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Posts posted by Virtuous

  1. You do what you know you're suppose to do and let God handle the rest. Remain calm and exhibit Christ-like characteristics.

    A member of my church gave a testimony about her boss. Her boss has been riding her from day one. She's been on her job a little over a year now and have been dealing with a very mean boss. Her boss has 13 years of service for this particular agency. Well, my Sister in Christ, kept her mouth closed, did her job and stayed in God's face concerning her boss. A few weeks ago, her boss gave her a bad/false review. She prayed and told God about it and asked for a meeting to confront the allegations and her boss had no proof to support her accusations. Needless to say, this woman with all these years under her belt was FIRED! You can't continue to attack God's people and get away with it. God says enough is enough.

    Come to find out, this lady had been doing this for many years but everyone was intimidated by her authority so she used it to mistreat her employees. But Glory be to God, He is not intimidated by noone and whoever decides to go up against Him...WILL NOT WIN - That goes for His people as well.

    Stay strong, sweetie and allow God to fight this battle for you. If this director of yours don't watch his/herself, God will move him/her on out of the way and YOU will be the Director.! He/She don't know who their messing with. I'm telling you...God don't play about His children and soon this entire world is going to know AND believe it...watch what I tell you!

  2. I pray your strength in the Lord.

    It's because you have committed to a spirit-filled church. The enemy is mad as all get out. THAT is what he doesn't want.

    One of my co-workers was asking me about the church I attend (spirit-filled) because they had been visiting one and was on the verge of joining. It wasn't a week after she and her husband joined...all hell broke loose. Her husband lost his job, she was set back another year in school (she was suppose to have graduated the following month), she had the only income... it was a test. She and her husband remained faithful and committed to their decision. Before long, her husband got a new job (paying much more than what he had before) and she's doing very well in school. They trusted God.

    You're where you need to be...Just like my Pastor says...if the devil "ain't" messing with you, then you may need to ask yourself why. It could be that he already has you on his side.

  3. You are indeed a false prophet if you speak into someone's life, claiming it to be what thus saith the Lord, and God has not given it to you. Everybody is not anointed/graced to prophecy and I don't believe a person can "train" you in doing so.

    What you speak about is not a myth..Seek the Giver, not the Gifts. It is the word..."SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD (the Giver) and His righteousness, and all of these things will be added unto you (the Gifts)."

  4. In love...thisissparta...I have to agree with lola21 and Jadams.

    Have you ever held a baby who is ready to be fed? I remember my children waking up in the middle of the night ready for a bottle. If I didn't get to them as quick as they wanted me to, they would pitch a fit...crying, kicking, etc. Once I reached them to give them their bottle, they didn't realize I was there trying to feed them. They were too busy still kicking and crying. In their moments of unhappiness (because they were hungry and thought I was no where around) they wouldn't (wasn't able to) receive what I was trying to give to them. Have you ever seen a mother trying to give a baby a bottle while kicking and screaming? SHE DOESN'T. SHE CAN'T. She has to wait until they calm down a bit to realize they are being fed.

    thisissparta...just pray and wait. And most of all calm down. We all have had to do it at some point in our lives so we know it's not fun. Sometimes God is not going to give anyone an answer for you. These are wilderness times when He wants to talk to you and you only...He wants YOU to talk to Him and Him only.

  5. I agree with daphanie02. I've been sensing those same frustrations on you as well. I just didn't know how to say it...so, I didn't say anthing.

    Maybe you should study the life of Daniel. You may be surprised what you find. I was once called a name in the bible by someone (who always encourages me) and I studied her because I was curious. I have a lot of characteristics that this woman of God in the bible had and later on God confirmed to me through a prophecy that he was going to make me her.

  6. Father God, I pray that you will strengthen Lovetoworship to do what you have purposed in her/his heart. Continue to give her/him the desire to walk in the gifts, talent and ministry you have so graciously given her/him. I pray that you will give her favor with God and man that he/she will grow in you. Give her/him a new song that will minister to your people to cause yokes to be broken, salvation and deliverance, Godly repentance, and set the captives free from bondage. I pray that you will provide her/him with every thing needed in all areas of life that will enable her/him to worship and praise you the way you ordained it before the foundation of this world. Bring Godly people in her/his life that will promote and encourage her/his walk with you. We come against any plot, plan or scheme the enemy has thrown to abort or prolong her/his ministry. Order her/his footsteps for you said in your word that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord and he delights in his ways. I pray that Lovetoworship will delight herself/himself in you because you also said in your word that if we delight ourselves in you, you will give us the desires of our hearts. Stir up the gifts and talents RIGHT NOW, God! I call her/his ministry forth and come to full fruitness! We plead the blood of Jesus over all distractions. Direct her/his thoughts, oh God. We thank you God for being an on time God and we ask these things in your son Jesus' name...AMEN! Halleluiah!!!!!!!

  7. There is no mentioning of the geneology of Elijah. Nothing is mentioned about his parents, siblings...nothing. It's almost as if he just appeared on the scene. God said He was going to send a prophet and his name is Elijah...he would cause the hearts of the children back to their father and the hearts of the father back to their children (Malachi).

    Elijah was a powerful prophet. What ever came out of his mouth...happened just the way he spoke it. He said (paraprasing), "It's not gonna rain until I say it's going to rain". And it didn't. While he was on the mountain he told the armies of men that the was sent to bring him to the king (to be killed) what would happen to them if they even tried. Needless to say they tried; he spoke a word and they all died. Every last one of them. He didn't move from that mountain until God released him too. Then he allowed them to take him to the king. He told the king that he would die in the bed he lay in and the king died.

    Elijah was very bold. He meant what he said because he trusted in God. God took care of him at all times even when he was in fear of Jezebel. God reminded him of all He had spoken to him.

    Wait...I have to step away for about an hour but I will finish this up. There is so much about Elijah and the mantle that it will blow your mind!

  8. butterfly,
    Do you know what it is like to lose your home

    As a matter of fact I do. I was believing God for a home in 2004. I fasted and prayed (absolue fast - nothing to eat or drink for 3 days)for this home and everything fell in place. In January 2005, I moved into a 4 bedroom, two bath, dining room, living room, den, covered parking drive, and a work shop building sitting on 2 acres of land. In January 2006, I lost my home and I moved back into the projects. Was I depressed? Was I upset? Was I praying and seeking God for direction? Yes to all. It was aweful. I was wondering where God was and how He could allow me and my children to go through all of that. I thought I was going to lose my mind! Right when I thought I could roll over and die I had a dream I was reading the book of John. I couldn't remember the chapter so I decided to start from the very beginning and I told God to reveal to me what He was trying to tell me. I stopped at John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." I received God's peace and although I didn't have my home, I was at peace knowing God was doing what was best for me even if I felt lost. But had I stayed in my house, I never would've moved from the first project I was in and I wouldn't have never met a dear close friend of mine who died last year. After I moved from my home, God told me that there was someone there that He needed me to reach. It was my friend. Her watching me and my sharing with her what I knew about the Lord and what He says, touched her. She got saved a year before she died. I didn't realize it at first and God reminded me what He had told me. I miss my friend dearly, but I thank God that I will see her again in heaven.

    you hardly have any money,

    Yes, I do. I filed for bankruptcy the same year. I couldn't see my way out and I felt like I couldn't take care of my children. I felt like I let them down. I was so heartbroken, I was warn out,embarrassed, weighed down and going out of my mind. But glory be to God, He gave me a word... Psalms 55.22 "Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved". Through all of this, I learned I can't go from day to day trusting in my job or any other source of income to take care of me because it's not promised to me. But I am an heir, the daughter of the King of all Kings who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, the richest King there is and He has promised to supply all of my needs. And I believe Him.

    I could go on and on about things I've gone through but the end result is still the same. I had to take God at His word. I didn't have anything or anybody else. Family and friends did the best they could for me, but nothing made a difference until I had FAITH in what God says in His word.

    I'm not saying I don't understand or I don't feel sadness for people going through a trial and feeling depressed. I completely understand because I've gone through the fires of hell and the only thing that brought me out was God.

    I didn't mean for it to sound like I was calling people foolish for being depressed. That's not what I wanted to imply. I just want people to know that God is alive and in full effect. All we have to do is believe and have faith in Him.

  9. Do you all know how shameful it is that we know God and yet still we behave foolishly.

    Yes, I do know this. You pointed out one aspect in one of your earlier post.
    In this economic crisis are you both aware that some Christians are depressed, that they feel like giving up on God, feeling as if their prayers are unheard.

    Is this not foolish? I think it is very foolish for us as Christians to EVER doubt God. Of course we all may feel unheard and that God is no where around. I have felt that recently. So I can tell you from experience that when He said He will never leave us and never forsake us...He meant it. The race is not given to the swift or the strong but to the one who will ENDURE to the end. Where is the trust? Where is the faith? When God returns, He said He will be looking for ONE thing...FAITH. We have to endure. We have to persevere. Like I said before, what do we really have if we don't have faith that God is able to deliver us? That's not being ignorant to what's going on. That's being CONFIDENT in God.

    I'm not saying that I want to be ignorant and uniformed to what is going on in the world...It's evident. Am I wrong to FIRST trust in God? I honestly believe that people are killing themselves and their families, because they have lost all hope because of what is going on. I believe Christians are depressed and stressed out because they have forgotten where their help comes from.

    I ask you again, Is God not the same God you believed and trusted before things got this way?

    Other than researching, becoming informed and educated, about what's going on; What do you suggest we do to prepare ourselves for the future? I don't have a problem with that. I do have a problem with allowing it cause me to lose all hope in God and what He says about everything in His word. What do you think the unsaved is going to think when they see Christians all in a frantic about what's going on? What will be the point in them turning to God if His own children (Christians), are doubting Him?

  10. Butterfly,

    I know and understand your concerns; but I choose not to dwell on them. I am truley sadden, just as well as you are, about some Christians falling into a state of depression and giving up on God.

    Let me ask you something. Do you think that because of what the world is going through at this very moment is the reason behind the Christians you speak of are falling weak and feel as if their prayers are not being heard? If so, what changed? Are they not praying to the same God who have heard and answered their prayers time after time? Are they not praying to the same God who they have trusted and believed in before now? Do they not believe the God they serve will take care of them? Did God's word change? This world has changed; but God has not. He is a God that cannot and will not lie. He already said He will take care of HIS PEOPLE in the time of famine....He said He will be our (HIS PEOPLE) shield and our buckler in the time of calamity. Do they not believe that? If not; what do they believe? Are they putting their trust in "man" or in God. Do they not know that God, the creator of all things, can have His way through anything?

    Come on now...I can't speak for anybody else, but I'm not getting into a state of depression, recession or any other "ession". My God is going to take care of me and this world. I don't understand why we (especially PEOPLE OF GOD) will allow what is going on to cause us to lose our minds when we know God's word has to be fulfilled. We also know what to do. I'm telling you; it's time to draw closer to God instead of giving up on Him. Don't do that.
    Why is it that so many Christians pray yet still they don’t have a clue that Obama may be the man that brings America literally to it’s knees.
    This may be true. God's word says every knee shall bow... If this is what it's going to take to get America "back" on its knees than so be it. That's what we're suppose to be doing anyway. Those who remain ignorant and uninformed about what God is doing, won't need any help from Obama or anybody else because they will self-destruct.
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