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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Thanks to the both of you for your responses:
    I've been told before that as far as my career is concerned to really "be precautious" and "don't settle" but to weigh my options because "what is good may not be in the long run".

    I know that both the squirrel and bunny are creatures that move really fast and are very fruitful; and the forest is a place of growth in this case (reminded me of a disney movie--which back in the day I would Fall in love with!!lol)...I believe prosperity is definitely coming for me but I will pray on what you've said
    thanks and smooches to you both

  2. Just be careful because the enemy is really out there trying to deceive...using people we have trusted in the past. Stay in prayer Love's Child!

    you've said something profound there! We are ALL called to prophecy, but you are correct in making sure that you HEAR THE VOICE before you open your mouth!

    God bless


    Here's a short dream I had last night:
    I dreamt that I saw a cartoon-like forest with a squirrel in front and then a rabbit. The scenery was green and pleasant. I then remember my 4 fingers (except thumb) being burned/sensitive on my right hand.

    any clues?

  4. Had a dream that I was standing towards the back of the restaurant where I work next to this guy that has a crush on me IRL. We both have the same nickname and I wanted everyone to see just how "good we looked together." lol! A woman customer wanted me to fill up her styrofoam tea cup with water. As I went to the back sink to fill up the water cup, all of a sudden the cup got too heavy and I couldn't hold it; there was a huge hole in the cup (as if someone had taken a bite out of it) and water kept spewing out! The owner of the store passed by me and was talking on the cordless phone as he went into a nearby office that has glass windows on the door IRL and closed the door.

    He came out and assisted me moments later and water spewed in a tidal wave everywhere in the back of the restaurant! All the equipment got wet! People were standing around and looking like, "uh oh" as if i was going to get in trouble. I remember my face and hair was wet and I had on a maroon/burgandy colored towel as if I had just gotten out of the shower! I wanted everyone to see how "desirable" I looked in that state! lol! Anyway, the owner turned on some gigantic fan (that I couldn't see but could hear the "buzzing noise" and every drop of water was then dried up!) WHEW!! 👏

  5. Had a dream where my ex (dressed in black) was sitting on a couch and I was comfortably sitting on the floor with my back up against the couch near his feet. A white woman came and sat down on the couch looking nervous as it appeared that she was new in town. I got up from the floor and sat inbetween my ex's legs and began to converse with her in a friendly matter--letting her know how I empathized with her and how she felt with moving to a new town and hardly knowing people. We talked and talked and all of a sudden my ex got up from the couch. I assumed that he was either uninterested in the conversation or just decided to let us talk. I was kind of surprised that he got up. thinking

  6. Remember riding in the backseat of a car that my ex was driving. My sibling #3 was sitting in the passenger's seat and we were talking back and forth (I believe my ex had on black). We were driving through this big city (which looked similar to a city my ex and I used to go to alot); the buildings looked different (fancy architecture) and things looked renovated/new. Even a college that's in town and where my ex's mother worked looked upgraded as well. All of a sudden, the car was elevated and went into the clouds (it seemed like an airplane ride at this point).

  7. No not yet. I thought about yellow being "doing away with cowardness" being more bold. I don't know yet. I'll keep praying.

    this dream IS confirmation to my ex and his sister moving back to the same state that I'm currently in! He goes to the same college I first attended!

    again, thanks for your response-I value it!

  8. REVELATION!!!! 12/18/2008--God just keeps getting more and more DELICIOUS!!! 👏 lol!

    Saw my ex's wife and daughter--and they both look completely different than what I initially thought (daphanie, you were right on target!); even the name of the child is a relief (don't ask me why? lol! ! God is so good that he shows us what we need to see to bring closure! I FINALLY HAVE MY CLOSURE--AFTER A YEAR LATER!!!lol

    Remember the dreams I had of my ex and his wife both carrying "childrens books" and he traveling (hauling something on a back of a truck) and she in the library wearing the same "baby-Ruth" shirt that I have? God has just let me know that they were experiencing something "new" with moving. They both are attending the very same college I attended when I first began my college career--no wonder I and his wife were the same in my dream!!!!


    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, keep me lifted up in Jesus name! THAT'S ALL I WANTED IS CLOSURE!!! NOW I CAN MOVE FORWARD IN WHAT GOD DESIRES OF ME! :Yell: :thankyou: :cmere: :PTL: bouncing

    GOD BLESS YOU ALL INFINITELY! WHo knew that dreams could be such a blessing in the end!!!??

  9. I dreamt that my sibling #3 sent me some money that she had owed me in a money order. With it, she sent two pictures of when me and my other siblings were younger (sibling #3 was in the middle looking at the person who took the picture). The odd thing was that she sent the money to the wrong address (the address of my first college that I attended, which in real life happens to be the same city that my ex currently lives).

    What's up with this one you all?
    thanks and smooches

  10. I remember being on the phone with one of my mom's old friends/coworkers' (who she hasn't spoken to in real life since the end of last year; I haven't seen her IRL either since last year). She recently had a baby girl. I remember saying, "CONGRATULATIONS" (in my mind I knew it was about me congratulating her on the birth) but she too said, "CONGRATULATIONS" to me but I don't know why. Was it because of marriage? Graduating from college? It seemed weird on the phone because I was unsure of what she was talking about.


  11. In the bible (Deuteronomy) it speaks about how to know if a prophet is authentic or not: "If the thing that that prophet spoke comes to pass, then it is from God, if not, that word is not from God and don't be afraid of the prophet."

    sometimes the only way to tell if something is from God is to wait it out. I am not saying that that lady was completely right or wrong--but sometimes your spirit may not always attest or agree at first for whatever reason.

    As Mia says, "you shall know them by their fruits"--do you know this woman personally? Does she do things according to the word of God or outside of it? have other things that she has prophecied come true? If so, she could be a "true prophet".

    Have you ever thought about it this way: Just because you may not believe it now (that this man is your husband) doesn't mean that it won't happen in the future? This is just a thought. What the prophet said may have been true, but she said it out of the appointed time/season (too early so you may not receive it).

    I would definitely pray. God knows your heart but he knows the end from the beginning as well. you may not like your friend like that NOW but you don't know what is in the future. Someone once said: If you receive a prophecy, don't try to MAKE it happen, let things take its course. If its from God--you will know. He does say in his word that he "tells us things before they happen so that when they happen we will know its of God." STill things should be done decent and in order and every prophecy should line up with what's in God's word (HE NEVER CONTRADICTS HIS WORD). God won't move against anyone's will--so to answer your question: NO, he wont make someone do what they don't want to do (in this case: marry someone that you don't want to marry.)

    My friend told me this story this past summer of how her sister met her husband. My friend's sister was friends with this one guy for a LOOOOONG Time--all through childhood. As they grew up, the future husband started to like the girl more and more romantically but the girl always saw him as just a friend. Being a church boy--he would often go to church and spend days praying: GOD, YOU KNOW WHAT I FEEL, PLEASE LET THIS WOMAN BE MY WIFE--I KNOW THIS IS WHAT I WANT. Well, the girl was oblivious to what this guy was doing. She had no idea that he was praying for her to come around and say, "yes, I want to be your wife." At the time, she even had a boyfriend! The husband to be of course was uncomfortable hearing about her love affairs! One day the girl (my friend's sister) said that she was going back to the United States for work/college. Her best friend (the guy who wanted to be her husband), started praying harder then! He didn't want her to go because she would go off and meet someone else and be successful without him. He said: LORD IF THIS IS MY WIFE, LET SOMETHING HAPPEN WHERE SHE WON'T GO BACK TO THE US RIGHT NOW. LET HER KNOW SOMEHOW THAT I AM FOR HER.

    Weeks passed and the time was approaching for the woman to leave but something happened. She has this weird feeling all day--she kept thinking about her friend more than usual in that "romantic way". She somehow didn't want to leave afterall because she knew she would miss her friend. She said that the Lord had spoken to her on her way to buying a ticket and that she should stay because her husband was her best friend!!! SHE WAS SHOCKED and had no idea that he had been praying for her heart to soften and come around for him (the guy later told her what he had been doing).

    They now are happily married and the rest is history. SHe didnt believe it at first that she would marry her best friend who knew so much about her and her relationships--but God knew! Since its the "man that findeth the wife"--you don't know what your best friend has been praying for! Maybe he was "out of order" for telling you this information now and maybe he shouldve used more wisdom in what to say and how to say it and when to say it--but only God knows who is perfect for you.

    I would definitely be doing some fasting and praying and ask God to show you who your husband is loudly, clearly, and plainly.

    I hope you have been blessed and inspired to take a second look at things.

    desiree kiss


    Hot off the entertainment press (Can you blame me? lol! ) A trusted entertainment news magazine (U.S Weekly) reports that Jennifer Lopez and her husbands marriage are on the rocks

    I know you shouldn't believe everything that you read (thanks to renewed for pointing that out) but this is just confirmation to my dream that I had a couple of days ago of them (singing in a dark alley and dark circles being under her eyes). I know my dreams are prophetic and maybe God was just showing me that I would see some information about them having problems!

    Only God knows what's going on behind closed doors. Madonna and soon to be ex-husband got a divorce just after it was said "all was fine" with them---so who knows?!

    I just pray that God will intervene. We as saints can intervene for these celebrities--they need God too. THE WORLD HAS NO PEACE

    Be blessed everyone, just wanted to share (not trying to be judgmental or critical)
    with much love
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