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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. In grocery store shopping with someone and my son (which I don't have a child IRL) is fully clothed in winter bubble jacket with hood (blue), and a scarf, etc. My son is trying to walk (show everyone that he can I guess). Everyone wants to see him walk and when he takes a coupole of steps behind the grocery cart wheels, he falls on his back--looking upward. I pick him up, not disappointed at all that he fell. I smile actually at his attempts.

  2. Hey Tina!
    Its nice to hear from you again (I know its been a while!!)

    I have to say this: How did you feel when the woman told you that your prayers were going to be hindered because you "weren't specific" enough? There are great guys (Godly ones) out there that I know would be a perfect match for you, but sometimes we ignore them because "they don't have this" or "don't have that" or "they are not what others expect us to have".

    I personally feel like you can be specific with God because he knows exactly what we like and want in a mate BUT you don't want to get caught up in the superficial either. God knows what's best for us, and often times what HE wants for us is different from what we want for ourselves (since his thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). I know in the past (before I was TOTALLY sold out to God) that I wanted a certain guy with specific physical characteristics, but as I've grown more those "things" don't hold the same level of importance anymore. I still want a man that looks "attractive" to me, but more than anything I want him to be TOTALLY sold out to God and his precepts.
    I'd have to agree with what Jodi said as well--the woman probably meant well but she went about telling you the advice in the wrong way (we have to be careful what we listen to and acknowledge from spiritual leaders; some sometimes say their opinions instead of what is out of the word of God)

    I wonder if that man with the blue eyes represented Jesus for you? Right now in this time, I wonder if he desires for you to be sold out to him completely and to love him totally before you get connected with anybody else physically right now? I wonder if he's "sending you on a mission" in rediscovering who he is and finding who you are in him"? I am a witness when I tell you that when you love God completely and with your whole heart, mind, and strength as Deuteronomy tells us, he will express a love to you that you've never experienced before! I'm telling you, once you have God's love inside of you--you'll know how to truly love others and that LOVE that God wants for you in a mate, will find you and it will leave you satisfied!! you won't be uncertain or confused (believe me, I was once that, but when I gave it all to God--who gives us the desires of our heart---everything worked out and it still is!!)

    blessings and be encouraged

  3. that makes sense--I thought it had something to do with the church. Which someone else said that: something unnatural or maybe perverted? I think this IS true for instance about my ex and his wife (many felt the relationship didn't make sense at first--maybe because she was from another background/ethnicity, but NOW everyone knows/sees that they are together) and....

    I hope that someone IS now SAVED and sold out for God--I'm excited to see who it is--I wonder if its one in my family since it occured around them?

    thanks so much for your response.

  4. Mia,
    that's a powerful minisermon right there!!!!lol--I was thinking the same thing!
    thanks for posting.
    you're right though...we need wisdom with our discernment! God, give me more of that! lol!

    also, "if a person doesn't have peace about a situation, does that go along with discerning something isn't right or not of God or is it just mean your heart is not in agreement with your own mind?"

  5. wow!! Did this dream make you feel "disgusting" and "icky" when you awoke? I know I had a similar dream and it was suggested that "I was ashamed of something" and didn't want all to know about it.

    I wonder if for you, there will be something that a friend (or someone that you're close to) will try to persuade you or tempt you to do that you won't feel good about doing (ie: skeptical b/c you don't agree with it) but you do it anyway out of fear of feeling "guilty" or being seen in a "negative light"? I wonder if it will something pertaining to the church (ie: like a church issue or dealing with a church member)?

    whatever it is, you have to be grounded about it and stand firm. Have you ever felt like in your past that you were kind of "wishy washy" or not as bold/firm as you couldve been on certain things (ie: setting boundaries) and you felt badly about it afterwards? Just something to ponder?

    Did you do something that you were ashamed of and you don't want anyone to know about it?

    please pray on what I've said as these are just my thoughts

  6. Butterfly
    I am just stating my perspective and opinion (we all have one).

    I'm not trying to start an argument and I am in no way "asleep" (though I know many are and that's what the bible says will happen at the end times, that's why we must continuously "Be on our guard and keep watch"). I know that these are the end times and that God is coming soon--so everything is in place for God's return.

    Yet still Obama has made certain remarks and statements that totally goes against Christian teachings and values but so much people are asleep, thinking all is well, all is okay.

    this is true but one thing I'm learning: I have to do what I have to do and can't worry about "what is or is not being said or done" on other people's behalf. Live for God for yourself (ie: "seek out your own soul salvation with fear and trembling") and God will take care of the rest! Not being blinded or naive to the issues just trying to worry about what really matters: winning souls for Christ and be ready for God's return!

    have a blessed day

  7. yall are so silly!!! :goofy: I don't have an interp either but I was thinking: what if its an obstacle course required of you to go through in order to pass a certain test? You're given the hard part so God can trust you with some things right?

    Do you feel like furs/minks are something that is "special" (for the elite) and a symbol of "prosperity" in some way?
    just my thoughts so plz pray

  8. This dream seemed kind of "bawdy" (ie: lewd) to me (most of my dreams are arent they? lol! so I didn't say all the graphic details ), but let me know what God says:

    B (my ex) was over my house (not my real house); after we had broken up, he had gotten married? He was dating my mother?!! I was upset--how could my mom be intimate and get into a relationship with my ex knowing that we had dated--wasn't that kinda like a "backstab betrayal" kind of thing? She's my family at that! (Definitely a no-no) I definitely wouldn't want him back after I knew he had messed with my mom! My siblings and family knew about the new relationship too but they seemed to not be as affected as I was!

    On my way to another part of the house, I remember accidentally walking into and past a room twice where my mom and my ex were being REALLY intimate (in the not so traditional way, if you know what I mean! It seemed very awkward!) the room door was WIDE OPEN! I remember my mother having on a sparkling white shirt. I felt so appalled that they would be so open like that--not caring if anyone passed by or not to see what they were doing! They both seemed happy and he wasn't paying attention to me; he was enthralled with my mother though! I was disappointed in my mom for marrying him!

    *for some reason, I keep thinking this relates to church in some way!
    plz help if you can--no rush!
    smooches w/love

  9. How are you? Welcome to the group!

    I wonder if what you've been seeking for a while, God will bring alot of revelation to it and it will be valuable to you? I wonder if God is telling you that "seeking him and his word" is much prosperity and wealth (ie: wisdom) that comes with it? please pray on what i've said

  10. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I am currently not working (which is a blessing because I get to spend more time with my one and only boo-JESUS lol! and the dream group now!)

    Anyway, an altercation happened at work (which I won't get into details) which left me frustrated and confused. I felt like a real-life JOSEPH (being accused for something I didnt' do and had to suffer consequences). To make a long story short, the devil was really setting fire to the situation and I was getting righteously angry at all parties that were involved (and then of course it couldve been God allowing the situation to happen to test what was in my heart as he did for the Israelites (deuteronomy 8).

    I'm like, "God, don't you see what is going on? I've been a light for you and look what is happening!!!" God WAS seeing what was going on and HE had my back (as always) the full time!! So, I kept standing my ground and having "holy-ghost" boldness with my enemies (which at that point my coworkers/management were my enemies!!Lol) and God finally came through (Days later, when I thought I couldn't handle the pressure anymore!) (doesn't it always happen like that?*wink)

    The situation is over and on today (VALENTINES DAY 2009--how perfect) My manager told me that the situation was resolved and that I would be getting a "HEAVY" addition to my check---which was unexpected!!! I was off the hook (no longer targeted! and the person's REALLY involved felt convicted and are currently shamed!) PRAISE GOD!!!! I don't know if this is serious to any of you--but for me--IT WAS MY VINDICATION!!!

    THE LORD IS AWESOME AND NOMATTER WHAT THE SITUATION LOOKS LIKE, HE ALWAYS HAS YOUR BACK NOMATTER WHAT!! Let God fight your battles and you will always be at the top, never at the bottom (deuteronomy 28:13)!! Now I can go back to school and graduate (which is my desire and continue in God's will!!)👏 praiseGod :PTL: All GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!

    thanks for listening

  11. Proverbs 24:17-18 "Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth, Lest the Lord see it, and it displease Him, and He turn away His wrath from Him."

    you're right about that scripture!!...I have LONG forgiven my ex that's why I can boldly say what I say with joy that GOD HAS MY BACK NOMATTER WHAT!

    I pray for my ex and his happiness and true salvation always (which I didn't mention in the above post) I'm not joyous in his pain...just wanted all to know just how God is true to his word and HE never forgets his promises--I'm joyous in that! God ALSO says that he will "fill our mouth with laughter and our lips with shouts of joy" (Job 8:21) and I also came out of the situation with my ex better than before "rejoicing and with shouts of joy (Psalm 105:43) because I was restored. The bible says, ..."when the wicked perish, there are shouts of joy" (Proverbs 11:10); Finally God says that we (ie: the righteous) will "observe with our own eyes the fall/punishment of the wicked" (paraphrase) (Psalm 91:8)...Not saying my ex was EVIL but anything not in righteousness is wicked (ie: unholy); he had unpure motives (God looks at the heart)! Job says those who "plow evil and sow trouble reap it" (Job 4:8) and THAT is what happened my friend!

    thanks for your post

  12. Interesting point Lurdys!!!

    I had a dream (not long before the election results) where there was a group of african Americans (dressed in old clothes like in slavery times) and huddled up together smiling. I thought about: this is vindication for blacks! All the pain and suffering that my forefathers went through wasn't for nothing!! So, I think alot of people in general were happy--they can "rest" now!
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