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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I am here to tell all, when God steps on a scene there will be a change like no other. He predestined her to be here with me to show her what she was told and was being taught that it was not of Him.......PraiseGod, He is awesome and He is so loving to everyone.
    That little girl knows now that the God she met here at my home is the one she had been searching for so long....SHE FOUND HIM, EVEN WHEN SHE DIDN'T KNOW HE WOULD MEET HER AT MY HOUSE.......!!!!

    you are so right...God moves in miraculous and unpredictable/mysterious ways!!! PRAISE GOD FOR ONE MORE SOUL ADDED TO THE KINGDOM!!!!


    God bless you much and keep on doing what you do for christ and you'll receive your crown!


  2. Desiree,
    You are a celebrity........... you have a host of angels and the old saints celebrating you for the works you are doIng in the Body of Chrst. We are all.....


    you are so right...there are alot of spiritual strongholds in Hollywood (hence suicides and drug overdoses, people are crying out for help)--I don't know why so many survive? Any intercessor or prayer warrior DEFINITELY has to have their armour on in that field!!! lol!
    much love and smooches to you "blessing" huggins

  3. Cholette is right...Usher is about to be a father again...

    There is also talk (isn't there always?) that Usher and his wife are having problems and this could be evident by him being in excruciating pain in your dream (maybe there will be something that is about to happen to him that will cause him to be hurt in some way)?

    Not trying to be negative or the "Bearer of bad news" that's just another possibility.

    smooches and pray on what I've said

  4. Well, God does know best and I am so happy that what I said spoke to you in a way that only God can speak! Take this time to see what God desires for you to do why you're at that place of singleness! Know that God loves you more than anyone and nothing he does is by mistake or coincidence!! Be blessed sis and you're always welcome
    p.s. Read Psalm 45--it will bless your spirit! smooches

  5. awww! How sweet! That is a cool honor! I would like to be a celebrity one day so it would make sense to pray for them!

    ...that info you said is news to me!!!...I hope things do work out with them. I did hear that he was controlliing but that's either here nor there. This IS her third marriage and I hope it works out!


  6. It couldve been an out of body experience but I wonder if IRL you desire to "go to new heights" and do different things (ie: moving forward, changing lanes, etc) but the thought of doing it "without your son" or just thinking about change discourages you in some way (ie: blockades, snow, etc), and you "come back down to reality" and things seem to "slow down" or become "dead" all over again? I wonder if there are barriers that are in place trying to keep you from "going the way you want to go" or be successful?

    Whenever I dream of school, it lets me know that God is putting me back in a place of "discovery" and learning. Like he wants to "show me some things, "learn some things" before I go to the next level. Whenever you think you're ready to move on to something new, most often times you're not. Its when you get comfortable in the place that you're in (ie: feel like you don't need to learn anymore because you've learned all you can in that subject and you want to stay there) is when you're truly ready to move on right? Think about it: How did you know you were ready to move on from Elementary school to middle school--you learned all of the basics and everything that you needed to know inorder to prepare yourself for middle school. I don't know about you, but I knew the fifth grade like the back of my hand (I didn't want to leave my teachers or my friends that I was comfortable with, but I knew that the day would come that I would eventually have to grow up and change and move on). I wonder if God is taking both you and your son through that "change/learning" experience? Could God be having you go another way besides your original plan? has anyone talked to your son about being involved in the ministry in some way?
    please pray on what I've said

  7. When I thought of flies, I thought about one of the plagues that God sent out in Egypt (lots of flies buzzing around is aggravating and annoying) and I wonder if your uncle is going through alot of things right now that seem to be bothering him (ie: thinking about things a little too much; being worried? which could also symbolize "the sweat") I wonder if he feels as though "time is running out" and something has to happen before he gets "trapped" (ie: the spider web)?

    Just my thoughts so please pray on what I've said

    (it just keeps getting better doesn't it?lol)

    Just found out on this past Friday, that my dad had a conversation with my ex's father (that too is also surprising)...my ex's father revealed to my father that his son and wife just moved back to the state (which I already told this information to you guys so its confirmation) AND that he personally has been out of work for a while due to a work-related accident! Maybe that explains the car being on its side in my dream? Even though outwardly his parents (which I think that car represented them in the dream) always smile, IRL something was happening behind the scenes which wasn't going all that well; things just didn't seem right (just like with my ex's situation too!)

    Halelulia and thanks for listening!

  9. Whenever i think of towels, I think of the bathroom and "drying off" and "cleansing" and even "comfort" (wrapping up for protection; feeling better after "washing off the gunk/dirt")...since your towel was green, I wonder if it represents God "bringing you to a new level of cleansing, restoration, comfort so to speak?"
    pray on what I've said

  10. since we're on the subject:
    I had a dream about being in an elevator with fellow coworkers (from my other job) and we went up. They all were encouraging me to "meet up with someone". When I got off the elevator it was my ex (who resembled someone else) saying that "he wanted to marry me" (he had a plastic engagement box) in his hand. My back was up against the elevator door and I was overwhelmed of the information.

    To make a long story short, this dream was an old dream and I've gotten many responses to what the dream couldve meant--but that dream couldve been prophetic to the overwhelming information that I've recently received about my ex and the state of his marriage possibly!

    Sorry cholette...didn't mean to take the spotlight (it was your question)!lol...by the way, love the avatar!

  11. Lurdys
    When I read your dream I thought about "uncoventional way of witnessing to people". could this be your ministry? could God be showing you many different ways/outlets of reaching out to people and sharing God's word with them--not just one way that you may have normally used in the past?

    Everyone was gathering and being excited about meat and the preparation of it and thats a good thing! I wonder if in the days to come the church is going to be really excited about what God is getting ready to do for them as a whole?!

    Such a delicious dream!!!Lol

  12. I dreamt that my sibling #3 sent me some money that she had owed me in a money order. With it, she sent two pictures of when me and my other siblings were younger (sibling #3 was in the middle looking at the person who took the picture). The odd thing was that she sent the money to the wrong address (the address of my first college that I attended, which in real life happens to be the same city that my ex currently lives).

    What's up with this one you all?
    thanks and smooches

  13. DaughterofGod and Watchman

    thank you both so much for your responses--they really touched me. One thing I did think about (sitting at her feet, not being intimidated, etc--just as you said Daughterof God), that God was putting me through a "humbling experience" (as he did Joseph) so that when he "got to the next level" he was not intimidated or concerned.

    I believe that this is about you will be in places and around people of Status and you will fit right in and you will also will be comfortable in that setting. You have the favor of God and when you have favor with God you have favor with man. People will feel comfortable around you and receive what you have to say. This is a good dream . so my sis i say to you to be ye ready! God is going to "connect you with some people you never thought that you would connect with and some people will be will do double takes and be in amazement.

    I wholeheartedly agree with everything you've said here! I claim it in Jesus name that people will be in utter (overwhelming) amazement when they see me "do my thing" on television!!! I can't wait! 👏

    God bless you both!

  14. No they broke up because althought she was 'saved'-- she was horrible to him and wanted to have control.It was the Lord that lead him to end it before the wedding.

    I know all about that one!!!!Lol....From how you speak about your brother, I know that he made the right decision by moving on!

    p.s. I love your avatar girlie---all jazzy!!!!Lol
    smooches and your always welcome boo!

  15. Thanks for your response Renewed.

    You know, whenever I have a dream about celebrities it usually ends up about certain ones in relationships being separated or divorced in some way. I actually had a dream about Alex Rodriguez "striking out" several times in the baseball game months before I read that he and his wife were divorcing. Hilary Swank was another actress that divorced her husband so this COULD be true for J.Lo (or something is going on in their marriage and "the undereye circles" is something that I believe God wants to point out (they could even be symbolic for someone else)--I don't know (I hear that the twins are causing them to be tired often.) Again, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.


  16. Had this dream last night:

    I dreamt that on television (I guess it was a music video or commercial) that I saw Jennifer Lopez (aka J.Lo) and Mark Anthony singing together. The backdrop was a dark alley: J.Lo had on a large white-linen dress (looked like a maternity dress) and her husband had on a dark suit (can't remember if he had on sunglasses or not). For some reason, J.Lo had some huge and dark under-eye circles/bags. I kept thinking: "They are ALWAYS singing together." "She looks OLD." Nonetheless, I turned to my college friend (who IRL often talks to me about her "husband to be" and biblical things), and say, "I LOVE IT WHEN COUPLES SING TOGETHER." (IRL, I like it when a man and a woman who can really sing, sing songs together--it just takes my breath away!!! I think its incredibly sweet! flower )

    Moments later, the scene changes to this little apartment/trailer and J.Lo and Mark Anthony are an older white couple (the woman looks similar to the actress "Hilary Swank" and she too has heavy bags under her eyes.) Mark (has white hair and old tattered clothes/black vest) is ironing an outfit for his wife why she sits on the edge of the bed leaning over and not saying anything. Moments later I see the wife with a black see-through) negligee/lingerie shirt on (I see her naked back and stomach) and she's also wearing a pink/white jewelry-sequined thong. I'm thinking: "SHE'S WEARING that OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!????" I just felt that outfit was inappropriate for that older woman who could be somebody's grandmother!!! lol!

    *this is like my third dream of Jennifer Lopez so I wonder what is going on here!!!??

  17. Had this dream last night:

    I was in a huge auditorium/gym with Michelle Obama and sitting on the bleachers/steps just conversing with her about any and everything. I remember her wearing the exact same seagreen dress she wore for the Democratic National Convention (her makeup and hair were done exactly the same way too). She seemed so down-to-earth as we talked (more down-to-earth than she appeared on television). She was slouched over with her elbows resting on her thighs (not even concerned that she had on a dress!!!Lol)...I remember telling her that I loved her hair this way and that I was a "motor-mouth" in school just like she was! I asked her about different places to live and Florida came up (she said that "one had to have money to live there"). Again I thought: that's probably why my ex left because he couldn't afford it!Lol...Noone seemed to care that this was Michelle Obama (future first Lady of the United States) talking to little old me. Even though she was sitting on a bleacher right above me (I sitting close to her feet), I didn't feel intimidated, but confident as I expressed my personal thoughts/opinions. She seemed so cool and I felt like we "connected" and were on one accord. People were sitting around talking and coming in/out of the gym/auditorium as usual. One middle-aged white woman came into the door (at the bottom of the steps) and glanced briefly at me and Michelle talking. At first she just smiled and then she did a "double take" and her eyes beamed with excitement and she grabbed a piece of paper to get an autograph as Michelle motioned the woman up towards her.

    Hmmmmm...any ideas here? flower thinking

  18. Its funny you have dreams with big words in them--I do too and I know its from God because it causes me to look up the words later in excitement!!!lol

    I don't have an interpretation but I wonder if your brother's ex reminds you of your ex in some way--like have the same viewpoints concerning projects, ministries, new ideas, etc (somewhat secluded/hidden, etc)? I wonder if your brother's ex felt that exact same way in a relationship with your brother that's why they broke up? Did your brother want kids or want to start something and she wasn't in total agreement or felt "unheard" in a way?

    In addition, I wonder if there was something that was hidden about your brother's ex that just or will come out in the open soon and you'll be taken aback by it?
    please pray on what I've said

  19. [i]when the Lord's...ah blessing...the devil's...ah messin!!!!!!! this goes right along with your deeper walk--spiritual, the Lord gave you a sound mind. :yes: Halo

    Thank the Lord for a sound mind and a deeper relationship with Him! I know he has me covered--I have so much peace and I have my armor on to fight against Satan's tactics!!!

    smooches to you all!

  20. you know connie:
    Whenever I dream of my mother (which I meant to say before), I always think of it as "the holy ghost" or the church as you said (it makes sense, and because the bible calls God's church--his bride)! My ex was very close with my mother (she called him son)...Daphanie mentioned before that my ex could be struggling with his current feelings (ie: unsure of what he wants--his future or his past being me) I thank God that God is revealing things to me (since noone knows my ex more than I know, its only fitting that God would reveal to me so that I can pray for him!)

    Thank you both for your appreciated responses! I pray that my ex get deliverance/restoration from whatever he is dealing with!!

    desiree 👏 praying :bighug:

  21. Thanks to you both Jeanie and Una!

    That's the first thing I immediately thought--someone trying to contaminate/play with my mind (mess things up!) I don't know (it could relate to my ex or someone else--we'll just have to see! Though there are MANY guys that try to "play" on my emotions--the nerve!!Lol) I believe every word you have spoken Jeanie and I claim it in Jesus name that I have that powerful anointing to be used by God in breaking strongholds!!!

    Interesting thoughts
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