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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Praise God saints!!

    I just spoke to Mia and she wanted me to let you all know that she hasn't been able to be active in the group because of moving (you know she all got her new house and moves in officially on MONDAY!!--Praise God!) The thing is, there is still so much more maintenance and moving to be done and she doesn't have her computer hooked up in her home yet!) She just wants you all to keep her uplifted in prayer about the whole thing! There's been "strange fumes" in her home and she's unsure of what it is exactly! Her heating system has some issues as well:lol!: , so pray that God's will be done and that all will come together so that she and her family can enjoy the new home!

    Be blessed and just wanted to update you all!! Prayerfully, "MOMMA MIA" will be back soon! 👏

  2. This dream seemed TOO SYMBOLIC to me. Let me know what you think! Thanks!

    At a hospital in an upper level tower at night. My family (mother and siblings) were in this big waiting room just talking and fellowshipping with other patients. My siblings kept telling me to call this certain coworker of mine (who IRL is a manager at my former job). I kept putting it off saying that "I would call later". I didn't think any more about it. Moments later, I see him (the coworker) rollling up into the hospital in a wheelchair! His leg appeared to be in a brace. In the dream this was supposed to be him (had same facial features), but he looked much different in the dream (he seemed tall and lost weight; IRL he is big). His parents walked in right before him--his mother leading the way. He followed me to the hospital?!! AND he brought his parents with him so I couldn't hide?!! (IRL, I've never seen his parents nor know what they look like). His mother had a short hair cut, broad shoulders, glasses, and a green shirt. She looked intimidating. I thought, "He must REALLY like me because he wanted me to talk to his parents!" I felt like this guy was "stalking" me. His mom seemed concerned about me and her son (I guess my influence/effect/impression on him). We sat down on this couch (she facing me as if it was an interview). she looked questionable and said, "I heard that you were selfish." I noticed my mom sitting on another couch across the room from me. I knew she was looking to see "how I would respond to the accusations". I wanted my mom to be impressed by how I was going to "handle this situation." I wanted her to see how this guys parents' would accept me.

    I told my coworker's mom, "I'm not selfish, just low tolerance. I don't settle for less." We begin talking about Jesus and I said, "I want to please him in all that I do and I love him more than anything or anyone. He's my first priority." All of a sudden this woman's countenance changed and she seemed more relaxed (I don't know what preconceived notion she had of me beforehand, but now she was different). I remember having on a sweater at this point. The woman and her husband were about to leave (I guess she was satisfied with my answers) and she got up and hugged me close. She then began to pray for me with great intensity in her face and words. (While she prayed, she placed her hand on my stomach). I saw my coworker in his wheel chair smiling. The father was "on stand by"lol. I turned to my coworker and saw a blue piece of paper in his hand that looked like it was used for something else and someone had written on the back of it (blank side). It also looked like it was ripped from something. I realized the hand writing was mine! The paper had names of people, employees, etc on it all characterized by numbers, personal info and boy/girl groups). At first I was surprised at what I saw and said, "Where did you get that?" He said "someone at work had made a copy of it" for him. I knew this was a lie because it had belonged to me, so how could someone else get that information unless it was through me? I said, "I didn't give anyone a copy of this personal information." I wasn't even mad that he had the information.

    My protective instincts kicked in and I saw red flags. My coworker was Researching me and knew information about things because he read what I had written! I quickly left his presence and he motioned for me to write down something for him (ie he pretended to write in the air). I said, "no". He was disappointed and said, "that's really messed up" (ie: as to say it was unfair or "mean" for me not to give in to his advances). I didnt want to call him. I started walking up some flights of stairs (he on ground level but watching me with his eyes), thinking he would follow (even in his wheelchair!lol) Eventually he left with his parents. I tried to find another outlet to get out of the hospital but each exit door was red with "brail-like" writing on them! I was stuck! Groups of people were in every room. There was no where to go!

  3. Thanks to all the saints who touched and agreed with me concerning this new job! God is soo good! I begin work on Thursday!

    I give God ALL the glory because this will keep me preoccupied until time to go into school!!!

    God has even worked out the situation concerning school!! PRAISE GOD IN THE HIGHEST! ALL BLESSING FLOW THROUGH GOD!!


    smooches and God bless you all tremendously! I love you with all that's in me!



  4. My sibling said that she heard someone was "beating me" in her room. She came to me and saw my ex in the room. She said, "did he beat you" (I guess because my face was bruised) and I said, "I can't believe he beat me." I had no reaction to what happened. My sister then said, "I'm leaving, but if you need safety, this is the panic room (which was her room; this is often the room that I've gone to IRL to pray). She grabbed me up after the beating and said, "If anyone else comes into the room, let me know." The door was left open

    My sister has dreams but she doesn't remember most of them. She woke up this morning telling me that she had this dream about me and that it was BAD (I kinda figured it was concerning my ex). I asked her how she felt about my ex and she said she awoke feeling scared but was "unconcerned" or "unphased" IRL by my ex and I's past relationship (ie: he's not all that important to her). She said, "I don't know, maybe it means you'll see him soon or something?"

    hmmmm? Any ideas? what

  5. But what I don't understand is if God spoke to me why I still fill guilty, horrible and can't pray?

    ...Nina, I can be honest with you and tell you that its a common thing to doubt "if you hear from God or not". Its hard to trust sometimes and wait for him to come through (especially if others have let you down in that department). Once you are save there is "no more condemnation" for wrong doing or sin. That means that once you've been forgiven of your sins and have God in your life, there's no need to feel guilty or horrible about what you've done. Realize that we as humans make mistakes, but God's grace covers us and his mercy (his pity/compassion undeserved) helps us to "get back up" and start things over again. I believe that Satan is just trying to make you feel "unGodly" and "unworthy" of God's love/blessings. Just like he's done countless times in the past, he makes things "look good" and then once we fall into temptation he brings guilt and shamefulness (not saying this is the case for you, but same concept). Its beens said, "whenever Satan tries to come at you with nonsense, tell/show the devil who you are in God--stand on God's word." All saints have experienced "dry spells" in their walk with God (ie: not wanting to fast or pray, not wanting to commune with God or worship him--even live holy). The trials and circumstances of life sometimes beat us down, making living for God seem "not worth it" or not practical. Don't let Satan fool you and don't allow any NEGATIVE to come out your mouth or enter your thoughts. CAST down those thoughts because your action will soon follow how you think. Its been my understanding that "blaspheming against the holy ghost" is speaking against the workings of the holy ghost and discrediting its power". This is dangerous. This is also something you can't be forgiven for! But in this case, I dont think you did this.

    You have to start speaking aloud who you are! SAY THAT YOURE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR IN CHRIST JESUS. SAY THAT YOU ARE GODS ROYAL DAUGHTER AND APART OF HIS PRIESTHOOD (set apart). I found that speaking the word continuously and changing my train of thought helped tremendously in my growth process and self esteem!

    It all starts in the mind, and once Satan has your mind, he has you! But you have the mind of christ so start acting like it!!! (2 corinthians 2:16) Did jesus walk around in the "mully grubs"? Did he condemn himself or talk about himself in a condescending way? Of course not (that would be silly) but we having Christ in us sometimes do that without realizing that we have the victory and the authority to overcome and have what we want! Greater is he that is in you that he that is in the world!

    Redirect your mind on God by fasting/praying and spending time in your word. Different things from time to time can block that total access to God. I encourage you to go to your pastor and talk to him about "stronghold" and "genrational curses' that may be on your life in order to get deliverance from. Satan can use your past and try to throw it up in your face to try to stop you from gettn all you can from GOD.

    hope this encourages you!

    p.s. here if you need me

  6. he IS able girlie!! There was a testimony that Mia posted about this woman who couldn't have children; within 4 months of Mia having a dream about someone getting pregnant, the woman's pregnancy test was positive! tell me that's not God!

    Both Sarah, hannah, and Rachel conceived when it was medically impossible for them too. God can do anything! God is the god of the impossible and he wants to "give you the desires of your heart". Children are a gift from God and God will give you that gift.

    i touch and agree with you that God will work the miracle. When you pray and believe in your heart without doubt, you shall have what you've asked for (matthew 21:22). God is a man of his word and HE will fulfill his word/promises made to you! I encourage you to keep on persevering and standing on God's word. Watch your miracle happen! This is your year seeker!


  7. You said that you felt "uncomfortable" and "Scared" around the lion. It seemed as though you were concerned if the lion was around your daughter or not.

    Bottom line there are two types of lions mentioned in scripture: a). The lion of Judah--God and b) the adversary (ie: satan) who roars and prowls around like a lion seeking whom he may devour (trying to intimidate) (1 peter 5:8). That's why you have to be vigilant and aware of his schemes because the very moment you're off guard--that's when he comes to try to attack! (Satan comes for those who are not ready or become complacent. He also comes for those who are "sold out" to God, but that's another story;)) Notice that Satan is always the counterfeit of God (he always tries to do what God does but there's always a component missing and that's truth.) If you live for God, he will give you discernment in knowing what's "of him" and authentic.

    IF you were with God you wouldve felt peace (in my opinion) because even if we're nervous with God he still gives/brings comfort and peace. I wonder if the lion present in your dream was Satan. Not really doing anything but still "there" trying to intimidate and scare? Has the enemy been "setting up camp" (been relaxed) lately in your family with things unknown to you (even health-wise), especially with your daughter? You have the spirit of God within you and remember "you have the authority/power to trample on (lions), serpents, and scorpians, and nothing by any means shall harm you." (paraphrase) (Luke 10:16).

    please pray on what I've said


  8. Hello
    How did you feel when you approached the door? (feelings are VERY important and give clues to the meaning of our dreams).

    I wonder if God is really trying to talk to you about his spirit and bring understanding to you about certain things that due to "philosophy" or "tradition" you thought was so but in reality really isn't?

    When I saw the part of the door I immediately thought about in the book of Exodus when God sent "death to the first born" to the people of Egypt when God wanted Pharoah to "let his people go". Everybody had a door but the ones who were "israelites" (ie Separate or set apart) smeared blood on the door as a "sign of protection" against the "angel of death". Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life" and "no man can come to the father except through Him (Jesus)". JEsus is the only way to Salvation and he is the answer. I wonder if God is encouraging you to "knock" so that the door of provision, understanding, knowledge, etc can be opened to you? I don't know if you're feeling guilty or bitter about some things but I encourage you to give whatever it is to God and let him PROVE himself to you. "set yourself apart" from the generalized way of thinking. God wants to do a NEW THING with you that may sound stupid to others and even you.

    Don't give up on God whatever you do. He is making a way for you even when it doesn't seem like it. I just felt like I needed to say that.

    please pray on what I've said to make sure it agrees with your spirit.

  9. Again Una, being the unconventional thinker that you are laugh :

    ....that's interesting. I've often thought about if his family talks about me (could be why I get those "weird looks" from my ex's wife in my dreams). Remember that one response you posted of my dream concerning my father talking to my ex on the telephone? You said you felt like my ex talks to God about me? I wonder if there's a connection with my ex's family talking about me and my ex in turn "wondering" about some things? I DID talk alot more to his father IRL, than I did to his mother and I kNOW for certain that he liked me.

    I'm DEFINITELY thinking now!lol
    thanks for the help girlie


  10. I actually had a dream similar to this one--where the car I was in (riding in the backseat) ended up flying into the air like an airplane. I too saw the town from down below.

    I wonder if God is elevating both you and your husband above some issues that you two had problems with in the past? Even though you are scared about this "new level" and experience, God will show you some (everything) quickly and it will begin to bring "relief"--"cloud nine" type of feeling?

    please pray on what I've said

  11. Hey gurlie

    I keep thinking that your brother's sister will be meeting up with people (probably from her past) that will be needing her help/opinion/advice about some things? The situations will seem possibly odd to her and they'll be hidden from others?

    I am perplexed about the girl with the baby. she acted as though she was ashamed to speak of it. Did she possibly involve herself in a situation that she "doesn't want to speak about" because of her shame but felt like she needed to speak to your friend about it.

    please pray on what I've said. These are my thoughts not interpretations.

    p.s. I'm feelin the picture girl!


    It's almost as if your dreams are playing out my feelings and thoughts

    ...you know you will have to touch more on that!!! (PM me)

    I have learned that my dreams of him are usually literal! When I dream of him or his family, I ususally see or hear something about them within a couple of days or months of the dream. So, I definitely SEE things before they happen! That's even more awesome/weird!!

  13. Good question!!

    I have wondered that in the past.

    His best friend asked me out of the blue, "ARE YOU A FORGIVING PERSON? I thought that was odd. It could be that my ex is wondering if I've Truly forgiven him (even though I told him that I did a long time ago).

    thanks for the response-I appreciate it! I love these ideas floating around--we're getting somewhere! lol!

  14. Wow-you brought up some good points to ponder on!!! thumbs

    In this case, I don't think that his mom represents me but in a way I do "pretend" as if I don't want his family/friends to know I "think about him," etc.

    The breakup was mutual, even though there were alot of loose ends that were still untied (he moved on with someone else). I am in no way bitter (I've forgiven him years ago).

    We had a few more "spoken words" after the breakup but as far as continual conversations, there have been none. I haven't spoken to him personally in almost three years but during that time, he HAS kept in touch with my family and I've seen his family/friends often (in which I feel like they were trying to get information on me).

    Again you brought up a new perspective on this--thanks a million and God bless


  15. Jodi
    you always bring up some good points!! I DO believe that my ex and my father have similar characteristics (ie:big and bad (blunt/skeptic) on outside but really a "softy" on the inside concerning his family)--maybe that's why I was subconsciously attracted to him!!lol

    This isn't the first time that I dreamt I saw a hospital scene (especially with my ex in it or even his wife). So "Waiting on healing" could be something significant here. I will definitely pray on what you've said-thanks


  16. Praise Him KWILL!!

    Are you currently in a state/mindset of peace right now in your life? I wonder if there is a new opportunity that will come your way and it will be "double the pleasure" (ie: you carrying two babies)? please pray on what I've said

  17. Its been said that "just like it takes a long time to develop a habit, it will take the same amount of time/effort to break it." The subject that we're talking about here is a habit and you have to take necessary steps to "get out of the habit". You have to Retrain your mind/way of thinking. It may not be easy but making the effort and perservering will lead to success. Try "killing" this habit within the next 30 days (which has also been said is the amount of time needed to "break/develop" a habit). Come back with your progress report and before you know it--you will be free from this!!

    Peace and Blessings
    p.s. read your personal message-thanks!
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