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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. MANIFESTATION: I had called one of my friends (who I hadn't spoken to in a year, who also attends the same college as I) today and she told me that she has been "Dating someone for the past three months"! I was kinda taken aback that she didn't tell me in her emails or anything (we usually keep eachother updated every now and then) but I didn't feel annoyed by her not telling me! SHe is doing well and she seems really happy (ie: the woman being excited and happy to tell me her son in the dream was getting married). THe guy in the dream (mike) is also a minister on campus and he had been asking about me!!

    THe simplest revelation came true today (march 5, 2009)
    thanks for listening

  2. I don't think that you should just solely focus on the symbols alone (because if you do it will throw you off because sometimes things are just THERE in our dreams and they mean nothing). You should see the "big picture" (overall theme and pay attention to how you felt in the dream) Feelings make a difference.

    I said "acceleration" (things speeding up) and "exceleration" ( which may not even be a word or spelled correctly but you get my drift) meaning as things taking off and growth is happening) in your personal life (that could mean relationship, ministry, etc--closer walk with God, greater understanding of your life/goals, etc). Just pray that God will give you more revelation. It may take some time but I promise he will show you!!!

  3. MANIFESTATION/REVELATION: I found out in January that my ex and his wife are attending or will be attending the same school that I had first attended! The 'Baby Ruth' shirt/childrens' books=represented something new. The number of books (a few) represented that she would be attending college a "few hours" away from where I live now! Even the library in the dream looked like the library at my college that has similar initials as the one that they are attending! So Una, what you said about "my ex's wife and my life paralleling in some form" was exactly right!

    At the time, we both couldve been curious about one another! So, bottom line: his wife is 'following in my footsteps' concerning school, possibly even in the relationship--but we'll have to see!!

    Thanks for all your help!

  4. Had a dream of my sister's boyfriend. IRL, he is in the military and I remember seeing this guy who was 5'7"-5'8", with a medium toned complexion, a low haircut (close to the head), and somewhat slim figure with army fatigue on. He was walking uprightly with a large "Cheesy smile" on his face. IRL, I don't know this person and never seen him in my life (just heard about him), but in the dream I remember his name tag and I immediately knew (in the dream) that this guy was my sister's boyfriend.

    When I awoke from the dream, I had asked my sister and another sibling of mine to describe the boyfriend to me. As I asked specific questions about his height, weight, etc everything was right on the money!! Both were amazed at how I could know how this guy looked!

    Not only the next day did I see a movie with a military guy in it, but my sister received some flowers in the mail from an unknown recipient! When she opened the box she found out that it was a surprise from her boyfriend (she wasn't expecting to recieve the Valentines Day Gift). The smiling in the dream couldve meant that it was going to be a "Surprise visit" or something related to her boyfriend in the future that would make them both happy!!! My sister even says IRL that he's a jokester (always laughing and playing!) How cool to see somebody in your dream (whole characteristics/personality) without even knowing them personally 👏 !

    Look at how God allowed another literal dream to come to pass!!!

  5. UPDATE/MANIFESTATION: I can remember Lurdys showing me a picture of Jennifer Lopez (it was Valentines Day picture and she showed it to me on February 18). Anway, J.Lo was at red carpet event wearing a black dress that seemed inappropriate for her to be wearing (being that she's a mom and mother and all). She was looking seductive in the picture and showing alot of skin (her outfit was shear).

  6. MANIFESTATION (Continuation from 1st dream): Also had this dream probably a little before the other dream about being with my ex and his family. (Please read that one first.)

    Throughout the night, I guess I felt as though I was being "set up" so to speak. My ex's best friend kept "asking me questions" etc that brought to my remembrance what couldve only been about "my ex and I". In the dream when my ex came over to me, that's exactly how I felt with his best friend IRL, that he was "only there to find out information about me and what was going on in my life now that we weren't together." I was rather "Appalled" that this guy would be so "bold" to say certain things (ie Just like in the dream when I was holding my ex's step daughter, I felt as though he was rude for "telling me how I should do things" and not even "saying hello" after all these years! He kepts making hints and indirect comments like, "this person that you were close with, was there a connection?" "You know you loved B?" "I know where so and so lives" (saying it jokingly). He tried hard to paint a "good picture" of my ex, as if to say that "he wasn't all that bad" or "what others felt/said he was, he really was much different". Keep in mind, this wasn't the first person to come at me in this way about my ex.

    This guy "claimed that he had liked me" for along time, but it felt awkward (only because I know this guy as my ex's friend and one doesn't date their ex's friends!!) After going out on this date, God immediately quickened my spirit that "he was trying to get information to go back and tell your ex". But knowing me, I was like, " I thought he said he doesn't keep in touch with my ex like that."Again, I was somewhat stunned! I knew this guys intentions all along (ie: trying to see if "he" could get with me since my ex was unsuccesful); but just knowing in my mindseye that he was "relaying/receiving information" to report back to my ex was disgusting!! (Don't worry, I tried to throw him off so that if he DID go to my ex, there wouldn't be any mixed signals!!!) Just like in the dream when I was trying to "prove to my ex" that the daughter wasn't my baby, I wanted to prove to my ex's friend that "there was nothing there between his friend and I and there was no hopes of reconciliation". Still, its like his friend didn't believe me (or didn't want to! lol! ) I even tried to "prove to him" that I was trying to "wait on my husband" because the subject of "marriage" and "who was the one?" came up too! When talking to Mia about the dream on today, her spirit too confirmed that the guy "was trying to set me up." The next day, I let the guy know that I was uncomfortable about "talking to him" and that "God reveals people's heart/motives" to me--ALWAYS! (just in case he was "trying to pull a fast one" he would be prepared to face the wrath!!lol Of course he was shocked at what I said!!!)

    *I dont really know what's going on in the marriage between my ex and his wife, but it seems like there are some problems, being that people on his end want to know what's going on with me. Just pray saints that I will remain focused and aware of Satan's tactics and remain "pure in body and mind" until my husband arrives!!

    Thanks for listening.

    p.s. If you guys have any more insight on the other part of the dream (which I didn't get into), please feel free to post!! God is sooo good!! PRAISE HIM NOW FOR HIS FAITHFULNESS SAINTS!!! 👏

  7. At a church related function and I'm sitting in the back of the room (there are gray folding chairs everywhere--a handful of people sitting). I see my ex enter the room (he had on blue or black shirt) and he surprisingly walks to the back where I am and sits right beside me (boldly) in one of the folding chairs. He is sitting relaxed (legs opened and elbows resting on thighs). He sitting there as if to talk to me. Everyone was whispering among themselves and looking suspiciously etc as if to start some mess/controversy by seeing us in the back of the room together after all these years!! My ex didn't seem to be concerned at all about the "naysayers". He saw me with a baby/child on my lap. I was listening to the sermon--trying to play hard to get and ignore him (knowing he was looking at me). The child looked similar to his real-life step-daughter and the age kept fading in and out from 3-6 months to 5-6 years of age (which I believe is her real age anyway). My ex says, "you need to get her medicaid" (which is a health insurance plan for children from low-income families who can't afford coverage) I'm kind of agitated that he would just "come out the blue with nonsense instead of saying, "hello" or "how are you etc". I look at him because I KNOW he thinks that this child on my lap is the one I had since he's been married. Again, I tried to prove to him that I was trying to remain pure until marriage, and said, "This is A's child B". A is my sister IRL who had a child (male) and she also kept in touch with my ex alot when we had broken up. I know that he came over to me "just to find out what was going on in my personal life after him",etc. He doesn't say anything. Moments later, his wife enters the room (her hair curly, wearing huge white t-shirt & blue jeans,etc) she was looking flustered, frustrated, and disgruntled all at the same time. She was apparently coming into the room to look for her husband. My ex stood up quickly and moved before she could notice where he was. I'm thinking that he's hoping his wife didn't see him sitting back there with me. He walks up there to the front to sit with her. I'm thinking: "he is on a short leash". He acts so uncomfortable and so different when she's around (so uptight; like he's making sure "its okay to do certain things"). I'm at a loss for words! :oops:

    Secondly I'm in a room with my sister A (who has the child) and another sister (right after her) and one of my pastor's daughter. In a corner bathroom, I see a tall, brown-skin guy looking in the mirror. He looks alot like my ex. I notice the light is on and the door is slightly cracked. I also notice that the guy is shaving his head and has on a blue tshirt that says, "fire department" on it. I assumed the man was my ex until my pastor's daughter said, "that's K's husband" (a girl that I used to work with IRL--but her husband doesn't look that good IRL!!) In the dream, this guy looked good! Everyone else said he looked fine as well! We were sitting around talking about how her youngest child looks so cute!

  8. MANIFESTATION: I had this dream on March 1, 2009. Days later (around March 3) I got this call out of the blue from an area code that was familiar to me. I assumed it was my ex calling but it end up being my ex's best friend!!! We had gone on a semi-date and fellowshipped later that evening at his grandfather's house (I remember at one point we were in the kitchen standing by a big white refrigerator and a long counter top--I also was wearing a red sweater, similar to the daughter in the dream).

    Anyway, my ex's best friend was being OVERLY nice and his compliments didn't seem genuine. Throughout the night he was making advances towards me and my ex had even come up in the conversation (He brought him up by the way). I just didn't feel as though "I fit" in this guy's family as he was showing me pictures and reminiscing about his childhood. I just felt like: "This guy is my ex's friend and this is inappropriate." Something just wasn't right.

    *There's another dream ("Visit from the ex") that I posted to add more confirmation to the situation. God was preparing me to meet someone "closely affiliated" with my ex (ie: the ex's parents/family, etc=ex's friend's family). I have figured out (thanks to Mia and her awesome skills! lol! :cute: That I dream literally. thanks for listening and thanks for your time and help!

  9. Amen and Amen!
    There are alot of couples having a hard time right now and I don't think that that is by coincidence! We do need to pray for married couples everywhere!

    There is a movie out that shows how "God can restore and heal marriages" and did JUST that for one couple who assumed theirs was over; it recieved good reviews (email me for the title)

    This is the season for restoration/healing and God IS doing it! Fight for our marriages because their unions established by God!!! I believe that alot of people just need to be taught on what a male and woman's role is in marriage. I wish there were more churches that had "marital counseling" in them.
    thanks for mentioning that point dear; my prayers are with those individuals. Marriage takes work (or so I've heard!!! lol! )


  10. I'm at my ex's parents' house (not real home-looked like a large room where people would gather to fellowship and eat). There's a huge white refrigerator in there (beside a long counter) and a huge brown round table towards the front end of the room. (The room is long [horizontal shaped] and dimly lit.) I'm helping both of his parents clean out the refrigerator. We take turns cleaning in and around it (scrubbing/polishing). All three of us have on nice ("churchy" outfits--which is odd when cleaning right?) It seems like they are really happy that I'm there with them. They have permanent smiles on there face (never seeming to fade). Its like they are trying to "win me over" or something. I'm in the middle, the mom is on my left, and his dad is on my right. First of all, I don't even know why I'm there in the first place, but I DONT feel uncomfortable or out of place. The mom says, "You look FANTASTIC". The dad agrees and says, "If my son {says his name} was here (comes over), he'd break his neck looking, he wont even be able to clean!!!" I wonder why they are so happy about me? Their behavior seems strange to me (IRL they would NEVER do this!!! lol! )

    Their daughter (not real one and looks a little younger than I and familiar to me), comes in. I begin talking to her as she stands by the counter just looking. "she doesn't recognize or know me". She continues doing what she's doing until I realize "OH! YOURE NOT THE DAUGHTER! YOU MUST BE THE SISTER OR COUSIN!" She looks like the daughter to me though. I turn around and behind me is another daughter (IRL, its only my ex and his older sister). She is holding her daughter. Both women are wearing red. At some point both women leave the room. I walk to this brown door (which apparently is the entrance/exit to the room) and open it. Outside, a television is on (sitting on a stand, like the ones in gradeschool) and three folding chairs. The two daughters are sitting there, and there's a guy sitting on the other end (closest to the door). One of the daughter's is putting her child to sleep, and everyone is talking. They glanced up at me a couple of times but said nothing. I was going to go outside to join them, but I recanted--thinking that this was their private time (I didn't feel like I belonged). I closed the door.

    thinking :huh: I need your help dreamers---PLEEEEAAAZE!!!

  11. Had this dream earlier this morning:

    I had seen one of my good male friends (who some say resembles my ex) mom. She was inside a room talking to my father--they seemed to be having a really good conversation. (IRL, they've never met). I see them hug and she approaches the exit when I go up behind her to say, "Ms. H! How are you?" IRL I haven't seen my male friend or his family for about a year now. She was REALLY excited to see me. As we talked (she sat in a tan-colored recliner that was in the center of this room/hallway). As we talked, "M is getting married this weekend...yeah, the girl has a light complexion" (which is different than what he would normally be attracted to." I thought: I thought he was going to marry that one girl (Who was his type). I was shocked. "CEDAR BAPTIST CHURCH" was where they were going to get married (I don't think this is a real church).
    She said, "I invite you to come if you want to." I felt uncomfortable (knowing that he was getting married and all; I don't know why I felt so out of place). I felt kind of offended that he didn't invite me--we are supposed to be good friends! I guess because I hadn't kept in touch with him that he didn't let me know. Overall I was happy for him though! Wow! Mikes getting married! I told my mom he was getting married.

    thinking any ideas?
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