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About Sirianta

  • Birthday 07/27/1978

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  1. Thank you so much Jojo!! Jasmine, I got it from google images
  2. Hey Hindsfeet! I know it as that satan in his angel form was created to be the angel of worship, not to protect God's glory. He was the head of worship and was created to worship God. What was discussed on the radio doesn't sound scriptural. God doesn't need protection from anything 'cause God IS. Love you! Xxx
  3. HAPPY BDAY MIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you get spoiled today!! May the year ahead be filled with God's favour and love!
  4. But satan was an angel, right? And so there was right and wrong before Adam and Eve. So God created man in His image and created man good. But satan came and deceived man like he does today.
  5. Hey guys, I have a question which might not be so important. And by this I mean maybe we don't need to know the answer. BUT it's been a while since I thought of this and just thought I'm going to post it here and see if someone has some insight on this. Satan was first an angel, right? And then he sinned / rebelled against God, right? So, this is interesting, because I thought only we as humans are full of sin Satan was first a heavenly being, sinning while in a heavenly being form, so how could he have sinned if he was an angel??? Does this mean that angels are able to sin?? It doesn't make sense. Then another question: Satan was an angel and was cast out of heaven with the other angels who followed him. And this must have happened before God created Adam and Eve seeing that the serpent (satan) was in the garden of Eden. So there was sin even before Adam and Eve????? Don't know if any of you also thought about this???
  6. Amen Shany, especially people at this ministry! Great fellowship here!
  7. Hey D and SisterinChrist! You both gave such good info!! Thanks so much! And as always D had to put some comedy in there!! You really made me laugh again D!!! Lol!!!!!
  8. Hey Deborah! You won't believe how much I needed to hear this scripture right now at this very moment! I know it's from God! Wow!!! What beautiful flowers!!!! Be blessed and thanks a mil!!!!
  9. THANK YOU GUYS!!!! My bday is actually the 27th but I take these messages with open arms!!!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL
  10. Hey guys and gals For about two weeks now I've had this desire in me to get a few woman together and start a bible study group that get together once a week. Today me and another lady pastor were chatting about me and my hubby's situation and out of the blue she suggested that maybe I should start a woman's bible study group!! Now this past two weeks I wondered if this idea is from God or myself and when the pastor mentioned it today it fealt like confirmation from God!! I am still going to pray about this and ask that you will pray with me. I am so excited about this, but need to know for sure if it is God's will. I don't want to go against His will. Does any of you have or attend such a group? And can you please if possible give me some helpfull advice before starting such a group. I can not tell you guys how excited I am about this just to get together with other woman and worship God and share His mighty Word!!! GOD BLESS
  11. I absolutely agree Mia!!! Just shows you how much He cares for His children!! That even a small request He WILL answer! He cares for the smallest things of our hearts as well. Oh Lord, You are the joy of my life!!!
  12. Please don't hesitate to ask us any time to pray for you. My mom and dad got divorced when I was 9 years old and the only advice I can give you is just to be there for them. I know this is going to be a difficult time, but they need as much love as possible and you need to reassure them that it is not their fault, that they are not to blame about what is happening. For some reason children always seem to think they have something to do with the fact that mommy and daddy are moving apart. My heart really goes out to you, I wish I could just give you such a big hug. Although this is going to be a difficult time, it is reasuring to know that Jesus is going throught this WITH you, every minute of every day. He is also there for your children. Please ask us anytime, even if you just want to talk. This is a great ministry, and I have been helped a lot concerning some issues in my life through the great loving people here. Will keep praying for you. Love in Christ
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