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Mark Saint Gunn

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Everything posted by Mark Saint Gunn

  1. Also, one program that might be able to help you is, "attacking anxiety", by Lucinda Bassett. It is a program you can do on your own time and helps you overcome a lot of negative emotions. It seriously helped me. God bless you.
  2. I know how you feel. Seriously! Just remember that your feelings are not absolute. They will turn good again. May God bless you abundantly!!!
  3. We must pray for love and guidance for all men and women. Just like Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and many people are loving and for peace. Only love, faith, and hope remain!
  4. I totally agree with you. Thank you. I had a dream about him last night where I got to say goodbye. Later, (today) I was on the way to the hospital when he died. If nothing else, the dream helped to give me closure. God is good! Thanks again!
  5. Thanks! I think God took care of it in a spiritual manner. My friend died but a priest came to him before he died (that is all I know). I believe God too! God listened to my prayers and had his will in this situation.
  6. Thank you. That was a word. My roommate is going to visit him in a few minutes. I wasn't sure if I was going to go. Even though he is in a poor state (i.e., coma) I am still going to talk to him and tell him to go to God. Thanks again!
  7. Thank you everyone. The doctor's are keeping him on life support, but my friend did not make a will. This means that the doctor's cannot release him to die legally. I had a dream about him where we hugged and I got to speak to him. I am going to go visit today (probably). If nothing else, remember to be nice to people and make up as soon as possible. Thanks
  8. My friend is in an unexpected surgery. His body is uncontrollably bleeding and two doctors said it was so bad they were not willing to give him surgery. One doctor rushed him to his hospital and is trying to save him. They called in a priest (that is how bad it is). Please pray, that if he is not saved, that he will be allowed to live in order to get another chance. Overall, pray that God's will happens, whatever that is. Thanks!
  9. I had fallen into abusive behavior and thoughts as well. I do not think people understand what abuse can do to you in this manner. I am sooo proud of you for overcoming this behavior. I have learned that overcoming the thoughts helps considerably. Instead of thinking violent thoughts I replace them. In example, if I am scared of someone and I instantly think about hitting them or hurting them I tell myself, 'I am going to replace this thought with something positive'. I then think of something positive. It becomes a game to see how many positive things I can think of. One thing I have understood in my walk is that anything I want to overcome takes time. I have to keep working at it and keep talking about it to God. I fall sometimes (a lot), but I remember God's love. Praise God that you are searching for a place. It is great to know that God forgives us for our past!!!!!!!
  10. If a word is from God than it will come to be in his time and not our own. Therefore, do not rush into anything. Get to know people without the expectation that a certain man might be the one from God. If a man is from God then it will work out without you having to rush it or wonder if the man is from God. Furthermore, when you have gotten to know someone very well and you are not insecure about them then you know you have trust. Wait for trust to be built before getting into any marriage. If the word is from God than it is for hope and peace, not insecurity and confusion. Continue to work on your relationship with God. Bless yoU!
  11. I have been in abusive relationships as well. And, getting out of the situation is such a freedom that you deserve to give yourself. I agree with Cholette that you should get out now!!! Also, any time you get bitter just pray to God that he takes care of the punishment. I do this a lot. Instead of thinking about how to get back at someone who is abusing you please forgive them (for your own self). After you forgive them then tell God to punish them however he wants. God is good and not evil, but he will apply the justice necessary in the situation if you let him. Yes, God 's ways are higher than our own. Make a determination right now that YOU will break this cycle of abuse. My mother broke the cycle of abuse in her life and for that she has given me the peace she deserved. Regardless of your decisions, bless you and may God give you the desires of your heart!!!
  12. Remember about God being in control. If we ask him anything according to his will we will receive it. Be anxious in nothing. God, will you please guide LovetoworshipJesus into your will concerning career matters? Thank you God for listening and holding these prayers in your heart until the perfect day to release them comes!!! God, will you also give LovetoworshipJesus peace in the spirit regarding whatever is the source of uneasiness? Thank you for everything, God.
  13. There is an amber alert in WI. Not only should we pray for this case, but we should pray for future attacks to not even happen. Lord, please bring this young girl home and please give her peace. Please let the sick man who stole her to be arrested.
  14. I had to deal with a certain issue for ten years. Let us just say that it was literally hell. Well, praise be to God because I have found hope in my darkest parts! I have seen a light in the darkness. God probably had me deal with it for so long to bring strength into my life, but now he is bringing me to my promised land! When it seems there is no hope (even for ten years) praise be to God that he's there. Just have faith and continue on, even if you want to die for years, because God is bringing me out and he can bring you out as well. Also, this testimony may be the word that Sunshine gave me on this website. Thank you God for bringing me the right people who can help me!
  15. When you start thinking about your past replace the thoughts with something positive. For example, when I think of my past sins I instantly tell myself to stop and replace. I am currently replacing my negative thoughts with scripture! I hope this helps! Praise God!
  16. We need to pray for Obama, yes. He is our leader. Thank you!
  17. Dear God, please help Blossom in her quest. Please give her peace in between now and the answer. Do not worry about your life for who can add an hour to their life through worry? Instead of worrying problem solve, pray, and give thanks.
  18. I know! I love the fact that God revealed the vision to me. But, he is doing so because he wants me/us/someone to pray. Thank you for your prayers. God is good!
  19. I had a dream about a friend who was "possessed" or something to that matter. Anyways, I stayed up praying and wondering why God would show me such things. And, although the dream was symbolic, I thought certain thoughts. If God is in control then he doesn't need me. But, that does not make me sad. For, God is including me by sharing with me when I should pray for my friends. This means that God includes and accepts me into his heart. This is better than God needing me because it means he wants me! Furthermore, if a dream is truly from the evil one then the evil one is stupid. I believe this because, after reading this website, I will always have the weapon of prayer to use against all bad visions. And, if the evil one sends me a dream then he should know that prayer is on its way and that he'd better run before God gets to him! PRAISE GOD! Praise be to God for including and accepting us into his life. He is truly a great God! What a marvelous gift he gives us to pray for the bad visions we receive. And, thank you to this website for giving me the understanding that I need to pray if I have bad visions for anything. Praise be to God!
  20. God, please help this soul get a job and peace during the times their is no work.
  21. Please pray for my friend, David. He needs peace and help in unknown ways. God is really placing this on my heart to pray for him. Thank you so much. Having this prayer place means the world to me.
  22. HI, God has brought my friend out of the hospital and into the arms of his wife and child. He had menengitis, but God cast that away. Praise be to God! Thank you to the prayer intercessors at this website for caring about people you do not even know. God bless you!
  23. There is a place on this website where you can ask people for a word from God. It was quite encouraging to me. I personally do not have the gift of prophecy, but I believe that God (when we ask him) will give us what he wills when he wills it. Have faith!
  24. thank you so much. He was online today, so he did not kill himself. But, his friend made fun of my advice, which was to get to know God. They both laughed. Thanks again for praying. You give me encouragement and hope!
  25. Hi, My friend is threatening suicide. He is on drugs. Please help by praying! thanks
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