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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Had a dream that I had just gotten my hair done in curls and twists (a cute little fancy style). I remember going to work and having to get a big barrel of tea down off the top of a shelf and it accidentally spilled on the top of my hair (the front part)! My hair turned frizzy and bushy!! Secondly when I went home and layed on a couch to relax (my face turned down on the arm) I saw a tiny tan and black dog (chihuhah) coming up towards the couch. I was wondering what the dog was doing. It started sniffing me (my neck area) and urinated on the back of my head--once again leaving my hair sticky and smelly!!! ARRRRGGH!!

    My dad said, "Well you hair did look bushy"--I guess the dog thought my hair was a real bush!
    The dog began talking to me, but it wasn't talking to me out of its mouth but the side of its head. Instantly the dog looked like a sock puppet and I wondered who's hand was moving the dog? I looked at the wooden floor and saw several rows of slits where hands could be, but there were none. I was confused--how was this dog talking?

    Weird one guys--help!!

  2. [i]I believe what the Lord is showing you....He is asking for forgiveness...whole heartedly, by a reckoning of characteristics or reasons. :cmere: Halo

    ...Its funny that you say that Halo, because my ex apologized to my siblings sometime last year for what he did (not directly to me, but he knew that my sibling would tell me). I could tell by the inflection in my sibling's voice that my ex was truly sorry for what he did once he realized what he had done. Even prior to the forgiveness I had a dream that he was truly sorry (writing me and then "rubbing on me and trying to be apologetic in touches etc" when he was around me and my family) so this is confirmation to what was said.

    My ex's old characteristics (or what I remember him by) reminds me of a lot of guys but not one in particular.

    I truly feel like he is sorry (I always wondered if he was and what his motives were all along for trying to keep in touch). He said he had needed to "Talk to me" but I guess he couldn't make amends because of his wife. I feel the need to constantly forgive because sometimes thinking about the past too much can "develop bitter roots" within and I know God is urging me to constantly forgive. It truly is a process
    thanks much to you both

  3. My mom actually told me--"I think he's gay" and of course I didn't believe it!!lol...I will definitely be interceding for him. And also, there is a gay coworker that works with me and he likes me a lot (personality wise he thinks I'm cool and we have a lot of deep personal conversations)--I don't know if this could mean to pray for him as well but we'll see
    THanks to you both for the interpretation

  4. I don't know if this dream that I had last night has anything to do with the information/revelation that I've just received BUT I would like you guys to take a shot at it anyway pleeeeassse!!!Lol

    Had a dream where it was a sunshiny day and I and one of my siblings was walking. We happened to pass by my ex who had walked behind us to greet/smile with some people (I guess that he hadn't seen in a while). Anyway, he casually said "hello" to us, but really didn't pay us much attention. I was nochalant at the "brush off" but I and my sibling proceeded to walk ahead on the road/sidewalk. My mom was also walking beside us and moments later my ex came up to my left side and embraced my mom tightly. He looked weak as he slumped over--almost falling to the ground. I saw a stream of tears--HE WAS CRYING??!!! He said, "Ma (which he called her this in real life)...I'm tired!" I guess "tired" as in "fed up" and "not able to go on in the state he was in." (ie: exhausted)

    I was somewhat surprised that even though he smiled in front of others, he truly was "hurting" on the inside but seemed to only reveal that "truth" to/around my sibling, my mom, and I.

    Hmmmmm. What's the spirit leading you all to say here? I would appreciate your answers. Thanks thinking :angel:

  5. I wonder if there are some old and hidden issues that the enemy is trying to bring up about you and your daughter or family? Just a thought. I also thought about the garden of Eden (ie: you know with the tree of knowledge and life?) I wonder if there is some disception in some way: look good, but when you come close to it and look at it more closely you can see the truth? I wonder if this is caution to stay away from something?
    please pray on what I've said

  6. I wonder if things are about to change concerning your husband's ministry? No longer is it between you two (as evidence with just you and he in the vehicle) but NOW its others--and lots of them! (as evidence of the double decker bus?) Because the top part of the bus is "open" I wonder if the ministry will cause you two to be "more open" and the growth will be evident to others? Has it been a slow process (or seems like nothing has been happening fast enough for you and your husband?) Those tour buses are usually for leisure and a relaxing experience to see and learn and enjoy--and I wonder if this is what your husband's ministry will become?

    please pray on what I've said

  7. I had a dream where I saw the CNN news reporter "ANDERSON COOPER" (who also has his own show-Anderson cooper 360) in the middle of some murky water (maybe a creek/river) on a raft. I remember seeing his back (I remember his white hair) and seeing him with a white sleeveless undershirt and a large tattoo over his back to his arm. It looked as though he was doing "investigative reporting" on the water and looking in. All of a sudden he jumped in! (I felt this was odd) Scratch Chin

  8. Halo

    you are so cute!!! :) I can agree with your words--something is not finished yet--i must hold on until it comes to fruition at its appointed time (habakkuk 2:3)

    I also agree with you connie--"going higher" is something that I thought about too (going from "cowardness/fear" to total confidence in God)

    thank you both for your thoughts--i am TRULY excited about what the Lord is getting ready to do on my behalf!

  9. I don't know if this dream that I had last night has anything to do with the information/revelation that I've just received BUT I would like you guys to take a shot at it anyway pleeeeassse!!!Lol

    Had a dream where it was a sunshiny day and I and one of my siblings was walking. We happened to pass by my ex who had walked behind us to greet/smile with some people (I guess that he hadn't seen in a while). Anyway, he casually said "hello" to us, but really didn't pay us much attention. I was nochalant at the "brush off" but I and my sibling proceeded to walk ahead on the road/sidewalk. My mom was also walking beside us and moments later my ex came up to my left side and embraced my mom tightly. He looked weak as he slumped over--about to fall to the ground. I saw a stream of tears--HE WAS CRYING??!!! He said, "Ma (which he called her this in real life)...I'm tired!" I guess "tired" as in "fed up" and "not able to go on in the state he was in." (ie: exhausted)

    I was somewhat surprised that even though he smiled in front of others, he truly was "hurting" on the inside but seemed to only reveal that "truth" to/around my sibling, my mom, and I.

    Hmmmmm. What's the spirit leading you all to say here? Thanks thinking :angel:

  10. Interesting thought Butterfly (you alwaysw say unique things!!Lol)

    Shortly after this dream, the town had butterflies with different themes painted on them distributed all over the main strip (downtown). The theme: "Taking flight into new heights" into the future! Maybe God is getting ready to restore and rebuild that historical city!
    thanks again!

  11. YES! I do sing and I love doing it! I try to sing whenever I can (I like many different types of music--as long as its not carnal!!Lol) I try to write but I am alot better at singing!!! Keep doing what you're doing and watch God move in miraculous ways--as long as your open he will bless!!!...You're so welcome for the words (anytime! :)--they blessed me too!
    smooches and God bless

  12. Cholette,
    I was going to say something similar to what Daph said. I felt as though in the dream, there was someone you trusted (ie: a father figure/someone you respected) but that person took advantage of your trust and violated it. The man's wife or someone close to him, didn't seem to understand your point of view and you were in disbelief. Remember that feelings in our dreams are magnified but I wonder if something like this will happen in real life? Someone that you felt comfortable around at first (maybe with a private/confidential matter) totally disrespects you and noone else sees the disrespect?
    please pray on what I've said

  13. WOW! Ispeaktheword, I am a singer as well so I know the feeling of being nervous!!Lol

    First of all, J.Moss is an excellent producer, rapper, lyricist, and singer (he has great range and has worked with a lot of well-known artists--I mean he IS related to one of my favorites--The CLARK SISTERS!!!Lol)

    I wonder if you're getting ready to have an opportunity to sing for someone that you never thought you'd sing for in real life? He or she (may be locally famous or well known in your community) will ask you personally to sing for them and you won't know how to respond because you'll be suprised in a way?! (I wonder if you and that person will be talking and then the subject of "singing" etc will come up and he/she will ask you to do it on the spot?) of course these are my thoughts but it may just happen like that! One more thought, Spiritually-J.Moss could represent Jesus--giving you his confidence (ie: eating your sandwich)/boldness to do what you never could do before concerning your gift? The things of God are delicious (ie: Oh taste and see that the Lord is good) and when God lets you taste him, you will be READY to do his bidding. "PRAISING GOD" releases you into victory and a whole new realm of worship (especially with voice)

    Again, please pray on what I've said

  14. Dreamt that some coworkers and family were putting together and planning a suprise party for me (I knew about it and some of the details but I didn't know when it was happening). In one room I saw everyone painting and putting things together as I waited in excited anticipation. I remember seeing a big yellow house and it being painted blue. The walls were painted blue and I saw a large vertical poster with (again) lots of blue fish on it (stacked on top of eachother horizontally in one row). The wall wasn't completed but the paint was started.

    I remember going into the bathroom and fixing myself up (I had on a white cardigan sweater and black dress pants and heels). My hair was a different color (a ruby red) with braids--my hair was very heavy though!

    As I walked into the room with a child smiling, I was suprised to see my shift manager setting things up--she seemed nochalant as I showed my excitement to her about the party. She was planning for me but not even excited! What's up with that?lol
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