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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I just had a recent dream where I won something--dont know what it was but in your case I wonder if there will be a big surprise or "one in a million" chance type of news/blessing that will come concerning either your mother or family member? ARe you in need of that exact amount or alot of money right now and God is showing you that he is going to provide you with more than you've expected?

    please pray on what I've said

  2. you know, this could be literal--you seeing a skunk or something like a skunk (ie: squirrel) around your car or house at night?

    But when I think of skunks in a symbolic sense, I do think "awful stench", "smelly". The smell is so powerful (protective mechanism) and its hard to get out. (upon writing this, I JUST glanced at bluejeankid's response and saw similarities!!lol). I wonder if there will be some things (concerning you and your home) that will be "harmful" or "bad" trying to pester you or the family--wont seem to leave?

    please pray on what I've said

  3. Well what I can say is this: if you felt like you saw something "questionable" then it probably wasn't your mind playing tricks on you.

    I don't know about you, but when I think of the joker, I think of him as evil as a nemesis of Batman (the good guy). Every hero has an enemy that they have to defeat in order to save the world. In this case, I wonder if the joker is 'satan". I mean if you think about it, Satan is a jokester. He manipulates you into thinking certain things and then sets up traps of temptation for you to fall into--only to make you feel "unworthy" afterwards.

    If you are a woman of God (which I believe you to be), then you already know that Satan has his "dukes up" so to speak to fight against you. He doesn't want to make it easy for you to have "complete access" to God's promises and blessings so he will try all he can to prevent you and "block you" with those gloves of his! you have christ on the inside of you and there's nothing to be scared of! Even if he reminds you that he's there to pester you or that things don't look good--that doesn't mean that things ARE JUST THAT. NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS with God! So, what if Satan is pestering you--continue to speak the word and to stand firm. Be on your guard and know that God is going to give you double for your trouble! Greater is he that is in you than he that is out in the world. You have God on your side and the end is already written! (as in the famous words of Mia!!!)

    WALK IT OUT!!! FIGHT IT OUT! YOU HAVE ALREADY WON! If you weren't doing anything for God and if God wasn't using you, then Satan wouldn't be bothering you--think about it!!! 👏
    be blessed

  4. WIthout reading any of the other responses:

    I wonder if God is preparing you (and as you've said 'transitioning you') to a higher place in him concerning ministry (in this case--leadership? Taking the place of your pastor or following in his shoes? People were so moved by your song of "order my steps". That song speaks volumes and it encourages christians to allow God to lead them and guide them in all that they do and to listen for God's divine instruction. Do you feel like you'll be the one to exhort and encourage others to "follow after God"? Will you be the one to make an awesome impact on the lives of others?

    Even the gentleman who was tired and torn and had given up on life was encouraged and too felt the strong anointing and decided to come back to christ!

    i think this dream was awesome and it exemplified just how powerfully God will use you and how you shouldn't neglect your gift whatever it is!

    please pray on what I've said

  5. I wonder if this baby is a new opportunity for you (make new friends, witness, etc) that's coming really soon (within the next 3 months to a year)? You nurture this baby or feel responsible for it and it grows and matures right before your very eyes (I wonder if you'll be surprised by expediant growth)? Its like you want everyone to see the transformation or the "newness" of this project, etc because you'll be proud of it?

    please pray on what I've said

  6. Hey Everyone! Praise the Lord in the Highest!

    I ask that all of you P-L-E-A-S-E keep Mia in your prayers as she is going through right now! We know that God is able to "deliver" us out of every one of our troubles and that he can do "exceedingly, abundantly, and above all" that we can ask or think if we continue to TRUST in him and Stand on his word!!

    I ask that you keep me lifted up as well!

    Love you all with all my heart!

    desiree (starpop)

  7. By the way Desiree, the scripture you have in your signature is one that I quote EVERYDAY!!!!!

    cool! The Lord led me to read that entire chapter (Psalm 37) yesterday and when I saw that scripture I was like, "yes God!! this is the scripture for this hour!" It reminds me that when everything seems like its going wrong for the people in the world, the saints have NOTHING to worry about--we will be always satisfied!


  8. AMEN!!! I am always amazed at how God just DROPS money unexpectantly somwhere right in our paths!!!

    HALELULIA! When you give with the right attitude, God gives it back almost immediately!

    Thanks for sharing! thumbs praiseGod

  9. you're right though Daph, we often put our best foot forward when meeting new people--inorder to make a good impression!...I also thought about since I was "using the bathroom in public" that I was no longer ashamed of trying to expose the private side of me to others (even though with the guy it was a different case! lol! ). It was even more refreshing that the guy didn't seem to care that I was in an "unbecoming" position. He seemed like a guy that liked me "just the way" that I was--flaws and all!

    Sounds like you'll be meeting someone VERY interesting and wise in the Lord..someone who knows what he wants out of life. I love it!

    I hope so! I'm always excited to meet a "godly man", deeply rooted in the word!!!lol and going places!...I wonder what the baby represented?

  10. daph I am so laughing right now (You know its all in love girl!) Its a lighthearted laugh because this makes me think of an unsolved mystery or an episode of "murder she wrote"--remember that?! rofl

    No but seriously, I wonder if because of your current situation, do you feel as though in this time of "isolation" that someone might try to harm you or attack you literally--like your life is in danger? Whenever I think of being in a hospital, I think of "healing" needing help so to speak, and even though you were in there--apparently needing some type of help/rest, this intruder tries to come in and "disrupt that possibility of help" and endanger your life in some way--like MAKE something be wrong with you. In this case, when I think of feet I think of "your path" that you're walking; your feet being ready to follow after "peace" and spread the gospel--almost like your "armour" (ephesians 6) and that man tried to "mess with your feet" (in other words, mess with your ministry, use the meds to paralyze you so you would become "stagnate" and not "move" towards what God has for you. I wonder if this man represents the "enemy" and his attempts to try to "make you lose your mind" right now while you're waiting on your assistance from the nurse (ie: God; which by the way he is the "chief physician right?)

    Once the man left, you were able to get that "breakthrough" with the nurse, by telling her all the important information you knew.

    Whatever the situation is, I believe that God has your back in all of this. Though it seems like the enemy is winning, in reality you know that he's not because God has a "plan of escape" (1 corinthians 10:13) and his angels are proctecting you from all hurt, harm, and danger (psalm 91). The meds (ie: the enemies tactics) weren't strong enough to keep you completely incoherent. Infact, you knew exactly what was going on and you made the move. Continue to preservere because you are blessed and know that when you make that "faith move" God is going to do the rest. Dont be afraid, just believe (mark 5:36). I find your dream interesting because just yesterday, I heard a pastor on television saying that alot of the saints (including me) have been really tested this weekend--its like the enemy has been really fighting hard against the people of God lately.

    I hope this witnesses to you, please pray on what I've said as these are my thoughts.

    p.s. Another thought: could you be representative of someone else in your dream and is there a possibility that the person's life could be threatened in some way and you're worried about him or her?

  11. I remember picking up a phone (an old school one that was big and had a coily cord to it-lol) to make a phone call and somebody was on the other end--it was a radio announcer/disc jockey and she was trying to reach me to tell me that I had won! What did I win? I was surprised and a little uncertain--how did she get my name and number? The woman IRL happens to be a 19-year-old disc jockey from the jersey area that interviews celebrities, and has a really fun personality (I don't know her personally). My voice was sounding magnified for some reason--was I on speaker phone? The girl assured me that I wasn't. I looked around the room and other rooms in the house and saw others looking at me--I guess I felt like this was a prank or that I had been "punked". I was waiting for someone to say something as everyone looked skeptically. WOW! This winning was VERY unexpected!

    The girl wanted me to call her tomorrow with the details of my name and address so that I could claim my prize. The conversation ended up being 10 minutes or so. Moments later I meet the girl and we hug--its like we're old friends or something (we're really excited to meet eachother face to face). I tell her how much I admire her for doing what she does and doing it well for being so young! She compliments me as well.

  12. Is there something that you're currently involved in or will be involved in that some people will be disappointed/unhappy about you pursuing? I wonder (because you saw that you were pregnant after three times) if the thing will for sure be yours? Maybe even your friend (the one who asked if you were pregnant) will be the one who will be closely involved with that project, etc?

    please pray on what I've said

  13. Believer:

    I just wanted to say to be encouraged. I am actually going through a situation right now where the enemy is trying to "throw darts" at me to get me feeling discouraged, especially about my job at certain people I'm working with! Everything I do is critiqued--and its hard to just "suck things" up because I do have a "mouth on me"!lol...One person said, If satan can't get you to be prideful, then he'll have you discouraged! Just know that God is getting ready to do something big in your life--that's why there's all this pressure. YOU have the mind of christ (1 corinthians 2:16) and you are God's child and because of that you are set apart and special---Satan lost his place with God that's why he's jealous of all those who have it secured! Just start speaking what the bible says about you and don't allow those thoughts to enter in--cast them down as quickly as possible! God loves you and he wants the best for you! God wouldn't have died for you (with your name on his mind) if he thought you were worthless!

    YOU ARE A KINGS KID--so start acting like it!!! :) There is no good thing that God will wthhold from you because you belong to him! be blessed and just know, "when the devil is messing" and when it seems like everything is going wrong or against you" God is working behind the scenes and a blessing is coming!!

    I am excited for you! I am praying for you as well!
    WE love you here! Be encouraged!
    sis Desiree
    -Read those suggested verses by Lurdy's. Good one!!

  14. I'm in the middle of this mall trying to use the bathroom on a toilet (that's located right in the center of the mall towards the back). As I get comfortable for #2 (weird, right?), this very attractive guy holding a baby, comes over to me asking me to hand him his books/bible. He specifically wanted to see his book on Timothy and Paul/David (can't remember which one exactly). I don't complete my task because I didn't want him to see any evidence--but I move over to the side so that he can reach for the books himself. He then asks me questions about Timothy. Like "when was he called into ministry", etc? I tell him that Timothy was young when God appointed him and he was encouraged by Paul to not allow people to "make him feel bad" in so many words because of his youth. The man, looking down at his bible and smiling (I guess impressed with my words), looks up at me and says, "30". He said that "Timothy was called into the ministry at age thirty". I didn't think that that was unique because Jesus ministry really took off in his thirties right? I told the man, "I believe age 30 is the time when people ought to be doing what they desire etc. By this time they should be knowing what they really want out of life and be living their dreams, etc." I was impressed that this guy was so confident in what he knew about the word and different people in the bible.

    I wonder what 30 represents? Me coming into my own at that age? My husband to be being 30 when I meet him? Marriage at 30? OH THE POSSIBILITIES!!!! laugh

  15. I had a dream about Robin Thicke. (He is a popular singer/songwriter and his father is Alan Thicke {Family Ties}. His music is very "new soul/r&b" sounding--I like the "old school" flavor to it!) Anyway, he comes over to my parents house (not real house) and my parents and I are in the backyard. Its a sun-shiny day. He pulled up in his black top down (he is also dressed in nice black attire with matching hat cocked to the side all "cool" like) and my dad excitedly gets in the passenger's side---both bobbing their heads to the music coming from the radio. I believe the song is, "Sweetest love"--Robin's latest single. I notice that Robin looks similar to my father--in the dream, Robin is supposed to be my father's son. Robin has gray hair and glasses and even though I know its Robin, I see my dad moreso come out of him. At one point Robin even liked me but I guess he realized since he was married that it would never work between us? Suddenly I see a glimpse of Robin's wife (actress Paula Patton) come to the house to retrieve him. Robin smiles back at me as they leave together.

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