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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. This is like the 2nd dream of me seeing my ex's parents. Genesis spoke about "having the same dream in two different form" being that God was going to bring it to pass (or in this case that what was going to happen WILL come to pass). Anyway, here's the dream. Please say whatever God puts on your heart.
    Sitting down in a row of folding chairs (4-5, and I guess it was an event or something). I was sitting next to my ex's father and three to four chairs down (at very end of the row) was my ex's mother. His dad was acting so nice to me. He was asking me questions about school, asking how I've been, etc. He even got into details about his own personal life: "You know I didn't finish school with only a few semesters left, because I felt school just wasn't for me". IRL, I remember my ex telling me something like that. I just felt it odd that my ex's father would "tell me something personal like that" being that I was no longer in the "circle" anymore. It seemed as though he was "acting as though nothing happened between me and his son" (like everything was still cool). He seemed interested in my career path/choice as I updated him (he was doing most of the talking). The mom on the other hand didn't seem too enthused with the conversation. It was like she was saying, "move on. Why are you excited to see Des?" Maybe she was just focused on other things but she didn't say much. I remember my ex coming into the room and seeing his father and I talking. I was actually happy to see that my ex came into the room at this point. I guess I wanted him to see just how much his family was enjoying me! My ex had that "look" on his face (ie:sour-like; "confused look")

    again... what

  2. Hey precious Saints!

    I am asking that you all touch and agree with me that I will have this brand new Job very soon that I've been seeking for a while! The manager makes a decision Monday to see if she wants me! God is my source and I know within my heart that this is it--atleast something to settle me before I return back to school!

    Thank you in advance for all the prayers! Love you all VERY VERY much! (words cannot express)


  3. Called my college that I will be attending in the fall for some personal information on my status and account, etc. The representative seemed to be looking at the computer (there was a moment of silence and I heard keys clicking). He said, "IT LOOKS AS THOUGH HE (my ex) WILL BE GOING TO ENROLL (ATTEND) IN THE FALL." I was surprised! Totally unexpected information! My ex will be attending the same school with me!? Which Fall semester--this one or next?

    Weird thinking :huh: what

  4. It's hard for me to cast down imaginations the way some of these ministers tell us to do it by speaking to it and casting it down so when my mind wants to go there from time to time, I turn on praise and worship music or turn on a CD of a message that I purchased from my Pastor or my favorite minister from tv or somerthing. You have to learn how to replace the thoughts because our actions begin in our thoughts.

    ...good point jadams. You have to do what works for you until you overcome that issue! Actions DO follow thoughts. "As a man thinketh, so is he".

    I love it!!! flower

  5. Thanks Sunshine! flower I can say the same for you (you brought up some good points!)

    Vile, true intimacy comes from God. Once you know how to "be intimate with him" he will do the rest! I encourage you to spend more time alone with God and read 1 Corinthians 13 as much as you can (because that's what Love/intimacy stems from). Serving others and helping in their needs in the best way to get out of selfishness (ie: thinkng about self in this case).
    Be blessed

  6. I've DEFINITELY heard from God!

    More times than not, he's spoken to me in that "still small voice" and the only way I knew it was him is if someone else confirmed what they KNEW only God could know! Also, I just knew (as Cholette said) that it was God because of the peace that "kept my heart and mind" afterwards. I LOOOOVE the peace--don't you? Undescribable!

    Here's one example: In the past, I had been wondering if God "really" was speaking to me. I mean, I had dreams and people would "tell me what thus saith the Lord" but often times, I was unsure if I was hearing from God for myself. Well, when I went to church one Sunday, I had $100 in my pocket. I knew that I wasn't going to give that in the offering, but I had seen an old friend of mine that I thought: I do OWE her for her kind services years ago!!!lol...Well, God suddenly said: "GIVE HER THAT MONEY" (he said her name too). I was like, "I want this money for a rainy day, I will give it to her later (ya'll know me!lol) I didn't KNOW for sure if it was God, but I was obediant to the voice and decided to give her a "love offering" anyway. Our church was in the middle of "praise and worship" by the time I had gotten there, but when I spotted my friend in the crowd, I balled up the mony in my hand and gave it to her and proceeded to "praise God" like everyone else.
    Well, 10 minutes had past and then my friend comes over to where I was sitting. She says, "Oh my gosh girlie, I had thought this was a 10 when you first gave it to me, but when I realized it was $100 I didn't know what to say! I am without work (and I didn't know this) and I've REALLY been needing money lately (for a while). I didn't have money for food, to pay my bills, etc. I didn't know how I was going to get it because my family didn't have it. I was just saying "I NEED SOME MONEY GOD" and you showed up! THANK YOU; what a surprise!!"
    ...this definitely had to be God because I had NO idea that she was without money and for THAT long! I thought the idea of going to this person with this amount of money was crazy--and that she would look at me crazy too--but I wasn't put to shame and could rejoice with her that God heard her prayer and that I was listening!! Halelulia! 👏 praiseGod

    In addition, God would confirm that he spoke to me when other people come to me and tell me what I already was hearing from God!

    okay, I'm through.
    I'm interested to see where God leads you with this one Mia!


  7. That's normal. You just have to "cast down those thoughts" that you know are thoughts of "lust". You may need to fast some (this will help you have more self-control). I wouldn't beat myself up about it because no matter "how saved" a man/woman is--he/she will still fall short at some point or another. Just be patient and make every thought "obediant to Christ". Don't watch movies or listen to music that could cause you to lust and in turn do self-pleasure.

    Temptation is not the sin, but its giving into it that is. Just keep focused and know that if you fall you can ask for forgiveness but continue to do better each time. Stand on God's word. Whenever a thought comes into your mind to "you know what"--get up and do something productive (walk, pray to God, read a good book, etc--just anything to get off that certain focus). This faith walk is a process so don't expect to see a drastic improvement overnight--but day by day, little by little you will overcome this thing (if that's what you really want of course)!

    God is able to deliver you. He wants you to have that great intimacy with your husband, just do your part by giving it to him and "staying pure and holy" before him. Many people think this topic is taboo but many (even in the church) deal with this problem--so dont feel embarrassed or alone!

    smooches and I hope that I've helped

  8. MANIFESTATION (March 5-8): Every year our town has a "jubilee" celebration commemorating the anniversary of Bloody Sunday and the Civil Rights March to Freedom Movement. Reverand Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson usually attend. This year Jeremiah Wright (long time friend and minister of Barack Obama) and Attorney General Eric Holder will be coming to join in the Celebration.

    *So to answer your comment Butterfly, "my home town WILL stand out more than others will" (atleast for these three to four days it will!!) laugh

  9. just had this dream last night (kinda weird). Let me know what the spirit tells you. (I'm going off the top of my head, and will add more details later once I get my notebook):

    my ex had on a dark t-shirt and I remember my ex had walked into the room where my mom was. My mom was talking to someone (maybe my sister) and she said, "here's B" (my ex's name). He had gotten a divorce because supposedly his wife was taking advantage of him and giving the money he made to her son? (which she doesn't have in real life) or a male figure (possibly her ex)? he seemed happy though.

    Again, please pray on what I've said. I am over my ex but I wonder what's going on with this dream? Any more ideas?


  10. Had this dream 2/12/2009

    I'm inside a bathtub with a little girl (baby); I have on a blue and white-striped shirt and blue knee-length shorts; the baby keeps going under the water (I'm thinking she will drown, but as I keep picking the baby up by the hands she comes up smiling every time). I smile again at how the baby is SO happy. At first her hair is braided but when she comes up from the water the second time, her hair is in two ponytail puffs. A curtain is covering the both of us; I didn't seem to care that my clothes were getting wet.

  11. RnestseekR
    Just keep seeking God and REST in Him (as someone mentioned). This isn't a good time right now but God can still provide for his people inspite of and make ways out of no ways (I encourage you to read my post under bible study and teachings: "how much do you love me") Sometimes things are just that: "a test". I know that God can provide for you and don't lose hope because he'll come through when you least expect it!!

    Be blessed

  12. We do have to be careful as to what we say to each and every member on this site. Its about "hearing from God" and not of ourselves. We don't want to lead anyone astray by just "Randomly speaking".

    Monika I don't know you personally, but I know God knows you and He loves you with all His heart. I encourage you to post any dreams and conerns that you may have so that we as a group can help you through the power of God's leading. We love you here!

    smooches and God bless
    Welcome to the group!


  13. I just thought: "something that was taken from you will be given (restored) back" (jeremiah 33:6,11-'Nevertheless I will bring health and healing to it [lurdys]; I will heal my people [lurdys] and will let them [her] enjoy abundant peace and security'; 'For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before,' says the Lord.') just wanted to say that.

    please pray on what I've said
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