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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. He will deliver EVERY one who comes to Him. The bible shows us that not one person who sought deliverance from the Lord was ever turned away. Meet Him and you will have the petition you ask of Him.

    Amen and Amen! EXACTLY RIGHT! Let "peace" be your final authority! Thanks for posting.


  2. Do you think this is literal--like something will cause your baby girl cousin to cry and you'll come to the rescue?

    I dont know why, but I thought about you and your brother in this scene too. Were you two like "two peas in a pod" and something happened where you feel different compared to him (two totally different people now)? I wonder if you're more "sensitive" than your brother? Just my thoughts flower

    please pray on what I've said

  3. I'm like you--waiting on what was said to happen!!lol

    Cars usually represent what will happen in "waking life".

    The view from the window overlooked a parking lot. I saw a car and half of another car in a parking lot. I could only see half of the one car because the view of the other half was blocked by the wall. It was there, but not visible through the window. I noticed that the light which had caught my eye in the first place was sunlight being reflected by the “whole” car’s windshield and by the side window of the driver’s door of the “half” car

    In this case, IRL, you see "part" (ie: half) of the whole picture of what the prophet said. The cars are parked so you're "in waiting" for whatever it is to happen to happen. God's word is true and IF he said something, HIS promises won't fail and they WILL come true! God is HIS WORD and true to it, so anything that somebody says to you should line up with God's word--EVERY SINGLE TIME!

    Its been my experience that even those who are "well connected" to hear from God, sometimes miss the mark (with prophecies because we are human and subject to "fall", etc)--I know I have! But that's why time spent in prayer and fasting (which helps keep that "flesh" down), fine tuning our ears to God's spirit will help us to hear more clearly what God is saying to us each time.

    I'm not saying what the prophet said was true or not but as someone asked God in the old testament how to find out if a prophet is true or not, He said the following in Deuteronomy 18:21-22:

    [sup]21 You may say to yourselves, "How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD ?" 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.
    You should always pray after a prophet speaks. I look for confirmations and "signs and wonders" to follow (2 Kings 20) after something is said to me. Its important to look at the "fruits"--the prophets lifestyle (is he living according to the word of God/holiness/honorable) and does what he say come true? Have things that the prophet spoke to others come true? (goes back to previous scripture). Remember: "Every good tree bears good fruit and every bad tree bears bad fruit" (Matthew 7:17). You will know someone by "the fruit they produce" (Matthew 7:20).

    It has been my experience that windows can represent "knowledge" of some sort or "revelation" into the future. As you've mentioned, you are wondering some things and seeming to want that "knowledge/revelation" of what is to come for you according to the prophet. In this case, you'll just have to wait. This is a perfect time to seek God for yourself and allow HIM to reveal to you what you need to know (HE WILL CONFIRM in many different ways if you will be open to his movement).

    God doesn't lie and he doesn't repent

    As Mark 5:36 says, "Don't be afraid (nervous, skeptical, doubtful,etc), just believe". I stand in agreement with you


  4. Hey dreamer
    Its seems as though you dream prophetically and your friend may be getting married in real life (if she hasn't already). I don't know about you, but my dreams are usually prophetic with some symbolic elements in them and I wonder if this is the same for you?

    I have learned that weddings can represent "commitment" or "covenant" and I wonder if your friend is participating in or will commit to something permanently that she may not mention to you but everyone else will know about? (Maybe she doesn't tell you about it because she may feel like you won't feel its all that important. When you find out about it, you may be offended.) Maybe even what she commits herself to she won't be "all that familiar with" (know alot about it prior to committing to it) but everyone else will seem apparently happy for her and she'll be happy nonetheless as well?

    *please pray on what I've said. And don't worry about "taking things literally" I sometimes do that! Hey, this dream thing takes practice, and the more you do it (interpreting,etc) the more you'll see how "nothing isn't all it seems"!
    Be blessed and stay encouraged

  5. Hey Raye!
    I definitely can attest with having "lots of ex dreams" so please don't feel out of place for posting!

    Do you see your ex often? Are your dreams prophetic (as in happen IRL)? I ask this because maybe God is using this dream to show you your ex's heart (to show you that he is troubled about something right now and he doesn't really feel comfortable in showing you or expressing it to you at this time)? IRL do you want your ex to see you after all these years?
    Also, in the dream you were walking with him but he couldn't see you. I wonder if he's still thinking about you even though he doesn't see you IRL? You could even be seeing him soon IRL. :kitty:

    {please pray on what I've said}
    smooches and God bless

  6. Jodi!
    Amen and Amen again!! God bless you because when I had this dream (I had another one later with a rainbow in it) I thought about it as "God's promise" to me. Yes, there is ONE promise that he has promised me in particular and I don't want to let go of that!

    I think God WAS encouraging me to be persistent and to hold on to the promise until it manifests itself! You definitely said what was already confirmed in my spirit by God!

    Keep listening and being sensitive to his moving!
    smooches and God bless--thanks!

  7. I have to agree with both Connie and Dreamster here. Just to add on to what has already been said, God has given us the authority to "speak things that are not as though they were" meaning, you may not see things happening but by faith you can say, "THIS SHALL HAPPEN" and it will be (this goes for negative things too, that's why we should be careful what we say). God created "heaven and earth" just by his voice. While he was on the boat with the disciples during a storm, he spoke to the winds, "peace be still" and it happened.

    The bible says in Matthew 21:22, "when we pray and believe what we say, it will happen."

    If you "speak the truth in love" (Ephesians 4:15) it may not go well with some folks, but atleast you're saying the truth and what is from God's word.

    Personally, sometimes I don't know if God is truly speaking through me until someone says, "what you said, was what I was thinking or what God confirmed to me". If you speak the word, you can't go wrong!

    hope I haven't confused you more!! lol!
    blessings and peace be unto you

  8. hey Angelwingz!
    Welcome back to the group!

    I wonder if you feel as though during this time of your life you are "under construction" (being that in the dream you said that you knew it was you)? I wonder if God is building something in you and after that is completed, he will elevate you?

    Are you familiar with the scripture in Proverbs that speaks about how "knowledge fills up the rooms of the house, and understanding its built, etc"?:
    "3 By wisdom a house is built,
    and through understanding it is established;
    4 through knowledge its rooms are filled
    with rare and beautiful treasures."-proverbs 24:3-4

    that just came to me when reading your dream. I wonder if this is a "growth process" for you and God is going to give you some understanding, wisdom, and knowledge (revelation) in the days to come concerning some things that have occurred in your life that you may have been confused about? please pray on what I've said.
    Question: were you really close with your dad?

    Blessings and peace be unto you

  9. that's true! God brought me throught it--being that this was a long time ago!!
    The funny thing is is that I believe the "victoria secret bag" represented at first something sexual but then God later showed me that it meant "a secret being exposed". SInce the dream, I received LOTS of information/revelation on my ex that I didn't know about before so it was uplifting to find that God "worked it all out" in the end (hence me walking away in the dream and being satisfied).

    My outlook and mindset have definitely changed and I can honestly say I am more like CHRIST NOW (God has "perfumed me" and made me more bold)! I am completely transformed and Its awesome--I regret nothing of the experience!!

    smooches and God bless you again Butterfly. thanks for your response

  10. you're right though--Only what God says is what really matters!!!

    Keep doing what you're doing and know that God's reward is better than man because you're doing it as "unto Him"!
    God bless you too! Glad that I could help

  11. How are you?
    Welcome to the group--we are so glad to have you here!

    Its funny that the Lord spoke that to you, because I was just going to ask you, "do you think that horse is you?" I say this because you may have an image of who you THINK you should be based on what others have told you or what you've thought of yourself growing up but God has a different image of you and its one of true unique beauty!
    THere is noone on earth just like you MTB and I feel like God just wants to show you how HE sees you and wants you to see yourself. Have you suffered with self esteem issue before? You can still be that sexy, strong, and determined female--with a touch of class too! Once you realize who you are in God you will be glad and most certainly satisfied!

    please pray on what I've said. God bless you and much love

    p.s. Do you see yourself in that picture? flower
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