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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)


    Someone once said: "God matches the dreams to the dreamer that He knows will take the dream and cherish it and nurture it, until he brings it to pass!!"


  2. Well you guys have called it!
    What has been done in the dark (as the bible says) has definitely come to light! What has been covered has been uncovered--through my dreams and confirmation from others (in this case--an unexpected source!!)
    Luke 12:2 (New International Version)

    2There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.

    First of all, let me say, I hope that you guys had a blessed TURKEY DAY with good eating and even better fellowship!! (I KNOW I DID!!!!lol) I apologize for not being on line as much (work really has me more busy than usual)...Continue to pray my strength in the Lord) 👏

    I found out this past Thanksgiving that MY EX IS IN A CONTROLLING MARRIAGE! I also found out that my ex has indeed moved and he now lives just a couple of hours away from my parents (as evidence in past dreams where he was "moving" going "NORTH". He lives north of the state and the "baby" being a couple of months old.)

    In my dreams, I always dreamt of my ex being in certain places and his wife not being far behind him (she was always looking back at me in suspicion as if to say, "you better not talk to him", etc. It was like she was guarding his view from not just me but certain things (ie: keeping him from being himself/having fun). In one dream, that DAPHANIE interpreted so correctly (remember Daph?), I was in a big van with my ex and his parents (they were happy in conversation but I was feeling uncomfortable (which in real life at the time I was feeling uncomfortable seeing his family--I felt they were trying to "be fake" so to speak)...Also in the dream, I remember pulling up to this house (I assumed my ex's house) and his wife was standing on the porch (with arms folded) looking to see who was riding in the vehicle--she looked skeptical and suspicious (UNA you called it right)...she wasn't invited in the car but I was invited in the house (she just came in wondering why I was there). Remember how she would keep coming into the room where my ex was and "observing"? She said 'hello' to me (and Una you said that she could be wondering what my ex's feelings are for me) and I felt "uncomfortable" as my ex was in my view trying to "get my attention". In real life, his parents accept me more than his now wife (which I am shocked!) No wonder they would be so glad to see me when they would see me around town!

    My ex's wife won't even let him talk to other women (my ex in real life was a "social butterfly" and he was comfortable around women--no big deal right?! It wasn't a problem for me but it was evidence in my dreams that when his wife would come around she would TOTALLY keep him from talking to any one!!) No wonder my ex said that he "missed my family" and would try to "sneak" to talk to them and keep in touch--he's totally on LOCK DOWN!!!Lol...not only that, but he's constantly stuck with the baby and can't even listen to the radio with his significant other because she doesn't like that! (This may not be a big deal for some but it is for me because this is something that I and my ex enjoyed doing--listening to music all the time!!)

    I say all this to say that I always wanted to know what was REALLY going on behind closed doors. There was a lot of unanswered questions--and now I know!!! Just like the widow with the unrighteous judge, God has granted me my justice!!! He has allowed me to observe with my own eyes the fall of the wicked (as the word says)...not saying my ex was wicked but at the time he didn't have pure motives! God has allowed his foot to slip and calamity to come upon him quickly!
    Deuteronomy 32:35 (New International Version)

    35 It is mine to avenge; I will repay.
    In due time their foot will slip;
    their day of disaster is near
    and their doom rushes upon them."

    When I would try to "pursue peace with my ex" I was offended that he didn't try to make amends or say something to let me know all was well--and NOW I know why--because HE COULDN'T! His wife won't let him!!! And I can't say that I'm not surprised--you reap what you sow!! Just like the feelings in my last dream I posted, I had so much relief when I found out the truth. All I can say is WOW!!!

    Okay, I'm gonna quit rambling on, but I appreciate all the prayers and all the encouragement concerning this manner. Now I know why my ex is unhappy and now I have received the vengence and understanding of the situation that I've ALWAYS wanted since the breakup! If this isn't a lesson to appreciate the good that you have--I don't know what is!!!??? I've been sitting on cloud-9 ALL week because of this news---I finally have peace...everythings coming together!!! PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY!!! I am SO glad that things are made known--my dreams weren't nonsense!!!! lol!

    Be blessed and I love you all greatly
    desiree (aka Starpop)

  3. AWWW! you are so sweet Lori! I appreciate the hugs and kisses!lol
    Actually, you're not the first person to say that. Sometimes I do wish that when we were together he thought differently, but I AM SO Glad that he has grown (I wanted him too actually and be the man that he was destined to be!) Sometimes its a hard pill to swallow to know that someone has moved on--but I'm okay. I am dealing with it and growing immensely in God. My man is coming soon--so I just want to sit back and let God do his thing!! He has promised to make me happy so I am not disappointed!!!Lol...thanks for listening
    p.s. I would love to see my ex as a new person now (that's actually a GOOD thing if he's changed and grown; I'm accepting that)--just to see that my prayers of him changing for the better have been answered! I guess sometimes my dreams are a way of me releasing some things b/c I cant do it in real life! bandaid

  4. you know Lurdys you do bring up an interesting point. In my very first dreams of him, he would be in a white tshirt and gray sweat pants (still blue baseball cap) but now his clothing has changed. I DO wonder if he has changed for the better--I would love to see it!!

    Thanks Jeanie and Lurdys for the responses. I wouldn't be surprised if words of knowledge are coming soon
    God bless

  5. 11/25/2008
    Inside this room (looked sort of like a classroom/bank but can't remember) and there's a bunch of people inside of it. There was this lady sitting at this desk (the kind in elementary schools with the basket underneath) and she's right in the middle (between other desks) prophesying to certain people that come near her. I remember seeing this one man sitting down in front of her as she's writing down in this steno pad and whispering "words from the Lord" to this young gentleman. (I assumed that he really didn't want people to hear his prophecy so that's why he and the lady are inches apart as they're faces almost touch; The man seemed comforted by his received revelation). As always, I was curious but still on my guard as to approach the woman or not (I mean she couldn't tell me anything that I didn't already know--right?)

    Surprisingly, moments later, I see my dad go up to the woman and stand behind her against the wall (her desk was near the wall). His black/white tie was hanging off his neck (not tied up) and his collar was up, along with his first shirt button unbuttoned. My dad had on a black suit--looked as though he was getting ready to go to church. Another customer (a woman) had been sitting down, so I guess my dad just wanted to know what this lady was "all about". He sat down in the desk (his back facing her) and began "knocking underneath the desk" (ie: like "knock on wood"). The noise to me for some reason sounded like a "say-onse" (spelling). The lady began to speak. She says, "I SEE BROTHER, do you have a brother". My dad was speaking to another woman in a side conversation (looked kinda angry) then he says nochalantly, "yeah, I have a brother".

    The lady goes on to say, "HE WILL GET IN A CAR ACCIDENT AND NOT REGISTER". (during this time I was contemplating whether I should go up and get a prophecy since I'm so QUICK TOO-lol about my ex and my husband but I recanted because I didn't want others in my business). Anyway, my dad looked shocked at the revelation and was speechless. I was sitting in a recliner (my back towards dad) and my sibling was beside me, I said, "UNCLE S in an accident?...I JUST thought about him being in a car accident a couple of days ago." My father said, "that's good. When something out of the blue comes to you like that, don't take it lightly, that's a sign to pray." I kept thinking, "wow, God does reveal things to me before he does to others...I was wondering why I kept seeing that image of an accident!"

    :huh: thinking

  6. This girl asked me go with her to her house. It was down a long country road (similar to one I used to live on) and it was dark outside--so I was kinda skeptical (though I didn't mind because I like walking at night--I know weird-lol)...
    I remember being on a bike (10-speed and "old school"-with basket on front of the handle bars). As she sped up ahead of me and was out of site, moments later she came speeding back towards me because people were chasing her and she was scared!) As I saw the people--dressed in yellow and had on "construction worker vests" coming towards me as well, I began to sing the following lyrics by singer "Donald Lawrence" (everyone stopped activity and began to listen; seemingly interested):


    The following verse from Psalms 118:15 came to mind:
    15 Shouts of joy and victory
    resound in the tents of the righteous:
    "The LORD's right hand has done mighty things!
    God bless you all!

  7. HEllo
    I don't know if God is showing you something about your ear (as if you need to get it checked out) or if he is letting you know that he wants you to "REALLY LISTEN" to some things that he is telling you (as in "pay attention" to some things spiritually--being that the ear was magnified and stood out to you). Please pray on what I've said

  8. Had a dream on 11/24/2008 that my mom told me that my ex was moving but that he had to get some things together first. He was moving after some things were done. Hmmmmm...

    I remember seeing my ex talking to someone and he was smiling. He had on a blue baseball cap and a dark blue t-shirt with white writing all down the back of it. He had on a maroon undershirt (he loved to wear undershirts with EVERYTHING IRL!) and blue jeans. (dressed comfortably). He had keys in his left hand; he looked like he was only talking temporarily--like he was in a rush to go somewhere and just stopped briefly.


  9. Had this dream on 11/22/2008:

    All my family (siblings and parents) were over this house and sitting inside this room that had two beds in it that were against the wall going vertically. This room looked also like a living room. Turns out that my ex was in this room (possibly his house)? I heard a lot of commotion (my ex was obviously playing around with my siblings) and my mom came to me (I was laying on one of the beds) and she said, "DESI, B IS HERE." I ignored what she said and opened my eyes briefly to see him standing in the corner of the room with a young baby in his arms. The baby had a dark complexion (different than other babies he had held before). I said, "THATS HIS BABY?" I was surprised, yet relieved ( Not to be mean, but I had thought the baby looked a little bit more "easy on the eyes" than that; atleast that's what I assumed based on my ex saying, "she's so this and that", etc about his wife I assumed the same for his baby. I couldn't really make out the baby's features--everything was "dark". Nevertheless, he was smiling the whole time). I immediately thought: Man, I lost my cool over nothing! My ex seemed really content and satisfied as he was joking around and be playful with my siblings (as he did in the past). I kept taking a "sneek peek" of his action while his back would be turned from me, and when he would turn around I would pretend like I was asleep all over again!! lol!

    My ex gave one of my siblings a book to read (I assumed it was about marriage because of the conversation afterwards). He suggested that she read it and learn from it. He told her to do certain things that he didn't do before she had gotten married so that she wouldnt be "regretful". He said he was "learning". He said, "MARRIAGE IS ABOUT SUPPORTING ONE ANOTHER; ABOUT SACRIFICE,etc". I couldn't believe this was my ex trying to give some SOUND adivce. I had that " oh please! whatever, yeah right" look on my face as I rolled my eyes. I kept thinking, "GLAD I'M WAITING". whew!! thumbs Everybody seemed genuinely happy to see my ex--I didn't want to see him though. He came over to my bed trying to get my attention (ie: annoy me and pick at me to get me to wake up and notice him).He layed on the white pillow right beside me (his face turned toward my face so that if/when I opened my eyes I would look at him--I knew his tactics and I wasnt going to give in!!!!LOL) I remember opening my eyes and staring at him right in the face and he didn't even look like himself! He had on a black t-shirt and gray dress pants and shoes (as if he was business casual for church or something) His lower body was spread out in a crazy position (legs at angles) His head was down as I looked at him and noticed his bald head.

  10. Thanks Halo for your interesting thoughts. Funny thing is, in the dream when my ex's mom left the building she was smiling but when she was in her car it was "Sideways". Do you think someone (maybe my ex's mom or someone in the family) isn't being honest about some things--hiding things? I can definitely see: "putting on a mask" (things aren't as they seem even though certain things are presented otherwise"?) I wonder, What was acquired by illegal or immoral way (ie:ill-gotten)? Are we on the same page?

  11. Jeanie
    I definitely saw a "revitalization" and "bringing back to life" of some precious things that were once dead. Maybe God is calling you to revitalize some things that others may not deem as important? Your friend looking different makes me wonder if she has a new image or outlook on some things and you'll see it for yourself? I wonder if shde desires for you to see some things the way she sees them (as in she was in disagreement with you on the dream site). I wonder if Mia has to put on her "war clothes" against the enemy when it comes to the site because so many are blessed by it and others are trying to infiltrate it with worldly schemes? Ibleieve she is rooted and grounded (ready for warfare) with the spirit!
    please pray on what I've said

  12. I wonder if there is something new and restored that's going to happen or is happening with your family (in particular your mother and/or cousin--like a relationship)? I always think of green as being "harvest", "growth", "Stability", etc. A yard just looks so vibrant and "full of life" when its well-watered and manicured doesn't it? I just look at it as some renovation and "new life" to your family. Please pray on what I've said

  13. Hey Cholette!
    The first thing I thought about was "Something unexpected". You thought you had one thing but something else surfaced and I wonder if this will be the case in real life? It will be small but comforting maybe--like you'll welcome it? I don't know about the dog changing colors but maybe it could represent how your outlook of the situation changes?
    please pray on what I've said

  14. Dream #1
    Had a dream where I was in the backseat of a car with my ex and his daughter--kinda weird!

    Dream #2:
    Had a quick dream where I saw my ex walking and smiling a big "cheesy" smile. I didn't remember the setting or the surroundings (it seemed dark) and he had on blue. I wondered why he was smiling alot. Crazy!!!Lol flower
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