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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Inside a room/church and see a huge altar/stage. Towards the back/center of the stage is a wall that looks as though it had a fresh coat of blue paint on it. The surface had a gravely/rough texture to it. On the stage are rows and rows (three to five?) of marionettes/dummies (ie:wooden hand-made dolls that have strings attached to them and also are placed on comedians/vantriliquists laps to engage/entertain the audience,etc). All the dummies were dressed in wedding attire (order: woman-man-woman-man etc; women had on dresses/veils and the men had on their tuxedos). All of the dummies were seated in wooden chairs (the kind made for baby dolls) that faced the blue wall and their backs faced the audience. All of the dummies hands were connected as if it was "togetherness" like in prayer circles. Towards the back of the row near the edge of the stage, I see a doll that resembles my ex. I pick up the doll and examine it closely. Its amazing how every facial feature (from the appearance of a hairline to his wide bright "teethy" smile) was so exact--it was scary!!! His attire was white with a little hint of black and his arms rested in between his legs. As I took an overall glance at the stage I thought, "THE BRIDE OF CHRIST"?

  2. Had this dream earlier today:

    I can't remember if I was at work (by the cash register) or somewhere else, but somehow I was on a computer checking my email inbox for messages. I remember clicking on a message (name was unknown) and there was this loooooooong letter written in lime green neon color. Certain words of the text were in bold neon hot pink color throughout. I dont remember what the message said, I just remember that it was just like a "story"- lol! and I was skimming through it. As I scrolled all the way down to the bottom of the page I was surprised to see my ex's full name signed at the bottom along with another person's name (CHANCE). It said my ex's first and last name plus the word CHANCE. I thought: this is bogus! HE DIDNT WRITE THIS!!! I didn't think that my ex had written this message (I thought it was a joke so to speak), so I clicked out of my email and shrugged it off as if it were no big deal.

    What about this one guys?

  3. okay you guys, here's another one of "those" dreams again!!!lol...

    I am at my very first college with my mother and my siblings (by the way, this school happens to be the same school that my ex and his wife are attending IRL) watching television in this room. I don't know what we're watching but i keep thinking: WALT DISNEY'S "the incredibles". My mom and siblings are sitting in chairs and spread out behind me and my ex's father (who is sitting right beside me on the carpeted floor; he is wearing a dark gray sweater and black dress pants). He is talking to all of us (but mostly me) as if we're "great friends". We're all just having "basic conversation" expanding on our likes and dislikes etc, and we're even "laughing and joking". I feel comfortable in this "laidback atmosphere". He soon gets up to "do something" or "go somwhere". At this school theres a lot of familiar faces and unfamiliar faces that I see coming in and out of the area.

    IRL, I haven't been to the town where my old school is in years (I don't plan to go up there anytime soon either!!!) I don't hang around my ex nor his family "like that" IRL. Also, I've been having many dreams of my old school in recent months (even before I found out my ex was attending there).
    Hmmmm thinking


    On early Sunday Morning (while I was still halfway sleep-lol) my sister (the one that had the dream) woke me to tell me about a situation happening with my other sister and her boyfriend (it seemed "life threatening"). My sister was talking to the other sister on the phone and she was "worried" that her bf would cause harm to the family; she wanted the family to "take precautions" by calling the police or doing whatever was necessary. I immediately called the BF and spoke with him and boy was he angry!!! We ended up talking for hours as he vented and then when he came by my house (it was dark and raining) he wanted to speak face to face. My sister who had the dream didn't want me to go out alone with the bf who was apparently still mad at the situation, so she decided to ride with us. (IE: like in the dream when she wanted me to "go in the panic room", etc). Eventually, as the morning went on, everything worked out fine. God was our protector (as Una said). He DID have me late for work though!!lol but I'm glad that we had the talk because anything couldve happened!

    I am sooo glad that God stepped in. Lurdys you were also right when you mentioned that an "upcoming event" could take place and that I needed to pray. 'thank you all for your prayers. I pray that you will continue to pray for the protection of me and my family and also specifically for my sister's boyfriend who needs emotional healing in his life.


  5. you saw a scenery that was old and run down and needed "restoration" to it. Once the tracts were given to you, you saw a "change of scenery". I wonder if you'll be the one (as everyone else has mentioned) to "produce change and see it happening" for alot of people? Everyone else can't do what only YOU were called to do.

    God has already equipped you with everything you need. Just go forth and let God do the rest! WOW! He sees the end from the beginning, so what you see now doesn't mean that that's what is going to be--God has a different plan!

    smooches and God bless

  6. Virtuous I am SO Glad that you received your miracle/understanding/confidence in God!!

    I wonder if the tattoo just reflected how you feel about your last ex--that's he's a permanent part of you and that many people can see that? It seems as though you notice it, but your family makes more of a big deal about it (pointing your tattoo out in the dream).

    I also thought about how the "Wings" represent safety. In Psalm 91, God says that he will "protect/hide us" underneath his shadow. To me the bathroom always represented inner cleansing, and I wonder if this is the same for you--God exposing what is private in your life and bringing total cleansing and healing and you being "completely happy/pleasantly surprised at what He'll do?

    please pray on what I've said
    smooches with love

  7. I almost forgot :( I will!! :)

    UPDATE: Found out that my sister said in the dream, she didn't even see the face of the guy that was in the room with me (people kept coming in and out of the room leaving the door open); she had just assumed that the guy was my ex because I said, "yes".

    Also, my sister (who at the time was living with a family friend whom she calls her "adopted mom"; also has same name as my ex's wife) said that that night before she had the dream, she had seen her "adopted mom's" granddaughter get into a fight with her boyfriend (so maybe that had to do something with the dream?) Sometimes my sister does dream "prophetically" but I believe that this dream was a nonsense dream and just a "replay" of what she had seen earlier (her mind was wandering I guess!!!Lol) Thanks for listening. I am kind of relieved!!! Whew!!Lol

    p.s. UNA I JUST got through (I know, sounds "country"lol) telling my sister tonight that this was a dream of "warning" for me (and others close to me) to "be aware" of future relationships and intentions of men--so right on to you!! (I JUST Read your new response, so I know this was God!!!)


  8. This is the second dream of me "hearing" that my ex is changing schools. I believe that something is getting ready to happen. I will let you know when this dream manifests!!!

    had a dream that I saw my ex's sister in a crowd of people. She then got up and approached my mom (which is real life she would NEVER do this). She said, "My brother (she said my ex's name) is moving to another college." and she mentioned that his wife and kids are fine,etc. I was standing by and heard her say this information. Again, I was surprised that she would be so open in telling my mom (a stranger to her) this personal informaton about him.

    hmmm. I'm REALLY thinking now ya'll!! Keep me in prayer that all will go well with this "surprise". lol!


  9. Jodi

    Everything will work out. As Jesus told Jairus in Scripture (who's daughter was close to death), "FEAR NOT, JUST BELIEVE" (mark 5:36) Nomatter what the situation looks like, you have to believe that God can do a tremendous work and do it instantly!! God is a miracle-working God! All you have to do is believe! Stand on Gods word and speak those healing scriptures (Find all the healing scriptures you can in a concordance or online and begin to speak them daily until your husband has his healing!!) I am a living witness that God can do the impossible even if others dont believe! IS GOD'S ARM TOO SHORT? IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD? If he can put bodies back together from a whole heap of dry bones in a valley where no regular person could know whom they belong to, then you know he can bring a complete healing to your house!!! Stand on that word that was given to you"complete turn around" until it comes to pass!

    Don't give up on God. Don't give up on God! Let Him prove his word to you!!

    God said, "ask and it shall be given to you" if you believe (have faith/trust in God) in your heart and not doubt. if you believe what you ask for in prayer it will happen...period.

    I am looking for your praise Report soon! WE bind up all the tactics of the enemy to make you feel discouraged and doubtful. God will come through because he is a man of his word and he never lies!! I stand in agreement with you!

    smooches and blessings. We claim "sweet sleep" for you and your husband for the days to come. Stop worrying-okay? laugh

  10. I AM COMPLETELY HEALED OF PEOPLE, NEGATIVE WORDS, and SITUATIONS OF MY PAST. I just think that my ex and everything associated with him are distractions because SATAN knows that my "husband to be" is on his way very soon!! (It makes sense for Satan to use what is familiar to you to try to keep you off focus!)

    Sometimes dreams of my ex are symbolic of someone else and other times its God showing me strictly about him personally. I am still trying to figure out that part and it will come with time. I was just concerned about my siblings dreams since she hasnt mentioned dreaming of my personal life/past before. Maybe God IS warning me of my ex's heart being unchanged? If my ex hasnt changed I'm not surprised but that doesn't mean that God hasn't left and opening for him to be "completely sold out" either. I pray for him and his family.

    thanks for the additional responses. If God were warning me, I'm sure he would continue to let me know some things---he never leaves you hanging!!


  11. Thank you all for the responses.

    I really dont know how my sister dreams (don't know if its symbolic or literal) so this dream may mean nothing. I am aware of how my ex "emotionally hurt" me so to speak (he's never physically hurt me), but that's behind me now. My sister seems unconcerned about my relationship with him but I have peace that God will be with me. Its possible that my ex "will try to hurt me again" but again, I am not worried about his tactics because God has my back in every way!! Possibly my ex coming into the "panic room" (ie my room of safety, where I go to spend time with God) could represent that he's trying to interfere with "that" relationship that I have?

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