motions (which I thought about that earlier)--that church may just be a "tradition" for him. Reading the bible, speaking in tongues, paying tithes, going to church every time the door opens,etc is just something he may feel as Christians we have to do in order to be "saved" (that's just the way it's supposed to be you know?). I pray one day that he can have that true intimate relationship with Christ (that God can be his all-in-all, his confidant and best friend--which we all had to come to that realization at one point or another in our christian walk (ie: How much do I really love God? Is he first place or second in my life? etc)

    by the way, the ex didn't have on a white suit (I saw a white t-shirt), and his face was resting on the stage--he was off to himself when I picked him up. Maybe he is trying to separate himself in some way (either FROM the church or from a "corporate/general" mindset (ie: be an individual)? I thought too: "controlled" not having own mindset/way of thinking.

    I am in general disappointed with how the church has gotten to as a whole. I wish that we can "get back to the old landmark" and worship Christ like he was our ONLY life-line! Especially during these times!

    God bless

  15. you said that you felt "sorry" for the devastation and loss of certain individuals right? I wonder if this is literal for something "tornado-ish" happening in certain individuals lives and you feeling the effects of the devastation? This has already been said (I just wanted to add my $1 worth!lol) I DO believe that this is confirmation to pray!

    please pray on what I've said
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