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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. okay you guys, this might be one of those "just a dream" dream, so if the Lord doesn't tell you anything, feel free not to just throw an answer out there!!!Lol

    In the dream I remember laying down temporarily looking at the kitchen. THen I remember going into the kitchen and then uncoiling an iron (after unplugging it of course) and sliding the cord up my nose (I know gross right--don't know why?)! Anway, I remember, this cord can go back up the iron easily so what am I doing putting it up my nose? I remember seeing three foot roaches and camel-colored grasshoppers approaching the kitchen counter and moving as if they were animated--- what

    any ideas?

  2. That's an idea!! Thanks! Maybe God does want me to intercede for the stars? I had this dream the other night:



    seems kinda strange--what do you think? A call from someone I haven't talked to in a while--out of the blue?


  3. Have you been offered a recent leadership position that others have been "menacing" you about or do you feel as though there are alot of "criticisms" coming from others about what you do on a daily basis or concerning the job? If so, could it just be what you're feeling and not "really be what it seems"? please pray on what I've said--just my thoughts

  4. I wonder if you admire Tyler Perry's "rags to riches" story or do your lives parallel in some way? I wonder if someone of a great name or standing will offer you something for "little or nothing" that you've been wanting for a while and someone else will be jealous (ie: hater) and "try to stop" the blessing from getting to you in some way? please pray on what I've said

  5. Definitely praying for you!

    In fact I can relate. Recently on my job I have faced false accusations and feeling taken advantage of (I FEEL ALOT LIKE JOSEPH!!!lol)...Just look at it as a test. Remain steadfast, and strong and just be obediant to who is authority over you. Don't look at it as working for that person, look at it as working for God and do the best that you can do until God elevates you to somewhere else--he sees all the good things that you have done and he promises to reward you if you remain diligent and don't give up (Galatians 6:9; get it in your spirit!)

    Smooches and looking forward to the praise report
    p.s. read your pm

  6. When people drink, it begins "socially" but then some turn to alcohol to suppress and to numb pain and what's REALLY going on? I wonder if this person has "given up" in some type of way and feels in dispair and is "crying out for attention" doing this that will get other's attention? Could this be you or someone close to you? Noone seems to have the answers that you're looking for? please pray on what I've said

  7. After not dreaming of my ex much since last year, here's another
    dream that comes up that causes me to think a little bit more. I am
    over my ex but I still think that God is trying to say something here
    (after all, he's the one that causes us to dream and increases the
    dreams right?) Let me know what the spirit says kay my babes?
    Saw a HUGE poster on the wall of I and my ex B (I was on the left
    side and my ex on the right). My father had led me to this poster (I
    guess he wanted me to look at something). My ex had on a doo-rag
    (which is a wave cap so to speak--a covering that keeps the hairstyle
    in place; IRL my ex didn't wear such things!!!Lol) and he also had on
    a black sweat pant suit (again, attire he just wouldn't be caught
    wearing at all!). The man looked like my ex in the face but his body
    was different (looked alot bigger muscular wise and he was taller;
    IRL he is tall). I was smiling in the picture but it was a wry smile
    (I could see it in my eyes that I wasn't really happy, even though I
    was "putting on" for the camera). My ex too didn't look happy even
    though he had a HUGE Kool-aid smile!lol...The setting appeared to be
    in the movie theater (where we would often go) because of the dark
    chairs and the lighting,etc. A black wool jacket was covering my
    forearms and my lap (I guess because it was cold in the theatre); My
    ex had on his jacket as well (covering himself). My father looked a
    little angry as he was showing me the picture (I guess trying to
    unveil some things about my ex). In the picture I had noticed that he
    had on a wedding band? (Which by the way this is the ONLY dream where
    I've seen my ex with a wedding band on). Supposedly my ex had been
    dating I and my sister and other women at the same time--while he was
    married---I was furious!!!! (IRL my ex wasn't married when we dated,
    but I would venture to say that he had been cheating on me throughout
    the relationship). Later, I had seen an old videotape of my ex
    walking through a huge mall (again, not looking like himself, but
    alot better?) and his right arm quickly went behind him as he walked.
    I saw a wedding band glistening on his hand--HIS RIGHT ring finger.
    So, he WAS married when we dated---yuck! I felt so violated by it
    all. I didn't know what to say but to just shake my head in
    WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF THIS ONE? please continue to pray
    p.s. I read in a bible dictionary that a ring symbolizes "wealth,
    honor, power, etc" but in the New testament (can't find exactly where
    right now) it speaks about the ring worn on the right hand
    being "effeminate". Hmmmmm (ie: weak? no self control? lacking
    something? etc) please tell me what the spirit leads for you to say.

  8. Hey dreamers!!
    I've been terribly missing the group these past weeks--SO I am glad that I'm [temporarily] back!!!lol
    Anyway, I had this dream on last night (1/25/2009) Let me know what you think:

    Inside a house that was unfamiliar to me, but I remember seeing a couple of my siblings there cleaning different parts/rooms of the house. I remember going into one room and seeing on a nighttable a picture of Michael Jordan. The picture looked like it was from his highshool (like a senior picture--he had on a tuxedo and a bow tie; cant remember if he had on glasses or not) The picture kept fading in and out and different angles that you looked at it (as if his face kept changing). I kept thinking: "A MICHAEL JORDAN PICTURE--what is THIS doing in here?" In the background, I could remember a song playing and the gospel artist Deitrick Haddon (which I love! He's a neosoul gospel singer) was singing: "GODS GRACE...Gotta have God's grace...God's grace." I know its a song that was made up (I've never heard of before in real life) but it had a good soft melody to it!!! I also know that Michael Jordan, as great of a basketball player and icon that he was, was a philanderer (ie: adulteror); so disappointing!

    Okay, I am scratching my head on this one!!! Help please!!!lol


  9. Had a dream that I and my boss's wife were looking at something (maybe a news article) on the job. IRL, I think this woman just doesn't like me (she just talks to me and deals with me differently than my other fellow coworkers--and I can't explain it, but I just feel "unsettled" around her!) Anyway, in the dream she looks right into my eyes and tells me that I "need to wear my glasses" but I can't understand why because I can read fine without them! In the dream, I feel like she wants me to do things "like everyone else" does them or just how "she wants them done". Why can't I just do what I want to do--she doesn't get on anybody else?

    Dream #2:
    had a dream that me and my fellow coworker wanted to switch our days up on the schedule. One day when I come to look at the schedule, I find that "she has more hours" (ie working more days just like she wanted to) and I'm actually off on the day I want to be! I am smiling (because I am so happy that I get to take a break) but as I look further on the schedule, I realize that I'm off the entire week! Instead of being mad--I am even more elated and think: WOW, THEY WERE REALLY SWEET TO LET ME BE OFF ON DAYS I WANT TO BE OFF AND MORE! I keep looking to make sure that I'm not "seeing things" or not "dreaming". I also see a picture of santa claus and realize that I am gonna be off on Christmas day to spend time with the family though in the dream, I know that the setting is NOW!

    thinking :huh: any ideas?
    thanks desiree

  10. "Care for, nurture your friend to come closer to Me. He is infantile in his dedication and you are happy that He is making progress but keep him and his issues at arm's length. Keep your guard while helping him and being his friend but do not allow yourself to get excited about a relationship with him.

    I appreciate those words greatly--and this is true! We women do get caught up in "the big picture" or the "good that someone could be" that we miss out on what is happening now! God doesn't look at us where we are but "what we WILL Become" so I guess that is my weakness!! God knows the heart and all we can do is pray for individuals to live fully for God and not to compromise!

    If you fall for any man (like Satan would want you to in order to destroy you both - two birds {souls}, one stone {temptation}) before he is fully sold out to God, it would be to your detriment.

    ...believe me, I know THIS one too well!!!lol...This guy in my dream is JUST a friend (not even my type, although he could be representative of someone else that I know in real life--since God DOES do things like that in our dreams! :)....I AM WAITING FOR MY MAN THAT IS TOTALLY COMPLETELY WHOLLY SOLD OUT TO HIM! A man that loves God with all of his heart mind soul and strength (Deuteronomy) will surely love me! That's what I want.

    Thanks for your response and I appreciate your thoughts and God-ordained words. Even though someone could get more than one interpretation (good or bad), I have to make sure that that's what God is saying to me (agrees in my spirit as confirmation). Please don't take offense to what I've said.
    desiree (starpop)

  11. UPDATE: In the past recent months, it appears that my dad has been thinking that my MOM has been cheating!!! My dad has been sick for a while, and I don't know if its his own recent insecurities of feeling unattractive and unwanted, but HE is starting to think that my mom is "stepping out". My mom has talked to me about my dad's accusations (mind you we talk often) but she thinks that its crazy! Please pray for my parents. Just wanted to show you how many people you dream of, the dream doesn't relate to JUST them but to others closely related!!!
    smooches and God bless!

  12. Hey dear one

    I wonder if in the past you and your husband used to be more dedicated to God than you are now? (please don't take offense to what I've said).

    I wonder if the spirit of God is getting ready to overflow in your life like never before? You'll try to contain it and "hold it in" so to speak, but that won't help because it will continue to flow out and all will see it? I wonder if a real dramatic "washing" of your innermost being is about to take place--something that has NEVER happened to you before?

    Please pray on what I've said
    p.s. Why don't you want your husband to know about this?

  13. After not dreaming of my ex much since last year, here's another dream that comes up that causes me to think a little bit more. I am over my ex but I still think that God is trying to say something here (after all, he's the one that causes us to dream and increases the dreams right?) Let me know what the spirit says kay my babes? lol! smooches
    Saw a HUGE poster on the wall of I and my ex B (I was on the left side and my ex on the right). My father had led me to this poster (I guess he wanted me to look at something). My ex had on a doo-rag (which is a wave cap so to speak--a covering that keeps the hairstyle in place; IRL my ex didn't wear such things!!!Lol) and he also had on a black sweat pant suit (again, attire he just wouldn't be caught wearing at all!). The man looked like my ex in the face but his body was different (looked alot bigger muscular wise and he was taller; IRL he is tall). I was smiling in the picture but it was a wry smile (I could see it in my eyes that I wasn't really happy, even though I was "putting on" for the camera). My ex too didn't look happy even though he had a HUGE Kool-aid smile!lol...The setting appeared to be in the movie theater (where we would often go) because of the dark chairs and the lighting,etc. A black wool jacket was covering my forearms and my lap (I guess because it was cold in the theatre); My ex had on his jacket as well (covering himself). My father looked a little angry as he was showing me the picture (I guess trying to unveil some things about my ex). In the picture I had noticed that he had on a wedding band? (Which by the way this is the ONLY dream where I've seen my ex with a wedding band on). Supposedly my ex had been dating I and my sister and other women at the same time--while he was married---I was furious!!!! (IRL my ex wasn't married when we dated, but I would venture to say that he had been cheating on me throughout the relationship). Later, I had seen an old videotape of my ex walking through a huge mall (again, not looking like himself, but alot better?) and his right arm quickly went behind him as he walked. I saw a wedding band glistening on his hand--HIS RIGHT ring finger. So, he WAS married when we dated---yuck! I felt so violated by it all. I didn't know what to say but to just shake my head in disappointment!

    WHAT DO YOU MAKE OF THIS ONE? please continue to pray

    p.s. I read in a bible dictionary that a ring symbolizes "wealth, honor, power, etc" but in the New testament (can't find exactly where right now) it speaks about the ring worn on the right hand being "effeminate". Hmmmmm (ie: weak? no self control? lacking something? etc) please tell me what the spirit leads for you to say. :kitty:

  14. Had this dream December 5, 2008 and as I was going through my journal, I decided to take a deeper look at this as confirmation to my other dreams of my ex. Please let me know what the spirit says to you. I love you deeply
    My father opened the door and he was talking to me while he was standing in the doorway. Someone was hiding behind my father (a male) and dad said: B IS HERE (which is my ex). He seemed unphased yet excited to tell me and my siblings the information. My ex had come to visit my family (by himself) and he seemed happy. I was actually shocked that he had come to visit. Two of my sisters were excited to see him (IRL they were the main ones keeping in touch with him after our breakup). I saw B in the distance trying to cut grass and fix things up (I heard the lawn mower so I assumed that was him doing the maintenance). Neighborhood kids and guys went to hang over there with us and him ("AS ALWAYS" I had told my mother-:) I wanted my ex to see how I had changed (physically, etc). I remember bringing someone else's baby over there to where he was (the baby or me? had a cold--was kind of sick). I was going to make a grand entrance(as always) so he could really notice me! (WHAAAT????!!!)

  15. Could it be that you are going to have to stand up for what is right in a place that you expected to be orderly decent and upright?

    that definitely makes sense! Very much a possibility. God is always trying to "challenge" me in some way, especially concerning my morals!

    Something to think about and pray on!
    thanks again

  16. Thanks so much for your words UNA (as always)!lol

    In actuality, I really did feel attracted to the baby and was in love with it, so what you said about me "appreciating the call in his life" seemed right on point!!! (p.s. I love TYE too!!!lol)

    I hope that the young man comes into his own soon, he's been playing music all of his life (as I've mentioned before he hasn't always been saved but now he is and I think he really is trying to "turn things over to God" now!)

    Hopefully, I will be hearing good news from him soon that he's now SOLD out to Christ and not trying to compromise! I believe that he knows where he needs to be right now, often times as Christians we get into a crossroads and wonder if turning completely to christ is worth it--I know I've been there before!!!lol


  17. First of all
    Is your friend committed to something that she shouldn't be committed to (ie: bad or that others are in disagreement with)? Secondly, is there something that you're currently committed to (ie: maybe concerning your husband) that you're not "all that thrilled about" committing too)?

    Is there something that you NEED to pay more attention to or spend more time in but you're not because its not all that "exciting" but more mundane?

    please pray on what I've said
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