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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Hey Jodi
    Sometimes when you have a literal dream or vision, there are parts of it that stick out to you but that don't happen as they do in your dream but you know that it was in your dream. Get it?

    One question: Are you wondering and waiting on something to happen? Are you contemplating whether you should make a move in some way?
    please pray on what I've said

  2. Riding in car with my mother (she's driving and I'm in the passenger's side). We're driving around my Aunts neighborhood (my dad's sister) and I'm saddened because I begin to think about my ex and his wife--they're close. (IRL life, my ex's ex lives in that neighborhood too, so in the dream when I saw her house, that's when I thought about my ex and how close he and his ex and her family used to be; people thought they would get married). I start thinking about "my husband to be" and begin to get excited. A little brown poodle (with hair in its face) is in the back seat (it looks similar to my cousin's dog IRL). The dog is making noise and growling as I look and see its face in the inside of a corduroy jacket. The jacket in the dream belongs to my nephew. The dog didn't bother me. My mom says the dogs name is "cutter" or something like that. I'm like, "his name is SNOOZY" and then the dog stops doing what its doing. I call its name again and it looks up at me with soft eyes and smiles. I'm like, "that's his name, snoozy." I turn back around and look out the window smiling. flower

  3. Had this dream 2/12/2009

    I'm inside a bathtub with a little girl (baby); I have on a blue and white-striped shirt and blue knee-length shorts; the baby keeps going under the water (I'm thinking she will drown, but as I keep picking the baby up by the hands she comes up smiling every time). I smile again at how the baby is SO happy. At first her hair is braided but when she comes up from the water the second time, her hair is in two ponytail puffs. A curtain is covering the both of us; I didn't seem to care that my clothes were getting wet.

  4. Usually when people where a hood its to cover up something. When I've had dreams of brown, I felt it was "forgiveness" or "repentance" (ie: dying to old-self and being regenerated). Do you possibly feel like there is something significant beginning with you at your assembly--a new beginning? please pray on what I've said

  5. I definitely thought about nurturing something (possibly within yourself being that you were in the mirror-- like a self-evaluation and you noticing the change?)

    Secondly (just my thoughts), whenever I think of "Breasts enlargement" I think about "being pregant" or "nursing" (duh-lol) Have you been thinking about having a baby lately? Again, this part is my thoughts


  6. I enjoy what I'm doing now--helping/encouraging people through the word and intepretation of dreams.

    I was thinking more along the lines of God getting ready to do something that will really leave me happy and satisfied and at peace (ie: laying on my back on the carpeted floor)

    Thanks for the responses and again I will pray on this

  7. *just wanted more thoughts on this one:

    This dream seemed kind of "bawdy" (ie: lewd) to me (most of my dreams are arent they? lol! so I didn't say all the graphic details ), but let me know what God says:

    B (my ex) was over my house (not my real house); after we had broken up, he had gotten married? He was dating my mother?!! I was upset--how could my mom be intimate and get into a relationship with my ex knowing that we had dated--wasn't that kinda like a "backstab betrayal" kind of thing? She's my family at that! (Definitely a no-no) I definitely wouldn't want him back after I knew he had messed with my mom! My siblings and family knew about the new relationship too but they seemed to not be as affected as I was!

    On my way to another part of the house, I remember accidentally walking into and past a room twice where my mom and my ex were being REALLY intimate (in the not so traditional way, if you know what I mean! It seemed very awkward!) the room door was WIDE OPEN! I remember my mother having on a sparkling white shirt. I felt so appalled that they would be so open like that--not caring if anyone passed by or not to see what they were doing! They both seemed happy and he wasn't paying attention to me; he was enthralled with my mother though! I was disappointed in my mom for marrying him!

    *for some reason, I keep thinking this relates to church in some way!
    plz help if you can--no rush!
    smooches w/love

  8. Hey Chica!!
    How are you? Did you ever read your email?

    Anyway, I wonder if this dream is just showing how you are NOW holding the things of God dear to your heart-you're running back to your "first love" (ie: Jesus)? The altar is where we come for repentence, restoration, and healing and I wonder if you believe this is what God is doing for you in this season of your life--MAKING YOU OVER AGAIN?

    please pray on what I've said
    p.s. nice to have you back

  9. As in it doesn't really have any significance--you just dreamt it. Sometimes we have those (when we're talking about a certain thing alot, thinking about something alot, or as someone else mentioned--seeing something on television and later dreaming it). I am not saying that this dream isn't prophetic (I don't know what type of dreams you have) but, this couldve just been "a dream" with no significant meaning to it other than you dreamt it.


  10. Praise the Lord saints!!
    I am so honored to be apart of this group and I am so overwhelmed and astonished at the many miracles and blessings that God has and is providing for his precious children THIS YEAR! I don't know about you all, but I know that I am standing outside with my bucket waiting on God's "spring and autumn rains" to overflow in my life. God is so faithful that He does MORE than enough (ephesians 3:20) and doesn't disappoint EVERY SINGLE TIME! Who wouldn't want to serve a God like that?!

    I woke up this morning (around 6-ish) to watch the news, spend time with God, and see a sermon To make a long story short, the Lord led me to read Genesis 22. You all know the story, about how God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac (a foreshadowing of God sending his only son in the new testament). God placed this on my heart to share with you. This is the first time I've done this so please pray--I would love any feedback as well!!!

    God tested Abraham to see what was in his heart. Just like He tested the children of Israel to see what was in their hearts (Deuteronomy 11:27,13; 8:2,16), God often does this to see just how much we love him and to see if we'll be obedient to him, nomatter what He tells us to do. Testing comes as a way to "see if our hearts are in the right place." I know that I've often times struggled with having "control" or making sure that I could handle things on my own. I had trust issues with people in general, because people let me down. Ithought, "nobody can do this better than I can, and atleast if I do it myself, I wont' be disappointed." As I obeyed God more and more, little by little, He broke down those walls of distrust and HE proved that HE could/would come through everytime that I obeyed. After all, "without faith its impossible to please God" (Hebrews 11:6) so you have to step out and as NIKE says, "JUST DO IT". (God blesses those who are not just hearers of his words, but DOERS)

    Inspite of what God told Abraham he was "willing and obedient" to do what He asked. We know as Saints, that if we are WILLING AND OBEDIENT we will EAT the good of the Land (its guaranteed!) (Isaiah 1:19) Abraham was willing to sacrifice the ONLY son he had for God. He was willing to give back to God what he had waited years to recieve, even inspite of his "stepping out of the will" and having Ishmael with his wife's maidservant. See, even inspite of our mistakes, God's will CAN be done. Abraham had confidence in God that He and His son would survive and come out "praising God":

    3 Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about. 4 On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. 5 He said to his servants, "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you." 8 Abraham answered, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." And the two of them went on together.
    Genesis 22:3-5,8)

    Abraham went to sacrifice in the region of Moriah at a mountain he later named "The Lord will provide". Nomatter the tribulation, how high the mountain is, or how rough circumstances may get, inspite of the feelings and inspite of what it may LOOK Like--God WILL PROVIDE for you in the midst of your storm. I'm a living witness to that!! It seems as though sometimes God wants us to wait until we're on our "last leg" or have that "last dime" in our pockets before he makes a move. Why? Because He wants us to trust totally and completely on Him! He wants us to have No other choice but him! It seems simple right, but how many times as Christians do we still try to figure it out on our own--wishing and wondering if God REALLY will come through as he said he would? As one of Connie's favorite sayings goes, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not until your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5). You CANNOT figure this out on your own! In doing so, it wouldn't be faith now would it?!lol Even if it doesn't make sense (which often times with God it doesn't), you still have to have faith and know, just like Abraham, that God will "make a way out of no way" for you. God's arms are not too short to follow through on his promises and to make miracles on our behalf (Jeremiah 32:27)

    God wants to see if we really love him? Do you love God more than anyone or anything in this world? If God told you to drop something NOW would you do it? Even if you're like Abraham and waited years for that "promise" to come to pass, would you give it back to God just to show how much its NOT ALL THAT IMPORTANT COMPARED TO HIM? God does everything for a reason and most "trying" situations help to build our characters--help us to be more anointed for him. If we pass that test, God is able and WILL bless us "exceedingly, abundantly, and above all we could ever ask or think (imagine) (ephesians 3:20) I don't know about you all, but I want ALL that God wants for my life and more! He's not some mean God that desires to see us suffer "just because". He wants to give us the very best; He wants us to be happy and "fullly satisfied" (proverbs 13:4; joel 2:26). Why not let God give you the best he has to offer? Know that "not one of his good promises [that He has promised you] will fail, but just like Joshua and His people, they will ALL come to pass (be fulfilled) at the right time (Joshua 21:45). If you obey God and place your trust in Him, you WONT be disappointed! (Deuteronomy 28:1-13)

    "Then you will know that I am the LORD; those who hope in me will not be disappointed." (Isaiah 49:23) (Psalm 22:5) Remain diligent and don't give up! Right when you least expect, God will come through!!!

    declares the LORD, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, 17 I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, 18 and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me."
    Genesis 22:15

    How much better is to please God by obeying Him!!

    God bless you all and thank you for allowing me to share. I pray that it has blessed you as much as it has me
    smooches galore
    desiree 👏 kiss

  11. Me, two of my siblings, and this guy who we'll call "G" are hanging out at this store. (Just a little background info: "G" is someone that I used to work with and we both like eachother. He is laidback, intelligent (has a several degrees), and enjoys music (as I do). He also has a nice sense of humor. He's a different type physically than I would normally fall for, but he's still cool. The only problem: He's UNSAVED and for me my friends, that's a SUPER turn off!!)

    Anyway, I'm in the shoe aisle (kinda similar to that of a WALMART of a department store) trying to see what kind of shoe I wanted. There are these HUGE house shoes that look so comfortable (have feather-like texture) and they're blue. At first I see orange ones, then red ones, etc. I'm kinda undecided if I want the blue ones because IRL I already have a blue pair. I decide to try on the blue ones afterall, but when I look at the price It's like $7-$11.00! WAY to much (in my opinion) for some houseshoes!!!! I put those shoes back because I know that I need some "everyday shoes" to match with some of the outfits I own--afterall, I'm not going to be INSIDE the house ALL the time! lol! This lady comes by (with bright complexion and hair) and gives me a ziplock bag filled with shoes (I'd say three to four pairs). She says the total price for all the shoes is $5. This seems too good to be true, but I see the price sticker (kind of like the one you might see at a thrift store) and I see the price was written: $5. I'm actually gonna get more for my money!! I remember one pair was a basic shoe (gray) and another, heels (lilac). Maybe another color was brown? Still, I wanted to keep looking. I knew that I wanted a shoe that would match with every outfit (black) so I temporarily put the bag down and tried to look more closely at the large selection that was before me. (In the back of my mind, I was still thinking heavily at what the lady said, "DONT LOSE THESE NOW, THEYRE ONLY $5," (as if I wouldn't find a better "Deal" again!) She seemed genuine and pleasant though.

    Later I went into a room with a bathroom and a mirror on the bathroom door (similar to that of a hotel room). The lights out in the room and there was a slight light coming from the bathroom (the door was ajar). Light was coming from another room next door. Again, I saw a whole bunch of shoes inclluding the packaged ones I was given earlier, scattered on the floor (in the room and in the bathroom) Did "G" do this? I come out flirting with him and then I see this woman (whose name is Tina IRL and we often talk about relationships, etc), comes from behind a room, making sure that "we" don't get out of order and to see what was "going on" (IRL, after having this dream "Miss Tina" actually came over to my house) I lift up my foot to "G" like Adam Sandler did to his enemies in "DONT MESS WITH THE ZOHAN" (such a stupid-funny movie) and tell him to "smell it". :huh: what

  12. I'm laying on a carpeted floor on my back smiling. The baby is so cute (she's super chunky with huge cheeks and a large belly:); she just makes my heart melt)!lol I am bouncing her up and down and she rests on my stomach and is looking down just all smiles at me. I even see a few teeth present! She is just so cute and she feels like she is a real baby of mine--I just don't want to let her go! flower huggins bouncing
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