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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Had a dream that two girls that I did't even know, had told me that my youngest sibling was behind a building/inside a closet kissing a boy. I thought: I hope she doesn't get pregnant. I was trying to get loud and tell all the details while my mother was in the room so she could here but then I recanted. I thought: "She has her own mind and she has to make her own decisions. I am not her keeper." (I KNOW, sounds bad right? lol! )

  2. I remember being inside of a room with my ex and his wife. The television was on and people kept walking in and out of the room. My ex and his wife were on the floor next to a bed (his wife's back was up against the bed, and my ex was laying on his stomach comfortably). I layed beside my ex but his head was turned away from me (All I saw was his bald head as he layed on his arm). I kept looking at my ex to turn around but he never did--I guess he had gotten too comfy. I was comfortable sitting there not concerned if he turned around or not. I wasn't intimidated by his wife being there at all because I wasn't bothering him anyway. His wife kept speaking in code around me? At one point, my ex sat up (right beside me again) and even though we were shoulder-to-shoulder he still didn't acknowledge me (even though he knew I was there, he just kept watching television). His wife seemed agitated that people kept walking in and out of the room--I assumed she wanted privacy but how could she get it if the room door was wide open and she didn't speak up to let everyone else know what she wanted? His wife also didn't seem to be bothered that I was in the room as well. (Maybe she had come to terms with the fact that there was nothing between her husband and I anymore?)

  3. I was sitting on a brown-colored couch with my old classmate/friend (who at one point in time "wanted to date me"). His two-year old baby girl was sitting on his lap (IRL he hasn't kept in touch with me in some months, so when I saw the baby in the dream I was like: "NO WONDER HE HASN'T KEPT IN TOUCH, HE HAS A BABY AND WAS MORE CONCERNED ABOUT HER AT THE TIME". He also doesn't have a child IRL either). I was shocked to find that this guy had a child for some reason. He seemed somewhat agitated by the baby's unwillingness to sit still and be quiet (it kept whining). I saw my friend (he had on suit in the dream, and IRL he is a "Church going" guy that is the "minister of music" in High School he wasn't "saved" so to speak just going through the motions, but we were still good friends), take a white pillow from one side of the couch and lay it on his lap--he tried to put his baby to sleep for a short nap but it wasn't working. At one point I kept kissing the baby because she was so very cute--I love the cheeks!!! lol! I remember my lips sticking to her cheeks and my friend enjoying the interaction between I and his child! My pucker kept getting bigger and bigger as my friend playfully moved his baby back and forth with my mouth.

    I saw the singer Tye Tribbett and a couple of his male singers come over to the couch--I assumed they wanted to "Get to know me". They were singing that popular song: "oh tast and see the Lord is good". My friend said, "I didn't know that song was on his album". (He's a Tye Tribbett fan by the way). I said, "yeah, its track #11." (IRL its track #3 and called: Taste N See). My friend rested his back up against the couch and started bobbing his head to the infectious beat--he seemed really comfortable and relaxed

  4. Had a dream that my mom came to me and told me out of the blue that Eddie Murphy had reconciled (gotten back together) with his beautiful ex-model wife Nicole. I was surprised. I thought, "Maybe Nicole didn't think that Michael Strahan (her current NFL player boyfriend) was good enough compared to her ex--Eddie?" Maybe their separation really did cause his heart to grow--"fonder"?

    My mom said that Eddie Murphy said he was "going to do better (right)" this time. :PTL: thinking

    WHat do you guys think of this one?

  5. butterfly


    my first lady wasn't in much agreement about I and my ex's relationship. She has the type of personality that's "domineering" and "take control" which isn't bad, but when it concerns relationships and other people's lives (especially the lives of her children) then it is!! I don't know if my first lady criticized my father at all, but she was critical (like I said) of my relationship (I heard this from my ex when we were together) and my mother allowing me and my ex to get "too close" (maybe it was jealousy because he didn't want to date her daughters--she did have a special affinity towards him). Her actions really were bothersome to me--I guess in the past I just wanted everyone's approval--and you know THAT aint gonna happen!!!lol..Now, I'm more confident and just don't care!!Lol...What's for me is for me and that settles it (doesn't matter what A or B thinks).

    Everything you've said is absolutely true!! thanks again girlie I appreciate it

  6. I thank you both for your responses.

    I do believe that I am sensitive to the needs of others and respond to their hurts/pains accordingly--I ALWAYS feel as though I must do something, nomatter what it may be. I agree that this may be a cry of help for someone--maybe God will show me soon. Now more than ever I do have a compassionate heart and show pity towards others who may not necessarily feel like they deserve it (we're probably all in this boat!) :)
    thanks again

  7. I know that in scripture (Psalms and Isaiah will find it for you specifically) when people would mourn they would put on sackcloth (which usually is brown) and sit in ashes (which is gray). They would also shave their heads and cry out.

    In your dream you are on a bridge and there's water to no end. I wonder if there is a transition that you're comtemplating making in the future but you're at a stand still? Could that baby represent you? ARe you contemplating whether you want to give your life to God (or live holy) or not?

    When I saw the part in your dream about the woman giving the baby over for money, it reminded me of a scripture in Revelations about the woman running with her child from Satan (who was trying to destroy the child). Many theologians have said that the woman represented the church and Christ (the baby) who has come to the world to save it and Satan tried to destroy the destiny before it even happened (as he did in Moses time--killing all first born and in Jesus' time, killing all first born to stop Jesus from coming to redeem) (Revelation 12). Know that nothing happens by accident or mistakes in God. I also thought about the scipture about "would a man gain the whole world and lose his soul". The woman gave up her baby in exchange for money. Could this be a warning to you personally and to the world to not "give up your life for God/sell your soul" in order to gain acceptance and favor from the world (matthew 16:26)? I would rather please God than man. Whenever I see the color black I don't look at it as a good thing: unless it signifies "death" spiritually.

    [sup]11(Z) Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy."

    12"Behold,(AA) I am coming soon,(AB) bringing my recompense with me,(AC) to repay everyone for what he has done. 13(AD) I am the Alpha and the Omega,(AE) the first and the last,(AF) the beginning and the end."
    14Blessed are those who(AG) wash their robes,[e] so that they may have the right to(AH) the tree of life and that(AI) they may enter the city by the gates. 15(AJ) Outside are(AK) the dogs(AL) and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
    Revelation 22:11-15

    [/sup]Please pray on what I've said

  8. Hello

    Do you think that there are some precious things that you have lost in the past that will be found or "restored" back to you in the future? When I think of rings I do think of "commitment" and marriage and I wonder if possibly the Lord desires for you to be "recommitted or married to him" or even to some things that you've let go of? Please pray on what I've said

  9. Dream #1:
    Had a dream where I saw my younger sibling on a computer looking at her facebook page. My sister was looking at my ex's page (which he had gotten back online for the first time since he was married). I saw a picture of my ex and his wife smiling and hugged up on eachother (my ex was sitting down and his wife--with a new style {straight hairstyle with a bang}--was holding him/resting her arms around his neck--her head resting on top of his head--they both seemed genuinely happy. For some reason, even though I was happy for my ex, I just didn't want to "look" at that picture.

    1/4/2008- just an hour ago, I saw a picture in the recent Obama cover issue of Essence Magazine--Michelle was standing right behind her husband (he sitting down) and her hair in a straight style--they both were "cheesing"

    Dream #2:
    In a room with my pastor and his "right hand man" and his wife (IRL are close with the family and take over when my pastor and his wife aren't present). Inside the room, on a screen saver, I kept seeing words written about my personal life and this guy whom likes me in real life. I was hoping that noone saw this very "private info"--I tried to get everyone attention away from the computer. My pastor for some reason was looking a little perturbed and the "right hand man's wife" was sitting down at a table and threw me a piece of ham/canadian bacon. I was confused at why she threw me some meat (which was a little bitten off!! lol! )

    I don't know about this one guys!
    Thanks for your help

  10. Lately, I've been dreaming alot about Jennifer Lopez. Let me know what the Spirit tells you:
    Had a dream that I saw Jennifer Lopez in short quick images. In one scene in particular, I remember her coming out of the water all sensually and seductively dressed (she had on black tight leggings and a black bra). I kept thinking: "why is she still trying to dress and act like that and she is married?" I just felt it was inappropriate. Throughout the entire dream and the images being shown, her top song: LOVE DONT COST A THING was playing.

    Some of the Lyrics are as follows:
    you think you got to keep me iced you don't
    think you wanna floss I got my own
    even if you were broke, my love don't cost a think.

    *this song basically speaks about how her man wants to lavish her with material things but all she wants is his true love and she wants him to like her just the way she is. He doesn't even have to spend money on her to win her affection.

    In the last scene of the dream, J.Lo was on center stage with a guitar (which I know she doesn't play in real life lol! ) and she was playing/singing a folk song. All I remember her saying was "everybody pees in the river/lake sometimes". She was smiling as she sang.

    I'm like---WHAT? :huh:

    *the next day IRL, I saw CNN's SHOWBIZ TONIGHT at work on television and it was showing how Jennifer Lopez was always in the spotlight and people wanted to "know her personal life". :kitty:

  11. DECEMBER 19, 2008
    A former store owner of my restaurant asked me to come in and pray for this girl that seemed dead (similar to the story of the 12-year-old girl who was sick and dying in the book of Mark). I followed her to this room, where she was lying on this large white bed (this little girl looked similar to how my ex's daughter looks in real life). The girl was tossing and turning and wailing in apparent pain. As people gathered around the bed and outside of the door, they waited to see if I had the "power of healing" in my hands. I told others to stand outside of the door as I begin to preach a "sermonette" lol! on Mark 5. In particular, I spoke about how Jairus' daughter was near death and he begged for Jesus to come and heal the little girl. Only Jesus and about three apostles (apparently the ones he was closest to) were allowed inside the room. I said, SOME OF YOU IN YOUR HEART DON'T EVEN BELIEVE THIS LITTLE GIRL COULD BE HEALED. As I continued to talk, the little girl began to move around some more (she looked uncomfortable; one eye was closed and the other eye was badly bruised). People kept calling my name to get my attention. I said, "GOD GETS THE GLORY". I know I had prayed IRL before for my nephew's healing but for some reason I was a little nervous about this particular moment maybe because the large amount of people that were watching. What if God didn't come through? What if after all this faith in God, I would be disappointed and people would laugh? Would God deliver instantly?

    Moments later, I'm on this big charter bus with a sister of mine (the same one who would keep in touch quite frequently with my ex in the past) and I hear on the radio htat the little girl has a "heart beat" and is moving around and doing much better. I turn to my sister and tell her that I WAS THE ONE THAT PRAYED EARLIER. She is impressed. I see crowds of people going to see the baby, just like the radio personality suggested they would. I see Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglass with a friend walking towards the scene. Michael Douglass has on a black suit and his usual white hair is blonde now with a low ponytail (strange?) Even Hollywood is involved! thumbs :cute:

  12. It could be a mixture of both (I sometimes find myself in a simlar delimma!!Lol)...I look at it this way. Only God knows your heart and its motives behind your thoughts. If you asked God to show you and he did just that with your dream--then that's your answer to your prayer. If you're unsure still, ask God to show you another way for more confirmation. Remember: a word is established through the mouth of two to three witnesses. God doesn't want you to be confused, so if you desire to really KNOW the answer he will show you and continue to.
    be blessed and thanks for posting this question
    p.s. there is a dream symbol dictionary on this site that is helpful when concerning some dream symbols (of course you have to look at the whole context of your dream to see if the symbol matches your dream) I say this to say the following: sometimes beds, couches, etc represent "covenant" or "agreement" in a matter (in this case relationship/marriage). Also, when the man in your dream said: "I love you" and kissed you--a kiss (to me) means agreement as well and him acknowledging his feelings for you.
    I hope I haven't confused you
    blessings and peace

  13. Is your brother and his girlfriend currently having relationship problems? Has she contemplated breaking up with him or been acting like she wants to "try new things"?

    Has your brothers girlfriend started something that your ex is not to excited about or angered that she would even involve herself with?

    Please pray on what I've said

  14. Had a dream where I was in the back part of my job bending over something (my behind was in the air; I think I was getting mop bucket water ready). There were several guys standing around me (two in particular IRL that like me or desire to date me, etc). Each time I bent over, the two guys would take there turn to press themselves up against me (I know, VERY INAPPROPRIATE!!Lol)..Anyway, I would straighten up my posture and the guys would act as though they didn't do what they were doing (they begin to laugh and joke with eachother). On the last time that I had bent over, I remember one of the guys went a little too far and put one of his hands in the back of my pants. I had on a pad (I guess because I was on my monthly cycle) and he pulled it out for everyone to see--his expression on his face changed to suprise and then when I looked at the pad there was only ONE drop of blood on it (not looking disgusting at all, but I guess the guy was disgusted!!) Anyway, I grew angry and agitated and told the guy to "come here" because I was going to hurt him! I thought about choking him, but he started for the emergency exit door--not wanting me to catch him! I WAS SO ANGRY BECAUSE I SO WANTED TO HURT HIM!!!

    IRL, this guy was trying to "get close" with me but I wasn't "feeling him" so to speak because first of all he's a coworker, second--to young and thirdly he was rude and blunt. Now that he knows others have interest he is trying to be nicer and DO MORE to get my attention. He has started mess on the job and has discouraged other guys on the job from trying to "date me". I don't know WHAT his problem is!!!

  15. AS always unaday...you are so interesting and deep!!

    I will definitely pray.

    thanks for your response!
    p.s. I've been thinking alot lately about people and what I say and trusting them with certain information that was private. I'm thinking: God, I wonder if people will backstab me (even concerning my ex) but I don't want to be paranoid!!!Lol


  16. PRAISE GOD!!
    I was actually thinking about that the other day: "God has given us authority over ALL the power of the enemy...we shall tread on serpents and adders and NOTHING BY ANY MEANS shall harm us!!!" (Luke 10:19!)

    God is good! Lets do some ultimate conquering in 2009==I am so excited!!!
    smooches and thanks for posting
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