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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Hello how are you?

    I wonder if you have a heart for people (in particular women)? You were able to pass out the appropriate baby for each woman and I wonder if that symbolizes that you know exactly what people need because you can "feel" what the certain needs are? Do you think you have a calling for womens ministry? Do you think that the Lord is going to use you in a "mighty way" there (ie: lots of people/women)? please pray on what I've said

  2. I thought about: RIGHT ON TARGET. You were shooting 99 out of 100 which is almost perfect but its still VERY GOOD. I have to agree with the last comment, don't dwell on the one thing that you don't do right, think about what you're doing right for God. Don't ever allow Satan to make you feel like you're not good enough or worth it. Things are right on target in your life and know that "God looks at us and sees that we're but human". We're gonna make mistakes and we're not perfect but God is making us perfect in him (righteous) and that is all that matters. Do things to the best of your ability and let God do the rest. To me, Gold is ALWAYS a good metal and in the old testament with building the altar, Gold was often included. I wonder if God is going to do the "Shooting" in your life? He's going to take care of all of your problems so you don't have to.

    just some words of encouragement, so keep thinking positively. Please pray on what I've said

  3. yeah, earlier this week actually I saw a show about how people were so "into her personal life" (I saw this AFTER the dream though) possibly prophetic of seeing her on t.v. the next day?

    I have been dreaming about HER alot lately though.

    I remember how one time I dreamt about Derrick Jeter and Alex Rodriguez (both baseball players for the New york Yankees). I know little to nothing about baseball, so it was strange I had the dream. I dreamt that Alex Rodriguez (aka A-ROD) kept striking out and he had a HIGH batting average (which apparently is not good in baseball-the lower the better) and months later, he and his wife had gotten a divorce mainly because of his infidelity. So, God was telling me that he was "Striking out" of the baseball diamond (ie: marriage). But later in my dream, A-Rod was going for therapy on his knees (ie: so I felt like it meant that his life was going to get better and he was going to do what he needed to do to DO better in the future) so we will see what happens. This dream situation may be similar to that of A-Rods. J.Lo may even be representative of someone else--I am still trying to figure THAT part out!!Lol

    thanks for your response

  4. I don't have an interpretation but I wonder if there will be a situation that seems "Serious" to others but you will do something "uncommon" and "out of the ordinary" that will change peoples heart that previously thought: its the end for them?

    What a dream--kind of strange to me perhaps!lol

    I will definitely pray on this one.

    p.s. Has there been something that you've done recently that you feel like you've shouldve known better about and that God won't forgive you (self-condemning attitude)? Remember: NO CONDEMNATION IN CHRIST JESUS! (just a thought)
    p.s.s. Do you mind reading and responding to my recent dreams? Thanks flower

  5. I was inside this room with a bunch of people (some coworkers and people from my past). I vividly remember my best friend and her husband (whom I haven't communicated with in months) in the room sitting at a table beside me. It seemed like it was a little luncheon going on because the tables were round and had nice white sheets on them.

    This woman (who was a minister from out of town) was talking about something (can't remember what) and I remember people being really intrigued and enthralled by what she was speaking about (she was sitting at a table right in front of me; I appeared to be right in the middle of the room). Then something strange happened: She started taking out a small metal box and passing out fancy cigarettes/black n milds? Then she started passing out wine glasses with wine inside! Everyone was smiling and going along with the flow--I thought it was kinda weird but I didn't pay it any attention really. Then I saw my friend's husband put down the cigarette that was in his hand on the table. In real life he is a minister and in the dream, he probably felt like even though what the lady did was harmless, him holding the cigarette probably wasn't a good thing (he felt convicted?) Then his wife followed. Then I did too and thought: "they're right, I shouldnt' be doing what the crowd does either."

    The lady from out of town suddenly grew angry. She said sarcastically that "We were trying to judge her" (I guess because we didn't join in with everybody else and hold the cigarettes and wine). An older man sitting right beside said that "we're not trying to judge you, we're just choosing not to do a certain thing"?
    I agreed with the man and said, "yeah, we're not trying to judge just because we don't want to do what you have suggested (ie: participate in sin)."

    The lady brushed off the remark and suddenly had a change of plans. I remember being the only one in the room without a "significant other" and this woman wanted all the boys to partner up with all the girls. Before I knew it, I was sitting down at the table by myself and seeing boys backs, and looking at each couple suggestively rubbed up on eachother (I was hoping that they weren't going to do anything "out of order" and "Sexual"). I felt kind of left out but not TOTALLY out of place.


  6. I thank you both for your responses Seekyefirst and Giveme10minutes!

    I do believe that God gives me confirmation through dreams and that he has given me the prophetic anointing and ability to interpret dreams (after all interpretation comes from the Lord!!) Giveme10min! I appreciate your concern for the word of God and making sure that things are spoken decently and in order, but I feel like what was said to Seekyefirst was kind of harsh. I know that if what anyone says doesn't agree with my spirit the Lord will let me know. Who are we to say that the Lord didn't send someone? your spirit will agree or not agree that's why its important to know the Lord for oneself and to test fruits (you shall know them by the fruits). I take everything what someone says to heart and make sure that I pray on it because as I've mentioned before the Lord will reveal.

    Thanks for the warning and if God is warning me I DO believe that he will continue to let me know in dreams, visions, or whatever as he has done before.

    I appreciate you both for the responses and I feel as though something is happening and God will definitely let me know.

    be blessed both of you in Jesus name!

  7. Thanks D for your response
    I talk to my mother all the time--so I know that she understands. I will definitely pray and my sister (who doesn't live with me currently) is always excited to see me (I work all the time) and we often will talk about relationships, etc.

    pray that I won't be judgemental or critical towards her--we've all been there (young love)

    I agree-I don't think I dream things for nothing.

  8. just had this dream last night (kinda weird). Let me know what the spirit tells you. (I'm going off the top of my head, and will add more details later once I get my notebook):

    my ex had on a dark t-shirt and I remember my ex had walked into the room where my mom was. My mom was talking to someone (maybe my sister) and she said, "here's B" (my ex's name). He had gotten a divorce because supposedly his wife was taking advantage of him and giving the money he made to her son? (which she doesn't have in real life) or a male figure (possibly her ex)? he seemed happy though.

    Again, please pray on what I've said. I am over my ex but I wonder what's going on with this dream?


  9. Ha ha, you had a dream of an ex!!!Lol..just playing!

    Could it be that your ex is letting others or sinful things drive his life more than he putting his foot down and taking control of the situation? I wonder if his life is going down hill and he's "living life in the fast lane?"
    pray on what I've said

  10. you are called to intercede on behalf of hollywood eh? good stuff!

    Something I'd never thought about before...could be cool and challenging!!Lol God is good!!

    p.s. J.Lo was "out there" before--but now she's married and she's more a "house mom" and different now that she's married. Isn't that how it usually is though?lol

    thanks for the responses

    p.s. I wonder what the "pee in the water/lake" part meant?

  11. I DO think that I and he and her are accepting of the situation now. Everybody knows he is married now, where as before he was trying to hide some things. I am so glad that he has moved on, as I have I--thank God!!!Lol...My ex has always been the nochalant type, and I hope that whatever the problems may be that they can work it out and there not be any pride in the situation!!! There is obviously something that she is bothered by. I wonder what it is?

    thanks for your response--appreciate it
    God bless you

  12. you're right..my dreams ARE usually unconventional! Maybe she is trying to figure out what she wants out of life and her career? Maybe she doesn't want to be defined by her marriage but still wants to be the J.Lo that everybody knows her by? Marriage changes things!!!Lol...She grew up Catholic and supposedly she has asked Tom Cruise (who is a Scientologist) to be her children's godfather? This may be causing confusion, but who knows? God may want her undivided attention now?

    thanks as always for your response

  13. I wonder if time is "standing still in your life"? I wonder if there is some things that are "faded" in your life that need to be renewed and fixed and "restored" again back to its original form? Has there been something "broken" in your life that needs to be healed so to speak? God is one to "restore the time" in our lives once it has been wasted. I encourage you to read Jeremiah chapter 33 about "Restoration". God bless and please pray on what I've said

  14. Hello!

    thanks for the Holiday well wishes! I recieve it in love!!!

    First of all, I LOVE pizza (my fave food!!Lol) and when I think of it I think about VARIETY and lots of it (especially if there's lots of different topping on it) Your husband kept putting pizza in the oven and burning it up--I wonder if your husband isn't into much variety like you are? I wonder if he does things that are "unconventional" and "Strange" or you think its not "proper"? this may be way off base here (just my thoughts) but is your husband trying to "get rid of some evidence of things" or burn things up (dissolve certain things completely) out of your hands? Making you think: what is he doing?

    please pray on what I've said

  15. Lately, I've been dreaming alot about Jennifer Lopez. Let me know what the Spirit tells you:
    Had a dream that I saw Jennifer Lopez in short quick images. In one scene in particular, I remember her coming out of the water all sensually and seductively dressed (she had on black tight leggings and a black bra). I kept thinking: "why is she still trying to dress and act like that and she is married?" I just felt it was inappropriate. Throughout the entire dream and the images being shown, her top song: LOVE DONT COST A THING was playing.

    Some of the Lyrics are as follows:
    you think you got to keep me iced you don't
    think you wanna floss I got my own
    even if you were broke, my love don't cost a think.

    *this song basically speaks about how her man wants to lavish her with material things but all she wants is his true love and she wants him to like her just the way she is. He doesn't even have to spend money on her to win her affection.

    In the last scene of the dream, J.Lo was on center stage with a guitar (which I know she doesn't play in real life lol! ) and she was playing/singing a folk song. All I remember her saying was "everybody pees in the river/lake sometimes". She was smiling as she sang.

    I'm like---WHAT? :huh:

    *the next day IRL, I saw CNN's SHOWBIZ TONIGHT at work on television and it was showing how Jennifer Lopez was always in the spotlight and people wanted to "know her personal life". :kitty:

  16. You know, whenever I think of diamond rings (especially the ones that are unique and big) I think of a man's devotion and love towards his wife or wife to be (a man thinks seriously about what type of gift he wants to give to his woman so that she will never forget it right)?I wonder if your husband really and truly wants you to know just how special you are to him and he will show you in the upcoming days? It will surprise you and take you aback so to speak? Maybe he will do something that's unexpected (ie: like do something around the house that you've been wanting him to do or go above and beyond what you've been expecting of him)? being that the ring in the dream was a perfect fit, what he does will be "very satisfying" to you and exactly what you wanted?
    please pray on what i've said

  17. I wonder if this is just literal: that you're not ready to release your son per say on his own yet--even though you proud of him and excited of his growth you're also wanting to still be his "lifesaver" and support when things go wrong? Maybe you might just see him ride his bike or do something to that extent on his own, and you may feel afraid?>
    please pray on what I've said

  18. you know the saying "taking the meat from the bones" only getting what you know is "the most important" from the bulk and the things that are unnecessary you leave alone? I wonder if God is preparing you to witness to lots and different kinds of people that you've never met or thought about witnessing to before (people from different backgrounds, belief systems, etc)? Once again, whenever I think of meat I think of the word of God and without reading any of the other responses, I wonder if God is filling you up with even more of his word and showing you different aspects of it to refine you and fine tune you for those certain individuals that you will most definitely meet in the future?
    please pray on what I've said

  19. Well whenever I think of skulls I think of "death" and when I see white eyes, I always think of something "scary". Who do you know who's name begins with the letter H? I wonder if your sister's friend is currently going through some things right now that are causing her to change her perspective? Is she "dying" to some things (physically or spiritually)?
    please pray on what I've said
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