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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Jeanie:
    Have you seen maggots in real life? They pile up around old trash or rotting corpses and that is SO disgusting. Flies have been said to be the most germiest insects on earth (because sometimes flying on trash (as I've mentioned) and feces bring about sickness and diseases.

    Is there someone that God is warning you about that you shouldn't hang around or be in their company because they can "taint" you in some way? Jeanie, I know that you are a POWERFUL AND GODLY woman and others know that--but that doesn't mean that they respect that either. There will be some that will try to turn you away from your focus and its been my experience that if you come into contact often--it can rub off and cause damage (I know you have wisdom and know, but this was my immediate thought when you spoke about the bathroom scene and saying others may have been participants/affected too).

    To me, bathroom always means a place of cleansing and you were grooming yourself (stripping way some "oldness" and "deadness") so that you could be refreshed and focused as to what God wanted right? Many have done the same thing that you have done (as evidence of maggots on the floor) but I wonder if all the dead on the floor was more of what was coming out of you than others and you not realizing it?

    One last thing that stuck out to me was the towel. You use a towel to cover yourself after bathing right? Its like "protection"/comfort. What kind of towel was it? was it comfortable (cotton) or some other material? I find it odd that the boys dirt was on the towel and you had just "cleaned your hands" and wanted to dry them off but realized they would be tainted if you put your hands on there. Remember how David in the bible said that he "cleaned his hands" and if his heart wasnt cleaned, the Lord may not have listened to his prayers? (paraphrase)...Symbolically, clean hands mean being holy and sometimes "washing hands" could mean to "remove yourself out of the situation" (ie: not be involved with it anymore). Is this is what God is showing you Jeanie? To remain focused and holy before him and be careful in the midst of your relaxing and having fun (remain alert) because a "little mold can ruin the whole basket of bread" or "one bad fruit can spoil all the other good fruit".

    A mosquito does carry disease and drain blood from us, but I wonder in this case was it just a pest to you? (like something bothering you in some way; trying to hinder your walk)?

    Sorry for the story, please pray on what I've said
    smooches and love you much
    desiree cool

  2. I'm surprised that you say that I have "alot of respect for him" most would say otherwise!Lol..but I am surprised as well that as the bible says in Ezekial: "God has taken away my heart of stone and replaced it with a heart of flesh" of course to do his purpose. After God has healed me and restored me, my view (surprisingly) of my ex has totally changed and it was so unexpected. I am surprised as to so much revelation that has been given to me about my ex and the amount of praying that I've done for him--if he's not saved after all this--there's no hope!!!Lol

    As always Connie, I thank you for all the insight, encouragment and God-breathed analysis of my dreams! YES, I DESIRE GOD TO REVEAL IT ALL SOON (as someone else told me earlier!)...God knows all things!

    smooches and keep me in your prayers

  3. You know Connie:

    Someone just asked me that the other day and I can honestly say: I love him like a brother in Christ

    But who knows...God could be showing me my real feelings in my dream (he knows our heart and heart motives right?)...I'm kind of embarrassed to keep dreaming of him and talking about him (I know God has been the one increasing my dreams). I don't know whats the message here. I do hope to meet my husband-to-be soon!

    Other than that...I don't know why I keep dreaming incessantly about him and his family?

    Thanks for your response

  4. I always felt like emotions/feelings in dreams were relevant (because I'm an "emotional type of person") but I guess I didn't try to connect real life feelings to my feelings in dreams because I thought feelings were inaccurate because they were in my dreams. I don't know about you all, but I was told that dreams are nonsense and from our imagination so they aren't really important. But then when I would have feelings of dejavu and real-life events would turn out EXACTLY the way my dreams would, I started questioning.

    Also, being new with the dream interpretation thing, I was told that feelings really don't matter since "our feelings come from our heart and the bible says in Jeremiah that the 'heart is wicked/deceitful above all things who could understand it, etc'? so I immediately think because my emotions are fickle, they must not to be true or they are just a product of my imagination.

    I can't explain it, but I guess since many feel like emotions are unimportant or that its not "okay to feel" just move on...I started to think that emotions weren't important and not as much of a big deal as say "symbols" would be--boy was I wrong!!!

  5. I had several dreams last night rolled up into one but this is what stuck out to me:

    I had met my ex's wife in a casual conversation. I remember my ex already being at my home and spending time with my family. He left and moments later his wife came in--but she looked COMPLETELY Different than what I've seen of her IRL (she was like another race and shorter). She seemed really nice and I was somewhat surprised at our meeting and how comfortable she was around me (her husband's ex and her family). Even though she says that she was his wife it just didn't register with me (being that this wasn't the woman that I knew of). She was just smiling and speaking positively about him). I can't remember everything but I do remember that her hair was different (had weave/extensions in it) and I was joking around with her about my hair (trying to get her to feel comfortable around me/accept me without tension). All of a sudden, in the midst of conversing (I'll put this out there lol! ) I started feeling a tinge of jealousy. I don't know why. We were both in a classroom. My family was accepting and that was shocking!

    After going some days without dreaming of my ex...this springs up on me--any ideas? :crazy:

  6. Interesting words Lori--thanks!!!

    Jesus HAS paid the price and sometimes I guess (concerning giving of my time or money or even witnessing) there are roadblocks--but I shouldn't be afraid! Maybe since its Christmas I should be Sharing about Jesus more? (which I did at the job actually today!!! 👏

    Love you much

  7. Hey you all,
    Its me again (Desi aka Desiree/Starpop!)lol
    I hope all are doing well but recently my heart has been grieved for Mr. Pitt himself. Its been just announced that he and Angelina are having another baby girl--his twins are just 5 months old!! All the kids are younger than 7! Brad has said that its a joy but overwhelmingly tiresome as well. You can look at pictures and tell that he is "worn out". he says that he can't hang out with friends as often because of the emotional demands of the kids!

    I ask for the simple request of praying for Brad. I know that Mia has mentioned her burden for him before, but this man REALLY looks like he is tired and going through an emotional rollercoaster ride. Keep him in your prayers that he will be strengthened and things will definitely turn around for him.

    God loves even the celebrities
    thanks again

  8. There are many Christians who have fallen away because we in the church have not done enough to minister to them adequately and encourage their faith in the Lord.

    I agree with you here! Lets not ignore but keep God first and passionately tell others that they are loved by God...God has drawn us by his love didn't he? so we must do the same! Pray that God give us each a revelation as to how we should approach and react to those he places in our lives!


  9. What about getting ready to "move" either physically or spiritually? When you stop for gas, you're "filling up" to prepare for your next destination right? And as Halo said, a possible "revival"---tank being on empty and needing to be "refilled"! (by the way...interesting!)

  10. I have to agree with Cholette here.

    Everyone have made some interesting points but one thing is certain and will always be: THE PLANS OF THE WICKED SHALL FAIL BUT THE WILL OF GOD WILL PREVAIL.

    Nomatter whom is or isn't in office, God's will shall be done regardless. GOd promises to take care of his children in every way as long as we keep focused on him as our source and not on man!

    I do believe that because of what's at stake (an increase of homosexuality, abortion, recession, etc) that the LORD IS COMING BACK just like his words says and we have to be ready because it could be any moment!

    Lets focus on getting souls saved and bringing them into the kingdom and out of bondage. I don't want to see anyone go to Hell.
    I love you all with the Love of Christ and be ultimately and abundantly blessed in all that you do!
    "hey we're all learning"...so live, love, and laugh--it can't hurt" lol!


  11. Christal
    I wonder if you're getting ready to find something (a new opportunity maybe?) out of a situation that seems a little unusual at first? You'll find it out of doing "regular" or "routine" things (unexpectantly?) You found the baby in the dirt and most people probably would not have seen something good out of something that seemed so "dirty" and "unclean" at first. I wonder if you will take care of this opportunity (ie: clean it up and nurture it) and it will end up being a blessing to you afterall?

    I also agree with Jeanie's interpretation...so POWERFUL!!

    Of course these are just my thoughts so pray on it
    be blessed

  12. I KNOW!!! Its quite aggravating sometimes!!!lol

    I guess we will have to see. AS I've said before, I know alot about my ex and his past, so it would seem fitting for me to intercede on his behalf. God is definitely saying some things!!

    thanks again (as always)
    p.s. pm-ing you right now! lol!

  13. Hey Jeanie!! (just wanted to show you how enthusiastically happy I am to hear from you...its been a while!! lol! laugh )

    Mcdonalds isnt' really good food (its something quick)...the cheeseburger wrappers are what stood out to me the most (yellow mixed with red)...Interesting thought...

    I feel like my ex is "changing for the better" not the worse--I found it odd he didn't pay for his food.

    thanks for your help

  14. I have been trying to operate in this gift for some time and I find that the more time I spend in the bible the better I become at it.

    "correct-to-mundo" sis!!! IT takes God and his word to help you in dream interpretation! Keep practicing and it will become easier and SO very fun! Glad you're hear and looking forward to seeing some of your prophetic dreams come to pass (I have them too!!)

    "Live, love and laugh--hey it can't hurt"

    desiree (starpop)

    p.s. Can I get that saved man running for Jesus!!!!lol

  15. Had this dream on 12/13/2008:

    I had purchased a red christmas card that also had the color green on it and a picture of a brown chimney (apart of a house but I only remember the chimney). The card resembled a card that I received IRL from an old acquaintance/coworker. As I began to write an old friend of mine (whom IRL I haven't spoken to in some months and he also happens to be a minister at my school), I wanted to thank him for all that he and his family had done for me. I began writing the names of his siblings but couldn't really remember their names at the time so I decided not to write to them specificially. I changed my mind and started writing down my current coworkers' names and putting each name on $1 dollar bills with red ink from one of my cash registers at work. I'm thinking: What am I doing? This isn't even my money to give away!!! :duhh:

  16. Whenever I think of cell phones I think of a form of communication as well. Because you couldn't find it, I wonder if its hard for you to express yourself right now or get something through to someone else or vice verca?

    Please pray on what I've said
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